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Everything posted by Maya

  1. Why was that woman even there?? They had already announced the challenged. She appeared and told them to make it look good and fit well. Thanks lady! Candace really hates Ashley, doesn't she? When Ashley came in and said she was in, Candace could barely squeak out a "You're kidding!" and it wasn't in a pleased, surprised way, it was more amazement bordering on disgust.
  2. It's interesting because Edmond actually HAS a story -- guy who tried out for Project Runway every season and finally made it this year!! The fact that they rarely bring this up means it doesn't matter because he's not going to win. I think it will be Ashley. The plus-size industry is hot right now!
  3. This marriage has been over for a long time. Why would Khloe care for him after he goes home? He cheated on her, disrespected her and humiliated her. What a catch!! Clearly, he doesn't love her. If she can't see that after finding him unconscious in a whorehouse, I don't know what it will take. I would respect her more if her support this week was for the cameras, than if it was because she wants this cheater back.
  4. I thought Terry getting that fat in 10 days was kind of stupid.
  5. I don't think Lamar wants Khloe back. You don't cheat on someone and leave them because you're in love with them. People don't break up with people that they want to be with, no matter how badly some people want to believe that!
  6. I am going to miss Tim's slightly chastising voice saying, "Merliiiine...." as she's late for the runway (every week). And Merline saying "ThanksTimGunn!"
  7. I realize they wouldn't allow cameras in Lamar's room. I am wondering about cameras following Kim and Kris around as they phone family, etc. Kim especially.
  8. I am dying to know if a camera crew is following Kris and Kim around.
  9. I don't like how she narrows her eyes when someone's talking and she doesn't like what they're saying. It's kind of menacing. It's like she's thinking, "Finish what you're saying. Then I'm going to destroy you."
  10. Swapnil using drugs would explain Tim's anger and the retroactive slacker edit.
  11. These women sure hated their arms didn't they?
  12. The whole Lamar storyline felt even more scripted than usual. I guarantee that was never him on the phone at any point. I wonder if Lamar is being paid for any of this, it's as if he's a fictional character and they just write in his part each week.
  13. You don't like the dual Michael Jackson gloves?
  14. I think all these things -- Kris's sad no-makeup face, the photo shoot mix-up and the book signing -- were all part of the "Kris is really off her game since Caitlyn left" storyline. That said, I think it's normal to feel sadness about a spouse a year after a divorce, even if you're having fun in the meantime, and even if your separation was amicable. So Kris may be legitimately sad, but I don't think any of her real feelings played out on TV.
  15. I thought Swapnil's was hideous. It looked well made but that's it. My one laugh for the night: Zac pulling back the fabric right over Ashley's model's boob to see if there was anything underneath it. LOL
  16. OMG she's this close to taking him back, if she hasn't already.
  17. Did she say in the car that she doesn't smile because it looks weird? She knows her face is messed up. That scene with Scott and Kylie in the restaurant was painful to watch. WTF.
  18. Hmmm...something unexpected... She's going to college? She got a job? She read a book?
  19. I think it would have literally killed Caitlyn to apologize to Kris about the vanity fair article. Whatever she intended the "Kris mistreated me" part to mean, Kris took it the other way and it hurt her. Just apologize to your ex-wife of 20+ years. So stubborn and annoying.
  20. That is exactly what should have happened. These are grown adults who have just divorced. You don't sit around and wait to be invited to your ex-spouse's party. I think Caitlyn probably forgot all about Kylie's graduation to be honest.
  21. Reminiscent of her selfie book, full of photos other people took of her! Someone please explain to her what a selfie is!
  22. I can see why Kris would want to change her name. Although she was always portrayed as the evil monster in the relationship, I am starting to think Caitlyn didn't treat her very well either. And ever the businesswoman, of course she chooses Kardashian over her maiden name.
  23. I thought it was boring. Everything Candis said sounded fake. I didn't buy a word of it.
  24. I wonder if the Kris stuff somehow made Caitlyn look bad, so they took it out in light of the charges that just came out. And OMG the clothes Caitlyn was picking out for herself at that boutique! Be thankful she has a stylist!!
  25. I thought the striped top on the winning look looked like it was being pooped out from beneath the flowered cape. The pants were too short and the pleats were unflattering. The striped top should have been more fitted if it was being paired with flowy pants and a big cape.
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