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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. 3 hours ago, Temperance said:Flying Spaghetti Monster

    The Wikipedia writeup on the FSM reads like Monty Python wrote it. It’s VERY amusing, but it’s actually recognized as a religion in a few countries. Where else a how else could pasta, pirates, science, and religious headgear all converge as one? 

    3 hours ago, BitterApple said:

    For the love of all that's holy, make it stop!!! Please just make it stop!!!

    And Jessa is so pregnant. I'm sure her announcement will be next...

    Jessa is quite the Vision in Mustard, is she not? I just couldn't  play the video. Between The Nincompoop’s adoring headship gaze at Chester Molester and the fear I might hear Michelle’s dolphin squeals, I just could NOT! 

    • Love 5
  2. 2 hours ago, Annb67 said:

    Hey jill get in a blanket and let me tie your crazy ass up. This is child abuse. WHY WOULD YOU TAKE A PICTURE OF THIS? Your child is upset...oh yea let's take a picture. Complete idiots.

    This isn't swaddling, my daughter swaddled as her baby liked it, at night, while sleeping. Theses idiots just tied his damn arms down. CPS where are you?

    It’s like the scene in A Christmas Story when Ralphie’s Mom wrapped his younger brother up so warm, he couldn’t put his arms down.  

    Poor little fellow.  You know that had to be punitive, but what could that child have done? And it wasn’t done in the dead  of winter, but a sweltering hot summer day.

    • Love 6
  3. 1 minute ago, awaken said:

     Just saw the news in my Facebook feed so had to check in here! I guess we can be happy they waited a little while at least!  Cue the sappy videos (maybe they’ve already been posted – I haven’t checked yet)

    Cue Jeremy and his large ass mouth of gigantic teeth.

    1 minute ago, amitville said:

    Jill should be banned from checking on the baby with her  doctor thingy 

    Just so you know, I received a stern rebuke from a poster that the correct technical term is “medical things”, when I dared to call them “medical thingies”.

    • Love 16
  4. 1 hour ago, Miss Chevious said:

    Sadly, I don’t think even Dr. Phil could get Nicole to own up to all her idiocy. She’s completely focused on one thing and and one thing only - getting a hot guy. Woe to anything or anyone that gets in her way. 

    Even Dr. Phil.

    But I’d LOVE to see him try to talk some sense into that thick skull of hers and to tell her to quit eating fries.

    • LOL 1
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  5. 34 minutes ago, Fuzzysox said:

    I'm banking on a boy with a very Italian first name just to piss off Boob. I like Vincenzo or Anthony Michael or some crazy out there name like Rosario. 

    Rosario is too close to rosary.  We all know how Jeremy feels about Catholics.

    • Love 8
  6. 26 minutes ago, Portia said:

    And as others have pointed out here, the screaming grub pictures seem to depict at least borderline abuse.

    It’s nothing like the horror Doodlebug shared, but it’s definitely upsetting to see the screaming Grub.  

    We all know that the Dillards are feckless about a good many things, but this becomes far more upsetting now we are thinking this is PUNITIVE and NOT simply inexperienced parenting. 

    • Love 8
  7. I knew it would only be a matter of time before The Screaming Grub photo series would be trotted out again. Poor little laddie.  If he still liked it would be one thing, but it’s clear from the photo that he doesn’t find it comforting at all. 

    Hes not just swaddled, he looks like he’s pupated. Those brainless nitwits did that to their child in Central America in the summer with iffy air conditioning. 

    Im just filled with rage looking at this, and the contempt I feel for his parents keeps growing.

    • Love 24
  8. 4 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

    I wonder what is was like the first time Jinger did laundry. She must have been like, WTF, I'm done?!

    Two people can generate a surprising amount of laundry, but two loads compared to 40 plus a week seems almost insignificant.

    • Love 6
  9. 57 minutes ago, lascuba said:

    She did. Michelle has spoken about how she thought Jessa was deaf as a child because she wouldn't listen, and Jim Bob has gone on about her "strong will" and how they had to tame it and use it to raise someone "strong in their faith." For whatever reason, those methods didn't totally break Jessa like people assume they broke Jana. If Michelle favors Jessa now, it's because "game recognizes game" and there's this dysfunctional respect because she couldn't break her like her other children.

    But how many thrashings did willfull, spoiled Jessa have to endure before her parents gave up?  I can only imagine in Fundy circles, the correct answer was A LOT. I see how Izzy’s little spirit has already been broken for being sooooooo manipulative!

    • Love 8
  10. 7 minutes ago, queenanne said:

    Don’t underestimate how crushing it can be for a more sensitive person to be scolded and told they should keep their mouths shut whenever they say something with any spark of liveliness that might ‘embarrass ‘ the hive mind.

    THIS! It’s Standard Operating Procedure in the Duggarverse.

    • Love 17
  11. 2 hours ago, Kath94 said:

    No, David disses EVERYONE & EVERYTHING.   Claremont.  Claremont apples.  Apartments.  Breakfast.  Evelyn.  Mikayla.  His own friend who asked if Evelyn made all the wedding decisions.  He's probably happiest when he's complaining about something.  I know some people like that.

    Life in the US is VERY different from life in Europe. It can be better or worse depending on where the person is from.  Europeans are used to the freedom of being able to get up and go just by hopping on a train or subway to get to the airport.  They can’t imagine being stuck in a podunk town and having to drive for hours to get to the nearest airport or train station to try to go anywhere.

    • Love 4
  12. 6 minutes ago, Toaster Strudel said:

    I don't see records of a divorce filing, so maybe it's just threats. Maybe they'll reconcile. Maybe she's waiting for the Sharp Entertainment cameras to actually head to the court room.

    Oh, hell no!  This is REALITY gold.  I bet we are just being punked so we can spend hours sniping, snarking, speculating and posting and watching a season of drama. It’s the next Dani and Mo.  Molly is far less pathetic than Danielle and I’m surprised Luis’ ass wasn’t at the end of her toe earlier than it was.

    1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:


    Shocker! Molly and Luis are splitting up and now thanks to Molly we as a nation get to play host to a nefarious someone who oughtn't be in this country.  I hope it is not a rumor.


    The brevity of their marriage will more than likely mean his green card application won’t go through.  If the petitioner dies or files for divorce before the green card is approved, the immigrant has to go home.

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  13. 1 hour ago, lascuba said:

    I never thought that comment by Jana at the museum was an expression of doubt. What she said is a really common talking point among fundies..."I know what those heathens say sounds logical, but it's totally not." I think she was just repeating what she had heard multiple times in an attempt to minister to the audience.

    THE CREATION MUSEUM IS NOT A SCIENCE CLASS! Repeat as many times as necessary.

    • Love 16
  14. 46 minutes ago, Gweilo said:

    Totally agree that if I had to leave a child with a husband, I'd choose Ben. Just not in Ben's house. It must stink and be full of fluff.

    And Ben’s snot rags and a nice pile of dirty diapers! Sorry to keep bringing it up, but that was a sight that could never be unseen.

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