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Reasons for Crusher to not tell Picard about their son: "It would impede your career" No it wouldn't. "It would be a burden to you" How do you know if you didn't ask. "I was emotionally distraught over the end of our affair" You were a grown-ass woman in her 50s, who'd already raised a Super Special Time Traveling Wonder son. Try harder. "We needed the DRAMA of pulling a surprise child out of our ass" There you go. This was bad. The Crusher/Picard love child is trite, Raffi being undercover while battling her addictions and conspiracy mania is dull and off-putting. Shaw being cowardly, obnoxious and incompetent is odd. Also, is he from the Mirror universe and that's why he won't turn on any fricking lights? Will Seven end up killing him and assuming command, and that's the next spin-off? Worf was cool though. So, that's what? About a minute of screen time that was interesting.
The girl who played Ariana is the sister of the boy who got sacrificed a couple of episodes ago. The were both in the final season of The Expanse. I didn't recognize her at first under all the dirt. Boo on killing Hemmer so quickly. He was barely in any episodes. Unless the actor wanted to quit because the makeup was an issue or something like that, this is a bad look for the show.
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Am I understanding this right: the Eugenics War, Khan and his followers, were all caused (or at least the genetic experiments that created them) by Soong and his wacky experiments? If so, wow, that family is a menace. What's Q's role in all this? Is he going to give Soong something to make Kore stable, and thus create a race of supermen which all leads to Ricardo Montalban trying to take over the world? I can't help wondering if what's going on with Renee is a red herring. With Mad Scientist Soong and Agnes and The Borg Queen, there's just so many shenanigans at play it's hard to see what's the actual endgame.
Maybe she is the cat.
Yes, you did. I kinda figured something like this was going to happen when Sobell started asking all the questions about if Mark had ever seen his "dead" wife. How does it work though? Was she in on faking her own death, or has another severed personality been created and living as an outie? Do you remember when Sobell stole Mark's wife candle out of his basement and it turned up in his therapy session with Miss Casey? Sobell is a complete psycho creeper.
It's basically heresy. It may be eyeroll inducing, but it teaches the importance and value of the individual, which is in direct opposition to the company attitude that everyone must be subservient to the GodKing Family of Keir. Ricken's book might start a revolution and he'll never know even about it.
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Dal is the same obnoxious boy character that has been afflicting cartoons for the last 30+ years. Selfish, self-centered, self-aggrandizing. That's what little boys like, I guess, and cartoons are aimed at little boys because little girls have cooties. Girl money has cooties as well; god forbid if they buy your merchandise. Cartoons have been cancelled because too many girls watch (Young Justice). Also, why woulld you land the starship instead of using the transporters? I can fanwank that the Janeway hologram has been damaged in some way and can't tell that this bunch are obviouslly not cadets, but no trasporters? Even the shuttlecraft should have one.
As I understand it, they can only exit out of the door they came in unless someone on the outside uses the key to open a new portal. They need Gary to physically travel to New York and open a door for them to get there.
Demerzel probably made some changes because identical clones is against her religion. Which she must have just got after 400 years of being cool with the clones. David Goyer straighwashed Leonardo Da Vinci, so don't expect any gay in that galaxy. They probably drown you for it.
Salvor knew what the coin flip would be because she has some ability to see the future, just like her mother Gaal. The boy she saw in the library was her father Raysh. /speculation Also, did anyone else catch that Brother Dawn is left handed, unlike Day and Dusk? It was in the dinner scene, he reached for the glass with his left hand and hastily switched to his right. Brother Day and his Eyebrows of Disapproval gave him a death glare. I think some genetic differences have popped up in this clone and it's going to to be one more thing that upsets the galactic applecart.
So Gaal actually is a seer? She knew there was something wrong with the space bridge before the attack, and then she knew something had happened to Hari. Maybe the clones are designed to die at 75, insuring an orderly transition. Every 25 years you get a new (same) emperor, who's always at his peak.
I wish this was going to be on something besides the CW. I fear the characters will all be in their 20s obsessed with their hormones. Sheridan and Delenn will almost certainly be. If only Amazon Prime could have gotten hold of it; as they've proven with The Expanse, they know how to make intelligent science fiction.
Batman won't, but Roy Kent will.
I loved this! It felt so much like classic Leverage with Sophie's acting skills kicking in when a con is involved, and even a Doctor Who reference (Bill Potts, Breanna's alias, was a companion). Elliot was great, Breanna's speech was great and the bad guy was particularly vile. The best episode so far this season.
Point One: I have no idea what's going on. Point Two: The actors playing Alina and Mal are so very terrible. We're talking British CW teen drama terrible. Point Three: At least the criminals seem interesting. I've never read (or heard about) the books before. Are they YA novels about a Special, Magic Girl who saves the world/universe with her Specialness and Magic while pining for her One True (boring) Love? If so, I'm a tiny bit too old for that sort of thing. Like 40 years or so. Anyway, I'm bored so I'll stick with it awhile longer and maybe it will pick up, or at least start making sense.