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  1. Random thoughts- I'm 48 and already anxious about colonoscopies. Not into parties lol - I've been interested in pickle ball for a while but that does look like tennis, and tennis I cannot do. - Kayla is much better as a character now they toned down the sexual arassment stuff with Jimmy, and that is what it was AFAIC - I'm enjoying the season but the vibe between Deborah and Ava is weird, almost couply - I don't know if that's what they're going for or not
  2. @Quilt Fairy thanks. Since I posted that, I've made my way about 2/3s of the way through season 2 and I've really enjoyed it. So I decided I would watch season 3, just enjoying these characters so much. I actually have enjoyed season 2 more than 3, it has been easier to follow the plot so far. Everyone making dumb decisions drives me bananas though lol- mostly the grandparents. I thought Taylor and that blonde cop were going to end up sleeping together. I think I'm on season 2 ep 7 next.
  3. Ah the Good Wife. I liked it until it sucked tremendously. Kalinda/Archie ftw. Everything I watch is behind. I'm in season 2 of Derry Girls- love it. And I just started Line of Duty, the Brit show. Good so far.
  4. I'm watching this, almost half way through season 2. I'm enjoying it even though it's completely unrealistic, almost every character is super annoying, and also not too bright lol. I just keep reading how bad season 3 is, so I'm debating whether to continue or not.
  5. I actually just finished a rewatch of season 4. I wanted to watch it bc I wanted to rewatch season 5 and give it another chance. I originally hated both, but 5 I never actually watched every scene, I skipped a lot bc I was so annoyed. So I'm trying to watxh the whole thing. 4 - is still beyond dumb. Cannibal running around, no real sense of why for most of thr two eps, then suddenly oh he wants his old girlfriend back and thinks he's dead? Not really explained very well. Also the main thing that irritated me, as it did before - we're supposed to believe Alice- the brilliant prodigy psychopath was suckered by some run of the mill gangsters? Or even this psycho Meagan? Yeah right. Seasons 1 to 3 Alice - this would've been unthinkable. However, there were little moments I enjoyed. -- Luther asks Benny for a favour - Benny saying to Luther- if it can be done, consider it done. -- Luther saying Alice said (of the child killer) Let's find Susan and set her on fire. The fact that Luther had the burners and was still in touch with Alice. I liked the other cops, and another thing that irritated me was they killed Theo and then the woman cop didn't return for season 5. And then they killed the season 5 cop. I just feel like these were appealing characters and they just bring them in and kill them off. But with zero expectations it had some ok quiet moments. I'll take a break before season 5.
  6. Well late to the party, but the one thing I cannot get over how unethical Jean is as a therapist. She shouldnt be practicing. 1. Amy's therapy is for Amy- not for Jean to mine her for info about her son and 2. Anything Amy said should be kept in confidence. It was a gross violation to use her and then ask Otis about Maeve. I know it's just a show but seriously the most surprising thing is that Jean has a license. Eric- really didn't like the pressure he put on Adam at times. Adam actually changed quite a lot throughout the season, in a fairly quick amount of time. If Eric wants to be single and have fun go to it, but he should do some soul searching himself and be honest with the people he's with if that's what he wants. He sort of said that, but also half blamed Adam. I'm really on the fence about watching another season. I enjoyed the side stories- Amy, the Groffs, the teachers that were dating.
  7. I don't know what the common consensus is, but Holly running around in 1994 going on and on about how Roger is the best man evah and how mistreated he is by everyone in Springfield is nauseating. The thing with Holly is, even if she cared for or loved Roger, she always had a clear view of his flaws. That's what made the whole thing compelling. That part is what's missing.
  8. Isaac's we should be together bc we both had miserable childhoods/families and no one else understands shtick is gross. Speaking as someone who had a miserable childhood, I would run for the exit if anyone said that to me. It's like he thinks that is all of who he and Maeve are, or can be- their shitty experiences and how it made them.
  9. On season 3. Man I just loathe Carey. I always did, but really ratcheted up in season 3. This weird thing with dating a guy who is pretending to be someone else just seems creepy to me, bc yeah does he even know who this guy is? Is the guy even gay? But I always disliked Carey. I liked Brook more, I enjoyed seeing her dealing with the celebrity stuff in the other seasons, but this stuff in season 3 missed the mark. Just saw the ep where Lance calls her out on judging herself and he was great. Not enough Pat in this season. Streeter really grew on me. He just wants a family and I get that. So season 3 is ok but definitely off the rails abit compared to the other two. Shame about the backstage issues, but I don't k ow how much further they could have taken this.
  10. I'm really enjoying the Mr. B storyline. Kind of a surprise, bc I don't typically like the adventure stories. I just don't really buy Burt would break bad so hard that he is willing to kill Frisco and Felicia. But the actor does a good job- that was the other thing, I wasn't sure the actor could pull it off, but he is ok. I continue to loathe the entire thing with Alan pretending to be dead and skip a lot. Lucy has kind of disappeared now that the thing with Kevin is over, I'm hoping there are some clips of her character's storylines as it starts to pick up. On another note- I watch old movies and recently saw the Apartment. DL is in it- I recognized it as Edward right away- not bc of his appearance, but his voice and mannerisms are distinctive. It was fun seeing him younger.
  11. Yeah a filler ep. Even for the time, I'm not sure I buy it was that easy to steal a racehorse and go for a jaunt- especially from that asshole rich dude who is probably into shady stuff daily. Inwoukd expect better security. Also was a little surprised there was no point but to show Perry's angst. I thought maybe they would discover the horse wasn't the fast and was maybe being doped for races. I'm enjoying this season a lot more than the 1st. Shame it wasn't picked up. So frustrating with shows these days. Don't like Delia's love interest. A little too perfect.
  12. A lot bothered me in this ep. I like Adam, I feel for him, but he needs a ton of therapy. Agree watching his idea of a romantic night or connection involves destroying things says it all. I was hoping the show would steer away from these stupid triangles and maybe focus on Adam bonding with the dog or something. So one triangle, then another with Ola. Just over it- and the thing with Ola saying that about Maeve is dumb and doesn't feel realistic either. Both Otis' parents seem awful. Jacob seems annoying, yes, but the sleaze dripping off Remi was something.
  13. I just started season 3. I'm ages behind, although at this point I will catch up before they finish s.5. I never liked the Eleven/Mike romance so not really into more of it. Every scene with the mom was great- Cara Buono is so good. I.mostly didn't want her to sleep with that sleaze bc I thought she would just feel so gross after, like the cheapness of it all would hit. As someone else said- if she is going to do that - there are better options than a bully loser. Loved seeing Bob. Poor Hopper looks a bit rough all around.
  14. cleo

    MLB Thread

    Smoltz's insights are unparalleled, as usual. Tonight I learned if your team can get a lot of hits, and is hard to strike out, they'll do well in the postseason. Especially if your pitcher prevents the other team from getting hits. This is the inside baseball I'm here for.
  15. Half way through season 2 and I may bail. Very disappointing. I just watched the ep.I want your cray cray and I am spoiled for the rest. I was barely hanging on so far, neither the Jeri story nor the monster woman story nor the Trish story really had my interest. Of the three, probably the storyline with Trish was the most interesting But the stuff with Jess' mom just seems ridiculous and awful, and I guess it.takes on a bigger role for the rest of the season, so I feel like Im kind of out. Would've preferred they kept the focus on Trish and left the whole mom angle out. Not sure if I will try Season 3, I always take a break in any case.
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