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Everything posted by teddysmom

  1. Thank you!! I couldn't even get through the whole episode. This one was not their best effort.
  2. The start of a coalition means there will be more military action in the Middle East. Nothing gets the Right more excited than the talk of war.
  3. I didn't know about Francis Cleveland either. When "Dolly Madison" said, "No we are not going to roll up the portrait of George Washington. It's not a Jimi Hendrix poster", I was on the floor.
  4. I thought this was probably the best of this season. All three ladies, Alia, Courtney and Casey, knocked it out of the park, and the narrators were just as awesome. Please Comedy Central, renew Drunk History for ever and order more episodes per season. Also, require that a narrator's pet is in at least one story per episode.
  5. Well if the reports on line just a few minutes ago of ISIS beheading Steven Sottloff are true, I'd say the sh** is gonna hit the fan over there. These idiots have no idea the hell fire that is about to be released on them.
  6. I'm wondering if this ranking has been the reason Joe has seemed to be more reasonable the last few days. Or maybe the few minuetes I catch the show, he's taking a breather from his normal rants. The brouhaha about the President's "we don't have a strategy" comment is making my head explode. What does the Beltway expect him to do? Announce to the world our plans to fight ISIS? So that they can be ready for it? These folks seem to forget the WH Correspondents' Dinner of 2011. Remember how everybody was laughing and joking and having a good time? And the next night the President announced the mission and that Seal Team Six had killed Bin Laden? So maybe, just maybe he knows what the fuck he's doing. And if Congress wants to bitch about him taking a two week vacation, where he actually comes back to Washington and works at the White House for a few days, and that even when he's ON vacation, he is working, maybe they could cut their five week vacation short and come back and address the pressing issues they keep saying he's ignoring.
  7. And yet Mika and Joe sit there crowing about the story re Have We Turned Our Kids Into Narcissists. Maybe somebody can send them a dictionary so they can understand the definition of "irony". Loved how when Joe was trying to defend McDonnell and Thomas kept hammering him about "he was wearing the Rolex and sitting in the Ferrari", and all of a sudden Joe tries to change the subject with "OMG Look how handsome Thomas and Peter are, look at those square jaws!" Thomas wasn't having it. WTF? Yeah that might work with Mika. Hell you could shake car keys in front of her to distract her from something.
  8. Considering the state of the GOP, this is probably a true statement. The best they can do is a guy who thinks fake dish washing and posing with a dumb bell can get him elected. Nice to see Christie is still a bully. Yelling at people during a town hall always gets you more votes. I'd love to hear Springsteen tell Christie if he plays another one of his songs at an event, he'll be hearing from Bruce's attorneys. Yes, Joe, stop trying to make Christie happen! That ship has sailed.
  9. I saw Ryan standing in the green room grinning like a stooge and changed the channel. A coworker and I were discussing the terrible voter turn out in Ferguson, hopefully some of the community leaders will work to solve this. Things won't change if they don't get involved and vote.
  10. THIS!! The president has enough on his plate without having to be the moderator of a bunch of spoiled politicians who have done jack shit for 8 years. These people think they want someone like Clinton, who involved himself in this stuff due more to his ego and wanting to take credit for everything than anything else. But if the President stuck his nose into everything they fight about, then they'd bitch that he doesn't trust them to do their jobs. And great timing, Harry Reid. Ferguson Missouri is blowing up, we're dealing with Iraq, Russia, Syria and these dipshits are whining because the President won't play golf with them or slap McConnell and Boehner into submission. Maybe Harry should stop worrying about the Koch Brothers and do his job. His little tirades re the Kochs aren't going to stop them.
  11. And isn't the GOP in the House trying to either sue the President or impeach him because they don't agree with what he's doing? Which, correct me if I'm wrong, has been completely legal? Pot, meet the kettle.
  12. But they have no problem taking up air time showing Mika dropping her daughter off at college. Because that's such an unusual event and sooo newsworthy.
  13. Chris was AMAZING last night. Two live shows, interviewing all those people in Ferguson. I was glued to the tv. And Rachel did a great job bringing context to various aspects of the situation. Just riveting television.
  14. Speaking of, have you seen the video of Palin talking about fast food workers, from her online show. Whatever she was on at that Denver convention of conservatives, she's upped the dosage about 200%. She cannot even string two sentences together. Something about liberals hating fast food workers because they work at fast food restaurants, and trying to turn them into vegans or send them to Purgatory. Palin 4.0 (now) makes Palin 1.0 (2008) look like the President of Mensa.
  15. I saw this too. WTF The only thing Nicole Wallace could be considered an expert on is being an idiot.
  16. I was surprised at how sensitive Joe was being about Robin's death. I tune out Mika, it's like the teacher in Charlie Brown (blah blah blah blah). I liked Garp too. I forgot about all the serious movies he made. Birdcage and Good Will Hunting are my favorites. He's got Night at the Museum 3 coming out at Christmas, saw the trailer at Guardians of the Galaxy over the weekend. Hope the premium channels run some of his movies in the next couple months as a tribute to him. HBO should air his stand up specials. I just wish they hadn't played "Keep Me In Your Heart" going to commercial. That's what finally did it for me. Now I have that song in my head all day and I was wandering around Target on my lunch hour on the verge of tears.
  17. If you think having Grandpa Crazy Pants Buchanan on Morning Joe was shocking, your head would have exploded like mine did when I saw him on Al Jazeera Network over the weekend. WTF
  18. Thanks because I wasn't sure if I was hearing things. Points off tho, because I knew he was the Israeli Ambassador but I typed Prime Minister in my comment. It has been corrected.
  19. I guess we'll have to see, but I have a feeling he'll still do bits like he does now on TCR. He won't be playing "Stephen Colbert" like he does now, the uber conservative buffoon, but I doubt he'll stop skewering politicians, celebrities, etc. Stuff like buying those domain names is how Letterman started. He wasn't always just sitting behind the desk being grumpy. He was always pulling pranks, exposing the ridiculous, etc. I'm very much looking forward to what Stephen will do with an hour long show, five nights a week. Jon Stewart said Stephen has gears none of us have seen yet. I don't think CBS would have hired him and then told him, "okay you have to be Jay Leno."
  20. The people I pet sit for are the loveliest people in the world. I saw her book on the shelf in their family room and I about fell over. I knew they were on the conservative side politically, but I'm praying somebody gave them the book and they just stuck it up there and didn't actually buy it themselves or read it. You know Palin's going to go batshit crazy when she finds out Colbert bought those domain names. She should thank her lucky stars it was Stephen and not a company that produces porn videos.
  21. Did anyone else see the interview with the Israeli Ambassador to the US? When Mika got ready to go to commercial, I swear she said, "later on Morning Jew..Joe".
  22. I think we all know Mika is not effectively parenting anyone. She couldn't find her ass with both hands and a mirror. Why doesn't her husband tell her to stfu about her daughters on air? Mika and Joe are a classic example of an abusive relationship. Can you imagine anyone else allowing that buffoon to scream and berate them the way he does Mika, and not march straight into MSNBC's HR Department and file harrassment complaints?
  23. NPR covered the nuclear missile site grading scandal and it appears that a "90" on a test is a D. And the grades are posted and if you get a grade below A you are ridiculed beyond belief. They have gone to a pass/fail system and it appears to be working better.
  24. This times a gazillion! If he takes a stance he's a dictator, if he holds back and tries to let diplomacy work, he's a weakling in Dad jeans. Also, Steve Schmidt needs to dial it back a little re: Israel. Even if they are 100% justified, they are doing themselves no favors. When you lose Jon Stewart and Middle America, you better slow your roll.
  25. Yes but at least they got the PopTart hat right!
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