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Everything posted by whydoievencare

  1. I did too and I really liked how happy the rest of the crew was for them - I don't think Hanna could have had a bigger grin on her face!
  2. That scene of Brandi shopping with her daughter was horrible - if the kid has issues, don't try to have a conversation with her about it in front of the cameras. Her kids have always seemed to be out of control and this little madam's attitude is terrible. But don't throw money at the problem (unless it's a psychiatrist/psychologist) - if you don't know how to handle it, get some help. It's really not fair to the kid to have this on TV.
  3. However, there is this thing where the hour is divided into 100 units (a plant where I worked as a nurse used this) and times would be written as 10:25 (meaning 10:15am) or 13:50 (meaning 1:30pm). I can't remember why this was used, but it was. I agree June is lacking for whatever reason, but perhaps this is where her confusion lies?
  4. Travis is a disgusting drunk - just an argumentative ass. What a piece of shit. I can't believe some of the others are sticking up for him and not Anastasia.
  5. Katie always looks out to lunch - and mostly always disheveled. So different from her first season.
  6. More about Camille - she's incredibly socially awkward. She never seems to have a friend - just employees. Is she on some kind of spectrum? Lastly - it was kind of funny - the death stare Denise gave her as Camille was leaving.
  7. Camille was horrible - she seems incapable of reflecting before she speaks and never seems to have an unexpressed thought. It gets her into a lot of trouble and she then just double downs. She actually doesn't seem to be that smart in her interactions with other people - like they are all "little people". I don't actually like Denise but she wasn't wrong about how nasty Camille was about Denise's rental and the fire. Camille never actually apologizes just keeps complaining about how hard her life has been the past year. I never saw Season 1 - is this what Camille was like?
  8. Luann talks out of both (all?) sides of her mouth - when she's called on something her first response is always to defend herself, then she goes on the attack (if she can) and when called out again, she folds (somewhat) and then quasi apologizes to the person involved. She never 100% takes ownership of anything she does - especially this season when she continually said she was taking care of herself. She's a crap friend.
  9. Erica has to be the most dour person on TV - her tone of voice is always bored - she always acts as if she's world weary and has seen it all. It's tiresome.
  10. All these bitches talking about how great it would have been if LVP had come on the reunion and they could have worked through everything - and if there wasn't any consensus, then just put it down to a difference of opinion: "Yea, we all think you're a liar who leaks information to the press! You say you didn't do any of that? Oh well, let's just move forward with our friendship!!! Love you!!!!" And as usual, Dorit gets a pass for every shitty thing she's done and said - it's absolutely incredible to me. Also, terribly disappointed how Denise almost always sides with the mean girls.
  11. I'm actually surprised how nasty Dorinda was about Tinsley telling her she doesn't want to fight about Scott as she isn't with him any longer. Why is Dorinda being like that? Actually I just realized it's probably because Dorinda feels she is above Tinsley in the Housewife Hierarchy - so she can be a total bitch to her.
  12. Tinsley - "Are you joking me right now!!!???" - said to Sonja. Didn't this girl go to university?
  13. Eliza is confusing friendliness with familiarity - she was being overly familiar with Katharine in the first episode- and it went over like a lead balloon.
  14. Katharine's hair looks so ratty this season, weird way off to the side part that also goes around the back of her head. What the hell is going on - I think she normally has nice hair, doesn't she? That girl could use a ton of help with makeup and wardrobe - she's so naturally beautiful but her makeup is too heavy and she doesn't really dress that well.
  15. Rinna plays RunTellDat right in front of everyone - is she getting extra money to do that? She does it all the time. And then she tries to play all sides until she spills the tea again. And, this is really petty, but Kyle's ass and thighs looked HUGE when she was on Erica's bed. And why does Teddi think she has to be the moral compass of the group - how fucking pompous of her. And I rolled my eyes hard when they showed the scene from Erica's first season talking about how she doesn't have a group of women friends - and now she says she feels "safe" since VDP is gone but she is till acting standoffish and prickly.
  16. I get why Bethenny (especially and Dennis too) and Barbara are fed up with Luann's attitude. They both went to a tremendous amount of trouble for her - she was really out of control. And they went above and beyond. It's not that Luann should kiss their asses for the rest of her life - but she doesn't seem to show any amount of gratitude at all. She hasn't exhibited (I don't think) any shame about ANY of her behaviour - the arrest, her kids taking her to court, begging Dennis for 6 million to buy a house - she just seems to pretend that it never happened. After all, she told one of the women that she's a different kind of alcoholic (meaning: I'm not really an alcoholic). She dabbles in going to AA meetings - which were court ordered. She dabbled in not drinking - now she's taking Antabuse - also court ordered. I don't think I've ever seen her be actually empathetic with any of the women over all the years of this show. In fact, she actually doesn't respond at all when anyone expresses any kind of unhappiness or pain - she's so incredibly shallow and egocentric and floats along in her own little bubble. I can't imagine how successful she was as a nurse (or RNA or whatever she was) - how the hell did she interact with patients - you know, when it's actually about someone other than her.
  17. Bethenny has worked herself up beyond belief. It's incredible to watch - not that Bethenny has much of a filter, but it's completely disappeared and she's just spinning out of control. She's absolutely enraged - and Luann is deflecting or disagreeing with every accusation Bethenny is making - which is probably enraging Bethenny further. I've never seen anything like this.
  18. Bethenny is ragging on Luann for having "sequin earmuffs" regarding Sonja's breakdown but Bethenny didn't respond very kindly to Barbara when she was upset and essentially saying that no one was interested in her at all this trip. In fact they ALL threw it back on Barbara for having bad energy. The motor-mouthing they all do is actually incredible - they can really escalate any situation and make it worse.
  19. Or E Coli. But I like my steaks and roasts rare. Hamburger that's pink in the middle - no.
  20. Anorexia is a psychiatric disorder. Conducting an affair is what? Bad behaviour? A moral failing? Eileen did it, just didn't like it being pointed out. It wasn't a secret (although Eileen acted like she'd been outed) but it was a choice. Anorexia isn't.
  21. It doesn't take very much for Rinna to turn ugly. She really doesn't like to be challenged. Erika and Rinna are really up each others assholes this season.
  22. Erika really doesn't walk gracefully - not sure whether it's the ultra high shoes, or what. Noticed this when she was at lunch with with the girls back home. She kind of clomps along. Ironic really, given that she's a dancer.
  23. Erika couldn't resist the jab about Lisa V. Pathetic. And I doubt very much that Lisa Vanderpump would have been anything other than kind about Kyle's dramatic revelation about her eating disorder.
  24. Kyle's still talking about how Lisa V told her to get out of her house after Kyle had told her all the women thought she was lying (and in the repeat showings of that scene, Kyle is actually smiling and nodding when Lisa V questioned her). It's like she doesn't understand why Lisa V would be that upset. And doesn't understand why Lisa V isn't talking to all of them. Yeah Kyle, it's a mystery.
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