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Everything posted by becauseIsaidso

  1. I did not feel anyone was judging Noi for not being able to swim. People certainly have the right to have different differences/preferences: But those of us who have suddenly found themselves tasked with trying to wrest to shore a screaming, flailing idiot who went in a boat WITHOUT EITHER a PFD or the ABILITY to SWIM just might beg to differ. IMO - If you do not wish to know how to swim/stay afloat, don't put yourself in a situation where your life may depend on it. And there are many of those.
  2. I'm calling Histrionic Personality Disorder. Only because she does not quite have enough crazies for Narcissistic Personality Disorder....but then, I only have a BA in psych and was only involved in the testing aspect, not the diagnostic (for which I was not qualified) so I have to go by the end results of those who had the creds to make the call.
  3. I'm thinking Chris (with an interested partner) could have been a JAustin 2.0 - nerdy, but like-ably & successfully matched...methinks there is something good to be said about nerds. Still wishing there was more of CouplesCam...wondering about Jaustin's sprout, Jepthe & Shawneice, Laura & next baby-maybe etc.....and especially Gregg & Deonna (forgive the misspellings, please).
  4. When I was an undergrad in the 70s, many colleges and universities across the US required their students to be able to swim/float before they could graduate, which was, to me, growing up on the US East coast, a sensible life skill. Today, there are only a handful of institutions that still have this requirement. But it really never occurred to me that this was such a valuable thing until I began traveling abroad - airplanes, river boats, etc - and encountered people whose greatest fear ( and I mean fear so bad they could NOT look out the airplane window or over the rail on a riverboat) was ending up in the water - thereby impacting their enjoyment of the entire experience. If anyone doesn't care to swim, that's fine - but learning how to simply stay afloat should circumstances require, seems only sensible to me. But then again, I've always I've always loved the oceans, as much as I recognized their capriciousness, so I guess I am hopelessly biased.
  5. Yes, I think you're right - but not all of us have attitudinal toddlers to deal with. Good on you.
  6. Surprisingly, I have found this season rather watchable (which is A LOT to say after last season!) - go figure. I was especially happy to see so many of the other newly matched spouses see right through Alyssa's bullshit. I don't claim that Chris is the end-all-beat-all good guy - of-all-time, but he sure as hell comes across as MUCH more sincere. Hope he has moved on to a partner who is dealing in reality rather than a lying sack of shit like alyssa. For once in a long time, I'm looking forward to the next episode. I haven't checked the on-demand stuff yet, but is there no more Couples Cam? Haven't seen it mentioned.
  7. If SAFSteph and AJ weren't already my favorite couple, this would have clinched it. It was all in Steph's reaction to AJ's medical news - she immediately swung into 'we can make this work' mode without any hyperbole or making it sound like she was going to great lengths to support him and/or being really put out because of him. It could well have been a reenactment of the actual exchange, but I don't think either of them is a good enough actor to pull off such a totally spot on emotional committment. SAFSteph's demeanor never wavered from placing AJ's medical needs, comfort, and anxiety abatement first before everything. And his quietly wondrous reaction of appreciation for her rang true because he still seems to be a bit in awe of having someone who will, literally, rearrange their life simply to help him. I do agree about Steph's hair - something is wrong there. It wasn't just the cut (I think she could carry off a bob or shag or just about anything fantastically) but her hair looked over-processed to me. - very dry at the ends. L'Oreal, Kenra and others have great moisturizing oils for just that purpose and they are super easy to use. I had really hoped that Keith had put his momma's boy, me-first attitude behind him, but clearly he has not. He doesn't see the difference between being able to make solo decision because he is a legal adult and including his spouse in the deciion making process because he chose to get and stay married. I think Kristine is wise to put off having kids until the manchild she is married to does a lot more growing up. I think he knew there were several sound financial planning reasons to pass up on an RV at this time and he just figured he'd fall back on that disgusting adage "it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission" . And to then try to put the blame on her and tell her she should be the one to sleep on the couch.....hell NO. I wish her well - but I'm starting to think it needs to be without him. As much as I like WAmani and KMiles, it was absolute torture to watch them have to interact so awkwardly with Jepthe & Shawniece. I recalled an episode (or two?) where there seemed to be a food competition between WAmani and KMiles and wondered why the heck the 3 couples couldn't have gotten together for a BBQ sharing dishes and techniques food fest. Everybody loves food porn! Has something changed in KMiles residence? I could swear their place looked a whole lot different after their decision day. This time it almost looked like they were back in their MAFS season apartment. Maybe it was just the furniture arrangement that's confusing me. Anthony/Ashley & the kids, JAustin & the baby bump were adorable as usual. And regardless of how relaxed (or not) they are in front of a camera, I count them in with SAFSteph & AJ, WAmani, KMiles & Gregg & Deonna as the real deal. I really don't know why Jepthe & Shawniece are hanging in there - he lost me a couple of episodes age when he asked her to make a list of why she wanted to wait for another kid because he was pushing for the next of 4 total to get underway. Her list was very well thought out: they needed a bigger living space and health insurance. So what does he do? Tells her he changed his mind, has gotten cold feet about the next kid and totally dismisses the effort she has made! I wanted to smack him for acting like he can just pull her chain anytime he wants to. And I wanted to smack her for not calling him on it. No wonder she has to go full out whenever she gets the chance to speak her mind. Don't know if I dozed off or if JOtis and Bobby/Danielle were on this time, but I did not care about missing either.
  8. I don't understand why Johnny would think anything is going to turn out differently when HE immediately reverted to type and jumped on the very first deal breaker possible - instead of following the 'experts' (and I use the term very loosely) advice and actually try to change his own behaviors and/or mindset. Either that, or he needs to get a female-version clone of himself so he can continue to hide in his tiny cocoon. They were the one couple of all that I had real hopes for. FWIW, my dry skin does not permit a full shower everyday - the water sluicing over me does a real number on my natural body oils and I end up scratching relentlessly. So, I make do with a few full showers during the week, supplemented by daily sponge baths. Until you have walked a week in my skin, please don't judge. Is it my imagination, or during the matching process did one or all 'experts' remark about maybe getting a '5 for 5' season? I think they have succeeded - they just didn't mean five divorces. Missed Couples Cam this week, so am waiting for the rerun to come up....with the exception of JOtis, I enjoy most of the couples enormously - even desperate-for-a-story-line-Jamie/Beth. They're all still the type of success story match-ups this show was supposed to be all about. And Baby Declan is just too cute for words! And to think I was among those yelling "Run, Greg, Run!" right up to and including decision day. Whoddathunkit?
  9. I see a great deal of difference between dillon running around telling people vishal is giving out blow jobs and someone who has been victimized by the anti-lgbtq bloc. dillon is his own worst enemy. He has no filter. He will never stop until someone beats the snot out of him when he runs his mouth too often to the wrong people. Being born to money and privilege can not protect him from accountability to whomever (how subjectively it may be) he gives offense. As far as the show is concerned, all he ever had to do was sincerely (HAH!) apologize to Vishal and STOP RUNNING HIS MOUTH! Because I have seen this, I think it is true that the more effeminate appearing gay men are often subjected to the threat of violence more so than others, and this is something I would have expected dillon to be aware of. I do think he is well aware of it and is making certain to use the threat of victimization from others to his own advantage. He is not a worthy addition to this show.
  10. I really hate that little snot fucker dillon. He is determined to make himself the central 'character' and he has the absolute least value/appeal of any of them - next to bali. I think I need to start surfing away from the show as soon as he opens his self-righteous pie-hole and try to come back to see the people who are genuine and worth watching. I think Bravo put him on because 1) he is gay and 2) to add contrived drama to the show. No. 1) Amrit is 1000% better than dillon any day. As are his interactions with his parents and Nani. 2) The everyday interactions of all these loving families is ample, comfy entertainment to put a smile on my face and keep me coming back for more. Get rid of dillon's ass and I will be much happier with the show and not have to feel Bravo is trying to turn it into another RH porn/slut/fest.
  11. Quoting myself because I think now that I've done Amrit a bit of an injustice. I still think he's a bit of a player, but in the sense of being a flirt rather than a serial cheater - and it's all because of this last epi. I just don't see anything fake in the scene with his Nani and the rest of the family supporting both of them as Amrit gave his Nani the (what must have been confusing and disturbing to her) truth about not just his orientation, but that he has a chosen partner as well. I'm impressed. I've tried to find something in that scene that didn't ring true, but couldn't. Major kudos to these folks for not compromising their cultural nuances for a tv show. Props to Bravo for actually not messing with something so lovely. The younger generation is Americanized enough to have lost some of that and I really wish they would look more to their parents and the aunties - there's a reason the have become such honorable people. I cannot see dillon ever reaching that level.
  12. I was very disappointed in the outcome, partly because from the start of the episode it was clearly the designated 'gabe' show. I haven't liked him from the first episode, didn't know anything about any allegations then, don't know any particulars now, and - as far as this show is concerned - don't care. I just never cared for the guy. IRL, I have at times worked with men who have turned out to be abusers - (not of me) - most of them were very appropriate in public/when someone could be watching - but later proven to be complete assholes/predators behind closed doors. They seemed to take the positive reactions they got from their 'public audience' as an empowerment of all their attitudes and actions (current case in point - Bill Cosby). So it would not at all surprise me to find out that someone who came across very well on the show was a nasty piece of work when the cameras are gone and no one is recording anything.
  13. I did not know that! Wow! I can't help but wonder how it was served. Knowing what I now know of the people here, it must have been as cheaply and simply as possible - ironic that such prep showcases the protein to it's best advantage. Makes me wonder HOW these self-righteous Mainers finally discovered how lovely a dish lobster makes!
  14. No, you're not being grumpy at all. I was looking forward to there being an actual elimination instead of a hype-fake-suspense-driven-announcement. I would have chosen Dawn over Gabe simply because her food, as another poster referred to and as the judges actually said, makes they happy! Gabe seems to have cooked some really good food, but his delivery just seems (to me) flat and somewhat mechanical. Lately, I don't get to travel as much as I would like, but one of my prime reasons for venturing out to other cultures is the FOOD! I have learned more about Southern US (New Orleans) England, Ireland, Scotland( Haggis!), Wales, Italy, Spain (Catalan & otherwise), Thailand, Norway, Denmark, Sweden and have felt I gained a better sense of the people through the food I have enjoyed - not just main stream, but all those little out of the way mom and pop restaurants (Thailand!!!! so wonderful especially the busy street venders! and Sweden with a chef foraged nettle soup and jack-fruit main course with onion sauce - OUT OF THIS WORLD!; and the Demi Luna restaurant in Mont Marte, Paris for my very first authentic beouf bourguignoin and the 'sandwich shop in Bergen which reminded us they were served open face - and were fantastic!). I believe I come to a better understanding of the culture through their food. And this season at least, I would LOVE to taste Shota's.
  15. Yup...I've lived in Maine since 1998, which was about the only time I ever saw a lobster roll for less than 15.00 (American or Canadian. And since I live within 2 hours of the New Brunswick border crossing, I hate to say that I've only had one Maine Lobster roll that equals what I've had in Canada in terms of taste, presentation and price. Sad, that. Side note - my DH's father, who was born in 1919 often told us how when he was a kid growing up on the coast of Maine, lobster were regarded as garbage bottom feeders and thrown away or used as bait for more desirable seafood. Funny how things change.
  16. I see/acknowledge the point about the aunties as being more valuable as the authentic moms/wives they are...but I have a sense that these women, who have been so outspoken for as long as I've been watching this show, have a far more secure sense of self worth than those on any of the other shows and would NOT devolve into the horrors of bicki gunvalson or teresa jooodicheeee or ANY of the bitchard sisters....or, for that matter, any of the famehoos I used to watch. I find the 'aunties' refreshing and want more of them.
  17. I still plan to rewatch all of this season because new stuff keeps coming up and it seems to put other stuff in context. Dillon annoys the crap out of me - he's a self-important little snot who loves to run his mouth at the expense of other people and I have a feeling that any 'adversity' he has suffered socially is directly attributable to his big mouth and lack of boundaries more than anything else. I don't feel that either dillon or his know-it-all older brother deserved any apology, they were definitely totally insincere in their comments to and about Vishal. Anisha really needs to stfu and listen before she goes off on one of her self-righteous tangents. No wonder she likes dillon. Monica may be a bit hypocritical, but she also directly addresses whomever she feels has dissed her rather than playing telephone ad nauseum. Bali still stirs the pot - apparently she has no function other than that and continually reminding us how hot and young she is. If I were Vishal's mom, I would be very irritated at someone less than a decade younger than I referring to me as 'auntie'. I like Vishal and Richa together. They seem to balance each other. I don't care if they choose to bend traditional gender roles to to suit their relationship it shouldn't be such a big deal. Naturally Lopa is concerned - but she was rather disingenuous when she flipped Vishal's question about Lopa telling Richa to not tell him where Lopa was living into Vishal sticking his nose into her financial business. I never heard him mention her money or how she spends it (other than having heard that she bought a condo, etc), but rather that he was feeling a lack of trust. Nice deflection, Lopa. I was surpried to hear that Richa cries at times - but who's to say whether it's Vishal or Lopa who is the cause of it. Richa's stuck in the middle but I suspect she hears a lot more negative comments from Lopa than she does from Vishal. I was also surprised Vishal's mom hasn't contacted Lopa to include her in any family events - that does seem out of context given all that's been said about it being as much a union of two families as of the couple. Then again, Lopa didn't mention issuing any such invitation to Vishal's family. I should watch those conversations again. I like Amrit and Nicholas, but think Amrit is a bit of a user. Kind of like the person who claims to be committed to their SO, but doesn't want to formalize it so they can still half-way legitimately play the field/flirt. Does Brian have any real purpose? His mom is pretty neat. Sometimes I think the show should have been developed as Aunti Karma - they really carry everything and there's not a nasty vibe among them - something the 'real' housewife franchises could learn from. I love the TH segments that include the parents and kid as a unit.
  18. I watched as much as I could tolerate of POScrhris's ranting BS - IMO, totally self-serving - and even those points he may have made about the duplicitous of others - he is STILL using whatever/whenever he can to make himself into some sort of misunderstood good guy. I know, as do many others, that a lot of what we see during the season is production driven....but I will absolutely NOT let those shenanigans be an EXCUSE/JUSTIFICATION for all the relentless shit POSchris pulled this season. What dumberthandirtPaige chose to play along with is on her (who dresses is such ill-fitting, sexually suggestive apparel without SOME degree of knowledge and complicity?). Both of them can go rot in whatever version of their 'christian' hell they ascribe to.
  19. Finally saw the entire episode, Ryan & Clara, my season-long faves remain so...soooooooo touching when he looked her in the eye and said those three words she's been wanting, although I am convinced that, wanting/needing privacy as much as they do for all the important stuff, it actually happened well before the reunion. Her look was toned down, softer colors, gone with the garish red lipstick...and Ryan looked a LOT more relaxed....I actually like the guy, simply because, to me, he just doesn't seem to have a phoney bone in his cute, mustachioed, fedora hatted, body...and it looks like Clara is totally on board with that. I could not perceive any discomfort in her responses, actually none at all between the two of them! Probably because I am partial to them from the start I was surprised by Vinnie and Brianna - I didn't him all that much, but had enough regard for her opinion that I thought they would make it....He did not look as much dough-boy to me as earlier in the season.....and she does not seem to be giving up on her basic character at all. They were my 2nd favorite couple and remain so...even though I still don't like him all that much (too publicly whiny for my taste, but that could just be production drive for all I know) so I will cut him some slack. No idea what VaRic are up to. Haven't yet seen who are the couples joining Couples Cam for the new season, but that could be part of it. Not surprised that BAmelia would have dropped out - her medical career and his lack of interest in the more materialistic aspects of fame tell me they turned their attention to the more important aspects of their marriage. Anyone know if they are still together? I am hoping so - despite some of the weirdness, I really liked them as a couple who actually gave a crap, not just about themselves, but about people and the planet. Saw the POSchirs/DUMBERTHANDIRTpaige segment and will not torture myself with having to look at them again. WTF was she thinking wearing a fuck-me dress? Is that REALLY what she has been taught/brought up to believe that's all women are for - to be fucked and impregnated and pounded into submission? - but then, I have seen to much, FAR TOO MUCH of that IRL to think it could be otherwise. I know they are continuing with the next episode of this fiasco, and I fear there will be too much more of POS andDUMBASSHIT for me to tolerate.
  20. I saw a preview I just can't believe - POSchris claiming during the reunion episode that he and Paige are in 'counseling'! Why the fuck would she agree to that unless she is as brainwashed as I have seen in other 'evangelically' indoctrinated women where I live. At this point, I don't know who to blame more - Chris or the fucking- fake -"christian" church the stupid woman had been raised to believe in; or paige for being so spineless as to buy into it over and over again as she gets both fucked and fucked over. If it weren't for the fact that I need to actually hear her say she has agreed to try YET AGAIN believe it, I would not watch any nanosecond of their air time. I am beyond disgusted with those two. If TPTB at MAFS thought giving us this sort of blatant misogyny would attract viewers, they are more fucked up than I had imagined possible.
  21. Before I had seen this new topic, I had posted in the finale part 2 about POSchris and DUMBASSHITpaige. My opinion stands, as of this point, unaltered.
  22. One of the things I noticed (in the not necessarily true and possibly production fucking with us sense) was a blip of the reunion episode with POSchris and DUMBASSHITpaige not only sitting together BUT with the rat bastard stating they were seeing a counselor or in couples therapy or some other such disgusting statement to that effect. If that is correct, there is only one possible explanation - POSchris is so confident in his slimey-ness that he decided to give BOTH production AND the viewing public of MAFS a great big FUCK YOU by demonstrating he is the big swinging dick and has once again succeeded in sucking DUMBASSHITpaige into his rapist-religious philosophy that everything goes from god to the man/anything with a penis/ and then to the woman who is expected to submit/obey/debase herself eternally. I have, in my previous work, met with teen girls who had been sucked into sexual abuse/rape by their 'christian' evangelical pastors, and then discarded and left with all the guilt because of their eternally insignificant/sinful/disgusting status as female. I can not begin to fully express the hatred I have for those pigs. The only reason I blame POSchris more than DUMBASSHITpaige is that I have met women/girls who have been indoctrinated in the same manner. Sadly, even if DUMBASSHITpaige has gone along with what POSchris wants. she DOES have the intelligence to have seen through it AND by the time she chooses to listen to the good angel on her shoulder, that fucking pig will have taken all her money and all her property and all she will get is OUT.
  23. I am watching the reruns of the entire season, and the one thing that has smacked me between the eyes struck me, is that POSChris is relying on his totally bullshit rapist interpretation of the 'bible' to make him IN CHARGE OF PAIGE AND THE BABY MAMMA WHETHER THEY LIKE IT OR NOT!!!!! All I see is a rat bastard who is trying to lock onto a 'sugar mommy' ( Paige) to fund BOTH his life and his baby momma's life. Paige is just stupid, or maybe patriarchal stupid; but stupid is as stupid does and since she does appear to have (at least) an average IQ, should be able to kick his nasty ass to the curb and start dealing in reality. It was only two episodes in that I began to feel POSchris saw Paige as a meal ticket.....nothing else....he wanted to fuck her and the baby momma and have Paige pay for everything. I bet he even tried to claim that once they were 'legally' married, he had the rights to ALL(Paige's) her money. Any proof to the contrary? MAFS PTB should rot in hell for this match. Has Paige actually managed to divorce POSchris at this time? (5/12/21?) Proof? I have the horrible feeling that, like mattbastard/amber of a previous season, Paige can't find his nasty ass long enough to have divorce papers served on him, let alone actually sign them/record them/ give her the fucking divorce. By WHAT fucking standard does she, stupid though she may have been, deserve this???????? AND What, exactly, DOES MAFS PTBT guarantee about the divorce of the couples who don't choose each other on 'decision' day? Does MAFS just sit back and say, tough shit? Does MAFS TPBT actually, PROACTIVELY work to make the divorces happen for the spouse who has been well and truly fucked over? On the reunion episode some time ago with Kevin whomever, It didn't sound like Amber was getting any help AT ALL getting rid of homeless/undesireableMatt! What EXACTLY does Lifetime do for the spouses who have been totally shit upon? Suspicious minds want to know! HEY!!!! Y'ALL - we want to know!!!
  24. That's really good to hear! They are pretty much my favorite couple this season - especially since Vinnie - IMNSHO - is a bit of a manipulative schmuck who is so insecure he has to try and make Brianna (who is actually not my fave wife either) look bad. I've had a feeling for a while that the whole 'not saying I love you' schtick was production contrived to give a compatible couple some 'drama' and that the on screen awkwardness of their scenes is a result of having to stick to a somewhat scripted storyline. I was going to say I longed for the good old days when the series was new and whatever drama occurred was real and not manufactured, but then I remembered JOtis were also first season and it was obvious to me from the start that Jamie has been playing to the camera. There is not enough bleach in the world to erase those home-birthing scenes from my brain, but there were other couples in the episode I didn't want to miss.. She knows how to work it, I'll give her that. But, the only reason she is ever on my TV screen is because I follow MAFS - not her.
  25. Loved this episode. I've never been much of a Danielle/Bobby fan, but I have to give her major props for how she handled a potentially very scary situation - especially since she's already been through it once. She showed some pretty raw emotion, no writhing around on the bed in black lace undies, full makeup & hair - just a real pic of a scared mom to be at the height of her anxiety. Even Bobby showed quite a bit of empathy - which I suspect is quite contrary to his usual demeanor. Loved SAFSteph/AJ - especially since they've pretty much been my faves since their wedding. I got such a kick out of Steph reacting to AJ giving his poem a title by saying he'd already won....and the look on his face was priceless. They're not kidding when they say they thrive on competition. Parts of Shawneice/Jepthe were a bit TMI for my taste, but this is a couple I've also liked from the beginning and was sad to see an earlier post (not sure if it was in this thread) about the state/or lack thereof of their marriage. Greg/Deonna, Jaustin, Karen/Miles were sweet. Loved the low-key gender reveal, the realities of moving and having to improvise 'furniture', and the securing the trash cans attention to domestic detail - even that had a bit of romance in it. So, Doug wants to be a SAHD - seems more like he was just making official what has already been ongoing. Those bits of him trying to 'work' which holding a screaming kid were just too much. And the repetitions of covid as causing the loss of income was unnecessary - there are a lot of people out there who really have no income & no MAFS gig to rely on. At one time or another, Gregg/Deonna, Ashley/Anthony & SAFSteph/AJ have all mentioned the impact they've had to adjust for, but their references seemed much more low key and matter of fact - (it happened, we've adjusted, we're moving forward). Maybe it's because I've never really cared for JOtis, or maybe it's because Jamie always seems to be playing to the camera (Beth/Jamie do the same thing). The others seem to talk to the camera as if it's just another person in the room - like they are more comfortable with it and don't let it affect them. Jaustin is the only other couple that strikes me as a bit awkward or shy around the camera. Glad to hear Couples Cam will be back in June with all new stuff! Not at ALL sure I want to get involved in the 'unmatchable' show.
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