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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. 2 hours ago, On the Bias said:

    So Cathy says she considers herself a “chemo survivor.”  In other words, she’s announcing that the awful thing that happened to her, the thing she is so relieved have survived, isn’t the cancer that nearly killed her but the chemo that helped to save her life.  What a horrible thing to say.  

    Sometimes chemo is so brutal, to many people it feels worse than the disease, and in some cases, it is. I think it would have been ok to say she preferred to call herself a chemo survivor instead. For better or worse, Twitter limits your characters. She could easily tweet another tweet to be sure she clarified herself.

    • Love 9
  2. @Rabbittron  sending you hugs, prayers, and good vibes as you go through all of this. Reading your news was like a sucker punch to my heart. I cannot even begin to imagine what this must be like. He’s a very brave little boy. Your ex sounds like a real shit heel. 

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  3. 4 hours ago, ginger90 said:

    If I may, and as someone who’s been there, I was too weak to do anything at all for myself, while others prayed for me. Her pathology was grim. She might just be saying she made peace with it all. Giving it to God gave her and me the peace to come to terms with it. Chemotherapy just drains you. I’m sure anyone here who’s been through this themselves or with a loved one.

    And yes, I believe God uses doctors and nurses to help heal the sick and I give them plenty of credit, too.

    That said, her judgey smugness and sugar coated pickles are making her appear anything but Christian in how she conducts herself.

    • Love 20
  4. 9 minutes ago, Love2dance said:

    I know I am a paranoid safety freak, but that bottle has been opened, and it makes me nervous that Sam’s chewing on the lid could cause it to open, come loose, and choke him. 

    I thought the same thing.

    2 hours ago, Marigold said:

    Derick is nothing to brag about.  He is LAZY, married into a messed up family, begs for money while wandering around a country and can't speak the language.  Not to mention is he frequently caught in lies, appears delusional, dirty little stick insect ,is  hateful and doesn't have a paying job because he got himself kicked off TLC for bullying a child. 

    That is just the beginning of what I think about Cathy's son.

    Loved the post.  Laughed so hard and I added another description that I hope amuses you.

    • Love 5
  5. 6 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

    And the conversation was Jinger sharing the highlights of the different places she and Jeremy went, while Jill responded it rained a lot overseas. There was a lot of bugs overseas. People die overseas. Even the lady's daughter.

    Joyless Jill can’t enjoy any trip, but then she doesn’t understand that Central America from the US is not “overseas”. Jinger is much more about the enjoying the experience.

    • Love 4
  6. 7 minutes ago, latetotheparty said:

    Arwen, can you order them from Canada?  I get all my new meds and asthma inhalers there to be able to afford to breathe. I can recommend somewhere if you’re interested. 

    I don’t think it’s a problem to get them from Canada, as I don’t think a script is even required, but sure, hook me up, please.

  7. On 1/22/2018 at 7:02 PM, Zella said:

    Indeed! As soon as they mentioned Ada Lovelace, I was looking forward to how it would be revealed who her parents were. I was not disappointed. 

    But, Lord M, always the gentleman was not going to give Victoria any more information than that. He would not have wanted to share such sordid things with his queen, and he was reluctant to speak ill of the dead.

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  8. 22 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

    I see your point of view. In a way I feel sorry for her, but at other times I want to slap the crap out of her. The ones I feel bad for the most are the grandchildren. I keep wishing one of the Duggar kids will tell JB and Michelle to go take a flying leap at a rolling donut.

    Yes,  me too. 

    4 minutes ago, sometimesy said:

    Meh, they specifically promote homeschooling and traditional wifey roles, so when they get a little criticism it's no big deal imo. The Duggs have been public figures for a LONG time and they must have developed some inner defenses against critics, if not, it's time for them to shut it down. 

    One can still have these beliefs and not wallow in ignorance.  People who choose to homeschool their kids for religious reasons are morally obliged to provide a decent education for their kids so they can be successful. Denying your children a proper education because then they’ll be smarter than you is ethically and morally wrong. Looking at you, Boob

    • Love 17
  9. 4 hours ago, Lunera said:

    Also, they are not Jill's style but I'm guessing Derrick bought them for her and was the one who painted her toenails bright red.

    Well, we do know Derick is into feet! Maybe shoes as well. Some dudes get all hot over the sight of a woman’s foot in a shoe.

  10. I’ve been told by my gyn onc no hormonal products whatsoever, even Intrarosa, which is DHEA, a precursor to hormones and is essentially topical. I could never use the sponge or anything that sits on my cervix. I would have poked myself RAW trying to get it in, and I didn’t want it to fall out while I was on the toilet. There’s a product from Canada that contains HLA, but it’s not available stateside and that product contains no hormones at all.

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  11. We complain and snark here about how out of touch they are, and when  they try to be relevant, they mess it up because they have been so sheltered.  Then they get criticized for it, but honestly, I think they truly don’t know any better.  They were raised in ignorance and arrogance and told all their lives that they were the bestest most Jesusy family evah!

    They were all unprepared for the rude awakening that awaited them. Baby steps.  I SMH regularly when I see their posts, though.

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