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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. 5 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

    The interesting part is a lot of the low vitamin D level symptoms are the same for thyroid problems. I read on the internet a person with hypothyroidism can have a hard time absorbing vitamins, plus have possible digestive issues and can be related to sleep apnea. Maybe all the running around in my dreams are the reason why I wake up tired and with a bad headache. Ha!

     Vitamin D deficiency is linked to a lot of medical problems. Poor sleep is linked to headaches, obesity and host of other problems. It takes several practitioners interested in a holistic approach to help anyone connect the dots. 

    • Love 2
  2. 3 hours ago, emma675 said:

    Arwen, did you get snow? Once again, Dallas got nothing! 

    Nothing but a light dusting.  Freezing rain and sleet are falling.  City of Houston and burbs have turned into a skating rink. It’s an ice event largely for us.  Conditions are deteriorating and it’s expected to freeze over tonight. Schools will likely be closed tomorrow.

    • Love 3
  3. Dash was a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, IIRC.  They’re super cute dogs, but they don’t have a very long life expectancy. He was her only companion during her isolation at KP, so he’s older than 3.  I’m sure Dash was better fed than most pets and got to live indoors.  He certainly lived better than most people of those times.

    • Love 6
  4. 4 hours ago, madpsych78 said:

    Ironically, there have been fewer Instagram posts of Jin and/or Jer since announcing the pregnancy than there were pre-pregnancy.

    Maybe she has bad morning sickness or is having cravings and mood swings. I don’t want my picture taken when I feel crummy.

    • Love 3
  5. 3 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

    The bar is unbelievably low, and I think that, while part of their blathering about their wonderful husbands is made-for-Teevee Gothardspeak, some of it is genuine and they really are amazed, shocked, and touched when some guy brings them a carton of yogurt..... I mean, I don't think their brothers ever bring them cartons of yogurt either. They're not used to males doing anything at all in the caregiving realm. And I mean not anything. 

    Yeah, it’s really low.  Remember, Jim Boob, you’re supposed to love your wife as Christ loved His bride (the church), not letting your wife suffer labor pains while you wait for her or Jana to make you eggs and bacon before she gets to leave for the hospital.

    • Love 7
  6. 1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:


    Oh, wow. He didn’t twat out a Bible verse! If someone who I knew not to be a hypocrite or a hater of people not like them, I’d never complain about a bible verse tweet from them.  Dreck has demonstrated that he’s an asshat, so why do I want to be disappointed when he trips over his dick again after actually acting enlightened the day before. New tweet tomorrow.



    • Love 15
  7. @JennyMominFL, my condolences to you and your family.  

    We normally would use the Small Talk page called The Prayer Closet for family emergencies, natural disasters, our pets, medical updates, recipes, and any other thing we want to discuss.  It’s totally impromptu, the weather, our kids, an annoying friend or relative...or just asking for advice.'  We often send ourselves there when our posts are snippy, and we enjoy virtual adult beverages and favorite foods to “atone for our sins”.

    • Love 4
  8. 2 hours ago, PoshSprinkles said:

    Depends. Most of the landfills my relatives oversaw were close to highways or other undesirable areas because of the the "stink" reputation so they wouldn't be the best candidates. You also run into the issue of leveling. Depending on the layers of the landfill, you may not be able to grade things appropriately for a golf course without disturbing the materials they put down to keep the garbage from seeping out. 

    Truth be told, the landfill business can be quite lucrative. With as business-savvy as the Duggars portray themselves to be, they could make a tidy sum by owning and operating landfills around the state. It's very steady work. 

    Do we REALLY want Duggars in charge of landfills?  I’ve done some permitting work, and it can get pretty complicated fast, and I can easily see the Duggars  using their Jethro Bodine level edyumakayshuns to try and fight with people who have real science and engineering degrees.  SOTDRT isn’t enough schooling.  

    • Love 7
  9. 3 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

    Sacrificial, Christ-like love? FFS that's disturbing.

    Yeah, it’s disturbing since it’s parrot speak for them. The Apostle Paul wrote that a man should love his wife as Christ loved the Church. This, in turn, is supposed to mean service (treating her like a queen) and true, sacrificial love (going without something to ensure her health and comfort and their children’s.  It’s actually a tall order. In some parts of Fundieland, it’s all about wifely submission.

    • Love 9
  10. 1 hour ago, Angeltoes said:

    The middle names of Ron Howard's kids represent the places they were conceived.  As the story goes, their son was conceived in a Volvo but they didn't think that would work for a name so they used the name, Cross, because that was the name of the street where they were parked.   

    Don't know if that idea would work for Joe and Kendra since they've probably never done it anywhere except their bed...with the lights off...and no talking.

    @Jynnan tonnix, you mean tittering?

    • Love 3
  11. 1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

    I don't really see any romantic chemistry between her and Lord M either - their relationship strikes me more as a father and daughter type. She did grow up without a father after all, so I can totally see her looking upon him as a sort of father figure.

    She was absolutely besotted with him and wanted to marry him. Her affections may well have been misplaced due to needing a father figure.  Melbourne knew this was a part of it and that this arrangement could have been viewed as unseemly and unwise and knew it was in her best interests for him not to encourage it for the sake of preserving her honor and being a gentleman was very important to him. 

    • Love 6
  12. 1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

    The scene with the leeches did its job in reminding us just how barbaric things still were in 1840, in many ways.

    Leeches naturally contain an anticoagulant.  Bloodletting was far more barbaric. Since he had weakness on one side of his body, I would assume he suffered a stroke and their properties might have helped to dissolve the clot.  I wouldn’t want leeches on me, either.  Ewwwwwww.  As to what doctors actually knew about their properties back then, I’m not sure. People with titles invariably got more cutting edge care.

    • Love 3
  13. 41 minutes ago, queenanne said:

    True, but Jill presumably went to a store and bought these out of her very own taste for the first time in her life; so, baby steps.

    I’m totally pleased to see Jill daring to wear pants.  Since she’s had to settle for Goodwill and hand me downs and shoes worn by someone else and share with her siblings and having all these modesty rules must have been very daunting for her to finally get to choose something of her very own. 

    Sadly,  nobody told her that modest clothes don’t have to be frumpy at all.  I was thrilled when Dreck bought her a pair of Teva sandals.  They’re not the most fashionable things on earth, but they do provide excellent support and you can get them wet and not ruin them. 

    She might think she’s somewhat fashionable, compared to the Fundy Misery Fashion that most of her friends have to wear.  Being a Tee Vee STAH has its advantages, such as being able to have newer and better clothes than the families who aren’t.  I’m certain that fashion magazines are verboten in most Fundy homesso the kids don’t know what they’re missing.

    Jilly will find some semblance of fashion sense soon enough. I think the boho look really suits her.

    • Love 10
  14. 3 hours ago, Kokapetl said:

    Jackson is also sleeping in Jana’s bed.

    That’s just gross! Isn’t that lad 15? After all this talk about male children being “defrauded by observing a diaper change”.  I guess the cheapness of Boob trumps any family teaching.

    • Love 1
  15. 3 hours ago, Zella said:

    I think if the downstairs characters had more developed personalities or better chemistry, it could work, but as is, it really seems like it is inserted to imitate Downton Abbey and it's almost painful for me to sit through.  The writing for those scenes is also just bland and hard to follow. I enjoy the show, but I've come to look on the downstairs moments as when I go get a snack, which is a shame because ordinarily it is something I would be interested in. 

    Oh, yes! Downton Abbey spoiled us for downstairs drama.  Their environment was clean and bright. Victoria may have been more realistic as to what downstairs life was like. Buckingham Palace was dusty, largely in part to the soot from candles and coal. 

    • Love 3
  16. It is also upsetting that Boob thought that Marjorie was “too worldly and too ambitious “ for his taste.  Translation: Marjorie would give the other Duggar kids ideation about college.  We can’t have that. Boob is determined that his own spawn will not show him up in intelligence.  Ambition translates to rebellion in Boob’s mind.  Not sure which set of parents  put the kibosh on the courtship, but I’m sure it was Marjorie’s dad.  He probably knew he’d made the right decision after Boob said those things.

    • Love 7
  17. 15 minutes ago, JoanArc said:

    Yeah, that won't increase the odds of cheating or divorce AT ALL. A blanket training marriage for a light-in-the-loafers son. I wonder if thy'll re-film the 'Josh gives Josiah marriage advice' webisode. "Remember, bro, use a burner debit card and cell phone."

    Well, we know why Priscilla compared marriage to TFDW to crucifixion. I think it was also a punishment marriage for TFDW, though it seems like it’s been more of a punishment for Priscilla.  Joshley was married off (as we learned later) for his own behavior.  Both men deserved to do far worse, based on how both of the Keller sisters have been treated.

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