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I signed up for PBS through Amazon Prime recently and the first two episodes are available. This happened last year as well. I watched the entire season before it was airing on PBS last year and hoping for the same this year. I watched the first episode and thought it was quite good, surprisingly so. I wasn’t planning to watch this show anymore but couldn’t resist checking out the first episode. If the quality holds I’ll stick with it. The new inspector is a strong character and I liked how he interacted with Miss Scarlet. I don’t love how the Duke was written out but I understand the actor’s choices. The show shouldn’t have dragged out the will they/won’t they stuff. But a common TV tendency I think.
LOL. Glad to know someone else disliked that character!!
Episode 5 was good! Admittedly I didn’t care too much for the episode without the Duke and also the one where he was minimally present. While I enjoy the cases the chemistry/dynamic between the leads really makes the show fun. This episode upped the ante so to speak between them, especially at the end. Her frenemy is showing her true colors.😉
Regarding the paternity of Cameron & Daphne’s kids, Theo James says in a Vulture interview that: There’s a theory floating around online that Daphne and Cameron’s kids aren’t his since they have blond hair and blue eyes just like Daphne’s trainer. What do you think about that assertion? I think one of them is his kid. So he buys into the theory it seems. Full interview: https://www.vulture.com/article/theo-james-white-lotus-finale-interview-cameron-harper-paternity-explained.html
It's annoying that some writers call it murder because I think that is patently incorrect. I mean he did make an attempt to get the guy. Not heroic but not murder! Kendall should have called for help (though probably no phone at the scene) or alerted authorities when he got back. It's vehicular manslaughter I guess. I'm not excusing him I just appreciate the few writers who seem to get the details right. Thanks for highlighting the scene.
Nice Michael Gandolfini feature article, if you can go past the paywall. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/22/movies/michael-gandolfini-many-saints-of-newark.html
Vulture has an article about Aida Turturro just published today. https://www.vulture.com/article/aida-turturro-sopranos-profile.html#_ga=2.15913526.1213320747.1610221270-1340159597.1610221270
Agree. The concept was different and the first few episodes really got me but it did kind of loose its way. I was really hoping it would get another season though.
Oops, sorry about that. Corrected my mistake.
I've seen the arguments sway back and forth as well. But to me there is really no good explanation as to why the doctor would have any interest in Gereon whatsoever if Gereon is not his brother. The thing is there is nothing to explain Anno's intense interest in Gereon other than they're being brothers. Not only is Anno treating Gereon's PTSD but he is having The Armenian protect Gereon. Besides Gereon and The Armenian, all of the patients we see seem to be pretty hard luck individuals, mostly institutionalized (at least I think they are). Yet Gereon is a seemingly successful detective. His treatment is not explained at first but we know someone has prescribed the medications for him and also that "The Priest" provided updates to his prescriptions, as well as kept a close eye on Gereon. I'm pretty sure The Armenian could care less for Gereon. His people are protecting Gereon for Anno. Why? No idea really. Some of the theories upthread seem reasonable. The Anno story hasn't been well defined at all that's for sure. Hopefully another season will bring some clarity.
Really? I missed that apparently because I thought they were talking about 45 minute flights, etc. I guess I need to watch it again! I've read in a few places Issa Rae talking about the Issa/Molly friendship being the main relationship in the series and I see why she would say that. But this season really solidified thoughts I've had about Molly all along. Molly's very self-centered to the point of myopia. I feel done with her. And for me Issa and only Issa is the big draw of this show. I love how she's been getting her life together and while sure, Issa and Molly having a rapprochement is good, I definitely think Issa would benefit from some new friends. I will be disappointed if they go back to Issa & Molly being total BFFs after this season.
I was underwhelmed by this episode. The Tiffany Postpartum depression would be an interesting storyline but it honestly seemed more about getting Issa and Molly to re-connect. So kind of forced. Postpartum depression would have been a great topic but they didn't address it head-on and I thought it was kind of cheap ploy to move the Issa/Molly plot. I don't really love Tiffany as a character but her dealing with that would have been amazing. Speaking of cheap ploys - Condola being pregnant - ugh. I have loved this season for the most part but this finale was a little too neat and contrived. It surprises me that a lot of people seem to strongly dislike Lawrence. No one is perfect for sure but I think the energy and bond he and Issa have is compelling. All in all a great season but honestly I would really love to see Issa branch out even more and find some less narcissistic friends. Maybe next season these 4 ladies will have some amazing breakthroughs though. Hopefully.
Gosh thanks for all these links! They will keep me busy for awhile. I am fully spoiled (I think) about the series. It's been interesting read this thread to see how people felt about the characters. Sadly I'm not sure I'm going to make it to the end before my HBO subscription ends. I just started season 5 and I think I've got about 9 or 10 days left 😂. But so many episodes in season 6....not sure I can cram them in before June 21.
Loved these interviews. I'm just watching the show for the first time, 20+ years later. The casting for "The Many Saints of Newark" looks fabulous. Corey Stoll as Junior Soprano is A+++. I wonder if Vera Farmiga and Jon Bernthal are playing Tony's parents? Seems likely and also perfect.
I personally don't believe that Billy was in it for the book deal. When he texts Ruby RUN in the first episode from his hotel room he is in bad shape emotionally and he sneaks/runs out of there. So I get it's ambiguous but IMO when he tells her at the beginning that she was the one person in his life he wanted to see - I believe that's true. And he's at this terrible low point and I think realizes that his bullshit seminar/book career is just that. I think part of his motivation is to get away from the inauthentic Billy self-help guru schtick. Ruby is basically the one authentic relationship he's had. I see the video spiel as just that. Obviously at some point he had told Fiona about the pact. But because she is/was the mastermind of his career success it was her plan to make that video proposal. Of course there's no way to be certain without video time stamps and chronology of events. I will say this episode got me to actually care about Billy & Ruby's relationship. Going in I wasn't invested one way or the other. Now I feel definitely frustrated by the ending. I did enjoy the series for it's crazy concept and mix of genres. I do think the mix of genres left it floundering but I would definitely watch more. At least it was different! Deadline interview with Vicky Jones.