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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. 1 hour ago, Temperance said:

    But Cathy is southern and Diana is Northern. They may call mom-in-law what she wants. 

    It’s also cultural as well. My husband is Puerto Rican, and in their culture, sons or daughters in law refer to spouse’s parents  as usted instead of ti or tu.  He told me the more formal is almost always used without exception to show respect, regardless of how loving the relationship.  We adored one another.

    He just calls my mom, Mom. She’s OK with it, since she’s the only surviving parent either of us has.

    • Love 4
  2. 8 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

    Just wanted to give a shout out to you posters discussing food/diet because this topic can at times be as volatile as politics.

    Just last week I was dining with some colleagues and ordered a big fat juicy cheeseburger. A colleague was like, "How can you eat that poor cow?", my response, which I will blame on hunger was, "I don't know, why don't you ask your purse, belt and shoes."

    Really my attitude is whatever works for anyone in regard to food is good, but this chick pissed me off.

    I get how tense that can be, and it can be like discussing politics. I’d love to be a vegan, but I had to give up even vegetarianism with dairy and eggs and fish because I wasn’t doing it properly. Bread is not a vegetable.  After years of not getting enough iron and protein and too many carbs, my body could not deal.  I admire anyone who can do it, and we’d all do well to eat more plant based foods.

    Jilly Muffin is already sanctimonious enough. I’d like to see her make healthier food choices and feed her kids good foods and of course it’s always good to try new things. I would love to see boob’s head exploding as he tries to eat Tofurkey.

    • Love 7
  3. 1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:


    1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

    You don't need to be an engineer to know poop belongs in a toilet. :)


    But when you are Headshit Supreme, particularly a highly educated one, there’s no excuse for that level of gross, unless you have serious mental health issues.

    • Love 3
  4. 1 hour ago, zoomama said:

    i cant even believe what i saw. that makes the scenes from today of the authorities dressing in virtually hazmat suits to go into the house and look for evidence more understandable. 

    I can’t believe I didn’t chunder all over my tablet after reading this. That’s beyond gross.

    Turpin is/was an engineer, and most engineers are taught about sanitation, either as part of their coursework or on the job safety training.  He makes/made 140K a year. One can live quite well in Texas in that, but I imagine it doesn’t go as far in California due to the higher cost of housing.  Most professionals don’t make near that much. He will definitely be unemployable after this case, as he faces loss of his professional license if he had one.  So sad for those kids.

    if he’s a civil engineer, he’s got no excuse for not knowing his house isn’t a sewer, nor should anyone live like that.

    • Love 6
  5. 2 minutes ago, birkenstock said:

    Thanks for your response.  I've been surprised reading how restaurants prepare dishes and what is added to foods I assumed were vegetarian and was wondering how vegans navigate dining out. 

    It’s always best to ask. Tex Mex is extremely popular in Texas, so it’s always best to ask whether or not there’s lard, pork fat, bacon, chicken broth, etc in the beans and toppings of enchiladas. The meatless specials aren’t always meatless. Houston has a large Muslim and Hindu contingent, and they aren't afraid to ask questions and the restaurants are always happy to accommodate their needs. 

    • Love 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Heathen said:

    They're not really boring names, just overdone. I remember being in the first grade with four or five Lisas in just my class; that's how it will be for the Emmas and Jacobs and Aidans of the world. 

    If you were born in the mid to late 60s, it seemed there were 3 Jennifers and 2 Heathers just in my class.  Those were really common names.

    • Love 6
  7. 11 minutes ago, Fostersmom said:

    Playing an internet therapist, I'd guess it's a security blanket of sorts. It's only been a year she's been almost an independent person of sorts and not spending her every moment in a giant pack. 

    The big evil world outside Duggarville is super scary when you’re sheltered and taught to fear All Things Non-Duggar.

    • Love 3
  8. 10 minutes ago, queenanne said:

    Somebody somewhere along the line, said the ‘J’ is for Jesus, which makes such vast amounts of retro sense I’m surprised no one has said it for or about the Duggars.  Unfortunately I can’t recall where I read it.

    Well, Jim Boob thinks he’s Jesus Christ, so there ya go!

    • Love 7
  9. 19 minutes ago, GussieK said:

    If this were a more normal family, the older children could be guardians for the younger ones. But that would likely not work here. 

    It’s hard to be a guardian when you’re handcuffed. The house looked like a nice house from the outside.  Never know what goes on inside.  Authorities reported a foul smell inside. Dad wasn’t as good at fixing the shitter as Jim Boob was. 

    • Love 3
  10. 5 hours ago, graefin said:


    And a lot of commercial brands of sugar are, at least in the U.S., filtered through animal bones. That's one reason many vegans avoid refined sugar. The definition of veganism isn't about food sensitivities or what's healthy for humans, contrary to what many people seem to believe and what's often portrayed in the media--it's first and foremost about abstaining from harming nonhuman animals since they have an interest in not being harmed and such harm is unnecessary and avoidable. 

    That said, the above is quite obviously the last reason the Dillards or anyone in the Duggar family would go vegan. So who knows what was up with the banana bread?

    Ew...re refined sugar. I had no idea, thanks. I do understand what vegan is supposed to mean, but I think many may cook a vegan dish as a side dish or dessert as a means of avoiding  their food allergen. 

    It’s a merciful diet, and an admirable and sustainable choice.  I must avoid soy and many dairy alternatives contain too much sugar, as I’m trying not to feed my cancer.  Love how versatile unsweetened almond milk is for smoothies.  I would imagine most folks who are willing to eat even one vegan or vegetarian meal a week are becoming more open to enjoying more of them! They can be delicious!

    • Love 1
  11. 3 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

    Well, I guess technically there's James, but j wouldn't consider him a junior. I wonder if he ever feels weird having the same name as his dad, but not being a junior!

    Joshley’s middle name is James and there’s one of the 19 named James.

    • Love 2
  12. Derp has food allergies.  A vegan diet would help, but people on it can gravitate to carbs.  I get that vegan recipes are great for people who have allergies to eggs and dairy.  That may be why she’s doing vegan recipes.  I don’t see them giving up meat and they aren’t really into veg to begin with. People with dairy allergies can also have gluten allergies.

    • Love 1
  13. 25 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

    I guess the good news is we're not likely to see much of them in politics. lol

    I think their confidence will turn out to have been very much misplaced, however. 

    There are people in office right now who were elected, and who defied any logic they would win.  I wouldn’t count the Duggar loin fruit out, as the bar is already rather low.  Just sayin’. The Duggars are too lazy to put out the effort required, and hopefully they will remember being forced  to live on love offerings in a cramped, dirty house when Boob spent all that money on a vanity campaign. 

    That said, the Duggars already posses the most unpalatable traits that many politicians (regardless of affiliation) can be criticized for: duplicity, denial, whitewashing, obfuscation, hubris, hypocrisy, deflecting, trying and failing at being relatable, and toadying.

    • Love 7
  14. 3 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

    Major per peeve of mine. Chairs should be backed-up to the counter so no chance of tipping. Izzy is on a pretty small chair, but still I can picture it tipping.

    Izzy is so big, he’s a counterweight, and the chair will not win. #accidentwaitingtohappen

    • Love 6
  15. 5 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

    Very curious - a Vegas wedding that all kids attended, a quote that the father homeschooled "his 5 children", yet all the kids look like clones, Disney vacation. Curiouser and curiouser.

    Oh yes. The police thought the 5 adult children were minors because they were emaciated and their growth was stunted.

    • Love 4
  16. 48 minutes ago, GussieK said:

    There's a thread on FreeJinger.  Lots of comments, but thus far not much more info, as not much has been made public yet.  That will be the place to check, I suppose.

    It was on the NBC Nightly News.  I saw all that matchy-matchy clothing and heard a neighbor describe the kids as “vampire pale”.  They posted pictures of a happy family doing happy family things.  Made me wonder what sort of secret hell these Fundy kids live in.

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