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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. Exactly. During the recession, when people suddenly lost their jobs, they walked away from their homes and expensive mortgages. I remember the media showing images of neighborhoods with well-kept homes next to abandoned ones.
  2. The brunette sister did her typical hodgepodge design. Vintage-modern sounds stupid. Her choices were wrong for the building's age. I thought I saw them remove linoleum with mastic without safety protection. Maybe they tested it for asbestos. Also, did they actually say they "just realized" they owned that space, after owning another portion of the building for a while? How is that possible? I just watched the two septic-house episodes. What a disaster. The sisters seemed furious and I wonder if harsh words were aimed at that elderly owner, who seemed very upset at the restaurant meeting to decide which of three options to go forward with. I wonder if she lost money on the deal, which is sad for a retiree. Based on their years of bragging about being the most successful realtors in the northwest, I assume the sisters are wealthy so I don't think they were terribly hurt by the loss. It's shocks me how badly they handle color. That red door with the brick clashed horribly, and the blue siding didn't work. And the editing continuity was all over the place. She may have re-financed to pay medical bills or another catastrophic need, taken out a home equity line of credit (when I got one it was recorded as a "mortgage"), or like millions of people refinanced back when it was cheap and easy to do so. She may have had lots of equity at one time, and it's tempting to tap into that. Did they say her family once owned the property that the school is now on?
  3. They all understand the process. They dutifully go through the motions of plant/discover/surprise/outrage/confrontation for camera time. It's laughable that Bravo even bothers with new locations, because the housewives don't do anything more than wait for a producer's cue, find their mark, and open their mouths. I guess the locations appreciate the free publicity in exchange for providing a production "set." It's annoying and boring. Bravo is too stupid and jaded to do something more clever and interesting.
  4. Such truth to this. Bravo's Housewives casting ad: "Must love to flaunt ill-gotten gains." ETA: "CAUTION: Said flaunting may end you up in the slammer."
  5. That session was a barrage of useless therapy-speak designed to deflect attention from what's really going on. The only reason Mia would want Gordon working less would be so he could help out with the kids and the home. I assume they no longer can afford nannies and cleaning folks. I did note Mia hurriedly mumbling something about Gordon pressuring the family members - I think this was her elaboration on "working too hard" - and that being what got Gordon in trouble and ousted. Was he demanding more money or a larger share of this family business? Maybe he wanted to open more branches that he and Mia would "manage." Also, Robyn pointed out to Mia that the suicidal attorney had presumably defrauded lots of people, so his suicide was not Mia's and Gordon's fault. But way to make it about you, Mia. I couldn't find any online reports of a Maryland attorney who committed suicide.
  6. It's politically incorrect to say so, but it's possible Kyle's angry simmering and 0 to bitch behavior is made worse by hormonal changes. I know several women whose behavior changed notably during menopause. Lots of irritation and outbursts, even at business meetings. Lasted a couple of years then smoothed out.
  7. Here's an article that provides more details and indicates they have closed the chateau to business (not sold it). https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/escape-to-the-chateau-castle-close-strawbridge-b2372637.html I'm a repeat home renovator, and I think they easily spent at least a million on their renovations. They may have overextended themselves, not knowing we would have a pandemic that would kill many businesses. I assume the traveling shows and book are to generate some much needed income.
  8. Anyone can attempt to change a custody agreement. In US legal circles it's understood that parents do not try to change custody unless there has been a significant change in circumstance, which a move to another country would be. Many parents panic when one of them decides to move, because it can open up expensive, stressful custody negotiations again. It appears Sutton was uncertain as to whether Christian would try this.
  9. This is brilliant and sums up why I find his work so obnoxious. Why can't Peggy be a smart young Black journalist making her way? That story would be very compelling. Why does she have to have a secret love child and now possibly another scandalous entanglement with a married man who's her boss?
  10. I am thrilled about Wes Studi. A great Native American actor and a nice guy.
  11. The short episodes leave me wanting more! The actors have developed great acting chemistry at this point.
  12. Have you visited the Deep South or the MidWest? I'm a Southern Boomer, and all my Boomer relatives are in the Deep South. They haven't evolved one. inch. In fact they've gone backward. 😁
  13. I quit watching the show because I thought Gerry was inauthentic and smarmy. And I hate the "house-full of desperate women" trope. I just read the Reporter article. What we have here is an old-fashioned chauvinist and misogynist (who lies). I'm not surprised, because in reality lots of men (and women) his age share that perspective. Once again "reality TV" has revealed itself to be anything but. Why do people keep falling for it?
  14. I'm so glad to see these posts. I lost the show and have found it again. I started watching it on random YouTube videos years ago, and then it popped up on PBS, then it wandered over to OnDemand, then it was gone. I don't pay for a Peacock subscription, but somehow I can see nine seasons now. I've dived back in starting with season 6. Unfortunately I spotted some videos on YouTube claiming that there has been trouble in Paradise. Something about Dick and Angel being difficult to work with...and thus Channel 4 ending production of the show. ETA: is it true they will sell/have sold the chateau? Another YouTube video says so.
  15. At the cannibis dinner, why is Dorit dressed like Mary Todd Lincoln?
  16. Dorit secretly taking notes as they reviewed Sutton's matchmaking candidates.
  17. Forgot to say that Heather's look is improving. She's better groomed with softer makeup and quality extensions, less janky face work, and her gray outfit was more elegant than her usual looks.
  18. The group's two most demanding narcissists squaring off is hilarious to me. Lisa won this bout because she summoned her good manners and didn't attack who was grieving. As I watched Whitney receive the news of her friend's death, I had the icky sense it was being staged for the camera. Whitney and Justin seem like a couple who are worried about money and who are also sick of each other. The bloom is off this particular rose. Weirdly, Mary seems more grounded this season - less delusional ranting, some actual common sense, and a fresher appearance. When she stomps around and lashes out, it's no more than other housewives have done. Maybe stepgranddaddy/husband lives elsewhere and she no longer has the pressures from him of fronting that "church" (I think he controlled her). Maybe she's taking the correct meds. I'm not excusing her heinous history. And we'll always have "What? You've been married for one year while living in my house?"
  19. Current rumors are that Morgan has secured a touring deal (i.e., PR paid off) and she is distancing herself from Kyle. Also, country music fans are notoriously conservative, and many country artists try to avoid the appearance of using drugs.
  20. As we watched we suspected there would be lots of attrition due to the training tactics and environment. It was all wrong for that culture, and ultimately one of the recruits clued the trainers in. With a smarter, more supportive training environment, they would have had more graduates.
  21. Having watched this series and some Twin Flame episodes, I am reminded that behind every one of these "spiritual missions" is your basic MLM set-up, supported by clueless losers, loners and deadbeats. The leaders pull their idealogy and processes from Scientology, Christian youth cults, and others of that ilk, stick a charismatic leader in front, and re-brand with a shiny new name and sparkly graphics. Mother God's key sycophants had superior verbal skills, because they easily regurgitated her simple-minded nonsense all day, every day. Many of them probably figured it was a good gig as long as the money lasted. Beats minimum wage. In fact I wondered if they understood she was dying but didn't care as long as they could continue the easy life (as some are still doing). Also, they may have been worried that the authorities would intervene if they knew Mother God was helpless and being kept from care that would save her life. The most genuine emotion the sycophants showed was over the loss of their nest egg, which apparently was always in the accountant's name and legal for him to keep. Will the tax man catch up, or are they a "church?" Sue from Life Below Zero was taking it in early episodes of that series, but I wonder if she stopped. She lived alone in the Arctic, far from medical care, and believed it would keep her healthy.
  22. This occurred to me because of the cameras, but I was giving him the benefit of the doubt. 😁Maybe production asked him to wear the scrubs. Maybe he didn't really fly in and the whole thing was staged for maximum interest. (Why were they flying in to Virginia instead of Baltimore?)
  23. I wondered about that too. Maybe he was late to catch his plane? Also, he complained about how the plane dropped from the sky very quickly during landing, and asked why. National Airport is in Arlington, next to the Potomac River, and has a very short runway. The planes don't have a lot of taxi space so they descend quickly. She's shallow and insecure. She has zero housewives game. She probably ordered Eddie to engage in that silly Facebook mess, and he obeyed to keep the peace and quiet.
  24. She's trying to keep her housewives gig. Desperation is not a good look.
  25. She's still listed on the JHU website as an assistant professor. I suspect his and Candiace's drama shenanigans on the show and social media have made Chris persona non grata at local restaurants. Plus, he comes off as a deadbeat and a whiny baby with a hot temper. (Producer-driven or not, not a good look.) There are many talented out of work chefs in the DC area and restaurants will hire the safer choice.
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