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Everything posted by bijoux

  1. This is the stuff nightmares are made of.
  2. Yeah, you're right. I watched the promo while still bleary eyed from sleep.
  3. Wasn't that one just a long-sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up? They look the same to me.
  4. I hope Oliver gets to put at least four arrows in Vandal Savage who I presume is the one who crashes the dinner. The man finally gets to hoast a dinner party and it's ruined. Poor thing. And stop ragging on his shirt. It's obviously his entertaining-at-home ensamble. He had it for brunch with the Hoffmanns as well.
  5. Going by the interview with David Ramsey from Spoilers only, any worries about Felicity shutting Dig out are greatly exaggerated. Also of note? No mention of Laurel when it comes to this family.
  6. EBR's interview on KTLA: http://ktla.com/2015/11/17/emily-bett-rickards-throws-some-punches-at-sam/ ETA: It contains a clip from this week's episode if you want to avoid that.
  7. I completely understand Felicity's point of view and don't think it's a slight against her and/or Oliver's friendship with Dig. She's just telling Oliver not to throw himself on the pyre once more, which would be detrimental not only to his all around well being, but his attempt to help the city in the light of day. Plus, I feel it's a good bet that Dig doesn't know about this "plan" at this point and wouldn't push Oliver in that direction either. Helping John is still very much on the table. Also, I fully believe Felicity would use 'not even for me' instead of 'not even for John' if that was the way the cookie crumbled.
  8. LOL Although I honestly have to say that Lance and Donna possibly getting involved causes no discomfort for me as a viewer. At least not due to Oliver's prior relationships with Lance's daughters. Those feel really far removed, plus Lance met Felicity as a grownup, and Oliver and Felicity's relationship predates anything between Quentin and Donna. I get why it could be uncomfortable for the characters but it just isn't from me watching from the outside. And if they do go for discomfort, they better show someone being amused by this. Most likey Donna. Any hesitation on my side is that I'm not sure that Quentin is worthy of the wonder that is Donna.
  9. For people worried about Ray staying at the loft, he shows up there to visit or work. Hopefully with a fake beard, sunglasses and a baseball cap on the way. Screencaps from the sneak peek. And, as for the fear of Felicity not being in future episodes, there's this:
  10. This sounds... Sadly plausible. Non-Arrow čharacters getting flashbacks in a season where the show characters other than the lead still haven't got theirs.
  11. Hey, I'm just hoping something important happens in the flashback. How would that work? Only if Oliver didn't see her when she dropped there. (I imagine you mean during the LOT time travelling?) Otherwise he wouldn't have thought she was dead since The Amazo. That's a stupid name, by the way.
  12. Okay. I just felt like it should be near, because I'm pretty sure it's supposed to happen before episode 9.
  13. 4x07 is the first episode with the non-Oliver flashback of the season, isn't it?
  14. They both sort of went up at one point. Hey, I'm noticing you can now see their reflection in the mirror. This is a very good gifset. High praise.
  15. I caught it once you mentioned it, I just didn't notice it before. What with the tongue, the playful hands and Oliver trying to pull Felicity under his skin.
  16. I just went to look for the foot. My latest thoughts were actually that Oliver is pretty brave to be hanging around shirtless with Donna there. She's not really one for privacy. Unless he whipped his shirt off when he heard her call out goodbye to Felicity and close the door on her way out.
  17. I agree expcept for the part about Thea running The Verdant. I don't think she is anymore. It looked abandoned when they trapped Sara there, not just emptied out.
  18. I liked season 2 flashbacks more than not because they were (mostly) relevant and they had Anatoly in them. A droll bastard after my own taste. I laughed so hard at him at times. Like the time they were deciding whether to exchange Hendrick for Oliver and the preacher was posing the question of what made their lives more valuable. We have explosive. He does not. He's the whole reason why I was anxious for Russia and the Bratva in this year's flashbacks.
  19. I don't really blame her for the lackluster flashbacks, she's really not in them enough to make them worse. Both her and Reiter's importance was greatly exagerated before the season began. Conklin seems to be having the greatest impact and he wasn't mentioned once.
  20. I'm really fond of Slade, but Darhk is killing it and I'm continuously surprised at what an impact he makes with little screen time.
  21. Oh, he just needs to think back to his first dinner back home to remember that. I didn't realize you wanted to sleep with my mother, Walter.
  22. SA said they had a scene with nine masks (okay, I think he actually said superheroes). So I assume they'll be there. Or maybe he just doesn't know how to count to ten.
  23. It's from one of the promos for next week. DD says something along the lines of, "People call you ghosts. They have no idea how right they are."
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