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Everything posted by bijoux

  1. And is also looking for advice in the right place and being completely honest with his bro. I adored him opening up to Diggle about everything and then answering that he was feeling better. Not good just yet, but better, thanks for helping me clear my head and giving me perspective, how did you propose to Lyla, by the way, and how long should I wait before I bring up kids?
  2. Yes. It's completely in their wheelhouse. Although if Quentin looks at Donna the way Oliver looks at Felicity, poor Donna for losing that so quickly. And as an aside, is everyone in the whole world blind if Donna hasn't been on the receiving end of such looks? She's the greatest.
  3. There's also flying. Dinah caught the red-eye once when she was leaving Starling City. But yeah, not at all surprised she hasn't come to see her daughter who's been back from the dead and re-souled for a week. That's just Dinah. ETA: I just love they way Darhk is shaping up. He's menacing and chill but at the same time he has his playground bully moments. Him breaking that Arrow was just so small and petty. I howled with laughter. Love.
  4. So finally we come to Darhk trying to manipulate Oliver. I'm really looking forward to that. I also wonder what causes Oliver to snap in the promo.
  5. I don't know. It could have been just drinks even though they maybe felt something and then it plays like you expected it to. Am I crazy or did Felicity look extra pretty in this episode? Stress and lack of sleep make her snappy on the one hand, but on the other her skin is glowing. What is up with their final scene not being at least 10 seconds longer? Although I'm certain someone will slow it down and post it on Youtube. Please link if you find it first.
  6. In a million different ways. This cannot be left out.
  7. I don't see it being Donna in the grave. Barry coming would make sense, but not Oliver being at the grave alone instead of at Felicity's side.
  8. Dear diary, been here shirtless for 68 seconds and Felicity still hasn't pounced. Are we getting stale? Should I have put on the grey sweatpants? She can sense those from a distance of 60 feet. I loved Oliver being allowed to be a bad-ass this episode. Both with the whole chain sequence and rappelling down to Kord Industries earlier in the episode. Also love how their plan hinged on DD's need to speechify. On the same page with Donna, I see. You're never gonna find a man that hot who cooks. A+ reasoning, Mama Smoak. I decided to write that off as Sara still not being in her right mind. She's obviously missing chunks of her memories, which was shown in her not being able to remember Dinah's story. It sounds like something that would be mentioned from time to time. Could also explain why she hasn't mentioned Nyssa. But the truth is, they never picked the ball off the floor with Sara's coming back. She's just going in the field with Laurel and Thea, not even asking what that's about? On the other hand they have Thea speaking about the bloodlust as if she's cured, when she knows she's not, and she's only temporarily stable since she killed a few dudes three weeks ago. [cue Dig's tone from back in S1 when Oliver said he would have put an arrow in him if he had decided to reveal his secret]Oh, really? Really? I wouldn't know seeing as someone never offered to cook it for me. I'm also a little disappointed that Oliver, Felicity and Donna didn't go to Dig's place in this episodes since there were BTS photos of the three on that set. Although it's kind of cute that the actors decided to hang out there, even though the set wasn't used. I liked Donna and Quentin's scene, with them bonding over their love for their daughters.
  9. For me it all comes down to the way she holds herself. She just projects confidence and badassery with her stance. To me Laurel just looks like she's on a photoshoot most of the time when she's in the field.
  10. Yeah, it's too early for the reveal. He still has to try to manipulate Oliver as the mayoral candidate. That wouln't happen if DD knew about GA.
  11. This is what I'm getting from them as well. Oh, hey there, Mr Fixit, come to salvage mom's chicken as well?I love how they keep silently communicating while they're in a scene with others. First with Curtis, now with Donna.
  12. And Ray is basically reduced to also there. But all the scenes released are really fun and energetic.
  13. They're killing me with the touching.
  14. For what it's worth, Arrow's Robert was either 49 or 59 when The Gambit was sabotaged.
  15. I think this may be my favorite moment from the preview clip. Babe? We've got a problem. Frack. Felicity not mentioning Oliver to Curtis has been brought up. I didn't even really think about it before I saw it here, but could it be that she has done so consciously so that she wouldn't put her foot in it, since Curtis knows about her working relationship with the Green Arrow and has been trying to figure out his identity? Also, would love it if Felicity stage whispered to Oliver, "you shouldn't really wear short sleeves in public any more, if anything, your arms will give you away."
  16. Oh man, that comic preview. Oliver and Donna exchanging emojis! I love it. What are the odds that she signs off on each text with a stork and/or ring, 150%?
  17. Hoo, boy, I want that scene to go on and on. Curtis' little chant at the beginning, 'You're married, he's straight, you're married, he's straight.' Hah! Also, that's some determined strut Oliver's got going on there. Felicity, you do remember you have a home? Know what would make this scene better? Donna. It would be the perfect time for Oliver to bring out the reinforcements.
  18. What if Darhk doesn't even know that Ray is there? Like, he was just wandering about and somebody acciđentally turned over a glass, trapping him there. The Ghosts aren't really much for household chores so nobody picked up the glass to wash it up for months.
  19. That's less infuriating than hearing her say it after everything that went on in S1. Still damn confusing though as they ended the pilot with her smiling at him after he delivered the first of many always trying to save the world lines.
  20. It sort of looks like part of the Atom suit. Maybe it's like a sleepover party and they all mix and match parts of their masks. Which dialogue tease?
  21. What's the deal with releasing screencaps from a preview but holding back with the preview itself? I want that scene with Felicity, Oliver and Curtis.
  22. No, I got that and I believe you. I was just caught off guard that she saw it like that. Especially since that's the warmest she's played a relationship of Laurel's.
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