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Everything posted by becauseIsaidso

  1. That is actually disturbing on SO many levels. I haven't yet made up my mind as to whether he is psychopathic, or if he is so far up his own ass he truly has no idea what a horrible human being he is, or if he just doesn't have two shits to give about anything other than his own instant gratification. In any event, Meka (as much as I disliked her in the beginning) deserves better. I would still like to see how she reacts when being paired with a man who is as honest as she purports to be. I have a feeling it would be like night and day, Unfortunately, I fell asleep during the first half, so I will see the rest of it during Couple's Couch tonight...and I am actually excited about the new show based on Couple's Couch - although I can't remember the name of it. Was it AJ and SAFSteff who are in couple's counseling? If so, I will still have hope for them because that could mean he is actually addressing his anger/or other stressor issues - couple's counseling does not necessarily mean the union is fractured in and of itself, but could just as easily mean one (or both) partners need some help with issues that have nothing to do with their spouse (i.e. previous trauma, psychosocial conditions that prompt one partner to react to external stimuli in a manner not easily understood by the other partner, {cameras in the face 24/7 to an introvert has a much different impact to an extrovert} etc.) and because in my totally biased opinion SAFSteff totally deserves happiness with her chosen partner. So, is it in production or just an idea? My home-bound-overly-reactive-inquiring-little-gray-cells-want-to-know!
  2. fvkng rat bastard zach is the fkingest rat bastard of all time. I don't care if he's turned off by her appearance, or caught some post purge barf breath as some have suggested or even if he never intended to get himself anything other than 8 weeks of paycheck and screen time for whatever vain reason....in giving her hope, just to snatch it away time and again he has chosen to be deliberately cruel. And I can't ever forgive that. Not. Ever. Mindy may be a complete fool, but she does not deserve cruelty and humiliation. I too feel that she has been trying to find a balance between fulfilling her contractual obligation and maintaining her dignity. Maybe this has made her appear foolish or dumb, but she has never been cruel or deceitful. The 'experts' who encourage/pressure the continuation of this travesty deserve a special place in hell right along with zach.
  3. At this point I have no doubt whatever that if Meka and/or Mindy were to tell their husbands that they were done with the disrespect and lies and left, Michael and Zach would adamantly declare it was their wives who never gave it a chance, it was the wives who failed to follow the 'experts' advice by abandoning their poor little misunderstood selves, it was the wives who broke the contractual obligations, while they were simply never given an opportunity to prove what wonderful husbands they are. And 'pastor' Cal would probably jump on that sorry bandwagon with a big ole grin on his face. I really wish that as soon as the deceptions of the deceiving spouse (both men in this case) became evident, MAFS PTB would bring in real, honest-to-goddess lawyers with diplomas and proof of being admitted to the bar in the required jurisdiction to speak with the other spouse about their rights and obligations under the actual law. Married at First Sight should not mean being set up for 8 weeks of stress, anxiety, disrespect and possible public derision and coercion to allow themselves to be emotionally beaten down for the duration by lying liars who lie and lie and lie. I wish Jessica and Austin well - I think once they are rid of the inhibition of living on camera they could get their stuff together and make a real decision as to their happiness level with each other. I think there is enough 'there' there for them to be happy. I wish Katie a comeuppance for her smugness and arrogant attitude. I wish for Derek to get a clue. I'd make a wish for Brandon and Taylor, but I think they are well past the possibility of any authenticity and will each be much better off returning to whatever fantasy-land it is they came from. This show has really jumped the shark.
  4. Reza has never been particularly likeable, and the comment was made on the show (I forget who it was) that he and MJ have always been s***stirring and revealing other folks business, but this was so far beyond mere gossip that I feel nothing but contempt for him. I don't know why he has been somewhat of the 'voice' of the show, but it would be much better without him. I'd even rather see Asa back than to continue with him. He strikes me as sleazy, underhanded, totally untrustworthy and not worth the effort it takes to dislike him. There's still a lot about the show I do like, surprisingly Golnesa, who has at least evolved away from violence and seems to have a solid relationship with her parents, and I'd like to see if MJ's new focus as a mom gives her a different perspective for all her other relationships, and I LOVE the food porn. Mike needs to go, he is more grotesque every day. Shervin seemed pretty good at first, but now he and Mike are almost interchangeable - and not it a good way. Destiney and her wigs have no purpose that I can see. So, get a couple of the original core cast, give more emphasis to their family relationships and add some newbies who are not just caricatures. I've watched the new show Family Karma (I think is the name) and believe it could be really enjoyable if Bravo would only STOP with the requisite s***stirring and just let the people be as they are - there were some really interesting family dynamics that Shahs could take a lesson from. Unfortunately, they are also already setting up for a feud between two families - no thanks.
  5. Being a statistic loving, methodology obsessed former Psych Major, I KNEW I had seen information on an actual toilet paper rolling study....no kidding..... It was done at the University of Colorado, and the result was that OVER (YAY, my pref) is better....but only the germy impact, IIRC, was addressed. Namely, that when TP is in the over position, less paper is touched by the touch-er, thus leaving less residual bacteria (also IIRC ecoli was mentioned in the study) left by the toucher-er to touch upon the next touch-er (or is that touch-ee?) It bothers me more than I can express how I remember this more than 20 years after my already late graduation ( I was 47 when I got my BA). Anyhow, there it is - my limp justification of why the positioning of the tp roll upon the tp roller is of more (statistical, if you please) significance than seat positioning - although I can see the validity of that concern as well.
  6. Why argue/bitch about the toilet seat when the empty toilet paper roller is so much more fun? I never bitched about that either - just left it empty and kept a roll hidden for my own use until the hit was taken. Yup, and it worked. Took him a while to figure out what the heck I was doing with the tp roller still empty. Good times. I have come to the realization that the reason Katie has bugged me from the get-go is her smugness. Thinking back, there have been other brides & grooms who turned me off from the start and even though I can't remember their names or cities/seasons, it was that one I-just-want-to-smack-that-look-right-of-their-faces thing I could not be bothered to even try and get past. Unfortunately, I dozed off during the beginning of the show and missed most of the first hour, so I'll have to pull it up and watch it again to see what else I would have the urge to snark about.
  7. By the sound of it, I was SO much better off watching Biggest Loser last night....not the VPR biggest losers, I mean the re-invented Bob Harper hosted show...far less production generated/invented drama on BL, especially now that they've refocused to sensible weight loss instead of having everyone try to drop 200 (or more) pounds in just a couple of months. From the sound of it, there are a few VPR idiots who are in desperate need of some sensible eating/exercising habits. OTOH, it's a real hoot to watch time and metabolism catch up with people who think they can eat gobs of pub fare and gallons of high alcohol/high calorie drinks and never gain an ounce.
  8. Considering how Michael continuously and relentlessly stonewalls, lies, sabotages and makes it very clear he has absolutely no intention of doing anything other than that for the duration, I would like to see Meka offered either a bona fide do-over (where partners are actually correctly vetted) or an all expenses paid 8 week vacation to places where she can peacefully and happily accomplish her bucket list of swimming with dolphins. I haven't cared for her very much, but I can also see a perceptive, intelligent young woman who does not appear to have been at all dishonest in how she presented herself during the selection process and is being relentlessly f**ked over by a lying f**ker. I admire that she is not just getting all weak and weepy like Amber (I think that was her name - married to the ultra tall loser Matt) or Kate (of the eternally cringeworthy Kate and Luke) and tolerating Michael's behaviors, but is putting in a solid effort. I'd like to see how she does with a man who tells the truth going in and keeps her in the loop about what's going on with him, good or bad. I'm tired of Michael's excuses and no longer believe anything he says about his background - why should that be any less of a lie than everything else he spews? And even though I doubt Meka would ever put her trust in this process again, I'd also really love to see her take them/production/experts to task over what kind of selection criteria they would use to guarantee her a spouse who hasn't been lying from the get-go. Once they meet, it's up to them but they should at least start out with honesty. I was once married to a lying narcissistic stonewaller and remember engaging in my version of Meka-style confrontation in my desperation to break the wall and get him to stop shutting me out and treat me with respect (bucz that's really what it was all about). He blandly ignored me and was rather amazed when I cut him loose. The one true emotion I saw on his face was his amazement when I told him he simply wasn't worth the bother. Finally saw Couples Couch and was really surprised/happy to see SAF Steph and AJ, both of them appearing happy. I had liked them together in their season, could understand his troubles with production constantly in his face and wondered if it was their private/off-camera time that cinched their decision to stay married. Apparently so, they both looked relaxed and happy with each other. Can't remember which season they were or how long they've been together now, but it was good to see.
  9. I got the distinct impression that 'vulnerable' is Michael's code word for sex. I'm not sure whether Meka picked up on that or not, but if she did, it seemed she was pushing back with her examples of how she has been vulnerable to try and force his hand and make him tie it specifically to sex. Makes sense to me as I totally believe he did tell her off camera that sex was the deal breaker. He is actually quite practiced at steering the conversation away from the problems he is causing. As much as I dislike Meka's relentless form of delivery, it would be maddening for me to have to watch my spouse continually evade, avoid, lie and try to make it all my fault. Normally, I would applaud couples who keep off-camera stuff private, but not in this case.
  10. I guess I pass the sheets test, but I admit I only go thru one pair of pjs a week - after all, they are not gonna be there when the fun stuff happens (BTW, I'm 70, dh is 71.5 and we're going strong)
  11. I, too, am a morning only showerer (is that a word?). If I have gotten sweaty during the day (like spending a few hours working on the lawn/garden) I'll clean up as soon as that's done and not wait until bedtime because the LAST thing I want at night is being jolted into wakefulness by having water, no matter how warm/hot, sprayed all over me. Nor do I wash my hair every day - these old gray strands would look and be as brittle as straw if I did that! I have never understood how people can really WASH their hair everyday without destroying all the natural oils away. Of course, I do live in the cold, dry climes of Maine where I get goosebumps from the cold air (and yes my bathroom is heated but some of us tolerate the cold far less well than others) as soon as I step out of the shower, so there's that.
  12. Yup, my bad....it was just such a shitstorm of a show that all my negatives (seriously, Anya?) spilled over, plus I couldn't remember the name of the 3rd 'mentor' who did such a crappy job and probably inserted Mondo in the wrong memory slot, plus I was/am so outraged at the Steampunk(which I love) challenge (Natalie/Natalia was totally ROBBED), plus Tim Gunn's behavior pretty much shattered my opinion of him, that I just couldn't swallow the bile long enuf to look up the show and check my facts.
  13. Well, hell. I FINALLY see a commercial for the new season and it turns out to be TCAS, not a TC with a whole bunch of new meat...sucks...have not really enjoyed previous TCAS, don't have much hope for this one. And I was so looking forward to this. Damn.
  14. I guess I'm glad no one went home. I'd like to know if potential contestants are really clued in to what they can expect for challenges - haute couture, unconventional materials, menswear, throwbacks to other decades' fads. mom and prom challenges are all pretty much things that show up every season or so...but a challenge that involves every 'model' having a specific need which is totally different from that for which everyone else must design seems unfair to me. I'd prefer to see all the models have the same circumstance (all 6'3", all in a wheelchair, all with a lower limb prosthetic, all pregnant, all plus size...etc) but this was just a mishmash of apples and oranges and was neither entertaining nor engaging to watch - which is why it took me another full day to pick up where I had tuned out on Thursday. I was very suspicious of listening to every designer go into raptures over the criteria they had to design for and/or the model herself; so much so that it seemed like a set-up. I am sure my opinion is quite colored by the fact that I couldn't stand christian during his season which was exacerbated by his horrible attitude/behavior on the misbegotten 'Under The Gunn' (GREAT premise, horribly executed) and still don't like him at all, - even more so now that I have seen some of the horror shows he is designing for Jjill. Chris March, lazy bugger tho he could be, was a personality/talent head and wings above what christian will hope to be.
  15. Seems like Reza has always lobbed nukes at MJ, and she has done the same to him (and to a lot of other folks IMO)...that's how they roll, so I tend to totally discount the shots they take at each other. Adam strikes me as in it bcuz he's too lazy to look for anything else....either that or he's too laid back/forgiving/stupid/guilty to have the energy to go to war over every little thing. Destiney...who? She presents as over the top emotions over every-blessed-thing - so tiring - so boring....i.e. 'full of sound and fury, signifying nothing'... I have no idea why I like GG, but I do. I absolutely hated her in the first season or so, but not so much anymore. I really hope this pregnancy is successful and she gets her shit totally together and really gets into taking care of the kid and being a hands on (in the good way - without knives) mom. I can actually visualize it - could be a fun time for both. I bet her long-suffering parents would love to see her make something other than herself the priority. Sometimes I really like MJ and other times I can't stand the sight of her...jury's out on Tommy, but for little Sham's sake I hope they engage in some positive (and Vita free) parenting. Mike, holy shit has he ever gone downhill!!! It seems like the older her gets and the more pounds he packs on, the more his jaw protrudes in a most unattractive way. Does any woman want him for anything other than screen-time? I think his parents should tell him to get a job and then take their money and run. I used to like him back when he and GG were best buds, but now he's just some sad joke trying to have as much money as his brothers and parents without doing ANY of the work. Nema and his sister (whose name I just don't recall, my bad bcuz I like her) I actually like and think they are some sort of reminiscent throw-back to the Shahs that used to be. Asa - who? Altho her pretentious pop Persian priestess schtick was kinda fun, she and her diamond water or whatever it is now, were just too little over the top and silly to be taken seriously. And the Mike twin - Shervin? I know I found him entertaining in past seasons'; I just can't remember why - maybe because he was nice to GG? Not sure.
  16. All I can say is, I hope that on decision day, when 'pastor' cal asks Mindy if she wants to stay married or get a divorce, she laughs in his face and asks when the hell was it ever a marriage? She help up her end of the bargain, but that's all it is - you can see it clearly in her face, every time zach mumbles something about 'hanging out' together and she smiles - I think she's holding back a horse laugh, knowing full well zach is full of shit and just hoping for a big payday. She's saying what she needs to say to appease tptb, but I hope she's also being good to herself and not wasting even a nano second thinking about zach. I wish they'd all (every one of them who has said it to the camera) say it to zach's face and tell him they are fed up with his crap and he can just tell it to 'pastor cal' and the 'experts'.
  17. Ok, so trashy tamra and icky are gone? I may give this one another shot - I'm down to sporadic NY, BH sounds like it's jumped the shark, NJ lost me when they kept glorifying the grifter guidices, ATL beyotches violent tendencies lost me years ago (too bad, bcuz I really liked it the first couple of years). I would also like to see Jeanna back on OC, no particular reason, I just liked her, saw one season of Dallas, could not get into it, so other than waiting for TC to start up again, I'm down to VPR, SC, PR. Not much going on in TVland in my house
  18. I just can't stand this show any more. Bringing nasty stassi back and having her take center stage was equally stupid. Showcasing kristin and her continual state of drunkenness and failure to achieve any sort of mental growth is insulting. I've always liked FI Tom, but his rage text was way out of line - however, he did not scream at stassi publicly, in front her 'fans'. She owed Tom just as much of an apology as he did to her, but it'd be the usual cold day in hell before she'd ever admit to any fault whatever. It may have just been the editing, but it did seem that FI Tom was kept out of the loop until things started to go sideways with staffing, and if that was the case and I were he, my nose would be totally out of joint. I can see keeping the two Toms as they have shown some growth (even though that means overbearing, idiotic tequila katie and her horrible wardrobe choices has to stay as well), Sheana does provide a bit of comic relief and appears to have moved up a fraction of an inch on the vanderpump scale of how to hold a job, so even though she is a silly twit she makes a relative counterpoint to the others. Other than that, jettison the entire rest of them (including most of this season's newbies) and start over with a whole new crew of 20-somethings who can get away with immaturity but at least have some sort of personalities and maybe even an endearing quality or two. Until then, as much as I'll miss watching, I'll satisfy myself with the entertainment on these boards.
  19. Now I remember - Brandon seemed so familiar and now I know he reminds me of an actor on a soap Y&R, Kristof St John (probably got that really wrong), character's name was Neil and the actor unfortunately died suddenly...he was very popular and I think that's why I had a good vibe about Brandon from the start. Still catching up as first episode was both annoying and boring. Every time I've seen them, Meka and Michael haven't looked comfortable together. Still trying to remember everyone's names. Really short girl and hubs seem a bit awkward together, but not uncomfortably so like Meka and Michael. She seems more eager than he at this point, hopefully it won't turn out like the couple on another season where the girl (also really shot, married to a very all ex-basketball player leech) was so desperate for affection she put up with all kinds of crap. Don't have any strong sense of the others yet, gotta go look up this cast so I can remember their names.
  20. This!!! A thousand times This. I don't know why I never picked up on his mother as one of the alters, but I was very pleased with the ending, even the 2001-ish viewing of scenes from his life streaming through his eye. I am currently re-watching the previous seasons and will watch this one again as soon as it's available.
  21. I though this episode was weird....but I'm also rewatching the first three seasons and in either the end of season 2, or beginning of 3 Angela definitely foreshadows the alternate reality scenario...or maybe it's just another psychosis Elliot's experiencing bcuz no way do a believe a leave-it-to-beaver-esque wrap up for the show. That would be, just no. Never anticipated White Rose would end thisparticular way - dead, yes, but in a private, rather ceremonial suicide. Total kudos to BD Wong for pretty much the entire series, but especially that last horribly painful speech. I'm just trying to figure out exactly where that whole sit-down really takes place. Maybe that will be the same sort of reveal as Elliot's jail time.
  22. Not understanding why the person who left their fabric at Mood had to do without. I could have sworn that the same thing happened in another season, and they allowed the designer to go back and get it - which also used up that much of their design time, so there was no unfair advantage. Maybe it was another wannabee PR show, maybe it was on a non-Bravo season, I just don't recall the details. Hated the first challenge being teams of two. But it sure worked out for the guy who was the original partner for Asma (?sp). In retrospect, I suppose that mini cocktail party get to know each other was a bit of an attempt to not completely blindside them, but what someone says they can do, and what they actually do when the clock is ticking are often vastly different. I'm very glad the armband team was saved - I liked them during the design phase and really liked them on the runway. Never have and never will like Siriano. When he didn't get eliminated during 'his' season for that horrible prom dress massacre, I knew the fix was in. Just as it was in for Jeffrey the horrible who completed demeaned and designed fugly for his 'model' during the Mom challenge and sent out a hooker wannabee for the (IIRC) Black and White challenge and some crap that was totally boring for that challenge in Central Park....but as soon as I saw him pick that yellow plaid in Paris for the Haute Couture challenge I said to my cat - F...me, that's the winner. I wonder if basketcase (?Jeffrey - I don't have the names fixed in my aging brain yet) with the winning jumpsuit (I totally agree that if I had the bod I would almost kill to have that thing) will prove to be the one to watch. At least this season has started off with some promise - but I still miss Tim Gunn. I really dislike the combo of usual fashion model size models and plus/curvy whatever the correct term is models. I really like the inclusion of plus size models, but why not do a challenge (or 2 or 3) with JUST plus size models? That would show who can really step up and eliminate the 'if i'd had a normal size model....' excuses. I missed the bit about getting the correct pronouns for the non-binary model - is it they, them, their? That seems logical to me and rather easy to use. And I absolutely HATED the Hester commercials.
  23. My first thought was 'why is lvp in rhbh pic and why does she look so horrible?'. Then I realized it was kyle trying to look like lvp and failing miserably. I've heard imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but the imitator should at least attempt to do a decent job of it.
  24. Regardless of how fabulous Sarah Paulson may or may not be (I've never heard of her before these posts, and I don't live under a rock) it still seems quite specious to me that the first post I see about/from her on this board is a slam of LVP, Certainly someone of her vaunted credentials might be expected to take the high road? However, no matter to me since I am among those who have decided not to watch this crapfest any longer - no matter how utterly fabulous the new HW wannabes seem to be...and as I stated on the thread regarding 'no longer viewing', my abandonment of this series is not solely due to the departure of LVP, that was simply the prophetic straw that broke the camel's back, but also my LONG TIME disgust with everything glorifying any and all that has to do with the bitchard sisters.
  25. What earthly purpose is there in declaring war on someone who isn't there any longer? To me this sounds like someone who is either a) that desperate to suck up to the rest of the cast or b) that desperate to establish herself as a somebody. Neither of which is at all impressive.
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