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Everything posted by Matty

  1. Varya is sitting behind Geoffrey in the courtroom with his family members to show support. She's wearing a mask but you can tell that it's her. Remember that gal, Mary, that was on the show? She's there too and was reprimanded by the judge for saying something to Geoffrey during the proceedings.
  2. Geoffrey Paschel is being sentenced live this morning on Court TV. He faces 12 to 20 years. The reporter said the judge will most likely go with the higher end of the sentencing range due to the seriousness of the violence. Just flipping the channels and saw his face on the screen.
  3. The men these women have to put up with for a meal ticket. I’m talking about Ximena and Mike but there are plenty of others through the years on this show. She has to pretend she has one iota of attraction or interest in this guy for a new sofa and dining room table plus whatever else he bought her. How sad. Didn’t she say she was a manicurist. She should go back to that and work seven days a week to earn her own money. She will feel so much better about herself and won’t have to deal with the farting, the dirty snot rags and every other disgusting habit. It would be so worth it.
  4. If this were real life instead of a fake, scripted reality show Alyssa would never give Chris the time of day. I'm not in her camp or making excuses for her. I'm just saying she doesn't find him physically attractive. That's her right. She doesn't want anything to do with him and it's not because they don't have the same interests or the same values. She doesn't like his teeth, his physique, his face, his voice. I could go on and on. Because of the show's premise we'll be subjected to them going back and forth for the next eight weeks as they try to figure it out. There's nothing to figure out. Lindsey is not popular with the rest of the cast. She's too loud, brassy, pushy, and egocentric. Steve and Noi seem like a good fit. I think the job situation will get solved and they'll head off into the sunset together. However, knowing the track record of couples on MAFS they'll most likely say yes on decision day and then make a joint announcement that they have decided to "part ways amicably" in six months.
  5. If you watched the other two ladies, especially Jasmina's, expressions while Lindsey was blathering on and on about the quiet bride-to-be (can't remember her name) blocking her and sitting alone during the bachelorette party you can tell whose side they are on and it's not Lindsey's. Kesia let Lindsey dominate the conversation and she did. The other ladies barely had a chance to comment or get a word in edgewise. Her personality is going to be a bit much for Mark, and the cast members, to deal with. Too much ME, ME, ME.
  6. Oops. Sorry. I'll post my comments in the right thread.
  7. If you watched the other two ladies, especially Jasmina's, expressions while Lindsey was blathering on and on about the quiet bride-to-be (can't remember her name) blocking her and sitting alone during the bachelorette party you can tell whose side they are on and it's not Lindsey's. Kesia let Lindsey dominate the conversation and she did. The other ladies barely had a chance to comment or get a word in edgewise. Her personality is going to be a bit much for Mark, and the cast members, to deal with. Too much ME, ME, ME.
  8. I watched the early seasons of RHOC and RHNY but stopped watching long ago when the shows became manufactured fake drama with over the top, drunken shouting matches and not enjoyable. That's only my opinion. According to the ratings lots of people still watch them. With that being said, I enjoyed this episode a lot. The RH ladies brought some buzz, high energy, campy fun, and humor to the episode and the designers, except for one, seemed to enjoy working with the ladies. I've never seen Potomac and didn't know any of the ladies from that cast. The only cast members I knew from watching their shows were "The Countess" Luann (NY) and Shannon (OC). Luann looked amazing and as a former model she knew how to walk the runway. Glad that Chantal won! The hot pink outfit was perfect for the RH that wore it. That was a fun look for her and it showed. The right outfit lost the challenge. Ill fitting and ill conceived. Overall, an enjoyable episode.
  9. Nothing new to add to what others have already expressed. Just wanted to add a few random thoughts after the season. I, too, was surprised Xander didn't receive one vote. He got no respect from the jury. I wanted him to win, but am fine with Erika. She proved to be strategic and the others seemed to respect her game play at the end. Danny has been stating in interviews that he doesn't want to come back in future Survivor seasons so that's not happening. I think Danny is one of those fan favorite, non-winner of his season, Survivor types. We'd all like to see him return but, sadly, it probably won't happen.
  10. The finale next week should be suspenseful. I would like Xander to win but everyone else, except Heather, can definitely make the case to the the jury why they should win the final prize. Ricard has played a great game. He's a cool customer. Smart and good at challenges. DeShawn has support on the jury if he makes it to the final three. He plays a good social game and I think Danny, Shan and Lianne would definitely vote for him. Ericka has been on the bottom the whole game and yet she's still there scrapping and fighting the whole way. I give her props for managing to get this far. Please let Heather be voted out at five and let the "fab four" duke it out for the final three spots. I would like Xander, Ricard and Erika to be final three, but that's just my hope, not that I think it will definitely turn out that way. We'll see. I'm looking forward to the finale.
  11. This story was heartbreaking and riveting at the same time. How did this go on for so long? The oldest daughter went to school until third grade dirty and smelly. Did no one at the school check on this? Did the mother have family? No one checked on their 13 nieces and nephews over the years? One of Louise Turpin's sisters was interviewed and spoke about child molestation suffered by Louise and others in the family. I hope the Turpin children are provided assistance and support from agencies that are supposed to help them. They mentioned there was over $600,000 donated by strangers to help them. Where did that money go? Some of the children have experienced homelessness and hunger since their escape. Such a tragedy. I hope ABC will continue tracking this story for the sake of the Turpin children.
  12. I'm a long time fan of Judge Judy and I will still watch the reruns. I caught the new show today and only watched a couple episodes so far. After watching the new show I get it. It seems like they, Judy and the producers, wanted to update the show. Adding to the cast, changing her look, new bailiff, court reporter and legal assistant, etc. My initial response is that Judy has toned down the old "Judge Judy" character and is less bombastic on this new show. I can see why she needed a change. I'll always be a fan and watch the old Judge Judy show and see Byrd. The new show is just different and updated. Nothing wrong with wanting a change. She gave Byrd an incredible job 25 years ago (or whenever JJ started) and he became a fan favorite. I love Byrd. I'm sure he'll be just fine.
  13. It's safe to say we were all on pins and needles during tribal council. Sydney being voted out has no real impact on the game. Pretty forgettable player. I think Ricard is playing a strong game. Maybe he's not likeable, but he seems to be the brains behind what once was the Shan/Ricard alliance. She thought she was in charge of that pair and last night showed that Shan needs Ricard, Ricard doesn't need Shan. The fact he won the first individual immunity shows he's no slouch in challenges. He's cagey and doesn't wear his emotions on his sleeve. Every time the camera panned over the hysterical crowd at tribal Ricard was always stoic and watching everyone else going manic. I don't necessarily like him as a person, well, I like him more than Shan, but I have to give him credit for the way he's playing the game. Xander was brilliant last night. If Shan gets blindsided I will be dancing for joy in my living room. Please make this happen Survivor gods.
  14. That was a really good episode. I can't wait for Part 2 to see what Erika chooses to do and why. I don't think I'm a good Survivor strategist because I have no idea which option she should choose. I see pros and cons for her with both options. I'm really intrigued by what she will do. Maybe I'm a sucker for an underdog but I'm rooting for her. Shan not so much. Watching Danny perform in the physical parts of the challenges is a joy to watch. He is so athletically gifted. I know he's a former NFL player but that fact does not make it a given that every former professional athlete would be as good as he is at competing in these types of challenges. He's strong and graceful at the same time.
  15. I laughed out loud when they were playing the game and the question was "Who is the biggest diva" (I'm paraphrasing) and Bao was writing Johnny's name down and musing about him and his face appeared in the mirror. The editors have a sense of humor.
  16. Is Johnny trying to win the Emmy for best performance in a reality show? Just kidding. But, seriously, his histrionics are like bad acting. I guess he figures he'll get more attention if he gets the villain edit. Ok. We get it. Bao is not your type. You can't stand being in the same room with her. You've made that very clear.
  17. Thank you, Naseer, for foiling the stupid plan to throw the challenge. He went all out in the challenge while the two architects of the dumb plan stood back and stared in wonder as they won anyway. Loved that. As soon as JD gave Shan his advantage I knew the kid was a goner. That’s a Survivor trope. Happens every time. The kid got snookered but I don’t feel sorry for him. He should have known better. Shan’s annoying song is not cute. Hope she’s gone soon. She’s too full of herself and thinks she’s running the show. I guess you can’t be humble to win Survivor though so she’ll probably go far.
  18. It was cringeworthy when Brett and Ryan played Jenga and he read the complements that Brett had written on those cards. Sheesh. I felt terrible for her. He had nothing to say back or to reciprocate about good qualities she had and that he liked about her. Her spirit was deflated and it showed in her eyes. He says he wants to be completely honest with her and not lead her on but, come on, he should be able to think of one nice thing to say about her. Ryan, show a little decency and kindness towards a person that likes you and thinks you're cool. You don't have to be that brutally honest that you hurt her feelings and leave it like that. Oh, well, too bad. Deal with it. You're friendzoned. There are no sparks.
  19. Who has an entire wall of photos of themselves posing on rocks and mountains? Wait. I know who does. Myrla. Hopelessly self-absorbed.
  20. I started watching 90 Day Fiance during its first iteration. Then it started deteriorating after the first couple of seasons and all the various spinoffs. I can barely watch anymore. I tuned in late to the tell-all last night because, I admit, I was curious what would happen this time as they always pull out all the stops for these extravaganzas. All I can say is when Angela flashed her new breasts to the cameras the show has totally jumped the shark and I believe it has hit its nadir now. Won't be watching this manufactured circus anymore.
  21. First night of the honeymoon and there are already chinks in the armour of each couple's compatibility. I know it's early in the season but my gut tells me the only couple that will make it is Bao and Johnny. They are classy, smart, and seem to really like each other's company. Johnny is a good guy and Bao seems to like and respect him. Same track record as last season. One couple succeeds and the rest fail. One out of five this season too. That's my prediction based on early going.
  22. My dog's groomer is competing on the show. He is an amazing groomer. I have a bichon frise and we have been going to his shop for about three years. We go every six weeks because bichon frises require regular grooming to maintain their cut. My dog loves him. As soon as we arrive my dog pulls me into the shop with his tail wagging madly. Anyway, just wanted to come on to this forum and add that I hope my dog's groomer wins. I'm rooting for him and his assistant to go all the way!
  23. Andrew is in the same mold of entitled, puffy, pasty, pudgy mama's boys as Coltie. They think that they can have a woman as their possession by paying for their airplane tickets and their visas. Their mothers coddle them and tell them how great they are and that they got screwed by the evil woman that took advantage of them for a green card. Good luck, Amira. Don't cry. You lost a nothing. A loser. Both Natalie and Mike have packed on the pounds since the first time we met them. They are going to be miserable. I don't read any spoilers but I wouldn't be surprised if they're already divorced. Rebecca's dress with the corset over it was like a sausage stuffed in its casing. Riding in on the Cinderella carriage was a bit much for her fourth wedding.
  24. Vincent and Briana's romantic dinner was so sweet. They are a darling couple. Then we have to leave their blissful bubble and go back to the Chris and Paige train wreck. What a downer. It's like a dark, stormy, thunder cloud invaded the clear and sunny skies.
  25. As people have been mentioning Brandon's parents house is cluttered and filled with tchotchkes, tacky trinkets, and other miscellaneous junk. All the rooms look like they would be claustrophobic. There is not one inch of empty counter space in the kitchen. The way they go on about inheriting "THE FARM" is laughable. The place looks like a dump with a few acres of land and a few animals that Betty keeps for enjoyment. It's not a working farm with lots of acreage. The only one I like in that group is Julia. If I was Julia the weird family dynamic between Brandon and his parents would make me want to head back on the next plane to Moscow.
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