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Everything posted by Capricasix

  1. I think part of that is due to the editing that PBS does. When I watch the show on Britbox, each episode is about 58 minutes long because nothing is edited out. I’m not sure how long the eps on PBS are, but they’re considerably shorter than 58 minutes.
  2. I make something very similar, but I didn’t know it had a name - I just made it up out of my own head 😄
  3. Wikipedia to the rescue! “The term swede (from "Swedish turnip") is used in many Commonwealth Nations, including much of the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand. The name turnip is also used in parts of Northern and Midland England, the West Country (particularly Cornwall), Ireland, the Isle of Man, and Canada. In Wales, according to region, it is variously known as meipen, rwden, or erfinen in Welsh, and as swede or turnip in English. In Scotland, it is known as turnip, tumshie (also used as a pejorative term for a foolish or stupid person), or neep (from Old English næp, Latin napus). Some areas of south-east Scotland, such as Berwickshire and Roxburghshire, still use the term baigie, possibly a derivative of the Swedish dialectal word rotabagge. The term turnip is also used for the white turnip (Brassica rapa ssp rapa).”
  4. Yes, he said something like he “didn’t know what a hundredweight of turnips looked like” (which I find hard to believe because Fred’s the kind of guy who *would* know that kind of thing), and the delivery driver said, “Well, that’s what it looks like!”
  5. Thanks to @Badger for posting the deleted scenes. PBS deletes so much that the episodes always feel disjointed to me. Anyone else?
  6. What happened behind the scenes - is there gossip? 👀
  7. I’m rewatching *again* since I finally watched Inspector Morse, and I wanted to see any Easter eggs - in the first couple of episodes there are several, but I think they diminish as the series comes into its own. Laurence Fox is an ass but Hathaway is so good.
  8. Ella Bruccoleri also had a part in an episode of All Creatures Great and Small from last year IIRC. I’m watching Inspector Morse for the first time, and I’m up to the final season/series. In an ep that was released in 1997, Ben Caplan (Chummy’s Peter) has a couple of lines as a bartender. It was a very small part, but I recognized him right away.
  9. I remember that episode, but not which season it was in. IIRC Trixie gave her heck for not wearing support stockings!
  10. My mother’s older brother drowned in a lake in Ontario cottage country when he was 17 and she was younger than ten - this was back in the 1940s. When I was growing up, she was always so anxious when I was at the beach or a swimming pool. I remember when I was growing up, our neighbours had a swimming pool, and even if they invited me over to swim I couldn’t go unless my father or (8 yrs older than me) brother were with me. And the neighbours were a police officer and an ER nurse! But after I had my own children I completely understood why she was so anxious.
  11. I only know about the lilo because I heard it on Coronation Street once and I had no clue what the eff a lilo was 😄 I have Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy to thank for teaching me about biros!
  12. I couldn’t believe that the writers would actually have a character using the r-word (r*tard). I thought everyone knew how offensive that word is - it made me really angry 🤬
  13. I’m doing a rewatch - first time I watched it was about five years ago - and I’m on s5 e2 and I see Arthur from Peaky Fucking Blinders! (I always call him Arfur 😄)
  14. I’ve enjoyed the last two episodes much more than the Miss Harbottle ep. I had to laugh when Paul Copley turned up as a clinic customer - he’s one of those English actors who seems to be in every show! I’ve seen him in Downton Abbey and Coronation Street, and even recently when I was rewatching Cracker (a favourite from the 1990s), he appeared as a pathologist. I also chuckled at the end when they were having dinner - there was a little plate of pickled eggs at Helen’s place 😄
  15. That was my thought, too 😄
  16. 😍
  17. I quite liked the series - I thought this last ep was a little rushed, but with only five eps in the series, I guess that couldn’t be helped. I hope we get more seasons!
  18. @dwmarch I tried to like your post but kept getting an error message, so please consider it liked!
  19. Despite Maya saying that he never bothered to learn it, Fisk does know a little ASL because he used a few signs when talking to her in the final episode of Hawkeye (I wonder if we’ll ever get a second season of that show - I loved it). It’s been years since I watched Daredevil. Didn’t Vanessa die at some point? I guess I should watch it again!
  20. Ha, I figured it out. She played the young widow in The Mandalorian first-season ep “Sanctuary” - Mando asked her to look after Grogu, and she wanted him to stay as well (and drink spatchka - okay, it was Cara Dune who suggested that 😄).
  21. Speaking of flashbacks, one of Maya’s ancestors looks so familiar to me, and I can’t remember if she was on Rez Dogs or something else. I can’t upload a picture here because it’s too big and I can’t resize it on mobile, but she’s not the one from the cave and not the one who played the lacrosse-type game - she has what looks like a tattoo on the lower part of her face. @thuganomics85 would you have any idea who it is? It’s bothering me 😄 Thanks! Oh, I managed to make it small enough!
  22. Aah, I did not know Daredevil was going to be in this! I’m enjoying it so far, and it’s almost a mini-Reservation Dogs reunion (shitass!) 😄
  23. I couldn’t help wondering what the menswear Twitter dude (@dieworkwear) would think of Reacher in a suit 😄
  24. “Damn! I had written a post this morning when I finished the ep, but it didn’t post because of the upgrade, and I’ve forgotten what I wrote 😄 Anyway, good episode again! I’m sad there are only two remaining. Trying to resist the temptation to 🏴‍☠️ them (arr matey). I hope the show is renewed; I’m enjoying Tosh and Ruth working together.” I wrote this a few days ago when the site was having issues, and I see that it never posted, but the editor helpfully retained it. Which is good because I couldn’t remember what I had written! I still wish the series was a little longer. Six episodes just doesn’t seem like enough…Anyway, I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s ep. Enjoying the season and not really missing Jimmy all that much, I have to say!
  25. He does! He played the head chef to Queen Victoria in “Victoria” (originally BBC, I think) a few years ago, with Jenna Coleman in the titular role.
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