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Everything posted by Indy

  1. Fair point, especially since she hadn't watched it at all not just that she wasn't a huge fan or hadn't seen every single episode.
  2. While I totally agree that there are women who love comic books and sci fi stuff and that this show for the most part completely ignores that, I can buy that Penny had never seen Buffy. I've never seen it. One of my college boyfriends was super into it but somehow I managed to never be around him on Buffy night. I'm not surprised she was good with video games but I buy that she didn't watch the same TV shows that Leonard did.
  3. I wasn't sure how I felt about her with her sort of busted Katy Perry aesthetic, but once she started going through the contents of her fanny pack, she has me sold. I'm also a tea addict and I would totally rock a tea-filled fanny pack. I loved that the fanny pack was obviously very full too so it's not like she keeps just one or two spare tea bags in there like I do with my lunch bag, she's got like a whole miniature tea store in there. And that's awesome.
  4. We've been referring to her as "Bitchy Taylor Swift" at home.
  5. One of my favorite judges' lines was when Anne Slowey was guest judging during the Sasha Cohen challenge and told Emmett his outfit showed entirely "too much tootie." That often gets repeated when my DH and I are armchair judging the runway Does anyone know which episode it was when Michael Kohrs proclaimed one of the designs to be "farty?" I remember it was hilarious, but I can't remember what outfit he was referring to.
  6. Yay!!!! I was just wondering the other day if this show was going to come back. It's absolutely my favorite stupid reality TV show of late (logic puzzle + ridiculous dating show = happy Indy). I wonder if they stop losing the $250,000 once they get a confirmed perfect match via the truth booth?
  7. Me too! I love Sheldon's relationship with his Memaw so I think it would be fun to meet her. And I also love when Betty White shows up on TV shows as people's grandmas so I think she'd be a perfect Memaw. Do we know if Memaw is Sheldon's mom's mom or his dad's mom?
  8. Ira and Uzeyer made it through so I'm happy. I didn't really love any of the rest of the acts. I thought the wax museum bit was hilarious. Granted had that happened to me someone would have had to resuscitate me because the reason that wax museums scare the crap out of me is that I'm afraid they're going to come to life. They just look to real.
  9. Me too. I think it's really amusing that we haven't actually seen or heard from any of the puppeteers, and they talk to Ira and his mom like they're real people. I also think the act is funny (calling Mel B "Melb" gets me every time), though last night was less funny for me than some of their other performances. Uzeyer is probably my other favorite act of the night. I also didn't think that his mistakes with the smaller ladders were accidents, I thought it was on purpose, kind of part of his Chaplin-esque persona and to build suspense for the bigger ladder. I saw it as all part of the act. Another thumbs up for the camera guys this week. It seemed like the only times we had to watch the judges watching the acts was when someone buzzed and that was just a cutaway to see whose X was lit up. The camera work still got a little busy at times, especially in the dance acts, but at least we got to watch the performers.
  10. Right and to add to the complexity of bras, there are "sister sizes" where you can do something like go up a band size and down a cup size and the bra will still fit you. So it's possible to be say both a 34B and a 32C at the same time, depending on what's more comfortable for you.
  11. Forget the contestants, the camera men get an A+ for this week's show! Very few unwanted, completely annoying cuts to the judges/crowd during the performances. It was so nice to be able to see the entire performance without having to watch the judges! I hope this continues throughout the rest of the episodes.
  12. I thought this was a cute episode. I think the bad fish episode being sandwiched by two good season 2 eps really shows how this show has hit its stride nicely this season. I loved morbid Riley as well as Maya's Riley impersonation (Sabrina Carpenter did a spot on job there!). I appreciate what they're doing with Farkle. Not only to make him a potential romantic interest down the line, but to let him grow from being annoying slapstick relief kid to actually having some character development. Like someone said above, had BMW done that with Minkus, his character might have had long-term potential. I found Season 1 Farkle really irritating, but I like that they've toned him down to a more reasonable level of quirky this season. it gives the character more options. Plus someone at Disney might have realized that they have a real cutie on their hands when he's not wearing odd outfits and could definitely be on the cover of Tiger Beat or whatever kids read these days. I also liked that they had a bit with Katy and Topanga. I like them developing a relationship. I didn't love the gratuitous usage of Shawn there, though. Totally not necessary.
  13. I wanted someone to tell her that unless she was Santino, there needn't be Project Runway - The Musical happening all the time.
  14. That's a bummer. She was one of my favorite acts going into the live rounds. But I'm glad at least she pulled out for a good reason and nobody has an arrow through an eye...
  15. I just hope that Sylvia Sylvia didn't miss miss during a practice and put an arrow through her poor husband! ETA I went to Duo Volta's website (http://duovoltatrapeze.com/) and it says that they no longer perform together. It has AGT listed under past performances, so this is at least somewhat up to date. I know they stated that they were exes but still performing together - maybe things deteriorated and they decided they no longer wanted to perform together on AGT.
  16. I think it would have been really interesting if they would have highlighted the winners from the various other countries. To see what South Africa or Korea or Russia picks as their favorite talent to me would have been a better watch than just random stuff from all the countries (all that did was confirm that there were bendy people, cute kids, good singers, and dancing old people from all around the world...). I enjoyed the show, mind you, but seeing who gets the votes around the world would have entertained me more
  17. Looking at the list of the top 36, Sylvia Sylvia isn't listed. I wonder what that's about?
  18. On the acts they showed performing next week, they had the young mariachi girl singer - wasn't she eliminated during the first week of Judge's Cuts? Did someone drop out? I'm really glad she's back, I thought she got hosed, but I'm just confused...
  19. I feel like there are a few categories of worst parent. You have the "Enabler Parent"/"Codependent Parent" like Linda's mom and then you have the "I Get Why You Do Heroin Parent" like Megan's mom. Both bad, just different kinds of bad. I feel sorry for the addicts like Megan, who just have shit for parents...the addicts like Linda, not so much.
  20. I THOUGHT that looked like Tyler. I was only half way paying attention to the commercial and at the end looked up and thought to myself how much that actor looked like him. I didn't focus on the other people with him to notice that it was Catelynn and their kid though.
  21. I agree. Did any of the other past judges get talking head moments? I can't remember seeing Sharon or Brandy or Hoff, other than in clips from when they were on. Plusthe clips they showed of him from past seasons were all fairly positive (at least on a Piers scale of 1-10, with 1 being snarky and 10 being an insufferable asshole). They gave us his comments from Prince Poppycock's first audition, which were relatively kind, versus his homophobic and downright nasty comments (and inexcusable final show buzzing) from later performances. And HE of all people is Mel B's special guest judge for this week - there's no way that was her decision, that's a total producer plant. I hope I'm wrong but I really think Piers will be back for Season 11....and I might be gone...
  22. This week I loved the ventriloquist. He's in my top three at the moment. He's both a great ventriloquist and comedian. I really enjoy his act. That's what I'm guessing too. When they used to have the "Vegas Week" type round where the contestants performed just in front of the judges, in groups based on their category, they always sent a huge chunk of the acts packing the second they got to Las Vegas. My assumption is that they had some sort of cuts like that but we just didn't see it this year. We saw them send a lot more than 80 acts through. Some of the danger acts were probably deemed impractical to put on for multiple rounds too.
  23. SERIOUSLY! I'd watch him just make random paper snowflake cutouts of celebrities. Forget the mentalist schtick, the scissor art alone was impressive. It was like that CMYK painter guy from a few seasons back that threw paint on a canvas randomly until suddenly it was Mic Jagger.
  24. Though I do wonder with trans individuals if there is more of a tendency to maybe overcompensate to prove to the public that they are really the gender they say they are. Like, to use the above people as examples, if Chaz Bono tries to look the super manly lumberjack man to remove any possible assumption that he has any feminine traits and Laverne Cox goes the hyper feminine, tight dress, big boobs route to look very female. Or is this just how they prefer to dress (like many men and women out there do).
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