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Everything posted by Maya

  1. Hmmm..maybe Patricia reveals she actually has cancer to save the cancer-thon/her network?
  2. The whole Lime Truck thing was very staged. Plus I could have happily lived the rest of my life without ever hearing “Taste le truck!” again.
  3. Joanna should tell them she actually is a cancer survivor. They could subtly change the narrative a bit and go with that.
  4. Kind of hilarious that, despite all the recent headlines, Kourtney is still so, so boring. I fast forward through every scene she’s in. Lol Not body shaming, just curious - how did Khloe lose so much weight? She is TINY. She has an entirely different body shape than she used to. Kim seems genuinely happy but the Pete relationship HAS to be fake right? Maybe she’s just having fun and enjoying the attention. 🤷‍♀️
  5. If that’s the case, the South African truck people should have brought their own specialty spices.
  6. The “poaching” is so strange. What’s the point of coaching a great team if someone is just going to take your best person when their crappy team is whittled down to one person?
  7. I believe that people are willing to pay higher prices in the Bay Area, but $20 for a little cup of macaroni is mind boggling. (Or $60 for the “trio” !!!)
  8. Me too! I swear they alluded to that previously… OK I’m confused - did Patricia buy Darcy the bag as a way to let him know she was on to him? Or was it really just a nice gesture? I don’t know how he thought he was going to get away with that in the first place.
  9. I understand the Joanna character is supposed to be awkward, but she comes across as borderline stupid. I think she should be more of an “every woman .” Also the boss is a weird caricature. Maybe the cancer will humanize her. Otherwise I like this show.
  10. That may have been the least amount of excitement when the winner was announced , ever. Including the Covid year when no one was even there in person lol. Was everyone just not surprised? Bored to death? Disappointed that Hunter didn’t win? Hard to say.
  11. I agree that Jeff is perfect for this. He actually seems to be enjoying himself. Definitely contributes to the positive vibe on the show.
  12. That’s how I felt about Huntergirl. I was embarrassed for her. I have a feeling Fritz had the most votes and they put him last for drama.
  13. Funniest comment I saw on Facebook: “She’s probably afraid of him. He looks like a corpse.”
  14. This show is hilarious! While I agree with everything said here, I do think it was kind of dumb for Romy to leave when so close to $25k. It was actually a pretty easy challenge - just make something you’ve made a million times before and coat it in sprinkles. I also didn’t mind the “Molly’s farm” theme - baby animals, etc. But then they threw in tropical drinks so… The real question is - will the producers be able to resist having Molly on the Halloween show, emerging in a cutesy costume every week? Lol we’ll see!
  15. Maybe she didn’t involve her kids because the whole proposal/wedding are fake.
  16. So many of these people are so, so boring. Christian and I’m sorry, Nicolina. Why would I want to listen to either one of them sing anything? So many other people do the exact same thing, but better. I liked that the contestants got to choose what to sing. Regardless of whether it’s picked by a judge, bad song choice will send you home.
  17. I was trying to figure out if Travis is tiny too because he’s only a little bit taller than her.
  18. How are tropical drinks and wine/cheese desserts related to spring?
  19. Maybe Kourtney being so happy is less about Travis and more about being the constant center of attention…
  20. How dumb are these idiots to not vote out Jonathan? He’s a likable guy who’s amazing at challenges.
  21. Interesting legal angle. You might be on to something. There was a very weird vibe surrounding Carolyn.
  22. Except all these episodes were filmed long before they aired. So the producers must have realized Molly fucked up? It was an interesting choice to show her turning off Carolyn’s timer. They could have edited that out.
  23. I like Carolyn and I’m glad she’s back. That said - WTF?? They just bring her back with no explanation whatsoever? I don’t know if Justin had severe stage fright or what, but he always seemed so miserable. I felt bad for him every time he was on camera.
  24. Fritz and Ellie both have beautiful voices.
  25. I quit watching these people a couple years ago, but was curious about the switch to the new network. I agree Kourtney seems really happy. Kim is so much more animated on this show, wonder what that’s about. Maybe just ecstatic to be back on TV? Khloe and Kylie are almost unrecognizable with all the plastic surgery. Did Scott always have a lisp or was he drunk during his talking head? Kris and Corey are the only ones who are exactly the same LOL. And Kim’s kids are cute.
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