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Everything posted by teddysmom

  1. Hannah's probably just happy to have a "friend" who isn't judging her and considers her advice valid. I would LOVE IT if they cast Leslie Mann as Cleo's mother and she came after Hannah for encouraging the piercing. She will cut a bitch.
  2. Am I the only one who didn't recognize Judd Apatow's daughter? Good lord has she grown up! I'm assuming they intended for the audience to fast forward thru the piercing scene. My mother only let us get our ears pierced at the doctor, and I still almost passed out. Jesus people actually go to these places? And don't die of tetanus or some gross infection? Why is Shoshanna's vagina sandy and broken? I think you should be more appalled at the pierced freneculum.
  3. I'm not sure about Hogwarts exactly, as most of those sets were inside that massive studio where they filmed the movies, but I wondered if it was the exterior shot of the train. It reminded me of scenes at the beginning of the movies when they're on their way to Hogwarts.
  4. I'm a sucker for these Christmas episodes, I love that big tree and the way the rooms are decorated. And there's always going to be something sweet happen which will counter balance the latest Bates tragedy. I would suggest somebody get a time machine and that the Bates' put Saul Goodman on retainer. He'd make more money off their false arrests than he ever did off Walt & Jesse. Fifteen minutes in front of a judge and they'd get an apology from King George himself. I think I've figured out why the writing has gone downhill so much. Julian Fellowes writes each episode, at least I've never noticed anyone else being credited with writing. I assume this means he has no one to review his ridiculous story lines. Most television productions have a team of writers, so there is input from various staff members even if one writer gets credit for the episode. They "break" an episode around the writers' table, determining which ideas can work, production issues, etc. If there was someone else writing on DA, I'm sure they'd point out that the Edith/Marigold and Bates annual murder investigation story lines are silly and go on WAY too long. It's a shame with all the talent in that cast and then half the episodes are taken up with such drivel, that even a daytime soap opera would turn its nose up at.
  5. Just coming to say the same thing! I didn't watch House, so I'm not really familiar with anything she's been in, but she is somebody I would love to hang out with. Beautiful, funny as hell... Sudeikis hit the jackpot.
  6. The phone number on the billboard is real. I just called it. There's even a beep, but I was laughing too hard to leave a message.
  7. Funny how some people aren't feeling the chemistry between Jimmy & Kim. On the podcast Vince, Bob, Peter & Michelle McLaren all spoke about how Rhea & Bob have amazing chemistry, that it's obvious they have a real comfortable vibe together, and Bob even stated that he and Rhea spent some time hanging out in ABQ, just to get to know each other as they have a lot of scenes together, playing exes for the show. He said she is a lot of fun and very low key, very funny and a very good actress.
  8. Embezzling $1.6 million definitely puts one in the breaking bad category.
  9. Vince explains in the podcast that he wants the transition to take place over time, so that we're intrigued enough to come back. Jimmy's evolution into Saul is this: "what problem does Jimmy have that becoming Saul solves". The Chuck situation will be explained, and other story lines will come up and be explained, but if he tells us everything right off the bat, why would we keep watching? Personally I like seeing how a person starts off as one thing and becomes the person they were meant to be. Heisenberg was simmering just below the surface with Walter, he wasn't always the milquetoast chemistry teacher, as evidenced in the flashbacks with him and Gretchen working out chemical make up of the human body, and when he and Skyler looked at their house the first time. He was much more confident and cocky back then. The frustration he felt at where his life had ended up, being bossed around by Bogdan at the carwash, the way Hank treated him, leaving Grey Matter and becoming a chemistry teacher, life smacking him upside the head with cancer, set loose the monster that became Heisenberg. Are you listening to the podcasts? If not, please do.
  10. Over time. You don't take $1.6 million all at once. You take a little at a time. You set up a bank account for yourself with a name similar to what is on checks coming in to the County, and you skim cash paid in fees at the offices, marriage licenses, recording legal documents, etc. If they're small, a lot of people pay them in cash and then get reimbursed by their employer. The parking lot where Mike works, all the cash from that goes to the County, and a lot of it probably ended up in that duffel bag.
  11. My Dearest Lord Grantham Late last week my dog awoke with a stiff neck and a slight limp. He was at the vet before noon that very day. Apparently he had just slept wrong, and with one or two mild pain relievers he was back to his old self the next day. THAT IS HOW YOU TAKE CARE OF YOUR BELOVED DOG!!! YOU DO NOT LET HER LAY AROUND FOR WEEKS AND THEN FINALLY TAKE HER TO THE VET WHEN IT'S CONVENIENT. Sincerely, America
  12. Four is the one that will break your heart. Five will piss you off. What the fuck did you do indeed, Jimmy?
  13. I'm wondering if they will get John Oliver to return? This gets my vote. I don't know what kind of contract Oliver has with HBO, but he should get the TDS gig. He proved he could do it and I would love to see him more than once a week.
  14. I'm getting an X Files vibe re Chuck's illness. The cinematography is gorgeous, the way the first scenes of the pilot were shot with the shadows in the bathroom. You can tell the BB crew is working on BCS, although the two shows are different in tone, we get the same type of directing style and POV shots as we did on BB. When Tuco stuck his head out the door I yelled OMG so loud I'm sure the neighbors heard me. So much fun to see him again. And I just saw Kelley Dixon's tweet that they're going to do a podcast. I am now officially doing my happy dance.
  15. If my dog was acting like Isis, I sure as fuck wouldn't be galavanting around at some stupid hunt or whatever else they were all doing. Get the god dam vet in there immediately. From the symptoms she probably has a blocked colon and is not long for this world. Lord, my Ted woke up with a sore neck last week and I had him to the the vet before lunch.
  16. I did just burst out laughing when Paul & Sally are talking and she tells him how cold he was when they were in Scotland his reply is that he had food poisoning. WTF. God if only I hadn't had sushi, three women would be alive. So was Katie pulling a Fatal Attraction deal when she took Olivia? Was that just to fuck with Paul & Sally? Another great laugh - there's a scene in 50 shades trailer where Christian is buying ropes and cable ties and tape at whatshername's hardware store and she asks him if he's a serial killer and he replies "not today". Pretty meta.
  17. Bradley Cooper was on Fresh Air with Terry Gross today and they addressed this issue of some people saying that the movie should have made a point of saying the war was wrong. Bradley said he was just trying to make a movie about a guy who went to war and the effect it had on him and his family. It took a lot for he & the writer to sell it to Warner Bros, as war movies haven't exactly been money factories lately. He didn't want politics to be a part of the movie, that it was to be a message about the vets. A clip of an interview with Chris Kyle was played, in which he said every member of the military who goes to war writes a check to the country in the value of his life. He was fortunate (at that time) that he didn't have his cashed in the full amount. Remember that stress and fear and seeing your fellow soldiers killed can make you do and say things that you may regret, but that you have to live with. And let's hold the people who make the decisions to send these men and women to war responsible. It was a very interesting and enlightening interview.
  18. YES!!! When playing HORSE, and the host (Paul Scheer) said "It seems they don't understand the rules" and Farley says "Yeah but who does", just the way Chelsea delivers that line had me on the floor. I've always liked Nick but just never caught the show til lately. I have been LMAO the last couple days watching it on demand. Who does he know that he got Laura Dern to play his mother? "Mom we are straight up villains!!"
  19. I finally watched Tuesday's show last night. This was one of the best show's they've done in months. Jon was on fire! The "not-blizzard" coverage, and then Jordan Klepper doing the news from a bicycle with the guy running along side him, and on a sled. I really wish the police would have pulled Hayes or Lemon over and ticketed them. If it's Emergency Vehicles only, then get off the fucking road before somebody gets hurt. Idiots. Nice to know that even the network people act like idiots when it snows. I thought it was just the local weather nerds. I heard about the book "Ghettoside" on NPR last Saturday morning. I just ordered it from the library.
  20. "Star Wars - is that the one about the little boy who is a wizard?" Love that each episode brings back something or someone from previous seasons. They must have blown half the budget of the episode to rent and insure that Rolls Royce.
  21. What is the deal with men and their love of Rush and Kansas?
  22. I thought that too, but then remember she'd go do appearances and start talking about stuff the campaign hadn't approved and she was actually pretty good at speaking off the cuff. Like I said, it was bullshit, but she was good at bullshitting. She actually sounds like she's drunk or stoned now. I know this sounds shallow, but she doesn't look like she's taking care of herself, she used to be a very attractive woman, but she's looking pretty rough these days. Which is another sign of someone who may be abusing substances of some type. Alledgedly, that is.
  23. Those segments on the Steven King GOP Weekend of Insanity were great. I wonder if Palin has something wrong with her, neurologically. She's gone straight from Batshit CrazyTown to StraightJacket City. I've never cared for her but at least in 2008 she appeared lucid. It was bullshit, but you could understand what she was saying. She does seem like she's over medicated. I agree they all screw up, but Palin is beyond just screwing up. Biden says inappropriate stuff sometimes, he's trying to be funny, but when he gets down to policy, he's on point. There is something seriously wrong with her. I wonder what's really in that big gulp cup she takes with her everywhere.
  24. Congrats Marnie. I now hate Jessa more than I hate you. The stolen bike thing is getting a little sit-commy. She had two chains on it and somebody walks up on the porch and cuts those chains, with people milling around? Yeah, I don't think so.
  25. Each episode gets better. If they can make Amanda Peet this likable, they should get an award just for that accomplishment. I love Alex. When he walked in the bedroom in the Spanx I about fell off the couch. I don't live with my sister and her husband, but when I've visited them and stayed at their house there's that same type of camaraderie, the "I love you but I will bust your balls whenever the opportunity presents itself". This is a nice palate cleanser after hate watching Girls.
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