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Everything posted by MissL

  1. Excellent episode as usual. And as I have drank almost an entire bottle of wine I'll add even though it's a bit off topic....could they have gotten any of these writers for the X-Files so I wouldn't have had to drink almost a bottle of wine? I didn't get that Julia knew Q would off himself. Did I miss that? In any other show a weird love square with two of the same character I'd be worried. But. I'm not. Just intrigued. Penny and Julia? Hmmm. I seriously love this show. Now back to my wine to drink away the disappointment of my biggest/longest show love. Oh XF you break my heart so.
  2. I'm guessing CC thinks because I'm a shipper I'll just roll over and say "thanks for the baby!" And ignore the rest of the nonsensical mess. Nope. I watched for good TV too back in the day. That's all I got tonight. I set the bar low and he still went lower. Only good thing is they weren't dead at the end or separated. Otherwise piling steam of crap. Oh and I started drinking when the ep started and haven't stopped since. Hasn't helped.
  3. From the article: This could be the last MOW episode with the core team intact? What the hell is that supposed to mean? David you'd better not agree to this ridiculousness. No to Mulder without Scully. I didn't watch her without him either. Half of season 8 and all but the last of Season 9 didn't happen y'all. Fine I'll just pretend she whispered "I want to raise Dagoo with you I'm moving back to the unremarkable house" except she's lived there since This so I don't know what that other apartment was about anyway.
  4. I'll have to watch the last scene again. I missed so much because I started screaming "WHAT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW...ARE THEY GETTING MARRIED?!" But no. Just more vague discussions and no kiss. So the whole revival will have no kiss. Chris you aren't funny you're an asshole. Anyhoo. Always good to see my Mulder and Scully. Any scene with them was good and I loved the "did you get a haircut" moment although I do wish David had played it with Mulder's "I'm messing with you" grin because his eyes can't be that bad. Maybe he did and the director just cut it. Questions. Many questions: I'm wondering what questions they asked the priest that led them to darkBuffy (don't remember her name just gonna call her that). I expected them to overhear her in the church or something but nope. Was the writer director so intent on showing us as many weird disgusting scenes with the cult and Winn Duffy that they skipped over all the investigating our duo does? Or any reason the cult was following Winn and the crazy redhead besides looking better? I mean what's the point of fixing your disfigurement if you never go out? When/how did darkBuffy figure out what they were doing? Why not call the cops instead of staking people? Why stake people? Did she think they were vampires? Was the writing always this bad and I ignored it because of Mulder and Scully? Or maybe because I was 23 years younger and didn't know any better? oh and poor Scully. After what happened to William and his family she has to be questioning even more what she accomplished by giving him up. I'm sure that's made her do even more soul searching.
  5. Shoot. I haven't heard you guys mentioning them chem testing Franco with anyone so I'm guessing you're right and this breakup is temporary. Oh god. Unless they are about to start the Sam/Jason/Liz merry go round again now that Sam and Jason are having feelings. NO!
  6. Oh Mary. I knew she was a goner when they came in the house. Poor Mary. Poor Laszlo.
  7. Agreed I don't want it to be about the pain ...what I'm saying, and not well apparently, is that he probably shouldn't have named the kid Emily or at least given Scully a moments hesitation when she died. I'm just frustrated that someone writing the show knows less about the history than the fans.
  8. Oh. These are not awesome but not as bad as I thought, my biggest fear was that Scully would go on the run with William and for some reason Mulder would have to stay behind and CC would end it with them split. This I could not handle. Skinner would break my heart but I was never as up in arms about Monica as everyone else. Her character change makes no sense but I'm not as invested. This sounds nonsensical but I could live with it I guess? My expectations are low for a CC ep and I may just have to pretend it never happened like I do any Aliens movie after the second one.
  9. Oh man you are scaring me.... like really scaring me. It's likely unhealthy how invested I am in these characters. I don't know how to search Tumblr either.
  10. Well based on a twitter exchange between the writer and a fan the little girl having the same name as Scully's daughter was a "happy accident". So either he forgot she had a daughter or forgot her name was Emily. Either option is fantastic (sarcasm). So Scully had no reaction because the genius writer Didn't know she needed to have one so he didn't write it. And apparently everyone else who makes the damn show didn't catch it either. Again a writers room, a show bible, or I don't know...some decent writers would have made all the difference. I sound so bitter! For real though this season has reawakened my old love. I've fallen down the rabbit hole of fanfic and a from the beginning rewatch of the show so I can't be hating it as much as it sounds like I do. I'm already heading into a depression thinking Gillian might really mean it this time and no more files ever. Plus they really truly might get too old for this stuff. I mean in real life Mulder should be close to retirement age for FBI .....and shouldn't the aliens have killed us all by now?
  11. Wait! I didnt watch GH much during that timeframe was that Lucky's wife Siobhan?! She didn't seem familiar to me at all until you said that. I would have thought she would have done the hysterical crying a bit better then.
  12. Oh my god I love this show. I started laughing loudly when the musical number started and kept going all the way through until I aw yeahed at the end. I had to rewatch that part I missed so much from laughing. "Yes we're all f$cked in our own way like always!" "God I hate you."
  13. Well Mr Chuckleteeth was terrifying. I thought the dialogue was stiff and awkward. The story...a little weak. Man what I wouldn't have given for some truly talented writers to have a stab at this show, you can't tell me there weren't some fans back in the day who are kickass writers now. Oh Vince G why hast thou foresaken us? Most of the weakest episodes of the XF can be saved for me by a good M/S moment and I don't think we got that either. Although my heart broke a little at "yes I have a son". So sad Mulder hasn't been able to show his pain much on that this time around. Other thoughts: Why would Scully dismiss salt on the body? That seemed unlike her. Why would she continually yell (well as much as she can yell..oh Gilly what did you do to your wonderful voice?) at Mulder for disturbing the crime scene? 1) she knows him and 2)he seemed to be finding something relevant, a salt circle doesn't happen naturally. Oh Mulder sticking his fingers in evidence...or tasting it....don't ever change babe.... don't ever change.
  14. Multiple things legit terrify me about the description of that episode 1) WRITTEN And Directed by Chris Carter 2) SEASON finale instead of SERIES finale. Gillian has repeatedly said she is done. I am for real not watching this show with Mulder and no Scully. If you split them up CHRIS I will figure out a way to put a hex on you. They can't honestly think there is an audience for the show without BOTH of them.
  15. If you read most of the posts under the poster when they put it on Facebook they all pretty much repeated your sentiments. I think someone's exact quote was "when it was over". This episode at times bored me, made my eyes roll back in my head so hard I thought they might stick and then gave me a rage blackout. I hate it and the fact that it made me hate CC. I already had some strong dislike for the man after some of the ridiculousness he's pulled but could hold on to warmth in appreciation for what he created but....omfg he had her raped...again. I can't seem to quote two different posters on my iPad in one post but Lemons yes it's a show about aliens but CHRIS needs to be aware of current climate and maybe don't go back to the tired old well of rape as a catalyst for a female characters story. I'm sure someone can say this better than me but Chris as he's writing should maybe start to absorb that a large portion of his audience is female and we just don't want to see that. That its lazy storytelling. That He is again using her body as a plot device. That he refuses to call it rape and that's wrong and misogynistic.
  16. The no talking at dinner made no sense. It was pretty forced and obviously done so they could say there was barely dialogue in this ep. At least in Buffy's Hush there was a reason nobody talked. I mean this is the same two people who yelled each other's names 42 billion times in 5 minutes in a cornfield and they don't speak at ALL? How does Scully afford that hi tech house? And it was awfully cold and didn't feel like her. AND she LIVES with Mulder now show!! Come on writers. This is what happens when you don't have a writers room. So all of this happened to them because they picked a bad restaurant? Nothing to do with an xfile or who they are? It was just random? Did they as law enforcement look into shutting it down so as to protect others from the same fate? Is Mulder at all curious on whether "they" created that place? His all powerful "they". I miss the realism underneath my show. Only saving grace was the last minute of hand holding because sometimes I'm easy. And it was still better than my struggle.
  17. This was terrible. Boring. Seeing Trixie was the only bright spot. I usually lol at least once an episode but nope. No on the romantic Lucifer and Chloe and no on the stupid Linda/Amen/Maze triangle. Don't date him because he's an ANGEL Linda and where the heck does a relationship go with a heavenly being?! I was looking forward to seeing her try to help Charlotte and work through her own ptsd but nope it has to be about a man. so disappointing. I had to read a magazine while watching and try not to gag during the multiple sappy dr Linda/Amen scenes.
  18. Oh no. Don't remind me of how well done that storyline was! Dear lord in heaven are they for real marrying her off to Franco?! I always had a little hope that this may not happen. FU GH writers. I hate to compare I really do but I HATE that Carly and the waste of space Sam continue to get treated as heroines and get "the prizes" of the front burner stories and love interests. I put it in quotations only because I can't believe that Sonny and Jason are still coveted as love interests. I miss my show!
  19. I find I want to BE Margo. I wish I was that quick with the insults. Also wish there was a way to quote her in real life. When did she become my favorite? Boss bitch indeed. I did love Margo and Eliot having a discussion about why they don't just cut ties with Fillory and run home now that they can. That was a point that needed to be made and shows how awesome they both are. And im still liking Q and Julia? What crazy world is this? This season has been on point. The ending totally Surprised me and when it ended I actually looked at the time and freaked out that it was over.
  20. Yep. And if I wasn't already in love with Raylen Givens the moment he handed Loretta the phone and told her to call if she was in trouble and he'd drop everything and come for her sealed the deal. Damn that man is FINE. Seriously. So far enjoying season 2. Trying not to read too much of this forum and get more spoiled than I already am!
  21. I'm also late to the show! One episode left in season 1. I'm loving it. At this point I can do without Winona though. The hell girl? Also absolutely loved the "harried mother" scene. Especially when she yells at him and he just yells back "WHAT?!" And TO just gives a little smirk. Nice understated reaction shot. I personally laughed out loud. Having lots of family from KY I appreciate the accents not going too far. Although I'll admit some of my family has that hard KY drawl. Unfortunately watching this show has made my slight southern accent come back a little! Seriously though I'm really enjoying the performances here. One show I can actually do without any romantic relationships (I'm an unapologetic shipper on many many shows) and just focus on the rest. As long as they get TO shirtless from time to time I'm good. Why on earth did I take so long to watch this one?
  22. No!!! Don't let them! I stopped watching. It's better. Then I can still love my girl Liz and pretend that Becky, the trooper that she is, is given better stuff to work with.
  23. Right? It was like all the suckiness of MSIII was being absorbed into DDs skin or something. But after that he has looked FINE. Im with everybody here. It was not as bad as I feared but it was still just....meh. I realize XF usually leaves a lot unexplained but generally we get something that Mulder comes up with even if it's outlandish. An explanation on if John really killed himself. Was Davey going crazy because of the gas? Was Davey targeting other vets or was he just practicing while he lured Skinner? I though for a minute Davey WAS John and he didn't age because of the gas and that awful hair was to hide the scar. I just ended up not caring much. I too rolled my eyes at the chemtrail thing. I think back in the day when they showed that the Lone Gunman or Mulder were right about some crazy theory it seemed cute and harmless and part of the show but now the people who believe that feel dangerous to me (they organize and apparently they VOTE) especially when I know powerful people listen to the crazies now so I don't like reinforcing it in any way. I just started a rewatch so i know there were hits and misses back in the day, but wow the show really came out swinging with the first three episodes (Pilot, Deep Throat, Squeeze). Anyway...as I was saying I would think after the thrashing they received for last season they'd make sure these 10 were really on point.
  24. I did like Lucifer being more capable and less of a doof this episode. He tried to help Ella and while we didn't see it onscreen he was kind enough to send Charlotte to Linda and his talk with Linda was super sweet. "You're the best." "Charlotte did nothing to you." Wish we'd seen more Charlotte and Linda but I'm guessing that's coming. Definitely some missed beats with Cain/Amenadiel/Lucifer. If I remember my bible correctly, and I might not, it was a combo of killing a brother from jealousy and It was the FIRST murder? Right? Some discussion about why he got that punishment when the world is full of killers now would be interesting. But I realize there are different interpretations of this story so...
  25. Well I'm glad to hear it. Maybe the people who loved it are just more vocal and after reading reviews about the episode that actually stated "this is the xfiles finale for me" because they loved it so much..... just made me utterly confused. I agree. Season 10 and the first ep of 11 nearly did me in as a fan. As it stands it has definitely negatively impacted my enjoyment even when the ep is ok. As for the Skinner ep. I think it's a case of CC and company misreading the fans AGAIN. People said they wanted more Skinner not necessarily a whole freaking episode about him or his past. That's not what I'm here for. When you only have 10 episodes they should make them count. Really wish Vince Gillian could have found a way to stay involved. So curious what he would have done.
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