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Everything posted by sadie

  1. So human trafficking girl goes to hospital because it must have been bad enough to go but then after exposing themselves they just leave? I’m guessing next ep we see her back in the ER all beat up and almost dying and everyone realizes Deluca was right. At least I hope so? So everyone thinks Deluca is having a breakdown but they just let him leave. And Bailey get the f out, since when does yelling/threatening a mentally ill person clear up the problem? Ugh. And I pray the Nico character is gone, the actor is very handsome but there is something very wooden about him, it creeps me out. Please end this terrible storyline.
  2. It would have been a lovely happy ending for Alex except for the whole HE HAS A WIFE! So all these years where we thought Alex was growing as a person we basically got “well oops bad on me, I guess I’m still an evil selfish guy so I’m just gonna cheat on my wife and leave her with only a shitty letter”. It just makes no sense. I’ve seen 10 other better ideas in this forum on how they could have written him out better so it just pisses me off the way they did this. I guess I’ll just pretend Alex was SINGLE, found Izzy again and then sailed off to the farm.
  3. I just hate this guy. You can see the smug superiority he feels when these girls tell him they “love him” and how offended he is that Madison hasn’t said it. It’s that cocky grin and how many times he opines about how them fawni g over him makes him feel so so good. Blech.
  4. sadie

    S01.E04: Episode 4

    I am shocked at how gullible and greedy and crooked so many people are. That developer guy just read all kinds of shady to me despite all his professed churchgoing ways. Yea dude it’s legit that McDonalds is okay with this, that’s why you’re meeting the guy at the end of a dirt road to get the ticket and lying to your foster kid to get him involved. And yes to all who said all of Jerry’s stuff after he died belonged to Robin. She didn’t “steal” anything. Jerry’s brother makes me want to punch him, so smug about what a great guy his brother was but what a piece of crap Robin was. Sorry dude but you are all low life criminals.
  5. Why why why am I still watching this? Do they want us to believe this hospital doesn’t have a hospice floor, “the graveyard”, seriously? It’s worse than even Chicago Med and that’s saying a lot. Kapur is just straight up creepy, the medical transgressions are horrifying, Iggy is unwatchable and every ep Max does something so ridiculous that I can’t believe these writers are serious. Is this some kind of psychological experiment to see how long we will all keep watching?
  6. sadie

    S01.E02: Episode 2

    OMG I was thinking that the whole time I was watching her, I’m glad it wasn’t just me!
  7. sadie

    S01.E02: Episode 2

    I’m finding this all fascinating. I can’t wait to hear how he actually managed to steal these game pieces because the security they explained in this ep was unbelievable. I had no idea. The cast of characters in this one were right out of central casting, Mob Jerry’s wife with the red hair in the red room with red drapes, red lamp and an ill fitting red dress was right out of a Tarantino film. Brilliant!
  8. sadie

    S01.E01: Episode 1

    Loved it. I’m in! Agent Doug alone made it worth the watch. I’m sure he’s an oddity in the FBI with his out there personality. I love true crime and I remember when this story broke, can’t wait to see how they took them down.
  9. And from the shallow end of the pool (please don’t throw things at me): every time I see Ella I completely don’t get why the son would have a relationship with her, she looks about 45 (a frumpy 45) and now we know has a ton of mental issues, and we are supposed to believe Vijays 25ish son was attracted to her, in a relationship and got her pregnant. Sorry but even in this show which is mostly ridiculous (and I say that as a watcher of Chicago Med) this is just too much.
  10. This show has unintentionally become a parody of itself. Maybe I’ve forgotten what it’s like to be 23 but these girls are just messes. Peter just seems like an okay average guy that got plopped in the middle of Hot Girl Island and just can’t believe his good fortune, “you mean I can make out with ALL of them, and they will fight over me like I’m the last man on earth, cool!”. I hope he got some coaching on how to deal with all the mental issues here.
  11. And this, ladies and gents, is why I no longer watch this show and only read your comments. I “literally” had to keep myself from laughing out loud so my coworkers can’t tell I’m not really working.
  12. Agree with all, I love this show but these evil one dimensional Red Rock guys is not good storytelling. Even when Bell was the “bad guy” they gave him some nuance of good. It made for good tv. I just want this to end and see them get punched in the face, maybe they will make Cain turn after the speech AJ gave him but I’m not confident.
  13. While I think the show had some trouble with pacing, very slow, overall I really enjoyed it. Not sure I love where they ended as I really want to see the fall out. I loved all the strong female characters, especially Marcia Gay Harden’s reporter. Alex was a bit uneven for me, I guess we were supposed to see this was her cracking. I liked that Mitch got left out in the cold. The scene where Crudup tells him to not blow it by going on camera and trying to play the victim was really well done and you could see the realization on Carrels face as it dawned on him he really was the bad guy. I thought Carrel did really solid work here as I totally understood why people would be charmed by him but that tinge of selfish malice you could feel just under the surface. Chilling really. On a shallow note, loved the clothes, the NY scenery and the apartment porn. Everything Anniston wore screamed money, loved it!
  14. Apple TV sure has gotten a ton of talent to star in all these new shows but they just fall flat for the most part. This was an okay opener but not so great that I can’t wait to watch the next. Just meh.
  15. I really enjoyed this but it did seem an odd ending? I liked that a lot of this felt real, real looking people (who weren’t all perfectly beautiful in the Hollywood sense), real situations (the kind of lame party and most of Brendans stuff) but boy the ending just seemed wrong. I hope there is a second season to explore the fall out of these situations, I really liked the actors and the two main stories.
  16. This ep really exemplified what a god they all made Mitch out to be. The over the top party where he was clearly “the king”, the looking the other way at his off color comments, the way everyone fawned over him constantly. THIS is how these predators are born and thrive. Mitch could do no wrong. The only one that seemed to see him as he was was his wife. You could tell when he told he he wanted to be good you knew she knew it was all bullshit and then inVegas, there it is, Mitch does what he wants when he wants. Great ep.
  17. Dear Carly, he’s just not that into you. That is all. 😊
  18. I’m ready for them to move it along. So many unlikable people all crammed into one show and we never get anywhere. More meltdowns, we get it everyone is on edge, it’s not enough to sustain the story seven eps in.
  19. Well that was disturbing, and not in the good way. Not sure about this one.
  20. Count me as one also not enjoying the Carly/Sean relationship. It just seems “off” on her side and by that I mean: Anyone that has dated has encountered some mitigating factor (interfering ex wives, children issues, financial issues, inability to commit, etc) that just make the relationship not work and you can only try so hard before you just acknowledge it ain’t gonna work. I’m not laying this at the feet of “autism”, it just happens to be Sean’s quirk, and Carly seems awful disappointed and unfulfilled but she just keeps trying. Why? Almost like she doesn’t want to admit it’s not working and is just trying to prove a point to herself. Their scenes make me cringe because she just doesn’t seem to be getting the message. The guy can’t hold YOUR HAND, you expect him to put his P in your V (sorry not trying to be crude). What is wrong with this woman?
  21. I think it was a mistake to not release all the eps at once. The show has moved kind of slow and I get into it then I have to wait another week and I lose interest . It’s good, but not THAT good that I don’t mind hanging out a week for the next ep. If something as quality as The Crown can release all at once certainly this one could. I’ll keep watching, I like it, mostly because I can’t figure whose good or bad and I like that subtlety. It ring more true to me than shows where there’s an angelic protagonist and a mustache twirling villion.
  22. Well I guess not many people are watching it. I’m still not sure I understand the Billy Crup character, is he bad, is he good, do I care? I love the story I think they’re trying to tell but wish they would move it along. Were the girls at the bar happy to see Reese? And dear god can we please retire the “woman has meaningless sex to deal with her internal pain” trope. It’s jut old and lazy storytelling at this point.
  23. Just when I thought I couldn’t hate Delilah more. Surprise! She’s even more of a self centered entitled bitch than I thought in Episode 1. Quite an accomplishment. No, bitch,it isn’t Katherine hurting your kids, you did that all by yourself when you were sneaking around, cheating on their dad and basically doing exactly what you want when you want it. To the poster that said she was gonna have no issue running off with Eddie hit the nail on the head, I guess that wasn’t going to hurt her kids at all. I guess because her husband killed him self everyone else is supposed to just do what she says at all times, hmmmmm, I’m starting to see why Jon jumped off that balcony. And yes, as a dog owner, I appalled at what they did to Wesley/Colin and that poor old lady. Dogs aren’t t’shirts, they aren’t interchangeable blobs. Ugh. Except for Katherine and Rome I hate all these people. Can we just have a spin-off starring Wesley.
  24. Without Lipton this is almost unwatchable. He had a way of asking questions and keeping the actor on track so we understood their craft. With this new format I notice the actors just ramble on and on, and maybe it’s because they have other actors interviewing them that maybe they don’t want to be too forceful or interrupt but the interviews just aren’t focused. I really wanted to hear from Pacino but he just kept veering so far off track that he lost my interest and Godfather is one of my top 5 favorite films. It may be time to retire this series if they can’t find a permanent host that knows what they are doing.
  25. I read the restaurant scene as her looking around at all the middle aged/old people on dates freaking her out because she doesn’t feel like one of them. She’s intrigued by the young guy in her writing class and maybe the new found porn interest has her wanting more excitement. Shes not ready to settle into something quiet. That’s my take on it. I could do without the college portion of the show but I assume it’s going somewhere.
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