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Everything posted by JennyMominFL

  1. He has more to gain by pretending its his than by calling her out.
  2. Well, maybe when someone cuts off your cock you tend to um, inflate its importance
  3. Dany and Cersei acting just like I knew they would. Neither one deserves the throne
  4. Now you see that evil will always triumph, because good is dumb
  5. But Dany might, because, well Cersei started it. The throne > innocent people
  6. I dont think there was any way to end this that would not be controversial and leave a large amount of viewers unhappy. With so many characters who straddled the line between good and bad, everyone has their own favorites. We all see the characters differently and therefore want different things. So few characters are straight up evil like Cersei. Most of The ones who were straight baddies up have already died. So you have a bunch of people who want different endings for their favorites. I cant conceive of any ending that would leave the majority happy. Im also surprised that anyone expected to be happy with the ending..... Its Game of Thrones. Last week people complained that not enough main characters died, not people are upset that main characters will die
  7. We have also see a lot of redemption arcs on this show, people who have good from good to bad. I think it needs to be shown in reverse. How does one go from good to bad? How does war and the quest for power change you? What are the nearly universal corruptions that occur when searching for or obtaining absolute power?
  8. This has always been a show about the dark night of the human soul. Its always shown that “good” people are capable of doing great evil. We may not like that, but it truly is human nature. GRRM has never shirked from showing the dark side of humanity so I certainly expect it now
  9. She is also this close to her ultimate goal and may be willing to do anything to achieve it. She wouldnt be the first human being to do horrible things for power.
  10. See , I think she has always shown signs of this. My rewatch of season 2-4 this week confirms it. I know some view her crucifixion of slavers as just. I dont see it that way, nor do I see the sackings she ordered as ok even if the people involved were bad. I don't necessarily think what shes going to do means she is crazy, but that she is ruthless when pushed. And I know that war does this sort of thing to people. So to me its consistent with what GRRM has been saying and power and ambition.
  11. All of this is what I have been trying to say . I think the seeds for this have always been there.
  12. If she goes apeshit and takes it out in the people responsible that is fine. If she kills everyone in her path its not fine. She decided to go after the throne. She decided to risk her friends life. Her friends came of their own free will knowing that death was the risk. By all means kill those involved, but that is where the line is drawn. Maybe its my time in the Marines that taught me that total war is not OK and is in fact a crime
  13. Yeah, and Im just tired of absolute monarchs on the throne. Are some better than others ? Sure. Dany would be vastly better than Cersei, but Id really prefer neither, I never saw the quest to be an absolute monarch as heroic or good. Id rather there was no Iron Throne, so Dany needs to go too. Its seems to me in keeping with GRRM feelings about the little people vs big. I had to come back and add that, I dont hate Dany. She is gray as most characters. Im just opposed to the thone in theory and I dont think its good for Westeros. I need to see how it plays out before I make a judgement
  14. I always assumed there would be no Iron Throne at the end, so I assumed Dany would die too.
  15. I like it too. I never thought Dani was good,gray, myabe even the lessor of 2 evilsand ive had a feeling it would go this way for her. I also dont care about dragons. They can both go. Missandei makes me really sad though
  16. I was like, its Pickett’s Charge. This wont end well.
  17. I think i am the most sad about Hot Dothraki Dude
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