Princess Lucky
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I get that they probably had to scramble to make this into a series finale late-ish in the game, and that explains the glaring absences of many recurring characters, but it still didn't work, in my opinion. It was a fine season finale (a fairly typical one, with the series lead taking off but leaving a door open for his eventual return), but as a series finale, it failed to resonate. Steve got his ending, and it was fine (it made sense for him, both to want to leave Hawaii for a bit, and to reunite with Catherine, as apparently she was his only viable love interest in 10 seasons). But the others? Tani and Junior are together (I guess that's an ending?), Adam is... whatever, Quinn is just there, Lou is Lou, and Danny is all injured and alone? Like... maybe they could have worked some references in about their individual futures? Hell, even Steve's future was left not just open, more like a blank, but at least that made sense for him at this point in time (emotionally speaking). I guess I still need closure. Apart from the ultimate closure (death, and I'm glad we didn't get that), when it comes to long-running procedurals, I've always been a fan of finales which end on a "life goes on" note (Elementary, Criminal Intent, etc) and I also love finales which give us a glimpse at the future (Third Watch did both of those things, by the way, and that's why that series finale montage is so iconic). With H50, I feel like we didn't get either scenario. Hell, just a shot of the team at the precinct (with the new guy, even), getting a call for a new case would have worked for me. With, like, Danny rallying up the troups and exchanging a look with Lou to suggest that it's weird without Steve, but they'll manage. And Steve could have had the same exact ending. Just as a vibe, as a visual, I think I would have preferred that. The way the show actually ended felt lackluster. What's the final image we'll be left with, when it comes to the other (beloved?) characters? The team weeping for Steve? Danny alone on a beach? Eh. That said, the show had a good run, it was fun for the most part, and it ended at pretty much the right time. I wish the cast better things in the future.
Spoilers & Speculation: Running Hot & Cold
Princess Lucky replied to formerlyfreedom's topic in Legends Of Tomorrow
I must say, as someone who loved Ramona Young on Santa Clarita Diet, I never really liked Mona, and her character also highlighted the fact Gary was a trickier concept than I gave him/the writers credit for. Mona was always too over the top for me, bordering on annoying, whereas Gary was actually funny bordering on sad. He was a more fully-realized character, and Mona was just... not. If she is indeed leaving, I won't be sad to see her go. Also, can I just chime in on two spoilers above? First of all, I feel that Ava "calling the shots" is about her and Sara's relationship (if not their sex life, ahem) and not literally about Ava calling the actual shots when it comes to the Legends or the missions. And, to me, that bit about "is New!Zari worthy of Nate's love?" isn't about Zari having to re-earn his love, I interpret it as "New!Zari is an annoying brat, nothing like the Zari Nate fell in love with (and won't it be fun to see Tala play that)". Seeing as how Nate was respectful of Amaya's choice and (surprisingly!) had zero inappropriateness with Charlie, I could see New!Zari having her own individual storyline away from Nate (especially because neither of them remembers anything). And a reunion could be about them regaining their memories (I hope, because I'd hate to lose "our" Zari forever). -
This... looks good? Do I dare start watching again? I miss you guys and this forum (and Kiefer!) so... maybe? And I do think Neal Baer is a good choice, plus Anthony Edwards, and it looks like Maggie Q is still going to be in her own random side-show that's cooler than the regular show? And Aaron is still hot? Sign me up, to be honest.
I loved this episode so much, I've already rewatched it. It was so good, I didn't even realize Avery wasn't in it until my rewatch. That's how you know, heh. Seann William Scott is just fantastic, and Cole is such a delightful character. You know, I keep praising SWS (who deserves all the praise, truly, for entering into this situation and making the best of it in a way I could not have foreseen, by his talent, charm and sheer likability) but the writing itself also deserves to be applauded. Cole could have been an uneven mix of random stereotypes, but the writing has not let him down. He has his flaws, and he has made his mistakes, but, as Erica said, he remains very likeable, He's a good person, with good motives, and the writers have taken the time to allow him to bond with all the other characters (even Harper!) and it has paid off majorly. Mostly because SWS has chemistry with anyone who comes within 3 feet of him. Again, though, the writers deserve praise here, too. Take Cole's love interests, for example. I was rooting for him and Natalie 100%, and their chemistry was palpable, as was their warm, deep affection for each other, since they do share a child and they've known each other for so long. But when Natalie came to her senses and rejected Cole, I also loved that development. I wasn't upset my "ship" was going down, I just appreciated the wonderful acting that came out of that. And then, when Erica was introduced, I enjoyed the comedic aspect of her connection with Cole (the actress is naturally pleasant and funny, imo), and also their physical chemistry, because they did spark instantly. But there were a few more emotional moments, too, and the writers took the time to let their relationship grow. So now that they happened, I am rooting for them 100%. In a way, none of this is about ships. It's about good writing and great acting. That's all I need from a TV show. Who knew? Speaking of, this episode's script was a doozy. I liked the pretty classic Lethal Weapon interrogation, and the play with time, and the jokes were flying left and right, but also, the action! That elevator scene! So good. I think I only saw SWS's stunt double in 2 or 3 instances, the rest was clearly him, and it made a difference. Erica's mom was hilarious, and that entire "call girls" moment with Cole was comedy gold. Lastly, I'm one of the people who still likes Damon Wayans and I do think he's gifted both in comedy and drama (plus I side with him in the LW debacle), but even I have to ask; does this show need him? Provided we keep Trish, the answer for me would be no. I would love to see one more season of a SWS-led Lethal Weapon. But, even if we don't get it, I'll always appreciate Season 3.
I agree, Avery was hysterical. I love Kevin Rahm, and he is such a gifted comedic actor. When he gets the spotlight a bit, everybody wins. I also agree that the Gute and Scorsese were a lot of fun together, though I must admit that I liked the way the episode turned out/the "twist". I think there's a certain hilarity in the fact the Gute might actually think Scorsese is a little too weird for her taste, while Bailey kinda maybe is into him, heh. Also, the actress who plays the Gute is so exuberant and I love it. The RJ stuff bores me, not gonna lie. I do think it's amusingly realistic, but it bores me. The Cole/Maya stuff, on the other hand? I love it. It all feels genuinely emotional, as opposed to exploitative. The young actress who plays Maya is wonderful, and that really helps, though the writing itself is also shockingly good, for that entire storyline. I love that the Natalie thing hasn't at all dimmed Cole's excitement to be more of a father to Maya, and I love that she chose to spend Christmas with him. I loved the sadness of Natalie telling Maya to lower her expectations because she's realistic, and she wants to protect her daughter from heartbreak, but I also love the unspoken/unseen part of that storyline, which has Natalie "allowing" it anyway, presumably because she sees the effort Cole is putting in, and she wants her daughter to have that experience with her dad, even if it won't be perfect. Lastly, Seann William Scott! SO GOOD. The action, the comedy (by the way, more Avery/Cole scenes, please!), everything. Two moments especially killed me. The pain in his face when Maya momentarily lashed out about him letting her down, and the... I don't even know what to call it, the emotion in his face when Trish basically said he and Maya have a home in the Murtaugh house. Gratitude in the face of generosity and maybe even love? Sadness, because he can't provide that kind of home for his own daughter? Both? Ugh he is so good I can't believe it. Lastly, kudos to the kid actor who played Amaya's friend, and also to the motel employee who was hilarious. I'm looking forward to the new episodes in 2019.
I agree with all of this. First of all, the show keeps nailing it with the female characters. After giving us a fully humanized, funny but serious when it counts, and multi-dimensional woman in Natalie (who, on paper, could have easily been the nagging ex), they also gave us a sympathetic, appealing and funny woman in a position of power, without sacrificing her authority or the fact her job can sometimes put her at odds with our leads. So well done. I must applaud both actresses, because they instantly brought it, but the writing itself is also helping a lot. I was a little worried in the first Erica scene, when she and Cole started squabbling and it all felt like a generic meet-cute between two people who will spend the next 10 episodes arguing due to basic misunderstandings, but her mom being on speaker instantly made Erica seem more real, in a weird way. And the fact she witnessed his self-sacrificing moment? That allowed her to realize that Cole is, in fact, a decent guy (as opposed to the smart-ass he sometimes tries to appear as). I also appreciated the way she called him out on blowing it (with the breadsticks lol), but her main reaction was disappointment. Instead of acting bitter or angry, she legitimately seemed sad she had failed to deliver justice. I just liked her, and she really did have instant chemistry with SWS. And the Natalie/Andrew/Cole scenario? What a great resolution. They had set this up, when Natalie kept saying "he's always made me crazy." She had a moment of weakness. And, let's be honest, SWS's passionate pleas must have really been hard to resist. But I appreciated that she came to her senses, and also that Cole was so mature about it. As was Andrew (another character who was quickly humanized and given a bit of depth in a short amount of time). The Case of the Week guy was amazing. He brought such life to the role, and his scenes with Damon Wayans were amazing. It was so fun to see two actors who are both so gifted in comedy. He had quite a bit of screentime, and yet I wanted more, lol. And, I will say it again, Seann William Scott is so good. SO good. He made me cry at the end. Truly. He is so compelling. And he never overacts. He's always hitting just the right tone, which on a show like Lethal Weapon is very important, since it dabbles between flat-out comedy and dark drama. Like, his Girls Night moment? Hilarity! His speech to Natalie, though? The tears! I seriously adore his portrayal, and I have found myself rewatching some scenes, to catch the nuances in his performance (what?). Lovely work.
I am LOVING this season, and Seann William Scott continues to amaze me. I literally swooned when he was like "I've always loved you, I still love you." I actually teared up a bit when he talked about Bali. Like, what? He's such a compelling romantic lead, it's ridiculous. And he's a great dramatic lead as well, and he nails the action scenes 100% of the time, and he still delivers those great little comedic moments (I loved it when Roger asked him who the apology note was for, and he kinda shrugged and went all "you!"). Seriously, whodda thunk it? If this season is the last season of LW, he needs to get his own show pronto. I also really appreciate them casting someone like Maggie Lawson. She's able to find the comedy in the little moments as well, I loved her interactions with the Murtaugh family, I loved her chemistry with SWS, but most of all I loved her moments with Damon Wayans, the way they shared a laugh and that instant warmth. And the little girl who plays the daughter is a keeper as well. Seriously, on most other shows, "jaded CIA guy with disgruntled ex and precocious kid" would be a total disaster. With these actors, it's actually a winning and emotionally compelling storyline and I can't believe how invested I am. Also, the Gute is a lot, but the actress is hilarious. Her scene with Avery had me rolling. I think they'll tone down her more annoying elements (they just needed a strong intro) and we'll be left with a fun character. Seriously, this season has been one good episode after the other. What an unexpected pleasure.
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This show is improving by the episode. It is what it is (schmaltzy, heavyhanded, almost too liberal - and I say this as a liberal - and overdramatic), but that "it" sure is enjoyable. It's the earnesty of the cast that sells it. If someone else were playing Iggy, I'd probably find him annoying. If someone else were playing Helen, I'd probably think she's an ice queen. If someone else had been playing Dr. Kapoor, I'd think he's insufferable. But this cast just makes it work. I mean, Max's whole speech near the end, about being grateful? When he said "...Go!" and I literally teared up, because Ryan Eggold made that shit work? I can't help myself, I ate it right up. By the way, Eggold is a better actor than this show, or these scripts. A lot of the time, he gets lost in the genericness of the lines, and he over-smirks and he over-puppy-eyes, but sometimes he manages to find the humanity, usually in a smaller moment, and he shows fear for a second, or wistfulness, or he lands an actually funny joke, or he finds that connection with Freema Agyeman (who is also a way better actor than this show deserves), and he's just a joy to watch. Kudos to whoever cast him in this. I always hate it when previously badass and independent female characters suddenly get baby crazy (Joan Watson is the perfect example, or even Olivia Benson), but with Dr. Sharpe I feel this is just the writers fleshing her out. This isn't out of the blue, it's just something we didn't know about her, because the show has only been on for 5 episodes. If I squint, I could also fanwank that she "suddenly" decided to look into her fertility now that she settled down, and settled in New Amsterdam. Isn't the whole point of her arc that she had been travelling all the time, from interview to interview and from conference to conference, and now she's back in New York permanently, in order to treat patients again? I can kind of see the connection. Speaking of: I agree with this. The Max/Helen connection keeps getting stronger, and their chemistry keeps feeling accidental (because neither of them is actually flirting) and it's all so warm and organic and, like, sexy in a subdued way, and their scenes just crackle. I'm so rooting for them to keep getting closer and closer, until they randomly share a soft kiss that surprises them both, after a long, bad day, in, say, late Season 2. (Don't judge me. Also, I assume the wife will be long gone by then.) And I also agree that Bloom and Floyd have no actual chemistry. If we weren't told they have a thing, I wouldn't have guessed it. And, yeah, their big argument was a few muted lines with zero heat. Max and Helen have more chemistry when they're sitting across the room from each other, than these two have when they fight, or almost kiss. The show needs to move on from that. And I say this as someone who likes both actors (especially Janet Montgomery) and both characters. I just don't see the connection. Lastly, Iggy has a husband? How delightful, and I mean that. What a casual reveal, and what a fun portrayal. I love it.
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Agreed. I had almost written it off, only sticking around for the likable cast, but the show has really been improving, to the point where I am actually looking forward to new episodes. I agree that it's far from perfect, but it seems like the writers are making an effort, and they are identifying what works and what doesn't, so that gives me a little bit of hope. One thing I appreciate is how non-soapy this is. The male lead is shirtless around (his doctor, sure, but also) a gorgeous woman, and a) the camera never lingers on his body b) neither of them makes a salacious or "funny" comment c) the scene is actually played in earnest, with the focus on the anxiety of the lead/patient who is going through something serious. I was impressed. Same for the Bloom/Reynolds "drama" which is theoretically the soapiest aspect of the show. They have their scenes together which are mostly about their jobs, but the actual moments where they discuss their relationship are brief and to the point and drama-free. That's refreshing. Right? Couldn't one of them have had the big moment this random tall white guy had? This is true. The wife role is pretty thankless, sure, but the actress is doing nothing to bring any kind of warmth to it, or any personality. I agree with the comments above; what's so great about her? We are constantly told that Max loves her, but we don't know her, or him, really, so it's hard to share the sentiment. That's why it's not often that the lead of a show starts off married (especially if they're young). The audience wants to see the build-up, otherwise it won't resonate. And Ryan Eggold and Freema Agyeman really do have chemistry, in the best of ways. I think this might be intentional, because Dr. Sharpe is the only one who knows the truth about Max, so he's able to connect with her on a different level, past the bullshit jokes and smirks and puppy dog eyes he pulls around everyone else. Also, Dr. Sharpe doesn't seem like she'd have that many connections in life either, and Max seemed to get under her skin since they met, in a way most people would be too afraid to do, so it seems that she's opening up to him more than she usually might. All that is fine, and subtle (if that is in fact the writers' intention), and wonderfully acted, but what about their actual, physical chemistry? It pops. The best part is that it's happening organically, and neither actor is playing "flirty" at all (which they shouldn't, in these circumstances). It's just there. And, I agree, the show needs to do something about it. Speaking of, I also wonder what the show will do with the wife. I suppose that her leaving Max would be the easiest to get over, but maybe it won't be dramatic enough. But what's the alternative? If she dies and the baby lives, Max will be a cancer-struck widowed single parent of an infant, which, even for this show, would be too much. If both her and the baby die, it'll be way too glib. A divorce would probably be the easiest to work in. Either way, I don't know what it is, but I see a lot of comments (with which I agree) about the wife situation feeling temporary. I don't know if it's the casting or the writing, but I find it hard to care about the whole thing too. I hope that when he tells her about his cancer (or when she finds out) the situation might be resolved.
Tomorrow Today: Media & Behind The Scenes Of LOT
Princess Lucky replied to Trini's topic in Legends Of Tomorrow
I'm thinking brosaster! And I agree, heh. I'm glad we're getting more Gary, and Nate is always at his best as comic relief, so this should be fun! The whole Time Bureau idea is appealing to me as a side-story, not gonna lie. I think Nate has a surprisingly easy chemistry with pretty much everyone (on a friendship level, lol), so the idea he'll be interacting with Gary but also Ava on a regular basis is actually making me even more excited for the new season. Which starts tomorrow! I cannot wait. -
Tomorrow Today: Media & Behind The Scenes Of LOT
Princess Lucky replied to Trini's topic in Legends Of Tomorrow
This is everything I never knew I wanted. -
Sure does! I loved the switch-up, and I always think Kevin Rahm needs to be given more to do. He did look great in the action scenes, and his scene with DW about the grooming theory was hilarious. Good stuff all-around. Literally. This show is just... good. The dialogue is just... well written? I swear, I keep getting surprised by it, and by how in-character everyone is, no matter the circumstances. It's a joy to watch. And the mix of humor and drama? The hilarity of the Trish/Leo scenes? As opposed to the entire story with Cole and the brother? That actually made me tear up, by the way. I found it a lot more emotional than it had any right to be, mostly because both actors really sold it. The cast is really bringing it (Seann William Scott's reaction when Roger said he was a good guy was so good) and I keep looking forward to next week's episode. Honestly, season 3 of Lethal Weapon(!) is such an unexpected pleasure in this television season, and I'm glad I gave it another shot.
It really is. I think it's his voice, too. Seriously, Buck and Eddie who? That said, Buck has turned into this actually likeable character, and he's pretty funny too, and Eddie may be a bit of a Gary Stu but he's actually likeable as well (probably because he's not getting too much screentime, and also because his kid is precious!), and their friendship is sweet to watch, and when Carla showed up I cheered, and, like, good job show? For making me care about these hotties on more than a shallow level? I also loved the Chim storyline, and I agree with the comments above that it was necessary. Kenneth Choi is so good at showing emotion, and Chim/Hen scenes are always the highlight of an episode, and dammit can I get a Peter Krause hug too? Those look like they feel really good. I loved how Eddie just went in for the hug unprompted, and how Chim just snuggled in there. Aw. And I did appreciate the Athena storyline as well. I liked that her (female, which was important) Captain didn't push, she simply said "whatever you do, this time it'll be your choice", speaking as another woman who had made her own choice to pursue a high-ranking career, I liked that Athena's husband, who had witnessed her previous attemtps to get a promotion first hand, was pushing her a tiny bit, because he had probably shared her frustration over the years, and I especially loved that Bobby could relate to her the most, and already knew her decision, because he knew what it's like to be out there helping people directly, and he also knew how important is not to take your personal happiness for granted. Leaving it all behind and coming home to a person you care about can be more than enough for a lot of people, and there's nothing wrong with that. Agreed. This show is better than it has any right to be. Two weeks ago a water delivery guy got stuck in an elevator at my work, and we had to call 911. Not gonna lie, I freshened up my makeup before the firefighters arrived. Needless to say, none of them looked anything remotely like Eddie (or Bobby, which I would have happily accepted, lol).
Joining the chorus: Seann William Scott is fantastic. Who knew? The action scenes blow my mind every time. I'm an action fan, but a shoot-out can only be so fun, and there are a lot of shows which rely on guns. SWS brings a different kind of action that makes him, and the show itself, stand out. And his dramatic chops? Like, did he seriously almost make me tear up in the end, with Trish? What? I'm also surprised by his previously untapped (as far as I recall) potential as a romantic lead. His scene with Jordana Brewster could have been a meet-cute in a romantic comedy. His scenes with Maggie Lawson (or his reactions over the phone, to be precise) could be from a romantic dramedy, just before he wins her back. Again, who knew? I am less surprised by his comedic talents, though. He's as hilarious as he's always been. Man, if this show ends, they really need to put him on a different show, stat. Damon Wayans was also great, though. That Roger/Trish scene with both of them grieving was so good. And queen Keesha Sharp really is getting more to do this season. I never thought she'd get the big emotional moment at the end of the episode. Speaking of, is the writing for this show just... actually good? Surprisingly so? Down to the fact the "ex" gets her own jokes and her own scenes without being painted as a shrew or a villain? And the emotional moments, all of which land (in part, due to all these good actors, but also due to the dialogue itself)? Like... good job? If 13 episodes is all we get, it looks like we'll get 13 great episodes. And I will be watching.
I finally got around to watching this, after dropping the show early in S2 (way before the drama occured, and solely because I'd had enough of the Riggs manpain and angst. For the record, I loved S1). I loved it. I've always liked Seann William Scott and I thought he came in hot. Surprisingly badass during the fight scenes, effortlessly funny (funnier than most people would be in a role like this, and I mean that in a good way), charming, solid in the dramatic moments. So much better than I was expecting, and I'm a fan to begin with. I also thought he had instant chemistry with DW. They were really funny together, but the somber moments landed too. Maybe a certain (adversarial) spark was missing, but it was replaced with a kind of pleasant warmth. Agreed. I, too, liked that the ex-wife(?) wasn't just a nag who didn't get it, she was also a skilled professional and she wasn't heartless, just appropriately cautious. And there were some great moments for Keesha Sharp, too (who remains stunning, by the way). I totally agree, I would love for them to interact. Both sets of families got some great moments and I just... liked everyone? That's a nice feeling. I agree with all of this, too. Both actors came off really well. As the episode ended, I thought "I would gladly watch a season of these two together". Which is the same feeling S1 of Lethal Weapon gave me. So I'm in.