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Everything posted by galaxygirl76

  1. Not only that, there's no way she can sing like that, I always considered her the weakest Spice Girl when it comes to singing.
  2. I have so much second hand embarrassment over how Nicole fawns all over Thingamajig.
  3. It's all they know. They are the children of 'Mr and Mrs dry humping on the mini golf course.'
  4. This was exactly what I was thinking while going through those pictures. I hope they are all vaccinated.
  5. I love Bowl season, it's my favorite season of all. When I had my daughter I was on maternity leave during Bowl season and got to watch them all. It was great.
  6. Why all the surprised responses, it's going to take Jill that long to grift this wedding together haha
  7. I think she wouldn't catch it and if by some miracle she did, she wouldn't care. My daughter is suspected to have it but she has a special teacher who works every day with her outside of the regular classroom and she's making so much progress. Boob and Meeechelle are doing these kids no favors, the only thing they are good for is being one of the Nineteen.
  8. Meh, so she can't spell. My college educated friend also spells it 'add', she's an awful speller and well aware of it.
  9. Maybe David Waller doesn't care as much because it's not a Waller wedding but a Keller wedding.
  10. My daughter's birthday is this week and we took her to the Great Wolf Lodge(her fave) for a long weekend to celebrate, just got back from the Mall of America where we watched Frozen II and rode some rides at the amusement park. It breaks my heart that these children will never experience anything like this. If they are lucky they get a stuffed animal to give to Mama and a small slice of cake/pie.
  11. She should start putting the Plexus in Shrek's food. How can you shill a weight-loss item while standing next to the reason why your children look underfed.
  12. He works for the Church of the Holy Instagram.
  13. Yeah, no reason to change anything!
  14. Don't forget Baby Jesus. Gotta make sure they don't show off the clunkers they sell because they need poor unfortunate souls to buy them.
  15. Despite the best efforts of the referees, Iowa managed to beat Nebraska for the fifth year in a row.
  16. I'm sure the Macy's parade was considered too secular by the Duggars with all their Broadway show performers and cartoon character balloons so it's great the boys are able to watch these kind of things.
  17. And once she's pregnant you can bet that Mama will be having a 'grandparentsma' shower of her own.
  18. I hope they are having people over because otherwise they'll be eating turkey until Christmas.
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