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Everything posted by radiochik

  1. I assume Paige comes from money since she has a one bedroom apartment all to herself in NYC that her parents pay for. Must be nice.
  2. Wow this round was boring. I was getting antsy 30 minutes in. I too was surprised at how awful most of the singers were tonite. I hated Kim's version of Poison and Betsy wasn't much better. Just how much "help" do the producers give the contestants in the prerecorded shows? This live show made me wonder how some of them even advanced this far - especially that one from Team Kelly who had to go against Lisa. Maelyn was fantastic. I wish Selki was better because I like her. So the Bebe Rexha contestants again won't show up until the live rounds? I still think that's crap. It's unfair to those who have made it through each round and it's unfair to the comeback person because the audience barely remembers them.
  3. The girls needing to get some dick was a recurring theme last night. They were all saying it. It seemed a bit of a desperate ploy for attention or airtime. I'm no prude but it just sounds so crass. I don't get why Lindsay and Danielle are even in Kyle's summer house if the email made them so mad. Oh that's right - without being in the house, they won't be on tv.
  4. Barrett should end things w Danielle before she moves in. It's okay that she is ready to move on to the next phase of her life and ditch the costumes and partying but he seems to still be all about it. He will resent her if she makes him stop before he's ready to. Besides that, she is a nightmare. I thought Vanessa was the head of the mean girls but it turns out it's Danielle. She was fine when Rachel was going to be the odd girl out but now that it's her, she's livid. I get it - Rachel slept with your not at the time boyfriend. It's okay not to like her but to expect the others to do the same is childish. She does not come off well on the show at all and she is probably surprised that she doesn't come off as sympathetic. Rachel has her own issues. Have they told us before that she moved to Boston to be with whats his name for 8 months and left when he wouldn't commit? Why the hell would she do this again? I would've walked away when he said "You'll be happier in CA." HE DOESN'T WANT YOU IN BOSTON. (Mainly because she's a stage 4 clinger. When she gets older, hopefully she will cringe at younger Rachel and have grown a backbone in the meantime.) I assume this show won't be back. I enjoyed it in a mindless way but I won't miss it.
  5. I hope America does the right thing and gets rid of Tyke tonite. He swallows the ends of all of his lyrics. It was driving me crazy. That and the fact that he can't really sing. I also don't get how Chevel is still there. I get it - she's the only female country singer left but she's also not that good. Kennedy was my fave in the blinds but I'm beginning to see how "polished" she is. She really needs to loosen up a bit - her voice is amazing and I'd love to hear her sing something much younger than Wind Beneath My Wings.
  6. I've thought all along that Jon and Ashley were involved/having an affair so the caress of the dry cleaning kind of goes along with that. Either that or she had an unhealthy obsession with him but we've already seen that Jon and Delilah hadn't been happy for about 2 years at this point so both of them having affairs wouldn't be surprising. I don't hate Delilah like most of you do. The affair was wrong but feeling alone and unsupported in a relationship or feeling like the only one your husband doesn't pay attention to can wear on a person. Doesn't mean you should sleep with one of his best friends but I do have a little empathy for her. Except for the pregnancy. I really wish the show hadn't gone there.
  7. Same. Which is why I'm annoyed that she was montaged. I haven't watched all seasons as this show tends to lose my interest after the blinds but has anyone who was montaged ever made it far on this show?
  8. I loved how Leanne got all the info from Cary about who was talking about her and then in the talking head told the truth about how Cary is no friend and will throw anyone under the bus. I don't know why these girls tell Cary anything anymore. She is the biggest shit stirrer of the bunch. Also, I agree that D'Andra is out of line where LeAnne is concerned. Why does everyone care so much about when she gets married?
  9. That's what I did. I wouldn't have voted for her otherwise because she wasn't one of my faves but the deck was stacked against her to begin with. Basically, any of the women would have been thrown under the bus being paired with Evan and having to tap. They obviously want Chelsea to go. And she will. I just don't think it should be because she had to do a tap routine. Did anyone catch when Vanessa said "You did not fail to disappoint" in one of her critques/gushes last night? I wish they hadn't brought her back as a judge.
  10. I have no real reason why but I CANNOT STAND Adam Gertler. I've been this way since his first season on FNS. I was annoyed when they kept giving him shows on FN and now I'm even more annoyed they want to make him a thing again. Just give him another show no one will watch. I'd almost prefer they bring Matthew back again over him. I don't mind Amy and all the new contestants are nothing special. Meh.
  11. My whole problem with last night's show is that there is NO WAY Prince would have cleared his songs for AI while he was alive. I was surprised Sheila E went along with this. I said to my sister when it started that Maddie would probably go with something like Nothing Compares or Manic Monday. I couldn't think of another song that would fit her lane - glad she went with Nothing Compares 2 U. It was my fave of the night. I also noticed that she wasn't backstage with the others for a few of the live hits and then when she reappeared, she was way off to the side. I thought it was shenanigans by the show so people would forget she was there and not vote for her. I wouldn't put anything past these producers. I was definitely excited that she made it to the Top 5. I'd be surprised if Caleb or Gabby didn't win though. America loves their country artists. Everyone is right re: Jurnee not connecting. During Kiss, I just thought she was okay - there was just something missing. I loved Cade early in this show but the longer he is on, the more I see/hear that his voice needs a lot of work. I'm ready for him to go. Which brings me to these judges. Can they please replace all 3 of them before next season? They gush over everyone. They even managed to spin Catie's eff up into something positive. The more they blather on, the more I miss Simon Cowell. Luke Bryan is the most useless of the bunch. He makes me miss Keith Urban. I'm probably just a purist when it comes to Prince and his songs but I didn't really like Caleb's When Doves Cry. I just want this show to leave Prince alone from now on.
  12. I went into this show thinking Justin was going to get on my nerves so I'm pretty shocked that he's the one I like the best. He handled himself very well with Tamica when she was butting into his and Kelsey's relationship. Shouldn't she be more concerned with why her and Barry aren't having sex than if Kelsey is "the one"?
  13. I'm so over Reagan at this point. She was completely out of line at the guys night party which escalated into everything on the way home. Tamika was mad at Jon but Reagan was focused on Jeff. He didn't even do anything wrong. The way she tells him to shut up when he tries to speak is appalling. I do think that Jeff has issues but she went straight for his drinking and the CTE without even addressing her role in the whole dust up. And why in the world did she call her mother while this was going on? Like others have said, she looks like she's trying to build a narrative of bad Jeff for when she wants out but the cameras tell a little different story.
  14. Ugh. I turned this off the minute they dumped Khrys. I don't know who I was more disgusted with after watching: Jeana, that creepy Phillip Plein or Law. I'd be happy to never see any of them on my tv ever again. The Kyla win just surprised me. She's young - she'll learn so there's that.
  15. Now I want to know what happened to Hannah Goebel. I've never been able to stay fully invested in this show after the blinds but I love Kelly so I've been trying, rather unsuccessfully.
  16. Yup. I was searching today for why the show wasn't on and found a FB post from Makenzie's mom. She was letting people know there would be no new episode tonite and instead there would be a "marathon" of the remaining 4 episodes on Sunday morning at 10 am. I had already set my DVR for the weekend since I'm going out of town so I'm going to miss them. I hope they will put the eps online. Either way, like you said, it seems like a classic burn off of episodes. Too bad. I can't believe they ran every last episode of that awful American Beauty Star but won't finish this one.
  17. I finally finished watching the so-called marathon/episode burn off from Thursday. While I agree that Andrea is irritating and that the Schroeder sister are seriously disrespectful to their mom, the others ganging up on them was just too much. Andrea never actually said Cambrie thought the others were beneath her even if it was implied. Yet the other mothers ran with it and the kids fed off that. I agree that if the Schroeder sisters had switched their pictures, an angry mob would have formed. Atiana does it and they all shrug. Oscar de la Hoya is a horrible dad. His excuse of how he has a lot going on and that's why he didn't come to her birthday party? Pathetic. Kudos to Travis Barker for continuing to be a father to her even though he and Shanna aren't together. I liked Ariana until the camping party at her house. She was looking for something to snot about where the Schroeders were concerned. At this point, don't invite them if you're just going to look for reasons to bitch about them. ( I know, IRL they all wouldn't even hang out together that much and it's just for the show. The show obviously needed a villain and the Schroeders are it. I just don't think they are that horrible besides the lack of respect the girls have for Andrea. And how they don't want her to date. Ever.) There is nothing "supermodel" about this group but I'm bummed it doesn't look like it will be back. I enjoyed watching it.
  18. The scene at the end where everyone was attacking Julie -what in the world was that? I get that Julie has a big mouth but why in the world did Caroline need to press the issue once she heard that Julie in fact wasn't going to confront her at the party? What a shit-stirrer!! Plus why Juliet jumped in when this had nothing really to do with her was nuts. I don't care much for any of them but I was glad Jules kept her composure and left, disappointing Caroline. Echoing most of the others here with no need for more Sophie. Also, while I wasn't fond of Marissa last season, I felt for her here and her and her husband really seem to have a good relationship. Watching them and their emotions throughout the whole thing was heartbreaking.
  19. Why did boss lady have such an issue w Jamie telling Jenna that she was going to clean that kitchen since she didn't hold up her end of the bargain. I agreed with everything he said/did. Being forceful like that is the only way an entitled princess like Jenna is going to get it. I also don't know why Louise didn't call Jenna out on going to bed early the night before instead of sticking around to help clean up the vomit incident. These people take jobs and then get insulted when they are actually expected to work or respect their higher ups (I'm looking at you, Mark).
  20. I'm glad I came in here to look who Travis picked before I finished the finale because now I don't have to watch the rest. I was def #teamavery but knew after that one on one date that she was toast. However throughout the last few eps, I was certain he wouldn't pick Maya. She certainly didn't get the winner edit in terms of how much shit she talked about the others and how manipulative she was throughout the show. She always made it seem like she wanted the prize - the football player trophy WAG life - instead of Travis. Veronica at least seemed like she was falling in love with Travis. I also picked up on what Travis' manager said about Maya and she being like the girls Travis usually picks - I thought he was looking for something different so that it was another strike against her. Guess not. He seems like a pretty cool guy so I hope Maya is nicer than she seems and that they are happy. I'm just disappointed.
  21. Most of the promo stuff for Season 2 didn't mention Ashley at all and there are 2 new girls added - the shit stirrer sister and the model friend of Nicole's who is dating a Colts player. However, looking on Ashley's Instagram, she is very pregnant with her and Dashon's second child. The Redskins let him go a couple of months ago so I'm not sure if he's landed with another team yet.
  22. Does anyone know why there isn't another new episode until May? I went to set my DVR and couldn't find it. I went on the Bravo page and it says to join them for the next new episode May 10th. Why in the world would they show 2 episodes and then wait 2 months for the rest?
  23. They tried so hard to do a winner's edit on Diana and make her likable. Didn't work. It was bad because I liked the kids in both groups but my distaste for Diana had me pulling for a Stay Tuned victory. Their performance was definitely emotional so I liked it more than Highlands Voices but the kids in HV are more talented. I'm not sure if I would watch a second season of this. I only finished out this season because I wanted to see how it would end.
  24. Can't we just boot 6 tonite and bring back Stephany? Pretty please? There was so much suck last night that it brought home for me why I hate this format of splitting them up into 2 groups. Make it an even playing field and have them all square off together. Most of the kids from last week would have been put through and most of this horrendous bunch would be leaving. I am in the extreme minority here but I can't stand Dalton. The kid just screams fake to me. Then he took all the rock out of a great song and got praised for it? Ugh. He is so winning this thing(or at least making it to the finale) so he'll be around to annoy me for the long haul.
  25. Do we know when this show was filmed? Big Ang and Neil seemed happy and working through their issues when the show ended. Now, in the wake of Big Ang's death, I saw that her and Neil had split up because she felt he never stepped up to the plate while she was fighting cancer. Sad. RIP Big Ang.
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