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Everything posted by bijoux

  1. Whoa. Okay. I never got the impression Tommy took advantage of anyone in the time we saw him on screen. I do agree Laurel had her shitty moments during their relationship but at least there were occassional glimpses that she is capable of caring about another person now and then.
  2. Did someone slip Felicity a pot brownie again? She looks completely stoned here. :)
  3. I have nothing to add, really, except to say thank you for The Big Apricot. *giggle*
  4. Ah, thanks. I honestly handwave that away since it was only a minute and up until that point Oliver believed she was dead for a year or longer.
  5. They really do like killing Sara. I can't even remeber all four times and was shocked when I read it now. Four?! I've got The Queen's Gambit, The Amazo and her death last year. What am I missing?
  6. Bring it. That's what I'm expecting as well. Yay. :/
  7. This crossover is either going to be eleventy hours long or all the scenes will be 40 seconds tops. There are like 64 masks around and now Malcolm is there too? Come on!
  8. I stopped reading at the middle of the first sentence. Working together flawlessly for nearly a year? Is this that Earth 2 thing from The Flash people talk about?
  9. It actually would be nice (for me) if that love of her life theory had any basis in the actual show. That would really add dimension to Laurel's character. But it just isn't supported by anything that has been shown on screen. On the other hand if Felicity and Oliver never happened I could fully stand behind Tommy or Thea being the love of Oliver's life because the show actually supports that, what with Oliver changing his entire MO in memory of Tommy and giving up everything for Thea. That's how you sell a love-of-my-life thing.
  10. What was he pissed about? And how much really since he did a guest spot last season?
  11. Diggle does not approve. Hee. I on the other hand fully approve of this recap. Just like old times had me rolling as did the mood soup.
  12. Little R&R for the slaves and their guards?
  13. The ex could be fun. I don't remember the age of Slade's son ever being mentioned. I don't think there's a reason he couldn''t be Thea's age.
  14. Queen For Mayor Attack Ad. Approved by Damien Darhk. Captain Lance, Vote for Queen. This may very well be the best horrible thing I've seen in this fandom.
  15. I wasn't able to really hear either. I got, "Is she OK?" after a woman screamed at him saying Slade was his favorite villain, but there was something else he said before the fist bump which I wasn't able to make out.
  16. I don't know if it's an issue with my tablet or if Periscope videos get taken down relatively soon but the links don't work for me now. I've read the live tweets and the person doing them sounds great, I just got the impression that not much important was said.
  17. Has anyone found reports on the panels? Aside from SA's answer about Oliver loving Felicity.
  18. I love that he gives this answer to a young girl. Who by the way, was there in a Batman costume, which I found so cute. He could have said something along the lines of because she's pretty and funny, but he went for something deeper.
  19. I love how she checks his pulse.
  20. To be fair, it could have been taken as he was putting his arm around her. I don't get the position of the arrow.
  21. If KC really is sans make up in that photo, she has lovely skin.
  22. C storyline sounds right for Larel. To be honest, Alex crossed my mind as far as potential candidates go. Thea freaks him out or pushes him away when the blood lust kicks back in so he seeks solace in Donna's bosom.
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