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Everything posted by Lokiberry

  1. Rip didn't abandon anybody. He scattered them to protect them from the nuclear blast. He took the most dangerous path himself; one which could easily resulted in his death. It did cause his memories to be damaged, which in turn allowed the Legion to capture, torture and violate him. I'm also unclear if he specifically chose the Legends' destination, or if Gideon just randomly dropped them someplace. I think Rip was treated disrespectfully by the writers here. I don't mind that Sara is the captain, but there needed to be a conversation where she talked about what he wanted to do and what was best for crew, instead of just bulldozing over him. Come to think of it, both characters were treated disrespectfully by the writers.
  2. I saw something on tumblr that was interesting: Ray was trapped in a cage with Snart at Vandal's house and bonded with him, he was stuck in a gulag with Mick and bonded with him, and now he's been trapped in a lunar module with Thawne and had a little heart to heart. Ray Palmer: Criminal Magnet. All the bad boys want to drink his milkshake. That sounds kind of dirty.
  3. I must be the only one who didn't enjoy Martin bursting into song. I had to cover my eyes in second hand embarrassment. I liked Henry, and am sorry he died, but he went out like a real hero. Nate otoh, was his usual dickish self: me me me me me me, and hey, let's spoil Amaya on her future too while we're at it. Was I supposed to feel sorry for him? Sorry, just couldn't manage it. The "tension" between Rip and Sara got resolved pretty easily. I was expecting more after CL's interview about how she loved and hated him, and there's some things that she just couldn't forgive; but she's done that before. Last year, she talked about how Sara wasn't going to forgive Rip for not telling her about Laurel, and that never really showed up onscreen. I think her head canon doesn't quite line up with what the writers are doing. Ray was awesome with his moon landing boner, and so was Thawne, with his Villains Telling Home Truths (tm). He was right, Ray said he built the suit to help people, but he could have used the technology to provide clean, affordable power. Climate change, Ray. Jax's accent was adorable. I wish they would create a time aberration that would let him keep it.
  4. The Rainbow Connection was written in 1978 and released 1979, which doesn't help because stylistically this show looks late 60s/early 70s. But that doesn't make sense because Oliver the Beat Poet is also dressed/styled like someone from the late 60s/early 70s, not someone from the early 50s, which he would be since he's been trapped in the Astral Plane for 21 years.
  5. Here's an article with Arthur Darvill and Samantha Banks about the production of "Honeymoon in Vegas" they're going to be in on the London Stage this Sunday. It makes mention of the two musicals AD has written: Been So Long and Fantastic Mr Fox. A film version of Been So Long will start shooting next week. https://www.thestage.co.uk/opinion/2017/arthur-darvill-samantha-barks-honeymoon-london/?utm_content=buffer628ef&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer ETA: is it okay to put this here? We don't seem to have a Cast in Other Roles thread?
  6. Yeah, this episode made me think Stein's going to be leaving soon (dead or alive), They've barely used Firestorm this season, while at the same time making a lot of use of Jax as engineer and second in command to Sara. Stein's sciencing can be done by Ray, or hilariously enough, Mick. As of right now, I think Stein and Amaya are leaving. If I'm lucky Nate will go too: "I have to break off this "thing" we're exploring because it will change history, but I'll tell her tomorrow so I can get laid tonight". So, so gross. Whether Ray stays or not is iffy because he's so superficially like Nate (he's not a creepy douchebro). That leaves Mick and Rip; Sara's obviously going nowhere. Mick leaves if DP wants to go. The character is really entertaining, and there's nobody else on the ship even remotely like him. As for Rip, this episode strengthened his ties to the ship by giving him a mildly inappropriate obsession with his AI (by 2017 standards that is, who knows how they roll in the future). There's still the matter of who's captain, however, and I think how that gets resolved will be very telling. Personally, I think they'd be fools to get rid of AD. The writing in the flarrowverse can be (how do i put this delicately?) such bat guano that they need strong actors to sell it; but I'm not the one making the decisions.
  7. They've killed Barry's mom, like, how many times already? And Henry? Joe is definitely not safe; especially now that Barry is in a relationship with Iris. In S1, Barry's primary emotional connection/bonding was with Joe, and it was pretty much the same in s2, but that's changed now. Iris has taken the place of Joe as his primary screen partner. This was made clear when it was Joe who got lied to, and kept out of the loop, this season.
  8. Resisting temptation probably explains Laurel's scene. Sara will resist bringing her back.
  9. http://comicbook.com/2017/03/02/gotham-casts-game-of-thrones-alum-alexander-siddig-as-ras-al-ghul/ Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda, Arrow.
  10. Heh, before the beard, I always thought he had a sweet, dorky boy next door face; but with it, he got some sex appeal. Yes, everything sounds plausible in British.
  11. No, but some of the cast are redundant. Ray and Nate are, on the surface, very similar. There's no reason to have Nate's "knowledge" of history when you've got Rip. Oh, thank goodness. But still, Ray, Rip or Mick are on the way out (IMHO),
  12. Yeah, somebody's going. Not to beat a dead horse or anything, but AD posted a picture on instagram last week of himself without the beard. Filming for the season had not ended.
  13. Ray and Mick were funny, as were Ray and Snart, and Ray and Stein. So, perhaps Ray's the source of the humor.
  14. I'm also afraid they might get of Rip. And Ray. And Mick. They've always said they would have a rotating cast. I can just see them thinking the "success" of Nate means they can just replace people with lesser known and cheaper actors. ""
  15. God no, on the Nate fluffing; I'm half expecting them to ditch Ray because Nate's cheaper than BR and his super suit. I'm leaning towards Rip handing command over to Sara because he no longer feels up to it, and I'm okay with that as long as it's clearly his decision and doesn't come about because of any kind of pressure from anyone else.
  16. I went back on tumblr to check out who said it, and am now pretty sure they were talking out of their ass. So disregard the whole thing. Sorry.
  17. On tumblr, which is admittedly not the most reliable source. However, those quotes sound an awful lot like what she was saying at the beginning of the season, so it's possible they took a something she said a while back and included in the story. This kind of things happens a lot.
  18. We saw Thawne examining his brain scan, and gleefully plotting the changes he would make. He wasn't looking to turn Rip into a mindless robot like Arthur. He wanted all of Rip's knowledge and expertise intact so he could use it for his own purposes. Thawne took Rip's mind apart, rewrote it, changed things around until he got the tool he wanted. How then is Rip responsible? Because he had the knowledge in his head of what to say to Jax, and that Sara was the most dangerous person in the crew and needed to be taken out? Rip didn't make the decision to do these things of his own volition; Thawne assaulted him, violated him, and took his mind and made him do it. To suggest that Rip is responsible for any of this is victim blaming. ETA: Squidprincess, I've been hearing that CL didn't make the spoiler room comments. If that's true, then we're just left with the tension over command, and that could mean anything.
  19. I love Mick, he's a great character, but he tried to kill Sara and steal the time drive which would have stranded the team in whatever time period they were in. He did this because he was unhappy on the Waverider and Rip said something mean to him. Rip risked his life to save the crew, and then, when he was the most vulnerable was captured, tortured and violated to compel him to do the bidding of the LoD. Who's going to have trouble understanding that? Douchebro Nate and Amaya, who were willing to risk a team mate and a founding father's life because they just had to get it on during a mission? Let's be clear: Mick was a career criminal and a murderer, who only signed on in the first place because Cold convinced him that they could use the opportunity to steal priceless objects throughout history. Rip recruited the team to save his family and stop Savage from taking over the world. Why does he deserve to be treated differently? Why does he deserve to be involuntarily stripped of his ship, and it is his ship, because of something he had no control over? The issue of who's in command needs to be resolved in a way that doesn't diminish either Rip or Sara. Both characters deserve to be treated with respect.
  20. That's a good point. Mick chose to throw in with the Space Pirates, then the Time Masters got hold of him and brainwashed him. Rip chose to save his crew and then take a risky and potentially fatal chance at saving himself. After that, he was captured and brainwashed. It makes no sense that he'd be held to a different standard than Mick.
  21. If it's not a co-captaincy, I do think it'll be Rip's choice to step down. To do it any other way, would leave the character in an untenable position on the ship, and there would be unnecessary ongoing conflict between Rip and Sara. I don't see how that benefits the story.
  22. Sara was treated horrifically on Arrow, but since she came to LoT, she's received the best treatment of any female character in the flarrowverse. She's been given plenty of screen time. She hasn't been relegated to the role of love interest, or been defined by her relationship with a man. She's never been stuck in a love triangle. Her stories are about her; she's the hero of her own stories. It makes sense storywise that there will be "tension" over command between Sara and Rip once he's back in his right mind. That's got to be hashed out, but there's no precedence on this show for Sara being diminished. Personally, I think it's unlikely that Rip will resume sole command of the Waverider. I just don't think we can go back to that. It'll either be a co-captaincy or Rip will decide to move to an advisory position. "
  23. I've loved Arthur Darvill since Doctor Who, but I've never found him conventionally attractive. Until last night. Then it was damn son, what happened to you?! I loved Original Rip, but I recognize that he needs some retooling and refocusing because the character was clearly not connecting with some of the audience. This is on the writers. AD is really good actor, they need to keep giving him the kind of material that he's had since he came back. Also, keep dressing him in black.
  24. Which doesn't make any sense because this was much more Ray's story than Nate's. I guess they just couldn't resist the opportunity to try to make fetch happen.
  25. Dang, Evil!Rip is hot! Sir Raymond of the Nerds was pretty awesome, even if I couldn't figure out why he didn't just put on his super suit and blast the half dozen or so knights of the enemy "army". Or why Jax and Stein didn't merge and bring Firestorm to the party. Mick was awesome, as usual. One of these days they're going to stop underestimating him. Anyway, everyone who needed it got slapped down: Nate repeatedly, Stein for being so dismissive of Mick, and even Damien Dark got one-upped when Rip stylishly and effortlessly out eviled him, "Yes, my liege", heh. Good episode, but I have to say it: when somebody leaves the job, you ERASE THEIR PASSWORDS! C'mon, people.
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