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Everything posted by teddysmom

  1. I know Brian Stack, who was a writer on Conan, and did such memorable characters as Drunk Dumbledore, is moving back to NYC to work on Colbert's show. He'll be a great addition to Colbert's writing staff.
  2. I watched the Babies & Bustiers skit twice, and agree the second half wasn't as funny as the first, but I was lmao during the first half. Amy nailed the dialect of Honey Boo Boo and Jennifer Coolidge as the mom was perfection. Maybe it was just me but I thought this was right up there with the Friday Night Lights skit with Josh Charles. The outtake at the end with Amy on Jennifer's lap - comedy gold.
  3. I haven't watched much of James Corden's show but what I've seen, I've liked. He's doing a good job. Did you see the bit he did with Jennifer Hudson, driving around LA?
  4. Jimmy Kimmel mentioned this Tuesday night, that younger people should watch Dave's last show to get a slight understanding of what Dave meant to more than one generation. I was late 20s or so when Late Night premiered, I remember watching it at a local bar with a bunch of friends, and every night after that, at 12:30 pm the bartender would turn on Dave. The juke box was playing but Dave was on the tv. I also thought it was sweet of Conan last night to tell everyone to record his show at 11:35 but to go watch Dave. Then he and Patton Oswalt spent two segments discussing Dave's influence on comedy,and Patton even broke up with a girlfriend because she didn't get Dave.
  5. I made it without crying until the Foo Fighters started. They're my favorite band too, and knowing what they mean to Dave just makes it all the more bittersweet. The kids montage, my absolute favorite. I was hoping all month he'd get around to showing those clips, and the "you are not you are not you are not funny" is just the best. I remember the night it first aired, and I laughed as hard this morning watching it as I did the first time. Also, upholstery farm where you buy turkeys. May 20, 2015. Mark it on your calendars. The last night the cool guy was on tv. We'll never be the same.
  6. I heard there will be no guests save for what has been announced in the spoiler. I can't imagine who else he'd have on, unless it's . I'd almost rather just see old bits and listen to him talk about what having the show meant to him. Then I can start sobbing like a fool.
  7. I think you're right, and that would be very appropriate. "Walking After You" and "One By One" are my favorites. Walking After You played over the end credits of the first X Files movie.
  8. If this doesn't make you tear up a little, you might want to have your heart checked. http://www.vulture.com/2015/05/kimmel-chokes-up-talking-about-david-letterman.html
  9. A little something you might enjoy from Dave's favorite band. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rm1SlkrEP40
  10. I loved this episode. Patti Lupone was amazing. And the fact she's Evelyn's sister and they're in a feud over Vanessa? Vanessa "interning" under her? I do agree that it's time for the Scoobies to kick some Nightcomers' ass. F*** those bitches. I don't think it stalls the momentum, there's a reason we need this information. Just sit tight, it will all be explained. Kind of like certain members of the House GOP,
  11. Re: the wolf/mustache questions. Remember the MST3K theme song - Just repeat to yourself "It's just a show, I should really just relax.
  12. I am definitely going to start working "I need my cocaine" into my every day life. Did anyone else think Jay Pharaoh's mother looked familiar? I swear she looks like an actress I've seen on tv, but couldn't place her or find it online.
  13. If Carly Fiorina gets the nomination, everybody's invited to my house to watch the monkeys fly out of my ass.
  14. To respond to the witch? It's always been the Devil that was after Vanessa. He used the vampires, with Mina as bait, and now he's using Madame Cali, who was probably on the sidelines, waiting to see how the vampire battles worked out.
  15. .That's true. Penny D did get some craft awards at the BAFTAs, I don't know if they were up for the acting awards back in February.
  16. Isn't Game of Thrones a genre show? I know it's much better known than PD, but I put Eva up against anyone the Emmys nominate in the drama category. The Possession episode has Emmy written all over it. The way she contorts herself, one minute it's Vanessa, and then just with a slight smile she is Satan.
  17. I caught that during my re-watch this weekend. There is so much going on in "Possession", it takes a few viewings to catch everything possessed Vanessa is saying. Eva better get some Emmy love this year.
  18. It's on iTunes. I listen to it all the time. It is amazing.
  19. I watched the entire interview last night and it broke my heart to see Jon so sad at the end. Fun fact - Judith Miller's twitter handle is JMfreespeech. Go ahead and wrap yourself in the Constitution, just like Cheney and the rest of those pieces of garbage you ass kissed to get "The Story". "I relied on intelligence that was always right before". Guess what. Until I was nine years old, I believed my mother when she told me Santa was coming. Some of us eventually figure out we're being lied to.
  20. If Judith Miller had an ounce of shame, this book would have been titled "I Was Wrong and Let Myself Be Used: How A Journalist for the New York Times Betrayed America."
  21. I agree. My point was that Jon probably researched other interviews she had done so he knew what her talking points would be. Plus you'd want to watch them a few times to get inured to them so your head wouldn't explode when the lies and bullshit start coming out.
  22. Miller was on Bill Maher a week or so ago, I don't know what other interviews she's given but I'm sure for this is one Jon was going to be loaded for bear.
  23. I think from the interview with John Logan, they're witches who work for/worship Satan. It's still Satan who's been after Vanessa. Last season it was the vampires trying to get her for him, now it's Madame Cali and her minions. It was always Satan, he was trying to possess her after she saw her mother with Sir Malcolm, before and after her transgression with Mina's fiance, at the asylum she told the doctor "she" watched hundreds of men drown on a slave ship. Even after she came home, when Sir Malcolm appeared to her in her bedroom, he all but admitted, he was her old friend, still hanging around and she called him out as the Devil.
  24. Considering the AMAZING first episode last night, I have a feeling IAS will be around as long as Amy wants to do it.
  25. I wonder if they offered it to him and he turned it down. He would be wonderful. It's interesting that they had him bring up the fact that he didn't get the gig.
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