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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. 4 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

    {{{HUGS}}} The flu and cold are going around here too. So far no flu or cold, but my sinuses are acting up due the air inversion/air pollution. Patiently waiting for spring to arrive.

    Hugs to you, too. Glad your dentist appointment wasn’t as awful as you had been dreading it to be.  I wouldn’t mind a few pretty snowfalls a year, but most areas of the country can keep their ice storms and subzero temps.   Brrrrrrrrr. Can only imagine WHY you can’t wait for spring. Montana is a beautiful state in the summertime.

    • Love 1
  2. I used to look forward to a bit of chilly weather until chemo caused my neuropathy.  It had been improving since I’m no longer on Taxol, but I’ve only been off it two months. I’m praying the Avastin does the job, so I never have to deal the chemo again. If I ever do, I hope by then they have other treatments that don’t have such far reaching side effects. My once warned me that the cold would make it worse.  My feeties are tingling under 2 blankets. ??

    Somehow, I managed to end up with “the crud” as we call it in Texas. We have epidemic flu and nasty colds going around.  I’m on antibiotics and slinging snot, but on the mend. Too many late nights completing my continuing education and getting ready for the holidays put me over the top.  It caused my Avastin treatment to be postponed for a week. I was glad not be messed with. Avastin doesn’t necessarily lower your counts, but it can make you more tired. Any sickness can be very lowering.  And, I could have gotten other people feeling worse sick and complicated them.

    Other than that, feeling way better.  Looks like I might have a scan mid February, but I’ll keep you all posted.

    • Love 10
  3. 7 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

    He is not the only one these days that makes me wonder wtf is going on in this country right now.  Denying you said something that millions of us witnessed seems to be a 'thing' these days.

    It really is a disturbing trend, but since everyone from Dillweed to some holding some of the highest offices in the land and journalists are doing it, I guess they’re all hoping nobody notices.  Considering that being truthful is a tenet of Christianity, they (Dillweeds and Smuggars and Duggars) all seem to have conveniently forgotten that. 

    • Love 11
  4. 3 hours ago, awaken said:

    I love that sentiment. I don’t know if it’s original to you, but I’m going to remember that  :)

    I’d say it was an Arwenism, but the loaves and fishes comes from the Bible, as I’m sure you know, I thought it was really cool that some of the groups on Natalie68s campus who minister to students feed those who are hungry and give out bottled water to drunk college kids without any expectation of judging others or forcing them to sit through a sermon.  Just showing caring and good will might attract more people to want to know more about a particular faith by giving those who want to know more the choice to come forward on their own.

    • Love 8
  5. 1 hour ago, Marigold said:

    Jill is probably in complete shock and then denial.  After 12 healthy children, I'm sure she is stunned that things are not perfect with #13.  

    I can believe and totally understand why she might feel this way. IIRC, Jill mentioned that she’d already had 5 miscarriages, so she’s had difficulties and lots    of heartbreak already.  Still, nobody wants to get the news that she’s gotten. I wouldn’t want to believe it, either. 

    Again, thanks @doodlebug for taking the time and helping us to be more informed.

    • Love 12
  6. 2 hours ago, Annb67 said:

    Oh and your doctor wasn't "sad" at "christians" who take drugs and alcohol, he was disgusted at holier than thou people like you. Btw...you and your husband are rifraf, just for different reasons. And who, while talking about something devastating happe

    In Spanish, the word chusma is commonly used to describe someone who is “riff raff”, but “chusma” has nothing to do with one’s socioeconomic status, but how tacky a person is. Money has never been able to buy manners, class, or taste.

    JRod is chusma from the way she conducts and presents herself. Classy people don’t grift or put themselves above others the way she does. There classier ways she could have told her doctor she didn’t drink or use drugs, such as, “My husband and I are in ministry together, and we do not drink, smoke, nor do we use drugs.” It’s a classier move that removes doubt about one's personal habits than getting on the high horse.  Fun fact, J-Rod, most doctors aren’t in the judgment business and can’t really help anyone who isn’t honest about their habits. But many fear judgment, so they aren’t.  They judge everyone, even thattransgender server at IHOP who needed a job. It was better for Jill that they not be made uncomfortable than for her to make a living. 

    Really sad about their baby, though. It sounds like the poor little mite might not survive. If one side of the brain is dead, and the other side is filled with fluid, I don’t hold out much hope other than a miracle for the baby to have much in the way of a life, let alone being able to function. Just heartbreaking.  

    • Love 9
  7. 3 hours ago, Cinter said:
    On 1/2/2018 at 9:20 PM, Arwen Evenstar said:


    I think he’s rude. How is that any different from a big US city to a small town?

    Oh, he’s totally rude. I was making the point that everywhere in Europe has enough infrastructure such that almost every jumping on and hopping off point is a short walking distance away.  You might see that in US cities with population density like NYC, but I can tell you that even a city like Houston (4th largest in US) does not have the transit infrastructure or ridership or speed to get you to either airport or the Amtrak station in any sort of a timely fashion.  Owning a car in the US is more of a necessity than a wish or a choice.

    • Love 5
  8. On 1/3/2018 at 1:55 PM, Natalie68 said:

    Most are benign and just nice people letting new students know who and what they are and when they meet.  We have a group that does whats called Jesus Burgers where they make sure they have free food to give to the partiers on Del Playa.  No need to be part of them or hear a sermon to get a burger when you are drunk.  There is also a group that hands out water on DP to make sure the drunkards are hydrated.  One doesn't have to be a pushy asshole to attract people. 

    Exactly! Loaves and fishes are given out without any conditions or expectations.

    • Love 9
  9. 48 minutes ago, frenchtoast said:

    Jim Cantore in all his excitement. (Hubby is suggesting we watch Punisher instead.)

    That dude must positively be orgasmic at being present for this weather event. I might just have to tune in as there’s nothing  good on TV.

    • Love 3
  10. 4 minutes ago, Absolom said:

    She already is.  Shower is scheduled for tomorrow.

    Baby Sophia essentially slept in a cage in the stink RV. Couldn’t they Grift for a playpen?  I’m sure The Rodriguii are excited about the baby shower because it means they’ll get an extra meal they weren’t planning on.

    i find the parents horrific.  Their mindless breeding despite their patriarch being underemployed while their children are so food insecure that they’re feral looking at the mere sight of food. Chimpy doesn’t look like he’s missed too many meals and would even knock over his broodmare to get to the trough first. Sorry, not buying that your kids “enjoy fasting” because “we’re Christians”.

    • Love 20
  11. 11 minutes ago, Temperance said:

    Two reasons

    1. One the groom is indeed born after Steve had his vasectomy reversed. 

    2. To help push the Quiverful agenda onto this newlywed couple. The point is to make sure they will not use birth control and leave their family size up to God. I actually heard of vasectomy reversals being paraded in a church---- from survivors/former members of Gothardism and other Quiverfull groups.  The Gothard affliated groups would parade the vasectomy reversal kids on the stage, to prove something about being blessed with more kids. I have never heard of this at wedding before. This is the first wedding that I know of  which featured such a display.  The term Quiverfull comes from psalm 127 and that psalm was read/quoted at the wedding. 

    Thanks for the answers. I knew Stevehovah had a reversal and they push the Quiverful agenda. He’s truly a joyless person.  No church, no friends, no fun...what kind of life is that for anyone?

    • Love 4
  12. On 12/30/2017 at 2:37 PM, Temperance said:

    I'm "watching" the Maxwell/Bontrager wedding livestream. Father of the bride opened with the father of the groom's vasectomy reversal! With all the kids born afterwards standing on stage! At the Ceremony!

    So why is this relevant? Unless the one being wed is one of his reversal children.

    55 minutes ago, lianau said:

    Tonight she went into more details and talked about the baby's brain and that it looks like the baby had a stroke in utero  and a hydrocephalus . I can't listen to her talking so I don't know if there is more to it . 

    As much as JRod has annoyed me, I wish her no harm. I’d be willing to pray for health and that of her baby. NOBODY deserves this kind of heartbreak. I really hope they don’t take this poor baby on a Mommy Martyrdom Tour And trot her out for certain causes.  Jill has every right to be heartbroken, but I just hope she doesn’t try to make this about her. Please no baby in a cage.

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