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Everything posted by bijoux

  1. Too bad it'll be over in 30 seconds. Is it kosher t have kids wear campaign shirts and, I presume, caps?
  2. That pic on the beach reminds me of them storming into Nanda Parbat last season and Felicity taking out a league member with a tablet frisbee, only not. I'm putting my money on Oliver or Donna as well. So, she and Lance are a definite go. I can't lie, I am looking forward to the reactions from everyone. And Scott is there. Is that Curtis' husband's name? I feel like it is for some reason but I don't know why. Alert: there are two separate daytime set ups. One is at the beach clean up. The other is when Oliver is devastated and talking to the press. Both his and Laurel's clothes are different. At first I thought he just had his shirt and tie under the (awful) jacket, but there is a black collar peeking out under that. And Laurel's in a camel coat or jacket with a turleneck beneath at the beach, and in a greyish leather jacket with a lower cut top in the other. Felicity's coat looks cute and I really like Thea's outfit at the party. It's very her.
  3. Ha! Thing One, Thing Two, sty here and watch the captive. This is a really amusing image. Although having Lyla be left in charge would certainly make sense. I guess it's possible? Felicity never struck me as a person who thinks compartmentalizing solves problems. And who would move out? And where? Bunking with Sara at Dig's? Oliver staying over on Quentin's couch?
  4. I have no idea about Malcolm either. I additionally wonder why he's in street clothes. If ever there was a place where his LoA garb is more appropriate, it's this. It's got to be Savage with the staff in the scene where we see Dig and Laurel in the promo. It's the same effects.
  5. Something else that amuses me is that Thea still keeps a room at the loft. Or at least a sort of storage for some of her stuff.
  6. I think the chances of Samantha (?) coming into play romantically are sub zero. However, I'm not really sure the actors should have portrayed any chemistry last year. Their characters had a really uncomfortable and, I imagine from Oliver's POV, very brief history together. I will admit they cast a cute kid.
  7. As long as she's taking the shirts off him at night, I think he's fine with anything she gets him. Although in my theory I blame it on Oliver trying to project the image of a reliable family man and make Felicity receptive of his proposal.I'm not really too crazy about pet names but honey really worked in that scene. GrumpyOliver rules all other Olivers! It's a scientific fact. I have questions about Patty. How much does she know about Flash, STAR Labs, Earth 1 Wells, Joe's involvement in everything? She didn't really raise objections when Joe told her to leave when a man who I presume is believed to be dead (or isn't he?) is lying seriously injured.
  8. It's definitely Laurel with Dig. I have no idea what happens there to be honest.
  9. I hope they give a reason for Sara joining everyone since she's in town and presumably in the know. I have a hard time imagining her not wanting to help her sister and friends since she went through great lengths to help that sister and keep her safe in the past. Unless Laurel decides to keep it quiet and not involve Sara, giving her time to acclimate.
  10. That was actually the moment I liked him best in the entire episode and felt anything from the actor.
  11. Yes, Thea would have been the perfect candidate to get the message across. While on the subject of Thea, what pop culture reference did she make? I remember something being mentioned in an article or two but I didn't really catch it. By the way, the music at the start of the loft scenes is giving a key chain party vibe. Why did they pick that?
  12. Can someone explain to me why Malcolm is in these episodes? Him showing up twice at the lair was weird. Why would he show up to offer information on his own? It's not DD who once wanted the Ra's title, thereby affecting Malcolm. And then on Arrow they have a professor explaining Savage to them and Malcolm facing him down along with Oliver and Barry. What?
  13. I don't watch Barry with his team so I can't draw comparisons, but these three are excellent together in any shape. One of my favorite moments was after the church. Barry: This counts as a draw, right? Oliver: Sure.
  14. They're really using voice overs on The Flash? Why? They didn't work on Arrow and the producers know this. They're not really better on The Flash from what I could tell this episode. I imagine Felicity going to Oliver to help her practice. I need you to help me with high fives. ... Is that a euphemism? [frown]No. [she demonstrates] ... Oh. That's really bad. That was seriously the best part of that exchange. I laughed so hard. Agreed. Kendra was... well, not good, but Hawkman was really, really bad from where I was sitting. Dig made most of his 30 seconds of screentime. Poor guy, throwing up each time Barry offers a ride. I cannot agree enough on Arrow characters getting development on its sister show. It was weird last season and continues to be so. I get showing Oliver's growth about trusting Kendra and having her play a part in her own rescue but I still feel the Oliver I at least imagine to know would have secretly put a net under there to catch her if the wings didn't pop out. I thought it was kind of fun. I object more to Oliver being left open for Darhk to freeze him again. Good thing the effects are really short term. Why hasn't Thea shared her effect on DD? This is really pertinent information at this juncture. And I hope the three of them weren't just standing around waiting until DD was done dropping those three Argus security guards. I read it as a reaction to Cisco being a know-it-all prick about it. Yeah. What the hell was that? I mean if Barry was either teasing or pissed at Oliver, it would be fine to use it to get a rise out of him. This is just weird. But I also thought Oliver's "dude" was weird and the line about him finding peace with Felicity was awkward. It's something that I believe to be 150% true but it was just vocalized in an odd and un-Oliver like way. Oh, it was great. It's probably the first thing Oliver's let her do in the loft kitchen. And he actually prepared the pigs-in-a-blanket (no pre-made food in Oliver's kitchen!) and let Felicity put them in the oven and get them out.
  15. Oh, I think the odds of it happening while he and Laurel were broken up are about 1%. I'm just saying this is literally the best case scenario. They were neither in a relationship nor torn apart.Does Oliver saying dude seem somehow wrong to you all as well? It just sounds off to me. Guy, I can see Oliver saying guy. Dude sounds like Thea to me. Much like Laurel's "sick" a few episodes back.
  16. Ex-girlfriend. Funny. Best case scenario, they hooked up while he and Laurel were on a break. I've always imagined them breaking up and getting back together. I think I got it from Tommy commenting that she and Oliver always came back to each other or some such. I think he'd have to have known the name. He called her when she told him about misscarrying, right? And Moira had to have a starting point for her investigation. If she had to sort all the possible mothers at the time, the baby might have been born before anything had been uncovered. My bet is Thea.
  17. Somebody posted that comment and she said it was much more specific.
  18. It's Barry creating twisters with his hands that's making me giggle. This is actually shaping up to be really entertaining camp.
  19. Nah, Neal McDonough mentioned Oliver would get or target the thing that mattered most to DD a while back and that's why he would retaliate.
  20. About the cliffhanger at the end of the crossover, it could be that we find out what DD cares most about. After all, Oliver taking it is why he retaliates in 4x09. This would be a good moment to introduce it. I'm convinced it's that box so either it's revealed what it is or Oliver somehow gets a hold of it.
  21. One, does Cisco have a death wish wanting to be in charge of the computers? Two, no one told Thea about everyone knowing The Flash? OMG, you don't see me as your equal! Kidding, not kidding.I do really like how the article describes Oliver as being the captain and Barry the glue of the joined teams. It gives them both different, but equally valuable roles to play.
  22. Twitter users who have seen the crossover describe Oliver and Felicity as being honest and emotional. And something surprising happening that wasn't even spoiled by the NZ promo (the kid).
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