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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. Damn! You mean the Turtle Woman rerun was on and I missed it?
  2. I don't believe that on a five hour ride in the relative privacy of the back of a taxi, Azan couldn't have demonstrated more physical affection than he would have felt comfortable doing in public. At the very least, he could have stolen a few kisses, which leads me to think he JUST DIDN'T WANT TO!
  3. Somehow I don't think Nicole has been raised on "Emily Post."
  4. Thank goodness the viewers were spared all but about three minutes of it!
  5. yes, Jorge wants no part of "average looking" American women with their modern outspoken FEMINIST ideas! They might want to leave the house, express an opinion or *gasp* work! I AM worried about that poor kitten's welfare. I hope production brought it along as a filming prop and it has gone to a good home. I noticed Pedro's English comprehension seems to conveniently come and go depending on what's being discussed around him, Baby. And would someone from the Dominican Republic know anything about something called a prenuptial agreement? I wonder if Chantel's parents have any idea the K1 visa comes with the promise of her financial support? I still think Nicole's ring set is a CZ. (She could be easily fooled, unlike Anfisa who would probably pull out a jeweler's loupe and inspect it.) I re-watched the proposal scene and couldn't help but notice it came in one of those foil covered cardboard cube boxes like they have at discount stores.
  6. In the first episodes, when Anfisa was jerking Jorge around about cancelling flights, erasing his phone, computer, etc. his reaction was to LAUGH and say "She's just crazy!" Apparently she's gone from amusingly crazy to certifiable. He's lucky she didn't slap him when he was pawing at her. Nicole's sunburn on her last night in Morocco looked pretty severe but it was gone by the very next day at the airport? Is Chantel's jaw wired shut?
  7. At first I wasn't sure who Jonah Hill is and was thinking of Bobby Hill from "King of the Hill." But Jorge kind of reminds me of him, too.
  8. Now that Anfisa's found out that living with Jorge won't afford her the Kardashian level lifestyle she was expecting, she just might prefer to go back to Russia. Even if she lives with her grandmother in a cold water flat, SOMEBODY somewhere was paying for all that plastic surgery! She can go home, regroup and then look for her next mark
  9. Not sure what website, but I thought they met online?
  10. Wouldn't the whole idea of going on that particular website have been to woo an American woman and turn it into a ticket to the US?
  11. Jorge, wake up and smell the borscht! Anfisa has told you straight up you will she will NEVER be satisfied and you NEVER be finished buying things for her. You could hire a different attractive and high priced hooker every day for less than she's planning to milk you for! It would be strictly business with no expectation of anything except cash for sex. They will be happy to dominate and humiliate you upon request. Anfisa can't possibly be so good in bed that you're willing to risk bankruptcy to try and keep up with her ever-increasing demands. What is it going to take to get you to send her packing back to Mother Russia? btw, where is his voice-of-reason sister Lourdes in all this?
  12. This makes me shake my head in disbelief. Isn't the obvious compromise that would make EVERYONE happy is for just the two of them (or with Max) to drive to FL, get married on a beach, stay a couple of days, then return for a Touch of Elegance reception paid for by Matt's family?
  13. Chicago to Lisbon newlyweds--the one thing on their wishlist that was non-negotiable was "room for a PING PONG TABLE? (which ended up in the dining room) Now, I've heard everything! And, I pity the neighbors...
  14. If tonight's HH drinking game was to take a shot every time Bethlehem Matt said the word "work" (as in "I don't want to do any work" or "Painting? That's a lot of work" or "Taking care of a pool? That's too much work!") we'd all be s**t-faced by the end of the show. The guy didn't want to do ANYTHING to his "forever home," so I guess his idea was to buy a place, move in, then keep it frozen in time for the next thirty or so years? That unfinished basement was a blank canvas that he could complete over time, even sooner if he was in such a rush to "get away from THIS ONE!" as he rolled his eyes at his wife. Another case of the wishlist and budget (the second most used word in the episode) not being at all realistic. And I thought he acted like a smug, lazy, asshat.
  15. I Googled, too, and found FL doesn't require any witnesses or waiting period. They also wouldn't need to go all the way to the Southernmost part of the state (to the Keys,) there are plenty of beaches along the Panhandle and West Coast.
  16. I don't recall Alla ever mentioning Mexico, just that she dreamed of a "beach wedding." It was Mery Ann who dashed her hopes because "Matthew's last wedding was in Cancun..."
  17. My thoughts exactly! They wouldn't have to get married on site, just find a beach on the West Coast at sunset, tie the knot, then drive inland to WDW for a "family honeymoon."
  18. They could go to the Happiest Place on Earth!
  19. Since Matt doesn't have any sisters, couldn't it be that this wedding is the FIRST one they've been expected to pay for? Of course they had personal travel and hotel expenses for the the Destination Cancun Wedding, but they probably didn't have to foot the bill for the actual wedding/reception, etc.
  20. I'll bet Anfisa's Babushka has a couple of Faberge eggs just sitting around the apartment!
  21. I'm pretty sure River is younger than Chantel (who is 24) since he said he was so upset he didn't even want to "go to school." I'd even go so far as to say high school since a college student would probably say something about not going to "class." Since her father is actually her step-father, River could be her half brother or step brother (which might explain the unnatural attachment to her.) Damn Azan for dashing Nicole's career dream of being promoted to Head Barista at Bradenton Starbucks! I also call BS on Nicole's mother for suddenly having a "friend" whose daughter is engaged to a guy in Algeria. How conveeeeeenient! They made it sound like Tonya was so nearby, just across the border. I looked at a map and there don't appear to be many places she could live in Algeria besides Algiers and that's at least 700 miles of desert driving by car or a 4 hour plane ride away. Obviously a producer driver "plant". Speaking of Nicole's mother, I couldn't get over how much Nicole looks like her except, of course, her mother's face isn't puffy (but one side of her mouth doesn't move?)
  22. I didn't think it would happen. The writers seemed to be making a Biblical Solomon sacrificing Isaac on the altar reference even down to the "Now I know you fear (God)" when it was called off.
  23. I'm pretty sure River is younger than Chantel (who is 24) since he said he was so upset he didn't even want to "go to school." I'd even go so far as to say high school since a college student would probably say something about not going to "class." Since her father is actually her step-father, River could be her half brother or step brother (which might explain the unnatural attachment to her.) Damn Azan for dashing Nicole's career dream of being promoted to Head Barista at Bradenton Starbucks!
  24. Poor Jorge is just FUSStrated! Somebody should have told him to look for ring bargains at The Castle! Was that jewelry saleswoman the epitome of a Valley Girl or what? Why is Anfisa wearing the same little green nightie for ring shopping that she wore for dress shopping? Poor Alla, she wasn't asking for a destination island wedding, just a beach somewhere at sunset. So drive down to the FL panhandle, get married, spend a couple of nights in a chain motel, then come home and have a party in the tacky "Touch of Elegance" I was kind of surprised by Alla's back tattoos. I think someone on the camera crew laced up the back of her wedding dress. Asshat Matt really needs a fourth bachelor party? What about a shower for Alla? Chantel has thrown Pedro under the bus again. No bueno, Baby. Nicole has been in Marrakesh for a month and today was the first time she noticed the five times a day call to prayer on the loudspeakers? No Narkiya and Prince Lowo, no loss
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