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Everything posted by MissL

  1. Yassss. Totally agree. Except Six did a better job mimicking a human than Charlotte seems to. Come on show! I know you can do better than this!
  2. What jsbt said. One of my favorite lines between Batman and Catwoman actually so I hate that they used it. Would be a cool line for a soap if it was a good soap. "Mistletoe can be deadly if you eat it." "but a kiss can be even deadlier if you mean it". doesn't even make sense with the clips they used unless there is a femme fatale in there I'm missing.
  3. Oh I never saw her before this! I do love her...and covet her skin. agree on Oscar. He is ...wow...I've only seen him in a few scenes and I thought I was being judgmental but it sounds like nope I'm not.
  4. Absolutely love Becky but she was 20 when she started as Liz. :) I can't remember if AT was a bit rough when she started and Kim had the little kid cuteness factor and being surrounded by good soap actors. She had time to grow in to it. That being said I would think there would be plenty of choices for them but the casting hasn't been awesome in my opinion for a long time. Definitely haven't had anyone new (without previous soap experience) I consider break out since Patrick. But I haven't watched since they got Jasam back together before Jason died and started torturing Scrubs either so my opinion should come with a giant grain of salt.
  5. At least that provided a little comic relief with Lucifer impatient and perhaps a little worried when he didn't get up. My first thought is the old "Seventh Sign" plot and Cain is cursed to wander the earth until end of time and maybe he thinks Lucifer killing a human will end it all since it seems to be a big Angel no no. So he's trying to start the apocalypse And Lucifer he thinks is the most likely Angel to be able to convince to do it. I don't know. Just spit balling here. It is possible they may bond for a time over their mutual hatred of Dad. Of course Lucifer hate is more frustrated love/hate Even if he won't admit it. Pretty sure Cain is going to be pure hate.
  6. Well here's hoping Welling loosens up a bit now. He always seemed to enjoy Clark Kent on red kryptonite more. Otherwise this show makes me sad. Has lost a lot if its charm. Only funny moment in a show that used to make me LOL consistently was " Nickelback on repeat" and WHY wouldnt Chloe let Lucifer finish a sentence? She may be mad but she knows Lucifer has a way of getting people to talk and he obviously had information to share. Can we kill off Chloe and keep everyone else?
  7. Eh I don't know. I was always waiting for the story to move that way. Not sure how much younger she was supposed to be than him but I figured with her big crush and their really cute friendship eventually she'd grow up and they'd move from friends to more. Classic soap. And classic girl fantasy of your crush falling in love with you eventually being realized (we are the target audience). I just wish it could have been with the originals but I can't fault AT for moving on (I LOVED Joan of Arcadia) but I wish they'd recast with a stronger actress. I was one one who didn't love Zander. He never gelled for me and I NEVER got why Liz slept with him the first time let alone twice. Sad that her first kid is by a character I still consider as minor. Would have been better if it was Rics (lord help me a tie to Sonny but still would make more sense).
  8. Oh! And did Sam actually tell Franco that he is maybe afraid SBJason is going to tell Jake what he did? While I am for once supportive of Sam holding an actual fitting grudge against Franco (still can't get the picture of her constant shrieking at Alexis back in the day out of my head) I would hope Jason wouldn't actually share details with a CHILD. I haven't been watching but I would think Jake already knows there is quite a bit of hostility between his Dad and Franco and they've already had some kind of discussion about that. No sense dragging Jake back into it. "Scout isn't my sister?" Break my heart show.
  9. Oh my I laughed SO HARD when he did that. I would have done the same thing because she put it back in the wrong spot. Of course I'm also the person whose coworkers moved stuff around on her desk before she came to work in the morning and watched as she moved it all right back while laughing at me madly. Definitley sad we missed the drinking party and I'm loving Philip with a bit of a sense of humor for a change... "gold star from Jesus" indeed.
  10. Yes because they won't be confused or upset at all since of course they don't care about their brother and BMJason dropped them like a hot potato when he broke up with their mother so I'm sure THEY had no emotional attachment to him which would require a personal conversation with him. Insert HEAVY sarcasm. Just Soras Cam already so he can get in a relationship with Joss and Carly's head can explode.
  11. So it may just be I'm super emotional around the holidays but I just went and watched the Jake/Drew/Elizabeth scenes and I cried ya'll. You guys werent wrong he really did a great job. But it is seriously weird to see her with only Jake. Are they trying to cut costs so no child actors or something? They can't be that expensive. Did they give an excuse where they were?
  12. Well I guess it depends on if it's a watch that should be actually worn or just something you keep in a drawer. It's a mans watch so if it's supposed to be worn it makes sense to give it to Oliver and to me is a story beat that is trying to show that after all they've been through together Quentin now thinks of him as a son. It was sweet. I personally don't see Sara with children. I don't feel like she would want them. She feels like the type that seeks fulfillment in other ways and I see her saving the world into old age. And maybe Quentin gave her something else of his dads anyway. Cant figure out how to quote multiple people but someone said it's bad taste considering the role Oliver has had in his daughters lives But I don't in any way blame Oliver for how Laurel and Sara's lives turned out. They are both big girls who made choices. Yeah Oliver's shitty behavior got Sara on that boat but he didn't blow it up and was as big a victim as anyone else. From there life for ALL of them just took a really wicked crazy turn. And I really felt no sympathy for the newbies. Don't let the door hit ya. And seriously how is Curtis going to keep working with Felicity after walking out like that? Is he just going to ignore when she has to rush out to the lair or the next time their lives are in danger and he's standing right next to her while the y work on Helix stuff and just cross his arms all "nope not involved in that huge part of your life".
  13. Anybody heard about Finolas' home being ok? I can't find anything.
  14. Ohh ha! Finally saw the ep and I love Veronica's mom talking about protection for V and her mom saying "we'd like to see more of Archie. He's brawny. And devoted to you". I laughed out loud. That and "Shankshaw" prison? And the oh hey we're are throwing a party we didn't invite you too awkward moment. I thought some of you guys said this show wasn't any fun anymore? ;) That stuff was funny. The way people were piling on Archie looking at Betty I thought 1)he broke up with V which I was surprised when that was not what happened 2) I thought he must have undressed Betty with his eyeballs which is also not what happened. but I admit I'm a bit confused at what they were going for with that scene. I think next ep will help clarify and I'm not going to judge this kid yet. He may just be appreciating this awesome friend he has who is completely open when she loves somebody be it friend or boyfriend. wow. I didn't like Jughead in this ep. I barely liked him before with the moody brooding outsider who still kinda thinks he's better than everybody. But "king?" "Leader of men?" "He should be honored?". Come ON. I thought this may also be my strong pushback against the" Bughead is sacred and must be Protected or I quit watching" thing but I don't feel the same about Betty so ....must be that stupid line they made him say. I like him ok when he's being friends with Archie. They have a nice friend chemistry. And wow FP way to make your kid feel like shit.
  15. Ooh now I can't wait to watch. The sheer hysterics Bughead fans have had the first few episodes (and how they treated the actress who played Toni) has actually actively turned me against the Bughead relationship myself. Again I'm singing the same old "they rushed that relationship" song I've been singing since last season. I hated the "you'd better keep them together or else" vibes I was getting and thinking about it would take me out of any scenes involving them, AND the Veronica/Archie nothing but sex relationship was also creeping me out. All that combined was really starting to color my enjoyment of the show. If both couples are truly broken up I'm excited and I hope all the couples stay apart for a while. Focus on the friendships. Build that a bit more and then see where the relationships land.
  16. I think I maybe already have. I have the last 4 episodes in my DVr with no desire to watch them. I read the threads to get a general idea of what is going on and nothing in them has intrigued me enough to go watch. I mean nothing. Vague interest when I heard Andrew Lincoln was in nothing but his underwear fighting zombies but saw a screen cap of that and....nope. Nothing beats the gloriousness of the just got out of the shower scene when they arrived in Alexandria. I totally just veered off topic. What was I saying?
  17. I believe they needed dreamer because she pulled memories from the other guard and sort of knew how to navigate in the facility. Remember when she was trying to figure out which way to go but said it was hazy because he'd only been there a few times? Plus she sort of knew some security codes from him. Not sure how her powers work but apparently she has to access the memories actively and can't draw a map. She is still my least favorite character but I did like that she tried to slow down the guards so the kids could get away.
  18. I have to agree and extend into 99. I think he lost me at "she who shall not be named" really. As soon as he started in with her I feel everything changed for me and the Jason love dimmed. Back to spoilers. SBJason is THE Jason of course. So that's kinda boring. Any chance they'll make Drew's background interesting?
  19. I though the Lazarus Pit was destroyed anyway? Wasn't it? Someone remember better than me? I thought they did that so they couldn't keep "going back to that well" so to speak in the story anytime someone died.
  20. Yep. As soon as I saw him in the prison camp I yelled "George!" (Being Human) and figured he'd end up having a bigger part to play. I thought for sure they were adding him to the cast of LOT. I'm one of the people who gave up on the show season 1 so it took me a while to figure out that a lot of the random people I didn't recognize were already part of the LOt cast and they may not have room for him. Who is the man of steel guy? His acting was painful. And no idea who the ladies were except Sara. I was in no way invested in Jax and Grey because of my lack of show history but was crying pretty heavily when he died so kudos show. And Victor Garber. He gets the credit. Sigh. Bye spydaddy .
  21. Sorry but the guy playing Jefferson is doing the crying face with no tears thing. Bad acting. But I have real tears.
  22. So. I was ironing today and randomly wondered...Klaus and Rebekah's sire lines are the only remaining lines right? Klaus' line was "unhooked" so to speak and Rebecca has never been killed but they are the only ones? Elijah, Kol, Finn lines all gone. And it's established all TVD vampires are in Klaus' line right? Pretty much they are safe and this gives Plec a way to kill Klaus if she wanted to without messing up TVD timelines. Just a random thought for the day looking for confirmation. Not that I think she'd kill Klaus ever. We might assume Kol restarted his line while he's been out and about though and Elijah might also just because he doesn't know any better. I wonder if they become "the original" again and if anything happens to them "again" the newbies go poof? Wow. I'm bored today.
  23. Exactly!!! That part was stupid and makes it too easy to confirm a sleeper agent and not just a mutant who is acting fishy. ok I said I was out last week but I forgot to delete this off the dvr so....this was better...if next ep keeps my interest they might have me. Amy Acker is still the only character who draws me in fully but...Thunderbird is improving. Everyone else still annoys me. Strucker teens are only ok in small doses. Maybe I just don't enjoy tv show teenagers?
  24. Yes and yes. She looked great then too Lucy stop acting like you've never seen her dressed up. I agree Lucifer seems silly and out of touch and I'd only buy him playing monopoly if it was strip monopoly. And Charlotte is acting like "Mom" again with no idea how to be a decent human being. The whole "how do you fake interest in other peoples kids?" Question just reminded me this is the same woman who HAS CHILDREN and was crying a few weeks ago because her ex has sole custody. She is an actual human who should know good from bad without help from Ella. Last ep was good maybe because it was leftover from last year? Feels like all the new episodes are full of the characters acting out of character. Except for Linda and Amy. More of that please!
  25. Ha! I get it. But I actually did enjoy watching Oliver fight off those guys. Even stopped fastforwarding for a minute. I miss SA running around being badass. Mayor Queen/dad Oliver is boring with those speeches. Um why the weird window/rain shots during the Olicity kissing? Were they trying to be artistic? It was just odd and abrupt. i hope next week gives us a one on one with Diggle and Felicity and the tremor conversation. I'd hate that conversation to happen off screen and he ends up getting more of a meaningful moment with Dinah than Felicity.
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