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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. 15 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

    I imagine the reason many adolescents run away from home is to get away from physical and sexual abuse. A great reason to get away and be angry, IMO.

    However, their remedy is to quote scripture, beat the crap out of that kid, shame them, tell them they’ve got nowhere else to go, and isolate them further from any friends they might have, and cover it up. After all, being angry is unchristian. 

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  2. 9 minutes ago, EarlGreyTea said:

    Some details here, but what I remember most is his answer to the question: "Do you think there are circumstances when a person is obligated to have sex with you?" And he answered yes. He also specified a petite figure, someone he could teach sexually (yeah, right), and experimenting with sex toys. All quite common desires, but coming from Mr. Sanctimonious himself, it was gross.

    Using sex and Smuggar in the same sentence is enough to gross most people out.

    • Love 7
  3. 1 hour ago, riverblue22 said:

    On the other hand, Austin comes from a family of two children. If his mother had medical care, his parents may encourage him to get Joy to an doctor or at least a real midwife.

    I will lose my shit if she’s relying on Dr Jill, Medicine Woman and Theresa the Toilet  Doula.

    • Love 11
  4. 4 hours ago, Marigold said:


    Totally agree. jessa is very starved for attention and making babies is all she can do at this point so she goes with it!  Twins would be a jackpot.

    That’s what Jessa  is counting on.  Every freaking Duggar sister pregnancy has had speculation about how “it might be twins”.  Even a broken clock is right twice a day, but it’s so predictable how they keep this up.  

    According to our fabulous @doodlebug, the math of random events might or might not happen for the Duggar sisters.  My maternal  great grandmother had 3 sets of twins. None of the women on that side of the family have had twins since then.  I must have been a multiple ovulator, since I always had pain when ovulating, often on both sides, but I never got pregnant. 

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  5. 2 hours ago, ChiCricket said:

    Today is the last day I can get away with having my Christmas lights on.

    I always celebrated 3 Kings Day so my kids would get a little taste of their dad's Puerto Rican heritage, so we always kept the lights on up to this day (and including tonight.)

    My little red house will look so dreary without them. But I'm not taking them down until it's at least above freezing! (Yes,I know it's blurry, my hands were shaking..lol)


    Such a sweet little house! I can’t blame you for not wanting to take them down. Our Houston green Christmases don’t give us this view. We don’t covet the rest of what getting snow often entails. 

    I’m sure that Christmas and 3 King’s Day wasn’t as joyful in Puerto Rico this year because people there are still suffering from lack of power and water and employment in many parts of the island. No news stories about it, either.

    • Love 7
  6. 2 hours ago, biakbiak said:

    The notion hat she only work part time gets repeated all the time since season 1 but I have no idea if thats accurate or not. Its still more than Azan.

    There is absolutely no indication that Nicole is on disability.

    None of us really knows for sure,  but it’s not likely that she is. I still think she’s getting benefits, but they’re more for her daughter.

    • Love 2
  7. 19 minutes ago, Temperance said:

    I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Epiphany/Three Kings' Day/Twelth Night. Sorry if it's a little late, but it is today (1/6). 

    I also want to wish those for whom this isn't part of your religion or tradition. Happy Saturday! 

    Happy Saturday! Gut Shabbes! Happy Trikin Day (??)

    • Love 6
  8. 10 hours ago, magemaud said:

    I don’t fault Evelyn at all for doing this.

    Check out Patty Gurdy on YouTube.  Her instrument costs €5000, plus she has expenses for renting/transporting gear, paying session musicians, studio time, paying sound engineers and other production costs and promotioning her music. 

    Since most of her stuff on YouTube are covers, she’s paying royalties. Stormseeker is the German band she belongs to, but I like her music much better.

    i had a friend who works as a hairdresser, lives well below her means, and bemoaned the costs of self production.  This predated YouTube, but since we’ve lost touch, she may have already hung up her guitar.

    Patty Gurdy uses Patreon as well as teaches at workshops in Germany and the rest of Europe.  Musicians don’t live all that high on the hog unless they are famous.

    • Love 2
  9. 3 hours ago, Cinter said:


    That’s why I feel bad for her. All she knows is what her parents wanted. She’s been told that’s what she wants too, and maybe it is, but she hasn’t been given the opportunity to know.  But she’s never been allowed options. It’s her life, not her parents. And not David’s.  She’s insufferable, and spoiled, but it’s like like they’re handing her off from their control to another. 

    THIS! I’m totally in agreement with you on this. Particularly the bolded  part is why I cringe at EVERY Duggar wedding and pregnancy announcement.  Even though Evelyn was raised in relative hedonism in comparison to the Duggar family, but like them she’s been raised to want certain things without the opportunity to know. I’m sure she’s not against family planning or many of the ideas the Duggars are. And, we won’t see them grifting for love offerings because they can’t feed their kids.

    • Love 1
  10. 14 hours ago, biakbiak said:

    Nicole works at Starbucjks which is more than Azan is apparently doing.

    I should have said “if Nicole is too lazy to work full time if she’s capable. She may be limited either by the hours the mgmt is willing to give her.  SGA is presently $1070 per month (roughly $7 an hour at full time), so if she stays under that, she keeps her benefits until she is deemed no longer disabled.  SSA also looks at the number of hours one may be physically capable of working to determine ongoing disability.  It doesn’t seem to take into account areas more expensive to live  or the fact that those making more get there faster than a minimum wage worker

    We know she hasn’t paid into Social Security long enough to receive the maximum benefit.  It’s based on how much you’ve paid in.  

    And I’m sure she only gets any other benefits she gets because she has a kid. 

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  11. I put Hershey bars in the gift bags of my sister’s kids.  I asked my sister if my niece enjoyed hers, and she told me that only the nephew got one.  

    Did you make him share his? , I asked.  She told me the little scamp gobbled it down in front of my niece. I told her that she should know I wouldn’t give one without the other, and wondered what happened to hers and how I could have sworn I packed one.  It was eventually located and my niece was thrilled. 

    4 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

    Hard not to see that being motivated by the horror they may have felt when it was their turns to eat candy bars and they saw their emaciated little brothers' and sisters' reactions.

    See, I couldn’t even imagine doing this to my own well fed and much loved niece and nephew.  WTF is wrong with these people?

    • Love 15
  12. 2 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

    I realize Jill may not end up having as many kids as she probably would like, and Derek's fantasy of being a missionary hasn't turned out to be as easily fulfilled as he maybe thought it would be. But there is no indication that Jill and Derek don't get along or have any kind of real marital problems , not that I can see anyway. They are basically facing the same kinds of issues lots of young married people have to face - kids maybe coming too fast, jobs not working out, health issues. But I don't see any signs their marriage is failing as a result. Not yet anyway.

    Well, even if it were, Ma and Pa Kettle would only need to get a sniff of their discontent and “counsel” the couple by shaming Jilly Muffin.  They will be told to “pray harder”, because they “are only going through a season”.  If Jill even hinted she was “depressed”, she would be shut down by the same Fundiespeak that would say she was “going through a season” and needed “to work on her contentment.”

    So if they really are in trouble, they won’t know it, or will deny it, or be too delusional to do anything about it.  Like in Taming of the Shrew, Jilly is “madly mated”. They’re so messed up, but as long as they think it’s working, or they both are “all in” no matter what, they’ll make it. 

    • Love 10
  13. 1 minute ago, madpsych78 said:

    I don't find the girls being taught how to balance a checkbook that difficult to believe, but it would be strange if the girls had bank accounts and the boys did not, especially if the boys were the ones who were supposed to get a job.

    I guess that’s the “dowry” the girls bring to the marriage, so they can have a semblance of comfort, while their headshit has a semblance of employment and “authority over his wife”.  Eventually, money runs out, regardless of how careful you are when there’s nothing coming in. 

    • Love 7
  14. One can still work if one receives SSDI, but the income has to be below what the SSA considers “substantial gainful activity”.  You have to let the SSA know you’re working.  And, you are allowed to have a TWP (trial work period) that lets you collect your full amount plus no limit on earnings.  Once you’ve done 9 months of TWP, which doesn’t have to be consecutive, then different rules apply.

    For people with chronic conditions that have flare ups, or have to have more chemo or surgery, this lets people do a trial run to see if they can handle it without having to worry about losing their benefits or reapplying for them. Being sick sucks. It’s isolating and robs you of your dignity and your ability to earn a living,  Disability doesn’t cover all of your expenses, particularly if you still have to buy health insurance or make housing and car payments.  It’s in your interest to hopefully be able to be well enough to get back to work if you can.

    Nicole may well have a mental or cognitive deficiency that prevents her from working up to her full  capacity.  We don’t know for sure. She also has a kid, and to qualify for any government benefits,  having a kid helps. I’m sure none of us think May should be deprived, but if Nicole is too lazy to work or better herself when she’s actually well and sound, then bad on her.

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  15. It just doesn’t make sense. Jim Boob grilled Dreck by asking him if it was right to borrow money for a car repair. Since the correct answer was No,  one would think that being solvent = working.  How can you be solvent while doing interpretive dance, twattering, and God blithering  college students? You would have to either be independently wealthy, have a lucrative criminal enterprise, or be an expert grifter who makes others pay for/buy everything for you/donate to you.  

    • Love 13
  16. 3 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

    One if the small Duggars planes is currently enrolled route to Rockford, IL. IS Smuggar going to be a guest speaker at RU tonight? Pity skating is on, so I will miss whatever he's preaching (probably 3rd talk) tonight. 

    I’ve decided my plan is to enjoy the figure skating. and then enjoy the humor and delicious political satire of Stephen Colbert afterwards.  Watching Slimy Eel Smugley Do Wrong? Eeeeeeeeek! But somebody who has a stronger stomach, please fill us in!

    • Love 2
  17. 15 minutes ago, madpsych78 said:

    Oh, maybe I was thinking of that time on 19 Kids when JB was going over how to remain debt free with Derick and I didn't remember any of that type of conversation taking place with Ben.

    So Dreck understood that debt free = job free = grifting for what you want/need? Sounds all Duggar to me.

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