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Everything posted by joanne3482

  1. That's how I feel about seeing Amy get rejected by Sheldon over and over again. It makes me sad for her. I wish she'd move on. I get from a show standpoint why she hangs on to Sheldon, otherwise she has little to no purpose and they'd just write her out, but I would rather her date someone who was actively into her and not just worn down by her. She could still be Penny and Bernie's bestie while dating Kripke or Stuart. I'm also okay with no babies. They just reran the episode with Howard's magic show where Bernie makes it very clear she doesn't want kids, but then concedes as long as Howard is the stay at home dad. While I like that angle, I'm not sure I want to see how that would actually play out with Bernie given how completely she was against the kids. It was almost as if they would be in one of those 50's sit coms where the husband (Bernie) came home and pat the kids on the head and sent them to bed but actually interacted very little with them. I would like to see Penny get some success in acting. And definitely agree Sheldon and Leonard's mothers meeting would be epic, especially given the closeness between Sheldon and Leonard's mother.
  2. Was Bruce doing more than watching that oddly creepy porn? I guess he was interacting directly with the woman, but how is that cheating? Is that cheating? I guess it varies from person to person what constitutes cheating. It bugged me that they kept painting him as a cheater. Clearly the details of the pilot and has gone right out of my head. I DID like that they addressed that the marriage was already failing. It makes it seem like the baby was a "last-ditch save the marriage" kind of thing (which never works) rather than "we both want this right now and it is the perfect time" thing. The former makes it easier to stomach the bestie basically pushing Bruce out and encouraging preggo to file for divorce. The latter would make this show much sadder and paint the best friend in a poor light.
  3. Now that my cowboys are out I want them to win for that reason. Be a lesson to future racers.
  4. Since eyes seem to be such a big thing, I wish in the first episode they would have given a good solid lesson on the servos and how to use them most effectively. Given that most of these folks may not have seen or worked with that type of technology before just a basic lesson would be helpful and maybe reduce the redundency of each episode having a whole segment about making the eyes work correctly. To me, the eyes segment is getting boring fast. I loved Melissa's work and I'm glad the guys are underestimating her. I like her and actually am hoping she pulls the whole thing off. Of the remaining creatures, I did think Russ's was too amateurish. I didn't think his blended well at all and the color was completely wrong to blend with juniper. On my screen, at least, it looked kelly green and juniper is much more blue green.
  5. Max should've given Caroline's $100 back to Leon! That bugged me a lot for some reason.
  6. I started to watch the family edition, but I didn't like you had teams of all adults against teams with children. I know that kids can sometimes be a help due to their small size, but for the most part they were a hinderance and that was a bit of a problem to me. It seems, to me, that so much of the cast is made up of the token pretty people (who may or may not have skills) which means we aren't getting as good a race anymore. I like it when we get a lot of diversity in cast members and not just a bunch of pretty dating/married couples.
  7. I noticed in the most recent episode thread we were starting to talk about the previous seasons, especially the previous all female teams. Here we can talk about the casting. Has it changed? Who were your favorites? Least favorites? Does anyone actually remember any of the cast of the season that shall not be named (family edition)?
  8. Never, ever, ever finish early. You must finish right on time. If you finish early obviously you have done something wrong and could've used your time more wisely.
  9. When the Globe Trotters were on the donkeys, did it seem to anyone else like they could have just put their feet down and had them touch the ground?
  10. I loved Donna and Ron! Especially Ron's advice about Drama.
  11. I need to stop watching this show live. I prefer it when I can fast forward through the insane, drunken, confusing rambling. I hadn't paid attention during the instructions and so I had to watch the show from the beginning to learn that the boys didn't HAVE to be the ones driving the cars. Could none of the women drive a stick shift or is it so completely unheard of to allow the women to actually DO anything on this show?
  12. I've never heard of a honey roast and don't know if it is a real thing or not, but I love it! If it were a real thing I'd totally watch it.
  13. I thought the puppeteers were given personality and back story but not an actual script. Melissa said something about her puppeteer's adlibs when hers was performing.
  14. I wonder if Jen felt like the tea cup on the carousel was the only viable option for them. Bill expressed concern about them riding it, but the horses seemed too tall for them to get the kids up on them and I didn't notice any benches like I've seen on other carousels.
  15. Way back in my young adulthood I lived in a fairly small town in Indiana (in 2000 only 12,000 people lived there). By then I had lived in several states and it was humorous to me to talk to the people I was working with about my moving around. Almost all of them were lifelong Hoosiers. One woman, in her 40s I think, lived around the corner from her mother and down the block from her sister. They were STUNNED that I lived so far from my family. In talking to several people from the area it was unfathomable to them to think about leaving for any reason really. Vacations were taken but mostly in the area. Ohio would be a big trip. When Jerry talks about his excitement to go to French Lick I cracked up because that's what my coworkers did. This was in 1996. I wonder how much of that is at play here. I know it is a show but whenever I wonder why do they stay I think of my coworkers who have roots like I've never experienced and I kind of get it. Leslie would have those kind of roots.
  16. Oh that's right. Thanks! I forgot about that. I guess I thought maybe he would've fought that more and not just disappeared.
  17. Have they mentioned Max and Deke breaking up before this episode? Why did they break up?
  18. He wouldn't have been injured if he had been up against CT. CT would've just picked him up and put him over the line. Or carried him like a backpack.
  19. It's amazing to me how much this has trickled down even into grown adults who should know better. This is more a scheduling thing than a show specific, but I hate that networks won't counter-program. I have no interest in major sporting events (Olympics, Superbowl - which I don't even "watch for the commercials"). I don't watch major (or minor) awards shows. So I hate when these things are happening the other networks just show reruns because they figure everyone else will be watching that major event show.
  20. Rinaldo, I just rewatched the episode. The two leads do mock Voodoo's (that's her nickname) asexuality. Brian, the rookie, still is into her, but it is hard to say where they will go with her situation.
  21. On USA Network's new show "Sirens" they have a character who has defined herself as asexual. She now has the rookie EMT interested in her, not due to to the asexuality in that he wants to "turn" her, but he seems genuinely interested in her. One of the other EMTs is gay and it is treated as though it is just a fact of this guy's life. The show is fairly new (only 7 episodes aired so far) so who knows what it could turn into, but so far it seems they are treating both characters like they treat any of the other characters and their sexuality is just one piece of the person and not their defining trait.
  22. Is this the season of the infamous Amaya won't do the bobbing for pig's feet because she's "Jewish"?
  23. Jodo, it is pretty common for kids coming out of orphanages and out of foster care to have issues around food. Especially internationally, there aren't enough caregivers and there isn't enough time to allow all the kids to get to eat until they feel full so the kids get the set amount and that's it. If they're still hungry, too bad. The orphanage may also not have enough money to feed the kids as fully as the kids need to be to grow properly. That's why Jen and Bill were concerned about undernourishment in Zoey. Hence, the kids get adopted and just become obsessed with eating because they're not used to getting everything they need. I'm sure sugary treats in the orphanage were also few and far between given 1 - that in Chinese culture (to my recollection) they don't regularly eat a lot of sweet foods and 2 - treats can be expensive. Will seems to be a good eater, sweets aside. He ate broccoli, and even asked for a second piece, and his veggies in addition to what looked like lasagne.
  24. There were hints of it early on in the series, before it was determined if he drank he could talk to girls. He would whisper something to Wolowitz and Wolowitz's response would be things like "I"m not saying that!" And I vaguely recall Penny being disgusted by something Raj says or did and Wolowitz commenting that she didn't know the half of it. Now that could be Wolowitz having fun at Raj's expense because I also remember an episode like that where Wolowitz definitely needled him, but I think it was set up early on he had the ability to be as bad about women as Wolowitz.
  25. And that's how you know this show is on SYFY and not say Bravo, Fox, Lifetime or Food Network. On any of those episodes Tina would've made it to the top 4 or 5 with the other eliminations being so BS as to defy belief. Agreed. I thought her first explanation was the Skeksis was drinking its pee? So weird. Just a cute little critter like that other team did would've been fine.
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