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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. 20 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

    She seemed (rightfully) uncomfortable with the very personal question & said it was very 'wedding-night-y'. Having been virgins, even it was just herself, it would be understandable if it wasn't so great. Doesn't mean they won't have a great sex life though, in time.

    She seemed a little too pleased with herself to be that uncomfortable, and IIRC, she said it was a nice experience.  I took “wedding-night-y” as a polite way of saying MYOB, or “well, we were both virgins and didn’t know what to expect, but we knew it might be a little awkward since we chose to save ourselves for marriage....we figured it out, and we’re happy we waited”.  What ELSE could she have said? They both still seemed a little shy talking about it. 

    • Love 2
  2. 2 hours ago, louannems said:

    Anna's sister, Esther has delivered her baby in Zambia.  Caleb.

    I cannot imagine Jilly Muffin up against such hardship.  Jilly belonged in a hospital giving birth, but I’m referring to her whiny about, “lack of hot water, water outages, air conditioning on demand, power outages, lack of WiFi, no JSlaves to do her bidding....Danger...danger while distributing banana bread and teaching interpretive dance. Esther has a much more difficult time in Zambia, even if she does live on a church compound as well, but sucks it up as the life she’s chosen. We don’t hear her twattering about stupid things and posting on instagram or complaining.  She’s just birthed her 11th, and she rarely comes home and counts herself lucky to get to do once a year. 

    Though I think her husband is an idiot, at least HER heart seems to be in the right place when it comes to being a missionary/ missionary’s wife.

    • Love 8
  3. Just now, Churchhoney said:

    Personally I won't be happy unless they regularly dump him off the chair. Preferably into a pile of Jessa's dirty diapers or the like. "Accidentally," of course. 

    Churchie, have I told you lately how much I love you? I would have sprayed my tablet had I been drinking my tea. That post was awesome. I expect it will turn pink in a few minutes.

    • Love 8
  4. We beat the dead horse speculation of Derick having Marfans to death last year.  We had a couple of posters living with the condition who didn’t think he had it.  We figured they were more qualified to speak to it than any of us not in the medical profession.  I don’t think Toilet Doula Husband is qualified to diagnose Dreck with the common cold, let alone Marfans.  It’s not common and is often missed.  Plenty of people built like Olive Oyl walking around who haven’t got it.

    • Love 12
  5. 2 hours ago, flyingdi said:

    I sometimes think the whole Dilliard family has gone off the rails, including Miss Cathy.  I would really love to know what they were like before they met the Duggars.  Only Jill would find a husband whose family is crazier than her own.  I picture her someday telling ol'Jim Bob he's not religious enough!

    As long as she or Dreck or one of the boys push him around in an office chair, that would be Karma with a capital K.

    • Love 14
  6. 57 minutes ago, seniorpatriot said:

    He always does it with such politeness and class. 

    I will give him that. From all that he’s endured in the Claremontian Vortex, other than what he said to her best friend, he’s done a pretty decent job of that.  I still think he’s a humorless prude with a giant stick up his ass.

    • Love 5
  7. 3 hours ago, Mollie said:

    Jeremy was homeschooled until high school.  His parents let him go to a regular high school so he could play soccer on the school team.  

    Even though  he was homeschooled, they dixintinued it once they saw his opportunities were limited.  His schooling probably had to meet some standards in the state he’s from.  In contrast to the Duggars SOTRDT, he was able to attend university on am athletic scholarship.

    • Love 2
  8. 1 hour ago, bigskygirl said:

    I would like to build a shrine in your honor of your post. To be honest about it, I do not think Joe could hold onto meaningful employment if his life depend on it. What exactly does Joe do besides getting the little woman pregnant.

    Bows humbly....you’re too kind.  I’d like to hope Joe has other plans for his life, but we shall see.  I think it’s fair to let the jury stay out.  Hopefully, he’s no worse than his brothers in law.

    • Love 3
  9. 22 hours ago, Genevrier said:

    Honestly, Darwin Award has crossed my mind more than once with these people. I am also given to darker humor.

    Though I wish no harm upon them, they are of the mind that ALL regulations, even safety are the devil’s workshop. Add Boob’s cheapness to his distaste for regulations and safety, and there’s a lawsuit waiting to happen. 

    Safety and environmental regulations are there as a moral high ground, because causing injury or sickness to another person isn’t right. There are those out there for if they had their way, want to be allowed to do what Norway did with Snøvhit, but minus the stringent requirements the Norwegian government made the operating company follow.  I’d like to  challenge the present director of the EPA to go and drink some of the water he would allow to be released.  He would change his tune in a hurry. It’s not moral to willfully endanger the public safety, as per the code of ethics I have to follow as a practicing engineer.  Profits don’t come first in the code I must practice by, but we can strike a balanced ensure adequate safety.

    • Love 10
  10. 1 hour ago, madpsych78 said:

    So Jeremy is a model for Ben, who is a model for Jeremy?

    Not sure if that applies to Jeremy, sine his family is more conservative Baptist than IFB and more Fundy types. Jeremy 

    ‘s Family has no issues with women wearing pants or women having a vocation, allowing their kids to attend public school, attend college, compete in sports, play professional sports, and a small glass of wine now and again being fine.

    • Love 4
  11. Blanket training is beyond disturbing on so many levels.  It’s one thing to deter with noises, but to smack a baby for natural curiosity?  Why not use a playpen to keep little ones from being underfoot or getting hurt?

    The most disturbing thing I ever read was on pantheos about the practices at Hepzibah House, where an infant was ripped from his mother’s arms for daring to whimper during church.  The baby’s bare bottom was soundly beaten while the mother was forced to helplessly watch them do that to her baby. I wish to God that I was making this up. 

    We got the wooden spoon and the house shoe pretty often as kids, but so did our peers. Many of them also got the belt, which we rarely did.  We never had a mark or a bruise left on us, but pretty soon “grounding” became the punishment of choice. 

    • Love 10
  12. 1 hour ago, Frozendiva said:

    Some of the cellphone/Internet stuff in some of the countries may have to do with SMS and not enough infrastructure for proper broadband service, which most Western countries are used to. So Internet access is via cellphones.

    10 years ago, I met a lady from India who lived in Singapore and came here. Her international phone number worked over here and she paid way less than we did for ours.  Around the same time, a friend from Angola told me that over there you som5 have to tie a phone to particular provider.  You can use any phone with any provider.  That hadn’t happened here yet. Cell phones make sense in some countries that don’t have phone lines.  Cell towers  and using solar powe4 to charge batteries made more sense due to the lack of infrastructure.  The US developed this technology and we have to pay more for it much in the way electronics and cameras cost far  more in Japan for a good May years.

    • Love 2
  13. 6 minutes ago, Mollie said:

    This post is from October 26:

    Michele Susan C3 is is not a welcoming org. Their interns spew hate if you are not created in the image of Derick Dillard. At the fall fest he even talked about blanket training and the need he beat humanity out of children. They must be drones who follow in the exact footsteps of him.

    And the worst of it is that this isn’t something original he came up with himself.  He learned this somewhere, and in true Duggar style parrots what he’s heard.  Go suck it, Derick, you lack any sort of direction other than to regurgitate and re-spew the crap you think passes for Christianity.

    • Love 12
  14. 18 minutes ago, Mya said:

    Very Interesting and so telling.  I wonder what Jill thought of his "urges".

    Jill Duggar Dillard does NOT think, and has demonstrated herself to be incapable of expressing any wish or thought that is all her own.  She probably blames herself for some reason because Gothard says it’s her fault that her man is looking at other women. 

    Derweed is so socially inept that he was stupid enough to express that a girl there was hot or got him hot and bothered. Jilly cried to her daddy and Boob tore Derick a new asshole.  He went to work with his tail between his legs and sulked and decided he had some moral high ground over his coworkers.

    Either that or he had to suck Jill’s grubby toes as penance.  I’ll see myself out, and you can find me retching next to what’s left of the brain bleach.

    • Love 9
  15. On 12/30/2017 at 7:34 AM, ginger90 said:

    That cake looks like your face and teeth would be stained for a while after eating it.

    Not to mention some surprises in the toilet.

    On 12/30/2017 at 0:54 PM, dargosmydaddy said:

    He humped his wife on a golf course on TV. I don't think he gets to judge...

    That would t stop the Duggars in the least from judging others.  Their married Hey, Hey, Hey is more godly than any of ours after all.


    On 12/30/2017 at 1:43 PM, ginger90 said:

    Is that the first wash Sammy gets after his blowout was captured for posterity?

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