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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. 7 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

    What gender is purple/pink/orange?

    Either that, or someone clueless about the joys of a colorful Holi celebration.  Definitely skimping on the colors. 

    All these rednecks don’t realize how much cool shit they’re borrowing from Indian culture.

    • Love 6
  2. 1 hour ago, Cinter said:

    Oh please, are we finally done with the torture of this woman? Yes you were used, who beside you didn’t see that one? And mahamit, get over yourself and your crooked teeth and man boobs. If you were all that why was the train wreck of Danielle the only one interested. 

    Believe it or not, this arrogant little fuckwit believes he’s “all that”, because homely, pathetic, whiny Dinyell was obsessed with him, other women were willingly giving him monetary and sexual favors, and Dinyell was picking fights with them. So, of course he fancies himself as some sort of a gigolo. 

    The women keep throwing themselves at him despite his poor hygiene (smelly parts including a dick foul with smegma (it’s actually a medical term) and feet that stink like ripe Camembert.  I hope I didn’t make anyone yuck up their lunch.  I can’t imagine why ANYONE would want to come within 10 feet of anyone that icky, let alone be clamoring to have sex with them.

    Sorry, I just realized we were in the Evelyn and David topic.

    • Love 3
  3. 3 minutes ago, whydoiwatch said:

    The clan's absolute arrogance is so unappealing to me that everything else about them is appalling also.  If I was in a classroom and Jill or any of the rest of them got up to speak, I would leave. Their laziness, sloppiness and lack of self awareness is just unbelievable. Having ventured out into the world, how can they not understand they are uneducated and have nothing to teach anyone else.

    Because they are the bestest , most righteous, most Jesusy family EVAH!

    • Love 11
  4. 10 hours ago, Desert Rat said:

    DanYell  could also be the digital media expert by compiling all the titillating and incriminating text messages, emails, Facebook posts, and Twitter Tweets.

    Dinyell could address Congress with her Notebook of Shame and tell them how  “Mahammit frauded me”.  

    Or she could try to get a job in Enforcement at ICE?

    • Love 6
  5. 3 hours ago, duggarfan said:

    Insider information? No. I'm not an insider, merely a fan of the Duggar family. Do you have any information (insider or otherwise) that Mr Gothard knew he would be presented with a cake at Erin and Chad's wedding?

    It may have been since they knew he’d be traveling to attend the wedding on his birthday, and Gil worked for him, that it might have looked “wrong” not to acknowledge his birthday, even though he’s a smarmy foot fetishist.

    • Love 6
  6. 2 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

    If you enlarge the second pic you can see Derick sitting toward the front to the far left. He's wearing a white shirt. Looking like an asshole, as usual.

    I think Dreck was doing that Quentin Tarrantino thang by trying to take as many pictures of Muffy’s feet that he could.  So Bagel Gurl got in the way?  Maybe that was an Internet FU to those of us who think they make them listen to their message first before the masses were being fed.  I guess in this case, the kids brought their own lunch.  Duggar too cheap to buy lunch.

    • Love 1
  7. 35 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

    "Dillard Level of Lunacy" would make a swell post count title if this board was so inclined to do such things. But I think you'd need a pretty high post count to achieve such levels of lunacy. Kind of like an OTVIII in Scientology when you finally get to meet Xenu. 

    Sssssssssh! You’re not allowed to talk about Xenu!  Does he live near Xanadu?

    The Dillard Level of Lunacy could be color coded like MARPOL or DHS.

    • Love 6
  8. Yeah, I wonder if that’s not part of it, but if even crimson red (except for Harris and a few other heavily populated blue counties) Texas isn’t getting much of anything, I don’t think FEMA had enough in the coffers to handle the unprecedented number of national disasters in a single year. 

    Since FEMA was created to cover natural disasters that private insurance has refused to cover, it should have been kept solvent for the sakes of those impacted through no fault of their own. Nothing like “proving” all government agencies are incompetent by refusing to fund them or choke them off. Texas Independently raised over a billion in private funds to cover Harvey alone. JJ Watt raised over 40 mm on top of that.  JJ Watt can account for every cent.  I cannot imagine where all these other private and FEMA funds went.  They probably are doing some good, but it’s hard to tell where they’re concentrating their efforts. Even though most of our local news is politically neutral , the frustration with FEMA is pretty palpable.

    • Love 4
  9. 27 minutes ago, Kokapetl said:

    How badly did the shooting affect Gabby Giffords? If someone tried to kill me with a gun I would be anti gun*.

    *I’m anti gun already. 

    She suffered a permanent brain injury.  Her speech was impacted, and she had a very long rehab.  She’s come a very long way. The US Navy named an aircraft carrier in her honor.  There’s a biography of her on Wikipedia if you want to know more.

    Hopefully Jinger and Germy have the good sense to follow all safety precautions handling or storing their guns.

    • Love 3
  10. 1 hour ago, Natalie68 said:

    I am not sure how to start this since I normally don't like to post for good thoughts but had to throw this in there.  Please keep Montecito in your thoughts and prayers.  Still so many people missing, families separated, and loved ones desperate to find their families.  Also, if you are EVER threatened with a mudslide, even if you are not in a mandatory evac zone, LEAVE!  Many who thought they were safe also were washed out of their homes.

    That is so sad. I’ve been thinking of the mudslides and our posters who may be impacted or near enough to them. 

    Where’s all our disaster relief money gone? Texans have yet to see FEMA deliver a single trailer there., so it’s nit surprising little is being done to help California.

    • Love 7
  11. 40 minutes ago, cdp73 said:

    Derick's so dimwitted, he can't realize these things about himself...unless he counts rubbing Jill's feet as "diligent hands."

    Ha! You stole my thunder. LOL

    i imagine his hands have also been diligent south of his belt buckle. (Trudges off to Prayer Closet)....

    • Love 13
  12. 3 hours ago, Marigold said:

    Jill is so 80s gaudy.

    The bleach blonde hair, nails, tacky clothes and bad make up.  

    The 80s were far too cool a decade to blame Jill’s lack of taste and nasty makeup. 

    Jill was home schooled and not allowed to participate in the 80s or 90s or whatever decade she was a teenager. I think she was married at 17 or 19.  Not dissing homeschool, as I’ve seen some kids get an excellent homeschooling education.  Jill grew up Fundie; she wasn’t a convert to it later in life like Boob and Mullet. 

    • Love 6
  13. 4 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

    True. Except for the ones who follow him because they think he's an admirable celeb and his stuff is right on the money. And they all have those. Those ones worry me. 

    People will follow ANYONE it seems.  Even Picasso-faced Grubby Jesus has rabid leg jumper fans.  If he was my neighbor, I’d be singing that line from Pink Floyd’s “Brain Damage”— “the lunatic is on the grass” when he stepped out to get his mail.

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