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Everything posted by clb1016

  1. Has it been explained why there's seemingly no VP-Elect on this show? As has, unfortunately, been demonstrated in the past, the death of a President doesn't mean a vacancy in the Oval Office. Assuming the plot is to kill the PEOTUS, who is expecting to move into that spot? Sorry, but I've been watching this show since Season 1, Ep 1, and have never been this lost about what the hell the writers were thinking. They seem to have gone completely off the rails and for the first time I honestly cannot say I'm looking forward to next season, because I can't imagine what TPTB might come up with.
  2. I don't get what's so great about Wendy either. And if she's really such a terrific psychiatrist and has such fabulous insights into what makes people click (even with very limited exposure to them, e.g., the female astronaut), how come she didn't realize that her own husband feels insecure about his looks as compared to hers?
  3. I admit I wasn't watching very carefully, but didn't someone say he was a Pulitzer Prize winner? My impression was that he had once been a respected journalist whose life had gone off the rails (substance abuse?) and now couldn't find work with a legitimate news organization. Again, I wasn't paying close attention and could be reading this all wrong.
  4. With dialog like "I don't even know who you are anymore" and "this place is gonna blow!" the only thing that could keep me watching this show is the addition of Oded Fehr.
  5. Another pedophile favorite is that the child "seduced" him.
  6. petard |pəˈtärd| noun historical: a small bomb made of a metal or wooden box filled with powder, used to blast down a door or to make a hole in a wall.• a kind of firework that explodes with a sharp report. PHRASES: hoist with (or by) one's own petard - have one's plans to cause trouble for others backfire on one.[from Shakespeare's Hamlet ( iii. iv. 207); hoist is in the sense ‘lifted and removed,’ past participle of dialect hoise (see hoist) .]
  7. It's hilarious, so it'll probably be canceled soon.
  8. Johnston has also won a Pulitzer for reporting.
  9. Sorry, but I can't answer because I was only switching to TRMS during commercial breaks from This Is Us. We've seen her do lengthy teasers before (e.g., for Kurt Eichenwald's stories during the campaign) and I just wasn't in the mood for sitting through that again.
  10. It's stamped on page 2 by the filer's signature line.
  11. I haven't watched the Oscars in years and I haven't read all of the posts on this board so please forgive me if this has been asked and answered already, but I don't know why they keep scheduling it for a 2-1/2 hr time slot when it goes over 3 hrs (sometimes closer to 4 hrs) every single year. I know it's on the West Coast but they could still start it at least a little earlier.
  12. Exactly. American productions start off with an arbitrary number of episodes and then write to fill the required number of hours. British productions write enough to tell the story--no more, no less.
  13. Carrie doesn't bother to tell Conlin when she's showing him the pictures that they were of the house across the street from hers so he ends up waiting right outside her front door for who knows how long but he's the one who sucks as a spy?
  14. Exactly. Shouldn't Dar Adal and his minions realize that it's unwise to get on the wrong side of the person who is soon to be the most powerful individual in the world? Keeping her from her phone, her chief of staff and, apparently, everyone else who is close to her, is not the best way to endear yourself to the future President, even if you keep insisting it's for her own safety.
  15. True about CBS (especially in the 10:00p slot) and I'm sure they had some kind of agreement w/Weatherly to give him every opportunity to succeed, given his long-time popularity in NCIS but, as is implicit in your post, they almost have nothing to lose by trying some of these shows (Doubt, Code Black) in other time slots. After all, they know their audience, network-wide, skews older and procedurals can do well (see NBC's whole Chicago line-up). They just seem to have pulled the plug really quickly.
  16. So the show with one of the best casts on TV and several (more or less) interesting storylines that might be worth exploring gets canceled but unwatchable crap like "Bull" is a hit. Clearly I'm way out of step with the rest of the TV-viewing public.
  17. Also Half Nelson; although it's really a downer, it's well worth seeing (also worth it for the lovely work of the young Shareeka Epps}.
  18. Yes! Loved Battle Creek. Canceled much too soon when so many inferior shows are given more opportunity to connect with an audience. Should have tried it in another time slot at least.
  19. And yet the PEOTUS seems to trust her judgment more than that of any of the CIA people advising her through the transition. Has it been established why she has to much faith in Carrie? And I'll bet I'm not the only one who knew, as soon as Carrie walked into that restaurant, that she would be led to a back room to meet with PEOTUS. Honestly, at this point I believe that the only completely unpredictable scene so far this season was the conversation between Saul and his sister about the settlements; at least that's something you don't see in every other drama.
  20. But what is Max doing there? Granted, I'm no longer paying strict attention to every detail of every scene of this show, but shouldn't Max still be in the DC area working for the CIA? What's he doing in Brooklyn where Carrie can call him and ask him to hop right over to do her a favor?
  21. You absolutely must see Take Shelter. And, yes, movies that allow you to discover them as they unreel rather than giving an information dump up front are so much more satisfying.
  22. Seriously, in a musical this should be the absolute highest priority. I saw this film at an afternoon showing, there were only a couple of dozen people in the audience all of whom were absolutely silent and focused on the film, and I still could barely hear some of the lyrics.
  23. I'm apparently in the minority here, but why is Quinn still alive? Did TPTB learn nothing from Season 1? Sometimes a character needs to be killed off for the good of the narrative through-line, even if the actor is a fan favorite. I like Rupert Friend too, but since the series essentially reboots at the start of every Season, show some real imagination and cut off the dead wood (although, frankly, I wouldn't want to see a new guy brought in just to fall hopelessly in love with Carrie, as all the men in her life except Saul and Dar seem to do).
  24. Sorry, I misread your post. I thought you were saying that Skyfall should have been among this year's nominees.
  25. Wasn't Skyfall last year? Didn't the song win the Oscar (or did I imagine that)?
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