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Everything posted by Capricasix

  1. I follow Bindi and Robert Irwin on Instagram, and they seem like a really sweet, loving family ❤️ And holy sh*t, does Robert ever look like Steve!
  2. Fucking 2020, man. Grant Imahara of Mythbusters died today of a brain aneurysm. He was only 49 😢
  3. Yup! Right now it’s 34C and feels like 42C. The benefit of being out in the country is that it cools off nicely at night, because there are no buildings/streets/concrete around to retain the heat.
  4. Pearlite! Are you under water? We’re at the cottage a little ways outside of Perth, watching the weather in Toronto. It’s still stinking hot here - 35 degrees with a humidex of 41 🔥
  5. 😄 I was hoping that’s who the priest was!
  6. Hey, another Ontarian! There are a few of us here 👍🏼
  7. First time I heard Days Go By was in this Mitsubishi commercial from 2003. It’s still a bop! https://youtu.be/YwwI84zbRNc
  8. The tweets may be up to nine years old, but the guy is 35. If you’re still that ignorant at age 26, then I have no sympathy. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/hartley-sawyer-fired-flash-misogynist-tweets-surface-1297483
  9. I think that’s an old Robin Williams quote. Watching everything that’s happening in the US is scary. It’s like you’re sliding toward the abyss and there’s nothing to stop you from going over the edge. Please take care, all of you.
  10. I thought it had sort of a Scandi-noir feel, mainly because of the music, which was composed by an Icelandic musician named Atli Örvarsson - reminded me a little of the Arrival soundtrack by Jóhann Jóhansson.
  11. Tessa, Summer, and Esther. The expression on HK’s face is hilarious 🤣
  12. Can it truly be 30 years since Twin Peaks first aired? 😳
  13. I can totally imagine the old bat saying that! But no, I think it was a random extra with one line of dialogue 😄
  14. Oh, right! I don’t know why, but I always remembered this one particular scene when Paul and April were in a restaurant, and someone said, “Look, there’s that *murderess*” 🤣 I mean, who says “murderess”, even back then?
  15. Dammit, I don’t know how to embed a gif https://giphy.com/gifs/golden-girls-blanche-devereaux-QgfDrL9Rd3lV6
  16. Geauxaway, I can empathize. I have two autistic kids; one is also DD, and the other one is mildly ID. It’s been weird for both of them, but behaviourally they’re doing OK. My older guy (18yo, ASD/DD) has decided that he might as well take advantage of being at home to sleep until 1.00 pm every day 😄
  17. April was Paul’s wife IIRC, and Heather’s mother. The only storyline of hers that I remember was when she shot her dentist 😄
  18. Yeah, schools here in Ontario are closed until at least the end of May, and I have my doubts as to whether they will be opened at all before the end of the school year. Even if they were, I don’t think I would send my kids back.
  19. It’s probably just a cold, or allergies. The incubation period for COVID is between five to fourteen days, so there’s no way you would be feeling off now if you’d only just picked something up in the last day or so.
  20. IIRC, when Phyllis was first introduced, she was a groupie/fangirl for Danny. She pretended that he was her son’s father; she hated Cricket because Danny loved her and continued with the hatred long after Cricket and Danny broke up and she fell n love with Paul.
  21. Yes, this is just devastating. My family and I had a wonderful vacation in Nova Scotia two years ago, and I felt like I left a little bit of my heart there. We have planned another vacation there this summer, and I am hoping that we can still go.
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