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Everything posted by Maya

  1. SO MUCH ANXIETY as he staggered down a rocky cliff with a baby strapped to the front of his chest!! And JD officially grosses me out.
  2. What’s more romantic than talking about finances on a date? 😑
  3. A stack of crepes and buttercream doesn’t sound very good to me. Has anyone here tried a crepe cake?
  4. I agree. All fake. The “job,” the last minute trip, all of it is a storyline. Adam’s big googly eyed stupid stare is real though unfortunately.
  5. This all better be fake because I already hate Adam enough as it is. Pretty sure Danielle knew about the puppy though.
  6. I’m surprised. I honestly thought all these shows were fixed and it was her turn to beat Bobby Flay. Guess not.
  7. I agree. I would never eat rare pork. I don’t care how safe someone says it is.
  8. I thought Julianne was in her 40’s. How is it possible that she’s only 28. Funniest line of the night: Gina, trying to use a can opener: “Is it broken?” Bobby: “Probably not.”
  9. Me too! I think Bobby is just what this show needed. ETA: I feel like there are fewer people pretending to be terrible cooks this season, and that most of them genuinely suck.
  10. I’m actually really surprised that Bobby let the opera guy go over the woman who couldn’t pronounce lamb. Also is it necessary that every season someone is grossed out by touching raw meat? Never mind I already know the answer to that.
  11. I hate that they let these idiots screw around with live lobsters. I like Bobby Flay on this show.
  12. Or the most ridiculous of all - $30 for a shrimp po boy, bowl of jambalaya and a third thing I can’t remember. Who needs that much food at once?? How could you even hold it all?
  13. I’m shocked. I was convinced based on the talking heads that the Brunch Babes won. How depressed would the thinner guy on the Nola team have looked if they LOST?
  14. While I like the Brunch Babes just fine, I feel compelled to say I really, really hate their name.
  15. I agree. Why would that company offer him a partnership after he made one video for them. Now that I think about it, I’m not even convinced he produced the video. They just needed a cliffhanger or “cliffhanger”.
  16. Poor Parker. In this family, being an introvert means there’s something wrong with you and you need to be fixed. I honestly can’t look at Adam and his googly wide eyes anymore, or listen to his irritating whining. I’ll take Riley over him any day.
  17. If this was Worst Cooks, Anne would love that surfer dude.
  18. I haven’t watched the episode yet, but please don’t tell me that it hasn’t dawned on any of these people yet that Parker may be acting out to get attention.
  19. Where did they find these people?? All the melting snowmen looked like they were made by children.
  20. I still don’t get it. They’re so tight around their necks, how do they even get them over their heads? 😂 I’m not spoiled in the least, but knowing they film all the talking heads after the season’s over, is it not obvious the Nola team doesn’t win? They always look like someone just died.
  21. Ok I give up - what are those blue fluffy collars on the Rolling Indulgence team supposed to be?
  22. I just watched this. The snake was definitely scripted. The twins were smiling while Courtney was screaming.
  23. Danielle and Adam really do not seem to like each other anymore.
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