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  1. I'm ages behind, only just watched the press conference, but this show is growing on me. Re Martin - it'll be much more interesting if the big secret is something with him being angry and acting it out, rather than a drunk driving accident or something like that, which I feel like has been over done. But either way he's an ass. I'm team Smitty. I actually felt bad for Dani in the press conference. She tried to make a healthier choice by leaving town, her parents forced her to stay and attend, and she blew up. Then they come down on her. Gotta wonder how often that happened in their lives.
  2. I think Dani going to Bill seemed unrealistic to me bc all week her reaction came across more like he owed her than she loved him. And then when she went to him it seemed like she cared. But maybe I missed it, I admit, I don't like Dani very much nor am I super sympathetic to her baed on hownshe has acted. Even before Friday's eps. I'm a lot more interested in watching Nicole's carefully crafted life fall apart, as it seems like it's going to, possibly through no fault of hers. Also on the fashion front- I really don't like the guys in turtlenecks. And the green dress Caroline was wearing was fugly. Maybe I'm late with these comments, I just got to this ep today
  3. I just started this season for the first time. I read some reviews and it sounds like it's not great. Seems I have watchhed the best of Archer at this point. The ep was ok but not great. I was a bit disappointed to see Barry. Honestly I am kind of Barry-ed out. He played a big role in both previous coma seasons. They could've parked the character for a couple seasons and tried something different.
  4. I'm trying to give this show a month, more than I typically would, bc it's a soap. Jury still out for me, but one thing I don't buy is the Dani we saw all week going back to Bill like that. Andre with Dani - all the stuff he said- so over the top perfect it was kind of nauseating. Although I did think it was funny he spent like 5 mins explaining how he wasn't a Dupree before they slept together - like I assume Dani would have known all that, but I guess they wanted to spell it out for the audience. I kind of thought they were hinting at Dani having a drinking problem at times, maybe will come to light later. Or maybe I'm over thinking. I love Nicole's outfits. Overall I prefer families sniping at/competing with each other like the Quartermaines and Spauldings. I am hoping the cracks will show soon. I knew the psycho thst caused the accident was a villain almost immediately. If I were Chelsea, I wouldve told Dani to FO ages ago. But I never had a family with rules so I can never relate to that kind of overbearing stuff. Hayley- I dunno. Is anyone that naive? Again, just a bit over the top.
  5. I'm watching this, I don't fully get why people aren't into it. Is the plot realistic? Nope, it's really ridiculous. But it's light and entertaining, and good when I want something to watch that doesnt require much thought. Probably the actor playing Matt is the reason why I stay more than anything else. In terms of the cop- I didn't really suspect her but I did think it was strange she went to talk to Tory. I also thought it was strange how she was immediately cool with being Ava's bestie. There is also something about a show where people are giving a murderer a shoulder shrug and a- eh whaddya gonna do? Can we profit from it? that's kind of fascinating to watch. It's not like we're that far from that imo, it's just the show of course is showing the most egregious scenario of it. ETA oh I did think maybe the friend was Matt's ex. And last thought the sister being totes cool.with Matt is the single.most ridiculous thing to me.
  6. Yeah I thought of thst after I posted....the difference with those is people don't have to watch every day. I mean soaps can be skipped too. Maybe it's just me, I really love the idea of a new soap but I'm pretty sure I'll be hopelessly behind within 2 weeks.
  7. Well I have set my DVR to record this but honestly I don't know how I will fit in an hour long show, 5 eps a week. That's the schedule right? I am a soap fan, but that's a big commitment now lol. More than anything thst might affect how long I stick with it. Are there any shows that maintain that type of schedule anymore? I guess the current running soaps, none of which I watch. Those soaps I assume are existing on long time viewers. But series tend to run shorter now, even reality tv shows. I wonder if they've considered that impact in trying to get a new audience.
  8. Still watching the Mr. B story but man I'm enjoying it. I'm at the part where Anna and Robert finally believe Duke and bust him out of jail with Frisco and Felicia helping. Random thoughts: -It's hard for me not to compare this with all the much hyped Luke and Laura adventure stories, but I think this is much better than anything like the gold finger statue or whatever that was; just the history and interaction with Robert, Anna, Duke, Sean, Burt, in this story is just so much more interesting. I'm also finding it better than the Asian Quarter story -I think all the actors are great, Ian Buchanan is a bit of a weak link for me- just compared to the others; but I just can't really get into the Duke/Anna romance, Anna and Robert just seem to have better chemistry to me (I also always preferred Robert and Anna to Robert and Holly) -Finola Hughes reactions to Burt after finding out were great, kind of the disgust and anger and trying to half mask it when they were still pretending, and sort of failing was really well done. I've always felt - so far anyway- that she could do a lot more than the character she was given. In some stories I feel like they limit Anna for long stretches. I can't really explain it. -Why is Sean so cool? I have no idea lol, he just is. The scene where he knocks out the truck guards, sticks them in a closet somewhere and then puts his sunglasses on lol. 80s cool. Man I miss the 80s. I will be sorry when this storyline is over.
  9. I doubt Lithgow is struggling to make ends meet. The fact that he is choosing to do this project, at this point in time, does say something about him and what he thinks is important. I think anyone that willingly works for her - I mean that has the financial means to make an actual choice- is trash. Jmo. But he's not the first, nor the last to work with her or socialize with her. Honestly, I expect the list of people who have paid lip service to supporting various marginalized groups who will drop it when it becomes too inconvenient to keep up will grow. This is just a general comment, not specific to Lithgow. I have no idea what kinds of things he supports. It's just something I expect to see.more and more of. Whether people watch or not, eh I won't but I expect in the current climate it will be successful. Or at least it won't fail bc people care that she is a terrible human being
  10. I guess I'm in the minority, but I wish they would leave it alone. So many of these reboots end up terrible, and I hate to say it but SMG does not have good luck when picking projects. Parts of season 6 and all of season 7 was awful enough. I just dont want to see it mangled further.
  11. Random thoughts- I'm 48 and already anxious about colonoscopies. Not into parties lol - I've been interested in pickle ball for a while but that does look like tennis, and tennis I cannot do. - Kayla is much better as a character now they toned down the sexual arassment stuff with Jimmy, and that is what it was AFAIC - I'm enjoying the season but the vibe between Deborah and Ava is weird, almost couply - I don't know if that's what they're going for or not
  12. @Quilt Fairy thanks. Since I posted that, I've made my way about 2/3s of the way through season 2 and I've really enjoyed it. So I decided I would watch season 3, just enjoying these characters so much. I actually have enjoyed season 2 more than 3, it has been easier to follow the plot so far. Everyone making dumb decisions drives me bananas though lol- mostly the grandparents. I thought Taylor and that blonde cop were going to end up sleeping together. I think I'm on season 2 ep 7 next.
  13. Ah the Good Wife. I liked it until it sucked tremendously. Kalinda/Archie ftw. Everything I watch is behind. I'm in season 2 of Derry Girls- love it. And I just started Line of Duty, the Brit show. Good so far.
  14. I'm watching this, almost half way through season 2. I'm enjoying it even though it's completely unrealistic, almost every character is super annoying, and also not too bright lol. I just keep reading how bad season 3 is, so I'm debating whether to continue or not.
  15. I actually just finished a rewatch of season 4. I wanted to watch it bc I wanted to rewatch season 5 and give it another chance. I originally hated both, but 5 I never actually watched every scene, I skipped a lot bc I was so annoyed. So I'm trying to watxh the whole thing. 4 - is still beyond dumb. Cannibal running around, no real sense of why for most of thr two eps, then suddenly oh he wants his old girlfriend back and thinks he's dead? Not really explained very well. Also the main thing that irritated me, as it did before - we're supposed to believe Alice- the brilliant prodigy psychopath was suckered by some run of the mill gangsters? Or even this psycho Meagan? Yeah right. Seasons 1 to 3 Alice - this would've been unthinkable. However, there were little moments I enjoyed. -- Luther asks Benny for a favour - Benny saying to Luther- if it can be done, consider it done. -- Luther saying Alice said (of the child killer) Let's find Susan and set her on fire. The fact that Luther had the burners and was still in touch with Alice. I liked the other cops, and another thing that irritated me was they killed Theo and then the woman cop didn't return for season 5. And then they killed the season 5 cop. I just feel like these were appealing characters and they just bring them in and kill them off. But with zero expectations it had some ok quiet moments. I'll take a break before season 5.
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