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Everything posted by Maya

  1. The whole situation screams “made for reality TV” to me.
  2. What are the odds that this couple simply loves kids and wants an extraordinarily huge family; can provide financially for that many kids; has conceived many sets of multiples without medical interference; has 11 kids who are well-behaved and perfectly fine with the situation; and is completely at home in front of the cameras and clearly loves exposing every detail of their lives on TV. Any one of those things on its own would be pretty rare. Together the whole thing is very shady.
  3. Jim bob suggesting an 8 months pregnant woman do the “mystery food” eating challenge... 🙄
  4. I just assumed it was a re-enactment of the wedding, judging by Courtney’s clothes and the idiocy of six toddlers walking down the aisle. I’m sure the bride and bridesmaids were fine with getting dressed up again for TV. ETA: Not to mention her friend, the brides mom, helping Courtney wrangle six babies a half hour before her daughter’s wedding Lol.
  5. The covid stuff was difficult to watch. Too soon 😑
  6. I gave up on this show weeks ago - who else is in the finale?
  7. LOL it’s like a cockroach in a nuclear explosion.
  8. An hour of this show is harmless, mindless fun. Dragging this mess out to 90 minutes was the nail in the coffin for me. I actually think this the most “normal” group they’ve had in while. The only complete psycho is the housewife. I guess Johnny is insane too.
  9. Why am I getting a weird feeling that the fix was in for Just Sam? I’m not entirely believing she got the most votes... Her last couple performances were not good. Plus she has a great story, plus a woman, a minority and an engaging personality... hmm. Just a suspicion.
  10. I do not get the Arthur love. He seems like a very nice person, but his singing is strained and shouty. I like Jonny’s voice, but I can’t imagine a more boring winner. I like Francisco but I’m not sure why. Probably because he’s cute. Dillon for the win!
  11. I will miss the duets and group performances.
  12. Val was my favorite, but that weird seahorse cookie thing she made was not OK.
  13. I agree. I feel terrible for them. What a disappointment this must be. I like almost all the guys better than the girls. The girls seem so manufactured. I do like Just Sam.
  14. My thought through the whole thing- “Wow, Amy really doesn’t give a shit about Jonah.” I hope he realizes that, and that’s why he doesn’t go with her.
  15. I completely agree about the grabbing. It happens all the time. Someone gets what they want and someone else doesn’t. The constant cutting away to Sohrob rolling his eyes every time Christine spoke was ridiculous. I’ll give Sohrob the benefit of the doubt and assume that was all editing, because if it wasn’t, that was a very bad look for him.
  16. I remember him being introduced as a steak guy too. I think he was the one who made a steak right at the beginning, and they complained because he served it in a small dish and it was hard to cut. But they said the steak was perfect. Which leads us to... Lamar wants to make a steak during the final challenge, and Anne rolls her eyes and tells him to make fried chicken. For a job at a steakhouse. 🙄
  17. I liked the Fat Kids too. They had a nice, positive attitude. I can’t imagine eating that half bacon burger though. Seems like it would be sickeningly rich and salty. Same with the thick cut fried pork chop. I’m sorry but the remaining bachelors gross me out too. I think I’m stuck on them being dirty because of the previous state of their truck.
  18. Anyone else sense some chemistry between Clinton and Sohrob? Lol
  19. I’m confused by the Lunch Ladies concept. They’re lunch ladies...but they don’t make school lunch food! What do they make? Not lunch lady food, despite the giant sign on their truck!
  20. Identical quadruplet girls? And one of them is named “Lakely”? TLC has DEFINITELY been in touch! 😂
  21. Can someone please fill me in - I’ve only been watching this show for a couple seasons. I’m confused about Glenn’s baby. Was Dena his surrogate or something? If so, why?
  22. They were highly overrated. Maybe so the lovers can be tragically torn apart during the next round? I was also surprised the woman in the wheelchair got through.
  23. I’m not interested in pregnancy so the first episode was a miss for me. David actually told someone that he has opened restaurants, so raising a child should be easy for him. 🙄
  24. I’m usually the first person to say reality tv is fake, but in this case I think Alton might really be this big of an asshole. Throwing plastic containers in a fit a rage is not a good look for him.
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