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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. @bigskygirl, yes 54% after 10 years is still considered good for many diseases and problems.  I would have hoped for better anti rejection drugs to be available by now, but if Medicare or Medicaid won’t pay for them, then it’s not particularly helpful.   It’s better than my long term prognosis for survival. Only 46% of ovarian cancer survivors are still alive after 5 years 

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  2. @bigskygirl, yeah it’s hard to say with any certainty what is a cure and what isn’t since treatments have improved over time and they have more data now than when your husband had his transplant. I’d take what you were told over a Facebook post.  I lost my dad 3 years ago to gastric cancer and my oncologist said they’re using different treatments now for that kind of cancer.

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  3. 46 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

    Zoo's admitted that they don't spare the rod. 

    There’s a way to not spare the rod without leaving a mark on your child.  There’s a  big difference between you’re gonna get it after being given several chances to behave appropriately and a smacked bottom than whipping them for minor infractions and keeping them fear filled. 

    42 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

    Too lazy to look up the name of the latest blessing, but surviving twin Boaz remains Zoo's favorite. 

    I didn’t realize they’d lost a baby. As much loathing as I have for them, nobody deserves that heartbreak.

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  4. 27 minutes ago, CousinAmy said:

    Industrial Revolution meant the rise of the great fortunes - while the rich got richer, the poor got poorer. Think about the abject poverty in the novels of Charles Dickens.

    England was a society conscious of social class and rank. Victoria spent most of her life sheltered and had little idea of the poverty and squalid conditions outside of the palace walls.  She empathized  and her attempts to go good were far more sincere than the noblesse obligée she was accused of. The Dickens novels were not exaggerating how grim life was back then. 

    Seeing the madding crowd outside while she wore sumptuous silks and her guests dined on sumptuous food, she realized there was something very wrong with this.

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  5. 10 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

    Speaking of the PP, who also isn't allowed in the UK, Zoo had another baby recently. Another boy. Number 9 or 10... I have lost count.

    I think it makes 10.  Zsu seems built for childbirth. She’d be the Fundy version of a hippy quite easily.  At least her home is spotless and kids are clean and well fed, and though I find her views repellent, she at least has done some critical thinking to articulately explain why she thinks the way she does. More than I can say for mindless, parroting Duggars. 

    She knows she’s smarter than her idiot husband. I find it disturbing that he “disciplines” her. Unless they’re freaky deeky doo and she likes it, but I don’t think that’s the case. There’s probably some child abuse going on under that roof.

  6. 59 minutes ago, Temperance said:

    Nurie and Mr. R are in Botswana, which a country in Africa. Still a lot of Americans do talk about Africa as if it's one country. (Not sure if that's just an American thing or if the problem is a global perception of Africa.)

    Some of those holding high office in the US have gaffed by referring to Africa as a country.  My mother once declared that she didn’t want to go to Africa and she wanted to go to Kenya.  Go figure. The Pissing Preacher has been banned from entering Botswana, so I guess it was time to bring some Rodriguii.

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  7. 6 hours ago, Rabbittron said:

    Why did the weather man have to be right? They said it will start snowing @11pm and that is the time it started. 

    These days they’re usually right on. More sophisticated radars and satellite imaging and modeling. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, Rabbittron said:

    I wonder if Jim Blob ran up to the stage at Fammys wedding grabbed the mike and screamed NIKE?

    IDK, but he probably turned tail and fled with his brood and broodmare once the DJ and the open bar started. Damn heathens!

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  9. 7 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

    The only thing worth watching is Cisco in the second section. Not to fat-shame, but he went to RU for a food addiction, and it doesn't appear that he's lost any weight since I first saw him. Doesn't say much for the success of RU. 

    The other reason I don’t watch is that my headship will think I’ve truly lost my damn mind. 

    1 minute ago, DangerousMinds said:

    If the place didn't truly work the first time, why send him back there?

    It’s all about control.  Boob knows he won’t have control over his phone anymore while he’s there, and he’s too old for ALERT.

    • Love 2
  10. 9 hours ago, madpsych78 said:

    She can still count her toes if she wears flip-flops!

    Poor thing is “so pregnit” that she probably can’t reach her toes anyway. Anyone who says “pregnit” probably shouldn’t be reproducing . The Big Furry Hat has spoken. Dilly, Dilly!

    • Love 6
  11. 2 hours ago, zoomama said:

    he has had that haircut since his teens!  did anyone see the 20/20 show last night? it was very interesting. the wife was abused as a child herself.  

    I find it odd that they’re Pentecostal, yet she wears makeup, he’s got long hair, they get vow renewals from Elvis impersonators.  They’ve also been accused of being Quiverful, which would frown on all of that as well.

    As messed up as Ma and Pa Turpin are, Elvis impersonators and the Roo do seem the most normal things about them. 

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  12. 15 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

    He also looks like he suddenly has a serious receding hairline going on.  Does his slightly longer hair hide the balding area?

    I loathe his haircut.  He looks like a peeled onion, IMO. That makes his giant gob full of rabbity teeth stand out more.  That said, he still oks better than Dreck and most of the Duggar males.

    • Love 5
  13. 7 minutes ago, floridamom said:

    So, how long have they known these people who they continually describe as their 'dear friends'? EVERYOME can't be your 'dear' friend. They're full of themselves.

    Dear friends are fawning Duggar lovers who are into the correct Jesus just like the Duggars. Possibly what most would call an acquaintance, but since hanging with anyone Not Duggar was rarely allowed.

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