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Everything posted by KnoxForPres

  1. I think this is fine as long as you know chemistry goes a long way and "making someone happy" is subjective. i think my first step would be-like her! And give people chances. Life can be very cruel and wonderful too. But we ultimately are all in this together. One of my best friends is 48 and recently single. And we are in a larger, but Southern city. She has met a 49 year old divorcee online and they are the sweetest couple. They're about 3 months along and it seems to be going great. She dated some major wtfs but persevered.
  2. Yes! I'm first jealous of your insight and 2nd your ability to so succinctly nail it. You've always been a hero of mine for many reasons
  3. I agree with you 100% about that- life is way too short (and fun!) to be miserable! While in no way am I using it as a textbook as a guide to life, some parts were helpful for me. Mostly trying to be accepting first rather than judging. As I read it I became aware of some honest to god catches I let go over stupid- like really stupid things. And I'm grateful when people return the favor and accept and like me. I also think my post came off more serious than intended. Had it been real life it would have been the having wine with a friend type tone as opposed to me at a podium thinking I'm imparting wisdom which apologies if it did- no way in hell am I qualified for that! I am somewhat of a hypocrite in this thread as my current and any real relationships I've had came the old fashioned way. I have gone out with four guys (two more than once) I met on eharmony. For me (and again I speak only for myself) my expectations and quickness to dismiss were in hindsight much higher than non eharm men. I suppose because there were so many in waiting it was like "who cares- next!" I think I'd be more open should I have another go around. And vow to post my dates should that happen. And to your point that you know yourself- I really agree with that. I know if I'm not attracted it won't happen. The author would disagree with me and I stand by my view on that one. I spent a week in your great NYC this summer. I could have parked a lawn chair on Wall Street and just checked out those guys for a week! Damn it some were so incredibly hot-and all those tailored suits! Undoubtedly they work 100 hours and probably have the well deserved egos- but holy shit! I had to end I guess on a superficial and contradictory note to show I'm just as fucked up as always and indeed need to keep hitting the self-help books :) Good luck and happiness to us all!
  4. I've not read here for a while and just came back- read it all! I miss and love you guys! On This American Life I heard a story from a woman who wrote a book called "Marry Him". I liked her a lot and ordered the book I take issues with a few parts in the book, but the overall gist was that women can perceive themselves as worthy of perfection when in fact no one is perfect. It doesn't encourage settling, but it really encourages giving men breaks and second, third, fourth etc chances if core values are there (marriage, kids or not, integrity, KINDNESS, trust etc- whatever your values are). It drives home what really matters and what builds lasting relationships. It helped me not only think so much better of my boyfriend (who I thought the world of) but it let me drop the petty, stupid shit. All those paragraphs to say I think it might be a good read for those in an online relationship world as it would direct you to enter optimistically and focus on the good and more- if they have the core values people deserve chances. Very few people are tremendous on a first or second date (online or otherwise) and kind, smart, caring people are so awesome and so deserving. It changed me for the better. I cringe at the 25 year old me who wrote off guys for a lame joke, not so great outfit, hell ordered the wrong dressing on salad and I secretly dissed. Who the fuck did I think I was and why did it take me reading this at 37 to sit back and go "shit, he's good. He's really good". And not textbook perfection. I wish I'd known that acceptance ten years ago Edit- that sounded like a plug for the book, haha. It was not-simply heard her on NPR and really resonated with me. I'd imagine one could read Amazon reviews (provided they felt like I did) and get most all the good content without purchase. But I'd mail my copy of you want to pm me :)
  5. Haha- yes!!! Funny these two image obsessed people chose this one. Ultimately we have two people kissing with two children with man buns looking bored on shoulders. Can you imagine the ones on the cutting floor?
  6. Gosh Jared and his ego kill me. Shut Ashley down or in the words of Beyoncé "put a ring on iit". (Holy shit she's so big the iPhone gives the sign above the last e!) I never typed her name before. Men are pretty simple, dear Ashley. They like good blowjobs, great food, laughter and as a general rule not a whole lot of analysis. So her claim that she gets his brain or whatever the fuck she said just shows how much she's missing the mark. I'm so over her and angrier I added fuel to the fire instead of spending my time how gross Evan looked in that hellhole of a steam pit and I thought Carly looked gorgeous. That guy hits my "oh no fucking way" meter on a 100. And it's not just looks- it's just....him. And did Calia and Jared really make out in that cesspool? I I get you have to check your self respect and dignity at the door of Paradise, but do they have to surrender their don't want disease from kissing in the waters of worst disease of your life come true card?
  7. i don't like letting Ashley I allowed back. For one, it bothers the "play by the rules of the game" in me, but more it perpetuates that being annoying works. She's not good TV and it's a shame producers et al condone and encourage such boring shit and antics. While watching it pan out on TV I found Izzy horrible. Mostly because I had a not so nice thought that she's ugly. But reading here and thinking about my own youth at summer camp I've changed. You can fall in and out of love (read: I'd love to make out with him) so quickly in these fake environments. As said above- props to her for saying it. Was it hot Ryan or the other guy who said he hoped Sarah was there? The one talking to Jared. That broke my heart to hear! Fuck you producers and that timing. She may be annoying (and let's call a spade a spade- these guys don't want a girl missing part of her arm) and this guy had her on his list? Oh this show can be cruel. Ive written a serious sounding post I know as if I feel any of this matters. Truth is I Pinot Grigio the hell out of this show. Sometimes with friends- sometimes with just my dog.
  8. As an (ashamed?) viewer every single time Amanda is on I see Tamra from Real Housewives of OC. They are like twins to me in my head. Ive always kind of loved Nick too And thought Josh sucked but when I saw the girls reactions last night realized he must have a Bill Clinton type persona. Where from what I've read you've either left feeling horny or just unsure why you did. It happens. That asshat may have the charm.
  9. I felt like Landon either screamed in her pillow a bit the night before or got a coach to ditch that voice because it was so different. And I give odd props for that.
  10. I got a good laugh out of that awesome autocorrect too. Not saying I know from experience of course, but I've not seen coke make someone a complete asshole. Talkative for sure. But Thomas was like psycho level d-bag. I don't want to mitigate it by blaming drugs. The guy is an asshole. I didnt like like him putting down his sisters. Those women have had no screen time (that I recall) and don't deserve their loser brother talking badly about them. Cameron (who is admittedly self- righteous) didn't deserve that treatment either. Bam (that that is not autocorrect but true name also gives me a good laugh) spoke some sense to Landon. It's a shame Landon didn't see that. Back to Rav- didn't he spew toxic shit to his guests and in the next breath say "now let's have the first course". What the fuck? JD and his wife sticking around was pathetic. It struck me they will do anything for screen time. Funny how these seasons go and characters you once loved you grow to hate. When I become famous, remind me to bow out after Season One, please. Oh wait...
  11. And yet I think they're a match made in heaven. Two unlikeable people who I don't believe play that up for the cameras. They're assholes. Such an isolated event (and minor compared to the myriad of other shitstorms with these two), but the Louis Vuitton show and tell solidified the absurdity. You're bringing a child into this world in 24 hours and the overnight bag is a star player. So shallow, so missing the mark, so royally fucked up. I've loved and been loyal to Shep as I feel I'm his female counterpart (sans the trust) but he's wearing thin. He really believes he's the smartest guy in the room. Which he may be, but his arrogance and contempt for others is such a turnoff. This show has sadly run its course.
  12. Yes!!! The poop in the bag kept coming up last night. What the hell? I can be crass and foul mouthed at times but bathroom humor is just lost on me. Even if I don't get something I can vaguely see that rationale as an onlooker (vocal fry, baby talk, giggling) but I fail to see how incessantly talking about shit is cute. I get Leeanne and Marie mixed up. They look very alike to me. (Disclaimer- I hit the vino to watch reality shows). I was lucky enough to be raised by two amazing people. And grew up with similar characters/friends. I'm not mitigating Leeanne but when she was (likely feeling a good buzz) talking about the rejection of her mom, I don't think that was for TV. I think it seemed real and I felt sadness for her. When she then screamed so horrifically later that night, I stopped caring. It's like a crutch and/or badge of honor. I venture we could all hang on to something great or small, but life can be brutal (and amazing!) and we suck it up and vow to keep on trucking to happiness. And realize people are imperfect and that's ok. Shitting in a bag/pants is far classier than the grossness she portrayed.
  13. Thanks for the explanation! I enjoyed that insight into this world. And yes to the poster who mentioned the never ending margarita. It was the Mary Poppins bag of sweet and sour mix! That dick will blow through Bighead's money and cheap bastard brings his own booze.
  14. I actually kinda liked this one even though the frustration continued. The ziploc bag named Winnie that Jared had was great. And they offset the sadness I felt well by him getting laid twice so I don't feel he's an abused pup. I am so dumb with tech I have no idea what tabs vs spaces is (outside of the obvious- is that what they meant?) but I shallowly do have things in my life that would be dumb dealbreakers. Except if I were dating a guy clearly outside of my physical league I'd let it slide. At least one (hopefully amazing) night. Bighead is becoming boring and too one note. They need to give him at least one layer. 10-4; the guys a lucky idiot; over and out. Lets develop him a bit outside of just having him lose his money.
  15. That's exactly what I thought. Though I fear I may have to see your Tripper and raise you (gulp) Screech. That's how predictable and stupid I found that scene. They did get me. I predicted BigHead saying "Whole Foods" and liked "I've got a fruit guy". I did appreciate them not making the overseas guys sound stupid. That would have been the easy and their intros sounded normal/educated. When that would have been an all to easy gag too.
  16. Cary and Mark are beyond weird! And I think they'd be shocked to hear that. I believe they're buying what they're selling. What was all that "so lucky I married my best friend" stuff? That's just overkill, you two. In real life I hate are when a sentence starts with "guess what x said about you". It leaves y feeling like shit and let's be honest, we've all a said things about people. Who wouldn't gossip about Leanne! Why is Tiffany the self-proclaimed putting it out there one? With copy and pasted texts on 8"X11" no less! The fuck? So she makes Leanne feel bad hearing it then ups the ante with ammo to Marie? Just as a woman I don't like how any of this went down. My only consolation is surely to the weird god the girls prayed to Marie doesn't lay around wondering if any Oreos are left while marathoning Silicon Valley in that attire (as I do on a random day off) so she knew "something" was going down. Girl brought out a weird hair insert for her takedown. Odd props. Brandi and Stephanie are ok with me. They bring the fun stuff and then Brandi beings the dumb stuff. And I'm oddly ok with that. Whar bothers me most is I watched this first out of my DVR list. That ain't good guys, that is not good.
  17. I couldn't agree more on your two observations! And I felt EJ and his incessant "I'm just not approachable" bullshit was to convey he's intimidating? No he's not, he's annoying which is why I would never approach. He rings so false. Like he wants to date a baller but he comes off lacking self esteem or awareness. Less of him would be ideal. I too didn't see the tablescape being so aweworthy. Yes, it was pretty but very been there, done that. My problem with Brendan is its too late to act like this. She hasn't hidden her love of spending money. Morgan flaunts her love of fine things and willingness to spend. If this was just revealed, I'd get it. He chose to propose to a spoiled and entitled (albeit can be funny and loving) bride and I'm weary of money talk with these two. I get Brendan's stance very much but leopards don't change their spots and all that Bianca is boring to me. And I don't understand the fight and don't care enough to try to learn. And if Brendan doesn't want that convoluted and lame story aired, 101 reality show intro to newbies. Don't get on one, then. Even I know that on my salary and lineage
  18. Yeah I'm with you. I couldn't stop laughing. It was so well done and what could have been "easy" humor came off hysterical and original due to the subject matter I also liked the (paraphrased) "it's a gazelle, but I don't care" conversation. I'm late to this and marathoned it at a speed I would not reveal to my future husband but I'm so damn glad I found it.
  19. The video was amazing! I feel like I need to rewatch because sadly, I didn't love the finale. Kinda felt the opposite. I didn't laugh that much which is not the norm. Though destination shows are not my thing so it's probably me. Hell it started when the Brady's went to Hawaii and then Jessie's dad got married on Saved By the Bell. Just stay where I know and love you.
  20. That finale was so weak. It seemed like over half of he episode was watching that boring interactive play. Why should I care to see five seconds of that? And everything seemingly working out? No condom and grins? I'm glad it's over. Which at the beginning of this season never would have called that.
  21. I thought Tally said it was her place too so it makes more sense to hear that Hannah said it. I thought the words of Tally's monologue (Lena's) were so played out. Been there, done that and heard it all before. Oh the woes of success. However, I thought the actress delivered that mediocre speech really well. As a viewer, I love Ray. But this show is underdeveloped enough (or my memory of seasons past sucks so much), Marnie saying she loved him made that whole scene fall flat for me. Either too rom com or just not believable- not sure which is worse. Shosh was the best part of this season regarding the girls with me. A sentence I never thought I'd type! Adam and Jessa bore the ever loving shit out of me and I don't care. Just tell me Sample is well taken care of and I'm good with that plotline. I didn't know next season was last til reading it here and it made me happy. It's kind of like a drug I can't quiit even though I want to.
  22. I hate when serious plot lines take over my escapes (Kim Richards, anyone?). And because of that, I hate Thomas and Katherine having kids. Keep this fun and light hearted you asshats. I don't want to see sweet, innocent babies.
  23. This was a fun episode. I like how they're always up for whatever and kind. Instead of "now is the not the time", Abbi just steps in line with the fuck/marry/eat game. I love their friendship. And The New Yorker lady and commentary was great. Was the redhead at the airport who shoved his girl away and got punched a throwback or random? I don't have the gift of good memory but laughed a lot either way. 4 and 3 and 2 and 1 forever!
  24. I'm jealous! This is the only place I can discuss because no one in my real life watches. My best friend I just knew would be on board, but I don't think she is. And even though I've seen it many times, shame on me for not getting the Mrs Doubtfire homage. Though to be fair, that's far from one of my faves.
  25. Cameran's storyline of no cooking irrationally annoyed me. For one, if you heat up soup, make Mac and cheese, boil water for....anything, you have a saucepan in your cabinet . I love to cook, so I'll concede if I'm wrong, but....come on. Her house is gorgeous!
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