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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. I have the feeling that Amanda is personally financially comfortable, perhaps only recently. I assume she is Executive Director of Panda Paws, drawing a salary. Does she have title to that home in Hawaii? It's hers or she has use of it, since she and the kids stay there regularly. And surely she's paid for the show. Her organization is probably now receiving lots of donations. Didn't Chewy pay to have the facility on her property completely renovated to house and care for animals? I checked Panda Paws for an annual report but thus far Amanda has not submitted one. I never donate to any charity that does not make public financial reports. Learned that the hard way.
  2. What gave me pause was the apparent fact that the post-surgery cat was allowed outdoors too soon, and then the owners' behavior was rewarded with a discount surgery. At least that's what I saw. Lucky for kitty. Perhaps the owners got a gentle but firm talking-to behind the scenes. I'm not a fan of squeaky TV personalities, although I am a private animal squeaker in my own home, but I like that Amanda's smarts and skills are on display. Fat fuzzy puppies whose tummies drag the ground give me life. I'm impressed with Amanda's kids.
  3. I'm curious as to what type of maintenance all that exterior brass requires. I bet LeeAnne was bugged that Mina "stole" one of her ideas, which Mina cheerfully announced.
  4. I suspect Abbi's new Greek husband is wealthy.
  5. Yeah, Ashton's sexual posturing is to overcome his insecurities. It's displayed for the men as much as for the women. This, from a guy who cries crocodile tears when he talks about how much he admires and loves his mother.
  6. Abbi suddenly realized her TV time was over. Oops. Why did they wait three days to get Tanner help? Prediction: Ashton charged with a sexual assault charge in the not too distant future. Either it will be justified, or someone will try to take advantage of his inappropriate behavior. Kate should have kneed him in the groin because that kiss was aggressive and uninvited. Keep it up Bravo - give us more appealing crew (Tanner, Simone, Courtney, Brian) and guests. I'm so sick of the desperate try-hards and bullies that I can't even hate-watch. I just FF until I land on beautiful geography as a palate cleanser.
  7. I was reminded of how hot CA can be. Those teams really suffered as they worked in the heat. Three of them were there to win. LeeAnne was there to promote her brand. She knew she wouldn't win and chose not to waste her money and time on the rooms she didn't touch. I bet there were whispers behind the scenes. I like looking at her designs but could never live with them 24/7. (Nor afford them) Agree that the missing piece of data was neighborhood comps. One can over-improve a home beyond the neighborhood's market. If Jasmine and Mina developed million-dollar improvements, does it matter of no one wants to pay that price in that neighborhood? Having said that, I do think the small swimming pool, outdoor fireplaces and nicer floors were good ideas for that market.
  8. I'm a viewer-nerd because all I could think was why were they were serving that kid so much alcohol that he was stumbling. Did the writers make one of the characters the bar owner to try to make this scenario plausible? And yeah I can't get my head past the age difference. I know these situations happen a lot, especially in fleeting moments of drunkenness and desperation, but I don't like seeing it. I love Hahn but I'm struggling to find anything really compelling about this series. It's been done before.
  9. It's interesting that Dr. T. openly rejoices in the exotic pet trade. Dr. K. (in Florida) will occasionally state that wild animals should be left in the wild, then she'll return to treating whichever critter is in front of her. Kind of like "somebody has to take care of them." As much as I believe both women are great vets, it bugs me to see some of these creatures in captivity. (I don't mind rabbits or rescued wildlife.) I feel that some viewers rush out and buy exotic pets after seeing them on TV.
  10. In the forum for LeeAnne's own show, I speculated that she and her brother are stoned all of the time. However he occasionally stomps around when she expects him to execute her arty-farty ideas. I love what the two of them did for his own residence.
  11. You you be right. But no one has charged Candiace with assault (so far), so she's in the clear, at least legally. Perhaps it will boil down to whether a legal argument will be accepted that Monique was defending herself. Bravo sure won't do anything about either one of them.
  12. And probably her credit cards and car keys taken away. Monique does have a pretty bad temper. Maybe this will convince her to stop bragging about how she will beat people up.
  13. Ignoring my irritation that this show is simply a weekly hour-long HGTV promo, I'm watching for Leanne and Mina, who are polarized opposites and whom I like. Leeanne is clearly the better designer, and Mina is basically a contractor who stages houses. I like that both are from "regular" cities (not LA or NYC). Someone excavate a deep pit and let the loathsome Alison stumble into it. She can take the Magic Marker eyebrows and sourpuss attitude with her. Hopefully the code violations in Chicago will get her off our TVs.
  14. I wonder how Archer is doing now. Will he have to wear sunscreen? I wish we'd been given a warning about what we were about to see; had a young visitor who was distressed by the visuals. The thing I love so much about Dr. Oakley is her kindness, which appears to be genuine and available 24 x 7. She's that rare reality TV personality who isn't a narcissist (Dr. Jeff is another one). On my bucket list: being chased by a baby muskox in beauteous Alaska. When they are tiny they are so stinkin' cute (and stinkers too).
  15. Just because little kids are naturally and understandably cranky, noisy and messy, and the parents exhausted, doesn't mean other diners and wait staff are supposed to deal with it. Parents' rights don't extend into other people's space. A little food spilled on the floor is OK, but once Junior is regularly tossing his supper onto the floor, or screaming his bloody lungs off, it's time to stop the nonsense. Wait staff aren't house servants, and other diners are paying for a pleasant meal out. Hurrumph. On a somewhat lighter note, I had a friend who would announce to the room at large (movies, restaurants) that noisy people needed to hush. I cringed in my seat every single time he did it, but it was usually effective, mostly because it shocked people into silence. Raiderred, I thought of the sex stuff too but wondered if anyone else did.
  16. I didn't watch the entire series because I can't stand Franco's affected acting (although I loved him in "Pineapple Express"). But I did watch the last episode. Did anyone feel that Eileen, after such a prolonged fight to climb up the business ladder, was going backward in the end? We were meant to understand that she was performing in porn again only to get money for her own movie, but I wondered what she would do after that one shoot. Finish a movie no one is interested in, then what? Despite Gyllenhaal's fierce performance, the character had no skills beyond porn production and acting. Also, Eilleen sure had fabulous clothes for a struggling artist. Was Lori modeled on a real 1980s porn star? I seem to recall news coverage about a famous porn star being manipulated by a Hollywood boyfriend who took all of her money.
  17. Just because Thomas is a disgusting jerk doesn't mean Katherine isn't also one. In fact, I suspect she's the sociopath. He's a run-of-the-mill drunken frat boy with lousy impulse control and a big wallet. My friend who is a LPSW always says these types find each other. My hope for the children is that the extended families, nannies and teachers somehow manage to give these children a stable upbringing. With all the media scrutiny, not to mention committing perjury, I doubt anyone is making up stories about either one while under oath.
  18. I'm pretty sure Abbi's text proposal was scripted...by her and her now-husband. They're just another couple trying to use reality TV to get attention and make a living. Unfortunately for Abbi, she has to actually work in this version of reality TV. Oops. Shoulda thought that through.
  19. What will LeeAnne do with herself now that there isn't a TV wedding to occupy her time? What other grifting narcissistic ploy will she turn to? Weirdly, I think she and Rich may last, in a dysfunctional way. They've run out of options to be with anybody else. As I watched the carefully scripted and timed vows (LeeAnne waiting for her cues), I wondered if LeeAnne and Rich were auditioning for a revival of "The Honeymooners." What's the attraction to Thailand and VietNam for Stephanie's father-in-law all these years? I know the family business has interests there, but why would a wealthy-but-ailing elderly man spend so much time there? Brandi's affect is interesting. She comes alive when she's alone with the women, drinking and carrying on, or in her talking heads. But with her family she's utterly flat and passive, even altering her voice. Weirdly checked out. Medication? Booze? Brandi puts me in mind of "mother's little helper." And their best story line is to bring another baby into this miserable family? Housewives' jewelry, wine, clothing....every time one of them tries to jam a hastily slapped together product in front of our faces, I think "cheap Christmas trash." (TM the great Tess Harper in "Crimes of the Heart")
  20. Hasn't Rich been married and divorced a couple of times? Are they getting married in a Catholic church?
  21. Or be the captain? I'm convinced he and Sandy are no longer the real captains. I think they show up for production and strategically placed shots, plus the occasional "captain" task. I also think there are more non-show personnel hidden away doing much of the work.
  22. I also FF. Watch about 30 mins of footage. The many spin-offs have saturated the market and become predictable and boring. Not to mention the bro-show commentators on set.
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