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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. 1 hour ago, Ocean Chick said:

    I want to know in what world wearing a dress or a skirt ever stopped a man from looking “with lust in his eyes” at a woman?  As I seem to recall from my heathen history books men have raped women who wore dresses and were completely covered up. Shoot they’ve even raped nuns, for heaven’s sake. And no one out modested old time nuns in habits. 

    Again, the Rodriguii only believe what they’re brainwashed with.  Nuns are ebil Catholics, so they don’t count.  They don’t get to see naked and half naked people because they aren’t allowed to watch Nat Geo, so therefore it doesn’t become a data point, either.

    • Love 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, EAG46 said:

    I think TLC needs to send Jana away for a weekend to see how the family copes without her...and how she copes without them.  Maybe some eyes will open.  But I doubt it.

    No a week, minimum. And, have Kim and Aggie from How Clean Is Your House? fame to shame them all for the idle and filthy beggars they are!

    • Love 8
  3. 1 hour ago, SMama said:

    Israel is a clone of toddler Derick, hopefully he won’t end up looking like his asshole father as an adult.

    Derick wasn’t a bad looking young man until he had that disastrous jaw surgery.  But, he’s got some VERY UGLY WAYS that detract from him.

    • Love 16
  4. 3 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

    I know that if JillR walked into MY HOSPITAL room with her GAGGLE of kids and tried to SING to ME, I shove her GOSPEL TRACTS up her Christian ASS. :) SMILE

    OMG, laughing.  When I was sick as a dog last year, I would have been horrified at this spectacle. Luckily, I got my chemo on an outpatient basis. I’d have no issue listening to them if they had any talent at all, but they are simply awful. I tried to one time, but after 10 seconds, my ears were bleeding.

    • Love 4
  5. 7 hours ago, Lisa418722 said:

    My biggest worry with the Joy/Austin house is all the stuff laying around, especially in the nursery.  Hopefully, they will get things cleaned up before bringing the baby home. I can picture myself walking a baby around and tripping over crap on the floor. 

    I can picture Jana being the one cleaning it up. Let’s get real, people.

    • Love 9
  6. 1 minute ago, BitterApple said:

    It doesn't look like a good turnout for the conference thus far. There's only a sprinkling of people in the background and outside the venue is a ghost town. 

    It’s only a big deal for the Fundy bunch.  No one else has any fucks to give.

    • Love 4
  7. 1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

    And believe I read/heard Jill stating that when Josh sinned against his sisters he accepted Jesus again and repented. Does that mean Jesus knows when one is pretending to embrace him and Josh tried to embrace Jesus again for real?

    When someone “gets saved” at the age of 3, I don’t think they really understand what it means.  This is exactly why the bar/bat mitzvah and confirmation happen at “an age of understanding” after attending extensive classes on what it means to be a good Jew or a good Christian.  Josh may have had a better understanding of what “accepting Jesus” means at 15 instead of 3.

    • Love 13
  8. 6 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

    There is a sweet corniness to the wedding topper doll. It would be much sweeter to me if they traveled with the opposite doll though. Meaning Jeremy traveled with the 'Jinger doll' and vice versa.

    Well, we know how much Jeremy loves Jeremy. 

    • Love 11
  9. 1 hour ago, Genevrier said:

    The Trump has been sounding for the last year. But somehow, it hast been what I would call Heavenly. ? In other words, learn to PROOFREAD, Jill.

    You stole my thunder.  LOL

    “The last trump” is actually a biblical term referring to the return of Christ and the Rapture. The verse goes something like this..”in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump (et sounding). 

    • Love 4
  10. 1 minute ago, BitterApple said:

    For realz.

    I can't even muster up any sympathy for Anna either because she's the one who keeps choosing to procreate with this slimeball. She's going to keep the Band-Aid baby train going for as long as possible.

    She had a serious case of “baby hunger” before her perfect Joshuuuuuuaaaa shat all over their marriage.  I think she still does to some degree.  The way every other word out of her mouth was “babies” with the same crazed MeChelle look in her eyes was disturbing. 

    • Love 11
  11. 1 hour ago, CatS said:

    Also how would she know the deer are organic? Pretty sure the deer aren't picky enough to care if they're eating pesticides or not. 

    Deer are farm raised for meat as well. I think the more accurate is free range.  Texas has a huge problem with diseased deer right now, and whatever they have has become pretty widespread. Wild game, in principle, is a healthier and leaner meat than cattle products.  However, it can still harbor disease and parasites.

    i don’t think Jill R understands what organic means. It takes way more than just no pesticides to become certified organic.

    • Love 6
  12. 13 minutes ago, Fuzzysox said:

    Jill (Mama) posted this internetz FU back in November. Look at us we feed everyone.


    It strikes me as really strange.

    They went to someone else’s house.  This is the first time I say Angry Olivia smile since she’s got her own full plate of food. 4 Noyes siblings means the other 3 siblings average 6 kids apiece.  A far more manageable family size.

  13. Just cannot believe that this all made me wonder whether not even the menstruating females were allowed to wash. Perhaps it’s a blessing that their periods were likely stopped by their malnutrition. 

    There should be a special place in hell for people who do this to their children. 

    • Love 9
  14. Latest news on the horror story that is the Turpin family:

    • kids only allowed one bath a year
    • parents left out food and refused to allow their kids to eat it
    • kids weren’t allowed to use toilet more than once a day
    • tney were tied up for remainder of the day
    • kids were punished for “playing in water” if they tried to wash above their wrists
    •  most of the children suffered from neuropathy due to being confined
    • they were all malnourished 
    • most had cognitive impairment 
    • doubtful the adult children can function on their own

    The parents have pleaded not guilty.  Offers have poured in from around th world to adopt these kids. 

    • Love 7
  15. Many of the native costumes of Peru and Central America are hand-woven and/or hand embroidered by their indigenous peoples.  They are made with great care and worn with great pride, as they are wearable works of art. It would seem to me that they would be reluctant to cast them aside in favor of more modern apparel that they likely can’t afford anyway.  Even a torn garment that couldn’t be repaired would be cut into pieces and sewn into wallets or headbands, etc to be sold so they can buy more materials or a piece of modern clothing. Many of these people are living in desperate and cruel poverty as it i.

    And Nurie, many African country have Muslim majority populations where modesty is required. Non Muslim majority countries have dresses and skirts as part of their traditional dress. Also, if you’d been allowed to watch National Geographic, you would know that indigenous nudity/partial nudity is part and parcel of tribal life.  But, Fundies only need ONE data point to prove whatever point they are trying to make.

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