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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. Ada Lovelace along with Charles Babbage did groundbreaking work on calculators and what came to be known as the computer.  In her short life, she really was a pioneer.  Uterine cancer took her at 36.  

    I like how they portray Victoria as a woman who definitely knows her own mind. The modifier Victorian is used to describe someone who is prudish. 

    • Love 6
  2. 38 minutes ago, PRgal said:

    The post-delivery “purification” was just so demeaning (so what was the “dirtier” part ,the delivery or the sex?).  When did the church stop doing that?

    I’m not sure when the Anglican Church stopped doing that.  As I am Anglican, I can tell you that I’ve  never heard of this custom.  Never heard any of my Catholic friends mention that they had to do this.  The New Testament mentions that Mary had her purification after the birth of Jesus.  As an observant Jewish woman, she was required to immerse herself in a mikvah after each menstrual period was over and there was also a prescribed time after birth to perform this ritual. That would be the origin of it.

    Lord M was so dreamy.  I think Rufus Sewell should keep wearing his Lord M gear!

    • Love 7
  3. 12 minutes ago, sixlets said:

    Dwain (WTF is up with that spelling?) is a shining example of why people are afraid of organized religion.  

    I have a dear friend with that name.  He’s a Cajun, extremely well educated, and a Roman Catholic. Not Fundy one bit!


    48 minutes ago, Catfin said:

    If I recall, they hacked up the fire retardant pants and made them into skirts. They're super expensive, too!

    I did recall something like that on the episode. But, I’m not sure they would provide complete coverage unless boots are high ride. It’s one thing to be in the ER or ICU,or an EMT, but firefighting is another matter.

    • Love 2
  4. Derick has lots of great nicknames built up:



    Dirty Jesus







    Granola Boy

    Twittering Twatterer


    Hippie Jesus

    Waste of Space


    Dancing Derick


    And he earned every single one of them!

    Did I miss any?

    • Love 13
  5. 36 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:


    I would not say Jill and Jana doing things right when it comes to emergency medical care. Jill is willing to put herself and her unborn baby at risk while she was in labor. Jana may do half way decent taking care of her younger siblings and running the house, but it takes a lot more skill to respond to an emergency call when someone's well being and safety is the number one priority. I do not believe she really wanted to be a volunteer since JB and Michelle probably picked Jana and used Jill wanting to go in the medical field spiel as the number one reason why they were chosen to keep an eye on JD. Wearing skirts has nothing to do with it. The main goal is to be mentally and physically able to work as part of a team to serve and protect others and property not oh no JD might be too tempted to run off with a woman who was not chosen by daddy.


    1st bolded: I cannot disagree. The “something right” they are capable of doesn’t include medical, first aid, or use of medical things

    2nd bolded:  Wearing skirts isn’t an encumbrance to be an EMT. However it is an encumbrance if one is actually firefighting.  It’s downight dangerous.  One thing if it’s a small kitchen or rubbish bin fire indoors, but whenever there is wind, it can come right at you.  If Jana was keeping her training to EMT, then no big deal.  If I wanted to wear a skirt and flip flops to a chemical plant, they wouldn’t let me in the gate. You might have to make an evacuation if there’s a release or fire.  Even if you are only in the front office, you may not be able to even turn on your car if you are required to shelter in place. They don’t want people twisting their ankles or falling down stairs.  Muster points are not always in the buildings, and depending on which way the wind is blowing, the closest point is not always the safest. Recordable injuries are a HUGE deal.

    • Love 2
  6. 20 minutes ago, mythoughtis said:

    I disagree with a whole lot of Duggar nonsense- but I recognize things that they are doing at least ok at. 

    I get what you mean. I so want to give the kids credit for what they get right within the confines of how they’ve been limited.  It’s a wonder some of them can even function on any level. 

    • Love 4
  7. 7 minutes ago, Temperance said:

    He built it on the city dump, so he certainly didn't expect to sell that house. No idea if he wanted to clutter the property with little houses, but yes I think the idea was there would family members living on the property into long perpetuity possibly forever. It would take only one married kid with at least five or six little ones to ensure the family would remain there for several generations. 

    This is Joshley’s future.

    • Love 5
  8. I hope this is the right place to post this, but Change.org sent me a petition regarding getting the attention of the Jamaican government to bar Pissing Preacher from entering the country due to his anti ?️‍? LGBT  rhetoric that LGBT people should be stoned to death. 


    He'salready banned from entering the UK, Botswana, and at least half a dozen other countries, and identified by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group. They make it easy to sign it ,and if you so choose, post to your Facebook friends or email your friends or copy the link.  Do we really want the good people of Jamaica to see the horror that is the Pissing Preacher banging two bolts together?  That spectacle of utter lunacy alone should be enough for anyone to take pity on any country he tries to visit.

    This guy takes a few verses on homosexuality and makes it his life’s work to be a bully, not realizing or caring that “God don’t like ugly”.   He’s probably happy that he’s getting this sort of attention, thinking it justifies his behavior.  

    This makes Derick beating up on Jazz and his lunatic ravings over cake even more odious.

    • Love 7
  9. The 911 call from Michelle, “... Mother is bleeding “...

    The problem with the Duggettes being first responders is their ridiculous maxi skirts.  I’ve had to wear FRC (flame retardant clothing) whenever I went to chemical plants or to the offshore construction yard.  They’re pants.  Too much exposed skin otherwise.

    • Love 1
  10. 4 hours ago, Catfin said:

    Seems the duggars aren't the only ones that like to rewrite history. 

    Merely denying ya did or said something seems to work in some walks of life.

    My sister was a full time goody two shoes, so I can’t find anything to make stick, but she’s fortunately not judgey and obnoxious.

    • Love 3
  11. 28 minutes ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

    I don't suppose there's any chance that since they are "teaching" (in whatever capacity) at this school that it will occur to them that children can actually go there and still end up godly? Not that it's ideal, but any school would be better than a 2nd generation of SOTDRT...

    It might be Godly enough, but it’s too expensive for those cheapskates.  It’s expensive even if you aren’t.

    • Love 2
  12. 23 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

    If he does he must roller skate!

    Do we REALLY want to see Derick’s gangly limbs flailing all over the place?

    For someone who supposedly ran track in high school and was a mascot for a really good university, he’s WOEFULLY uncoordinated. I don’t expect him to be able to ballroom dance or coach cheerleading, but he’s almost comical to watch, except Fundies don’t like fun.

    i get the guy can’t even take a crap without Cling-a-long Jill whimpering on the other side of the door like an abandoned puppy, but you would think he’d attempt some way to stay coordinated.

    • Love 7
  13. 5 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

    If I’m not mistaken, Mardi Gras parades have already started. Of course the Duggars will pretend to enjoy it, while spoiling everyone’s fun.  Catholics just know how to party.  

    If the Duggars want a more family friendly celebration, Lake Charles does a very nice one. Classy, clean, and fun.

    • Love 3
  14. I love the name Verity.  I have a second cousin of that name.  To be honest, I was somewhat ambivalent about it until Poldark. Verity was a lovely character and quickly became a fan favorite. The name Demelza kicks ass. Agatha, which isn’t the prettiest of names, was also a fan favorite.

    It has long been common in England  to name baby girls after virtues.  It was particularly en vogue during the Victorian age, as Queen Victoria and her husband Albert had strong morals.  Names like Verity, Patience, Prudence, Faith, Hope, and Charity were not uncommon back then. 

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