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Everything posted by smores

  1. You don't think doing bum makeovers for a tv show counts as having empathy?
  2. The really weird thing about all of this to me is that Camille made some admittedly indelicate comments to someone she thought was a friend about a person that she doesn't care for in the same social circle, but who she is being cordial to for the sake of the group. It's well known that she doesn't like Dorit and why, and Dorit is the cause of it. Yet, because Camille has decent manners, she's not going to act like an asshole to Dorit each time she sees her, so she's cordial when face to face. Rinna, on the other hand, is presumably Dorit's actual friend. Instead of just keeping her mouth shut about what Camille said OR going to Dorit and saying listen, Camille is still upset about the situation with you so if you care, you might want to work a bit harder to repair the damage, she went for a strange third option. She did the 2nd grade "I know something you don't know!" She tells Dorit that Camille said something about her, but, oh, no, I can't tell you what it was. You'll just have to talk to Camille about it, because I couldn't possibly tell. I can run my mouth and tell you she is talking about you, but actually telling you what she said? Nope, that's crossing the line! How in the hell is Rinna being a good friend to Dorit here? Not only should they grasp that different people have different personalities by nature, they need to get that they just fundamentally changed how Erika interacts with the group. Erika was actually opening up to them about stuff and they were trying to push how THEY felt about something onto her. When she tried to explain to them how she felt they were treating her, they jumped on her and told her she wasn't being honest. So there is only one way for her to behave, or she's not being fun, she's not participating with them. And then there's only one response to their complaints or else she is not being honest. As for your situation, I'm so sorry. I have been there and men like that are assholes. No one goes around telling them that they need to just smile more. Really they need to be told to be a dick less often, but that's not going to happen either. I generally like Erika, however this season she has had a few situations that have really disappointed me. I'm not thrilled with her stance on the LVP thing, as I think all of her "the dark cloud has been lifted" statements are pretty much out of nowhere. I know she hasn't ever particularly liked LVP and that's fine, but LVP hasn't ever really done anything to her, so I don't get why she's taken this weird mean girl stand against her and I don't like it. That said, I was totally on her side this episode with the bullshit that Kyle and Teddi were pulling.
  3. Lu was sued because she didn't put money from the sale of the original Hampton's house (the one the count bought and paid in full when she first moved back to the US during their marriage), into a trust and/or put the kids names on the deed. She was required, per the divorce decree, to put half of the value of the original house in trust for the kids and if the proceeds of the sale of that house was used to purchase a new house, their names had to be on it (or it had to be held in trust for them, as they were under 18). She didn't do any of that. She purchased a less expensive house, she renovated that house. She then went to put that house up on the market and purchase a new house for $6M. She could not get a loan for the $6M house, which says quite a lot about the state of Lu's finances. She was sued because she was going to squander the remaining assets of the children, not to keep her from making a bad move in her own life. It was to protect THEIR interests. They didn't stop her from buying another house within her own means.
  4. One set of my grandparents did seem to live for funerals. It was a whole social scene for them, there was gossip amongst them about which funeral home was used, how the person looked, who showed up, what sort of food they had, how long the viewing was, etc. I do think in a previous generation it was a weirdly social thing. The Stephanie Plum books has the grandmother character all into funerals and that was totally my one grandmother. I'm curious about the progression of all of that as well. But what I took away from Tinsley's story was that the firemen couldn't resuscitate the dog and so they took it to a pet funeral home who had it frozen. The funeral home was apparently going to have the viewing and then cremate the dog. I didn't have the impression that Tinsley or Dale had the dog in the freezer, or had frozen it. I do wonder if the pet funeral home would offer to stuff your pet, I mean, up until now, I honestly wouldn't have thought they'd offer viewings. My past experience was a cat that my family got when I was a kid and when I moved out it stayed at my parent's house. Eventually it got old and sick and had to be put down, so my dad took it to the vet, the vet arranged for the cat to go to a pet funeral home (I guess), it was cremated and then sent back to my parents, who then buried the remains at their house. So I wasn't aware of the whole funeral services option. Lu has been a longtime smoker and I think the smoking and drinking are catching up to her. I also think she may not have the budget (now that she's been caught as far as living on her kid's money), to keep up with some of the procedures and stuff she was doing before. I don't think she was doing a ton, but even just doing facials and maybe a bit of botox here and there can help a lot. In the last 2 years, her skin has totally changed and she is starting to look really rough. She's either being caught by the years of smoking, so you are now seeing the lines around her mouth, or she's not getting the fillers she did before to hide them.
  5. Lu was apparently required to use the device as part of her original sentence, but when she got hauled back into court recently for violating her probation (for the second time, I might add, as back in February she was in trouble for not complying with her AA meetings). She wasn't using the device the way she was required to and it was listed in the new requirements again. They have already attended her show at least twice. They did it last season (JOVANI!), and then again for the Halloween débâcle that Bethenny didn't stay long enough for. From what Bethenny said, I'm guessing they have gone other times as well. Lu wanted them to be there so it could be the season ending party, and she could promote herself/get paid. If she wants to just own up to it and say that she wanted to have it on the show to promote it, then that's fine, I don't think the others would really begrudge that so much, but she's couching it in "You aren't supporting me in MY work!" Like she's out there saving lives with Doctors without Borders or something. Plus, the others can decide that they have legit just tired of going to see her show and would like to do another thing. I think Lu did the gifts as a manipulative thing. She's actually done this once before with Bethenny. Lu has zero self awareness and she won't own being wrong, but at the same time, she's calculating and after coming away from a situation if she thinks that there will be lasting damage between her and Bethenny, she tries to "repair" the relationship. Remember that birthday party Ramona had for like 60 of her girlfriends in that restaurant? Lu showed up with with a gift for Bethenny that day, it was a purse. Bethenny was puzzled by it, and it was weird because Lu kind of ostentatiously gave it to her at Ramona's birthday party. It's the same sort of thing she did here. Lu didn't get Dorinda anything because she doesn't think she needs Dorinda in the future, or she thinks Dorinda will come crawling back to her without Lu having to ensure that she is there. Lu isn't sure Bethenny would be there for her, which is why she tries to hedge her bets with gifts. Yes she was. She was gone about 5 hours. She said she was gone for 2 at the beach and then the others asked her what she was doing for the rest of the time she was gone. She didn't answer. And the others had no obligation to coordinate their timing around someone who wasn't even present. If Lu wanted to be assured of having a massage/glam team at a specific time, she should have been present and making the arrangements. You snooze, you lose. The women who are there get to do what they want, when they want. Plus, honestly how was Lu not going to have the massage last? Exactly how could she have gotten the first, second or third massage when she wasn't even physically IN the house? I think a lot of what Bethenny struggles with, aside from the obvious "Dennis is gone" is the what ifs. He was a lot of things to her, at one point a fiancé, a boyfriend, an ex boyfriend. He was a friend. When he died, things were unresolved. He had issues going on and clearly they were such that they were back and forth a lot, but they weren't a permanent break up, the potential existed for him to sort stuff out and then for them to get back together. Or maybe they would have drifted apart, she would have met someone new and they'd have been friends. But none of that had time to happen, so Bethenny has to come to terms with all of that. Grieving for anyone is a challenge to begin with. When you add unresolved dynamics in, it's worse because one day you think you're doing ok with the way things were and then it hits you that this thing might have happened, or maybe if you'd said this you could have changed the way things were and . . . then you're right back into the mess again. It's hard. Letting go of every possibility and knowing that things will always just be unfinished is really, really difficult. I think this is where she's at, she's able to move forward in some ways, like dating, because they weren't necessarily together, but, she's pulled back at the same time, because there are the what ifs, because the thing that kept them apart (when he was alive), was something that COULD have been changed (his addiction), and potentially, if he had been able to overcome it, then they could have gotten back together. She's just working on living with the unfinished business. When I was a kid, I was flipping through a family photo album at my grandparent's house and in between pictures of a day at an amusement park with my grandparents and my grandparents trip to Hawaii I suddenly came across 2 pages of pictures that horrified me. One side of the page was photos of my grandfather in the hospital, in traction. The other side was a bunch of people posed around a coffin, open with a body in it. I was like "WHAT IS THIS?!" And threw the album across the room. It turns out that my grandfather was in a car accident when his father died and couldn't make it to the funeral. So evidently the way they felt best to include him was to take a bunch of pictures so he could experience it. This was in the late 70s, so someone had to take these pics, (posing the people, mind you), take them somewhere to be developed, and then for some reason, they put them in a photo album! I never did understand that. Was I the only one who wondered if they offered taxidermy to Tinsley? I think it was Alan Alda whose parents had his childhood dog stuffed.
  6. Then Kyle needs to balls up and just say that she's pissed at Rinna for doing that to her sister. Coming at Erika and trying to get her to say that she thought it was a shitty thing to do doesn't really defend Kim's honor. It's just shit stirring.
  7. I find the whole social media situation to be strange. I'm not a person who posts a bunch about my life in general, when my biological father died, I didn't post about it. I found it awkward when people posted condolence messages on my facebook page. I didn't want a billboard out there for the world to see, you know? On the other hand, I'm a private citizen. I think when you're someone who lives your life in a public way, as Kyle, LVP and the others on the show do, that changes how you respond. While I'd normally send a private message to a friend, call them, show up, send flowers, etc, I think if that person was someone that you were in a joint "public" life with, you pretty much have to do both. If an occasion is acknowledged publicly, you end up looking strange for not also acknowledging it publicly, even if you did it privately. So whether it's the birth of a child or the death of a parent, you would visit, send gifts, etc, but also make that public response. It's just part of the game they play being public figures. I would like to think that Kyle would be able to step outside of what she sees as herself being wronged and reach out to LVP. Kyle has lost her mother. She knows LVP just lost her brother and should at least be able to recognize that LVP spent a lot of the last year in pain, whether she thinks it's deserved or not. I have a few people I'm really not a fan of and if I never had to see again, I'd be cool with that. But I can say that when they lost a close loved one, I did genuinely feel for them. I know what it's like and no matter who you are, it hurts and you feel alone. I don't want anyone to go through that, whether I like you or not.
  8. She can say what she wants and she can think what she wants, but so can the others. And they did. If she wants to share what she thinks and feels, then she also has to be open to hearing what they think and feel. And if her thoughts and feelings change the way other people look at her, that's part of the deal that comes from speaking those beliefs in public. Mila is taking a stance that someone's fundamental being should be hidden and is disgusting because it is not to her taste, she doesn't care for it. Something that they can't change. If she wants to feel that way, fine, I guess. I'm not sure what the reaction someone could have other than nope, that's offensive. If you want to feel that way, cool, but it's offensive and disgusting. No one fired her, no one attacked her, they told her they didn't want to hear that language and that it was offensive. They decided to distance themselves from her. That's one of the consequences you might face when you speak your mind, even in a society with free speech. It's pretty easy to tell when someone comes in from smoking, if you are someone who doesn't smoke. It's a really distinct smell, you can often even tell if they've just come in or if it's been a while since they've gone out to smoke. I've had a few jobs before where we had a specified lunch break but other than that, breaks weren't set. It was retail and if things were busy, all hands were on deck. But when things slowed down? Most of us would start cleaning up, emptying trash, doing whatever random stuff has to get done in down time, prepping for the next busy time, etc. Smokers? They ran for a break. Every time it slowed, they got a break. If you didn't smoke? You got a list of stuff that needed to be done. Restaurants are similar. When it's busy, everyone's busy and doing stuff. When it slows down, smokers head to take a break, while nonsmokers start cleaning stuff up, doing prep work for the next meal or closing, emptying trash, sweeping, etc. It's simply expected that if you are a nonsmoker, you will move onto the next task and the smokers get the break because they NEED it. And if you point out that you aren't getting a break, it's "but it's just 2 minutes, and anyway they're going to do x, y and z" Except it's never JUST 2 minutes and they don't end up doing those things. Like Russia.
  9. And that would really be the reason someone like Kyle would be doing it in the first place. To show everyone how she's really the better friend/person anyway. Despite how horrible LVP was to them this season and how she lied, Kyle took time away from all the stuff she went through TOO! to reach out to LVP and send her thoughts at this time. But she's apparently even abandoned that pretense.
  10. Nope, she doesn't. She claims it's because she knows the dog is safe so that's not an issue, but the reality is that she saw an opening to "take down" LVP and so she went for it. I really don't fault LVP for this. They were talking, she has clearly been struggling (as she's said in interviews), with her brothers death and depression and she just didn't filter things quite the way she normally would have. She wasn't coming from a place of "What the fuck is wrong with you for sending me this inferior condolence? I demand better!" But more of a "this stung because I thought we'd gotten past this stumbling block and moved forward. I was surprised to see this because it seemed like it was distant" As soon as LVP realized that the comment had come across harshly, she apologized and explained that she didn't want it to be a thing. I really think that on any given day it's one of those things that you'd be like "Huh, that's kind of weird, wonder what that's about?" in your head, but grief does some weird shit to you and sometimes you find yourself blurting stuff out. Yep, they are. Realistically, who thinks that Jax and Brittany won't have other weddings? Anyone? Kyle is posting, but not a peep about LVP. She really is a nasty 13 year old at heart.
  11. I just want to know who ever told her that SHE had to be the moral compass of everyone. Bitch, no one elected you. I totally agree, they were definitely bullying Erika. Even when Erika was trying to lay out (yet again), why she wasn't upset and Teddi started in with her "well, it seemed like you were upset last night" So Erika explained that yes, she was upset with them seemingly trying to push her into being upset with the Rinna Jayne costume, but she wasn't actually upset by the costume. Then Kyle is all "I just know if someone dressed up like me and acted like an asshole I wouldn't be good with it" Erika then tries to explain that she's not upset with it and ask why they are pushing their feelings onto her and Kyle just starts yelling "Different situation!" over and over again over what Erika is trying to say. But, no, they are totally being open to Erika's side. Then they approach her and give her another chance to "be honest" about her feelings. Just like they are open to letting LVP "be honest" about the dog situation. Apparently, though, both Erika and LVP need to get the "honest" script from Teddi and Kyle before the conversation, because whatever they actually think/feel may not be met with approval. This is not true. I had my first migraine at 5 and have chronic migraines now, in my 40s. I have a migraine almost every day and have a weird, freak headache disorder. I have some migraines that knock me flat on my ass and I can't get out of bed or I will puke, but, most of the migraines I have I'm up and around and out in the world with them. If you're in my daily life, odds are you don't even realize I have a migraine and I may not mention I have a headache, because it's pretty much every day. I have preventative meds, I have emergency meds that only work sometimes. I have other ones that just knock me out to sleep through the worst of it. Anyway, my point is that it's possible Erika did have a migraine and it wasn't one that was super horrible and would confine her to bed. It's possible it was that kind but being managed by medication. They vary quite a bit. It's usually his daughter next to him, but I think he also frequently has other companions. Just my personal belief. I don't really buy this. I mean, I guess she could be telling the truth from her perspective, but I think Teddi is deliberately missing the point other people try to make to her. She demands that people be accountable, not just with their diet or their exercise. Look at the whole Dorit and time thing last season. But when she is at fault in a situation, like when she took Erika's bland comment of "Yes" to a general-ish statement as a definitive statement of being on her side in an argument and ran with it, she didn't hold herself to the same standard that she held Dorit to. Dorit maintained that she was late, but not THAT late, Teddi wouldn't budge at all on the timing and insisted that Dorit was wrong and wouldn't let it go. Yet instead of coping to misunderstanding with Erika or even clarifying she accused Erika of having "pretend amnesia" and then got butt hurt when Erika pushed back on that. Like somehow Teddi was the wounded party for misconstruing Erika's words, drawing Erika into a fight she didn't want to be in and THEN accusing Erika of lying about it. Teddi never took accountability for those actions and owned it. This is why people take umbrage at her "Miss Accountability" routine. She feels free to act as judge and jury and tell people what the "truth" is, but when it's her turn to own it, she's fine with lots of wiggle room. Did she though? Because I saw Teddi apologize for being "manipulated by LVP" I didn't actually see Teddi apologize for outing Dorit's dog being dumped. Which is what she actually did, whether she feels she was manipulated into doing it or not, Teddi could have said no and she didn't. She went along with the plan willingly and she hasn't ever actually owned that part of it. She's just been like, I'm so sorry, I had no idea someone was doing this TO ME. Right? You see Kyle running around the house and you're like, Wow, she's aging well. Then you see her in an episode when shes in her car, like driving to LVP's house and you're like HOLY CRAP! What happened to Kyle?!? I want my whole life to look like that filter. This isn't true for everyone. Some people have problems with wine, cheese, chocolate, sausage/processed meats, etc. Others don't though. I actually don't have any food triggers at all. There are a few weird things that will trigger mine to be way worse, certain lighting, lavender, and the weather can do it, but I have no food issues LVP totally said that. And I think she was right. Mauricio basically told Kyle on camera to figure her shit out with Camille because he didn't want to risk losing a client. LVP moved between the first and second season, I think (maybe 2nd and 3rd?), and she was pretty specific that she felt Kyle went out of her way to be nice when the house was going to go up for sale and then the claws came out after the house was sold and the new one purchased. And it would totally be Kyle's MO. But what about Teddi running face first into the wall like a demented cat? I had a kitten once who used to run the length of the house, (we kept the doors shut to keep her from getting into the basement or the bedrooms when she was just brought home). She'd run from one end of the house right into a door - THUD. Stop, shake it off, reverse course and run to the other side of the house, right into a door - THUD. Repeat. I rewound the scene with Teddi a few times and thought of that cat. She totally is exhausting. Nothing will ever be resolved until you feel the way Teddi feels and she is convinced that you feel it enough and for the right reasons, because otherwise it's not "real" and Teddi isn't a phony. She just insists that everyone be identical to her and can't conceive that others might have their own, differing opinions. Wasn't there a trip, early, early on where they were in a house somewhere, maybe Camille's house in Colorado? They all got drunk as shit and were trying to do headstands or something? I just remember a bunch of people tumbling over and pajamas going over heads. I THINK it was BH. It's like they grow on trees, isn't it?
  12. Sonja has apparently done it a lot, but my guess is Ramona. Sonja seems to still have a storyline, but Ramona is pretty much just out of story. Andy has always said that they let people go when their story has run it's course and there isn't anything left with Ramona that I can see. Watching her date isn't all that much fun, since the dates are all the same. We've been there done that with her business stuff and she's increasingly desperate with her product pitches (holding up her Ageless by Ramona while they are trying to talk Sonja into going to the AA meeting). Her kid is an adult, her divorce is over. She's just done and I think she knows it.
  13. Carole was gaslighting Bethenny, though. She didn't say "We're fine, I just need a bit of time and you're coming on strong, let me call you in a week" She just stopped responding and then would be like "Wait, what? Nothing is going on, why do you think we have a problem?" And then go and talk to everyone else and tell them that Bethenny had all these issues and she couldn't deal with her. Then it would get back to Bethenny, who would try to resolve it and she'd be like, "Huh? No, we talked, it's good." If you come at a personality like Bethenny and directly say "You are being intense, I need some space, and I will do x in this amount of time" They respond really well. The issue with Lu hugging Barbara was that she was doing it to shut down Barbara's telling Lu how she was hurt. Barbara was in the middle of her explanation, she was trying to tell Lu why she felt the way she did. Lu's first response was to blow it off kind of like (paraphrasing) "What? Why do you feel that way? Nothing is wrong!" When Barbara continued her explanation and Lu realized that tactic wasn't getting her out of the situation, she changed gears and went to "Oh, you look sad, I'm sorry you're sad let me come give you a hug, don't feel bad!" And kind of tried to switch to love bombing her. This way whatever Barbara was saying about her would be derailed and she theoretically would feel apologized to, but Lu really didn't admit or apologize to anything. Bethenny was like, wait, hold up, that's not letting her tell you how she feels, you're just trying to sidetrack the conversation, so sit the F down.
  14. It's funny because I feel kind of the exact opposite, but for the same reason. I feel like I'm a semi-social introvert and being around someone like Luann would be hell for me. I don't mind letting people talk about themselves, that's fine, and I know exactly what you mean about it being amazing what people will confide in you, but the amount of small talk you'd have to have with Luann would drive me insane. I just don't know that I have the energy for it, and she requires the feedback, it's not like you can tune out and just nod once in a while, you HAVE to be engaged. On the other hand, Bethenny is very similar to my BFF who is, admittedly A LOT. I totally see how she isn't everyone's cup of tea, but Bethenny is independent and doesn't require someone else to hold her hand for everything. She will show up if you need her. She also will always let you know where you stand. And, and this is really the key thing for me, if she's being too much, you can say, "Listen, you're being intense and I need you to back off a bit" and she'd get it.
  15. To me it really depends on the situation. First, if nothing else had been going on in life and it was just a random meltdown and there were a bunch of other people around and I'd already announced my plans to swim, and I was able to look around and be like, well, there's only an hour and a half until dinner, so do you guys have this one? Ok, then I'm out and I'll see you back at the villa and I'll take the next one. I could understand that. And that would also be after I acknowledged that she was in a bad place and tried to talk her through it for a few minutes. I wouldn't just roll and be like "Good Luck bitches!" But. Everyone has been rallying around Lu for the last couple of years to support her through all of her drama. First the Tom cheating scandal. Then her trip to rehab. Then her arrest. And then her legal mess and return rehab trip and lawsuit from her children. And her lack of probation compliance. Etc, etc. Maybe not in that order, but still. They have listened to her, they have been there for her when she was drunk, they've been there for her when she was "sober" They have gone to her cabaret and gotten yelled at. They have done a lot. FOR Lu. And not only does she not acknowledge it, she demands more. She tells them they haven't done enough. And that's a problem. So when Sonja had her meltdown, I don't know if it was real. Maybe it was, I can find a situation like that to be totally overwhelming. Truthfully, I have a very hard time traveling to all inclusive resorts in the Caribbean because of the dissonance of where I'm staying vs the people who are living on the island and employed by the property. So I can sort of see what Sonja was saying. At the same time, I can see how she would be just playing it up for a storyline. Who knows. But in either case, I don't think it's unreasonable to expect Lu to actually return a BIT of the concern and interest that people have shown to her. The interest that she DEMANDS from others. You can't sit there and demand to know why no one came to check on you while there were paramedics with Sonja and yet not even at least try to comfort her when she was upset.
  16. Not just the season with Tom, remember how she was when her marriage to the Count fell apart? At that reunion she was all "Oh, no bigs, we separated it's all cool, next question!" And they were kind of stunned and were like, wait, he cheated on you publicly, dumped you by email and you're just breezy about it? I think there is a perception by some that the other women are just lying in wait for something to wrong in Lu's life and then they jump out front behind the furniture and yell "AHA! Now you must feel SHAME!" But that's not really what they are doing, from what I can see. First, they're a group of coworkers, but part of their job is to somewhat be friends. They have to share their lives to an extent (I think some stuff, like Victoria's DUI and racist rants as a minor should remain off limits, as should Quincy and details about Brynn. Stating "I have my daughter this week" or "the kid is with her father in France" is one thing, but they aren't featured and I'm fine with it). Bethenny met and married Jason on tv and so the fallout of the relationship is dealt with on tv to an extent. Lu was publicly dating Jacques, she brought home a pretend pirate while being filmed and screwed him and tried to lie about it, so she had to explain how it impacted her relationship. That's all part of the deal. They meddle in each other's lives, to an extent, Heather and Bethenny helping Sonja with her businesses. Telling Ramona she drank too much. Telling Sonja she drank too much. But at the end of the day, for the most part, they do all seem to care about each other. That's how you end up with Bethenny helping to stage an intervention for Lu, who she has fought with over the years. It would be one thing, I think, if Lu just basically always did her own thing, showed up at cast events, and was polite and pleasant but didn't take digs at the other women, and left and went back to her own fabulous life. She'd be self centered, yes, but whatever, she'd also be contained. She doesn't, though, she comes in and is happy to rip others apart, she's trashed Dorinda, she's mocked Tinsley, she's gone after Bethenny. She's being nasty to Barbara and she's gone after Ramona in the past. She was horrible to Carole in past seasons. She can't play "I'm fabulous and above the fray" when she's more than happy to hop down into the fray when she WANTS to. It's either/or. I have a sibling I can't stand, so I have almost no interaction with them, unless I'm in the same room with them. And then I'm strictly polite, very surface social and I refuse to engage in anything that they try to do to cause an argument. Occasionally they STILL cause an argument, which I immediately back out of. This wasn't natural behavior for me, but I finally learned that I can't get blamed for something if I'm not participating. And now if/when it happens, our parents FINALLY go to the source to shut it down. It took me a few decades to catch on to just not getting into the fray at all, but once I did, I realized there was no way to deny I wasn't involved. My point? Lu can't claim immunity when she's IN the fray, which she is, pretty much all the time. This. This is a fantastic example. Here Lu was insufferable and rude. Should they have come to dinner? YES. I despise when people are late. Lu would have been well within her rights to tell them that she'd had them leave the plates in the kitchen and dismissed the staff or that she'd had them make some sort of snacks or cheese or whatever and dinner was done. But to send them to bed without dinner? To dismiss them back to their rooms? Nope. She's not their keeper. And then when Lu does anything similar, keeping people waiting, her response is to shrug and say "So, what's the big deal?" If someone tries to explain to her, they're met with "So what? Oh, you had to wait a little bit for dinner for me? Poor baby. It's not going to kill you" She just doesn't care. If you offend Lu, it's a mortal wound. If she does something to you, well, what the fuck are you talking about, because of COURSE Lu can't cause an offense. You're just looking to be offended by her, and really, now you're just offending Lu again. Dammit, why did you go and do that?
  17. She'll be like Apollo Nida, off probation for a few days and then right back in the drunk tank. Tinsley won't make any progress, unfortunately, until she stops trying to be the Tinsley she was 15 years ago. She has to be Tinsley 2019 rather than Tinsley 2004. She's so desperate to figure out how to get back to the way she WAS rather than figure out how to move forward that she's just stuck spinning her wheels.
  18. #hehasabetterjob? Nah, #heHASajob Corey is just famewhoring his way around MTV and slutting up challenges, that's not actually a job. I was initially puzzled by Tyler's sister and the ears, but then I was struck by the fact that everyone in Tyler's family has these tiny faces on top of these weirdly long, thick necks and they all look very strange. I don't blame Maci for being somewhat concerned about the stutter, she said that it was happening more frequently and she just wanted to get it checked out. I'd likely do the same thing if I had a kid and I have siblings who stuttered when they were younger. I know it can be normal and they can grow out of it, but I'd still want to have it checked just to make sure it wasn't related to an issue that required more intervention, on the off chance that it was something more. How many more times do we have to watch Mack tell us her tale of woe where she has been there EVERY.SINGLE.TIME Ryan has been arrested? Like how many more friends will we need to watch her tell this to? Because this is at least the second time she's trotted the same script out this season, and we're not that many episodes in. I can't feel that bad for her because, well, it's not like she couldn't have known who she was getting involved with, he's in his 10th season on the damn show.
  19. Not only did Lu have no feelings of sympathy for Sonja when she face planted on the floor, she was INDIGNANT that no one came to check on HER! I mean, how dare they not see if Sonja's falling had caused her to take a bottle of vodka back to her room? She wanted to you know! (and probably did!)
  20. Right. But like I said, she had previously had a reaction but not a life threatening one. So she may very well have been able to eat it in some cases or risked it at times, etc. I am allergic to milk, but I do occasionally eat ice cream. I know the response I'll have to it, and I judge when and where I'll have it. I also know that I'm less likely to have a major reaction if I have a smaller amount of something with a higher fat content, like gelato vs a super cheap ice cream. Nothing is guaranteed, of course, but, experience tells me that I'm safe with a few bites. I'm also allergic to pretty much every mold/pollen/tree and grass. I can't drink red wine because of a cross reaction and I can't eat any blue cheese because of the mold in it. I made the mistake of taking a few bites of a wensleydale a couple of years ago, not thinking about the fact that it was a blue (I just saw that it was cranberry!), and I paid for that for days. I had an instant reaction, was stuffy and miserable for days. My point, though, is that you can have varying reactions to things and sometimes you choose to suffer through it for whatever it is that you are ordering. Other times, not so much. But, in the case of her fish allergy, it has now reached a point where she can't have it at all, as it's too severe.
  21. I sleep with the tv on and keep a dvd of an innocuous tv show on repeat. At the moment, it is Royal Pains, which is kind of funny given that we're in the Hamptons. I'm on theme at least! I also sleep with a sleep mask to block the light from the tv that I have to have on. I actually did feel bad for Barbara with this. It's one thing to not invite her or to just head out with Tinsley and not bring Barbara. But, to stand there with Barbara right next to her and say to EVERY other person at the table "We're going to go for drinks, do you want to come?" "Oh, come on, come out with us?" And then pointedly NOT ask her, that's just rude. Plus once Bethenny was like, uh, what about Barbara, because Ramona was being rude, Ramona just acted like she hadn't heard her and said "Tinsley and I were going to go, Sonja did you want to come?" If Ramona had just gotten up from dinner and said "Tinsley and I had talked about heading to this little bar that she knows for a drink, we'll be back in an hour or so, don't have too much fun without us!" and then they left, it would have been fine. What she did, though, was rude. I don't know for sure who is right or wrong in this story. I think there's likely an element of both on each side. Hostin's kid was probably being extra loud and Bethenny probably didn't handle it well. That Sunny didn't acknowledge that her kid was being loud is a bit odd, but as I mentioned in my earlier post, some people either have an amazing ability to tune their kids out or they just think "oh they're outside, it doesn't matter if they scream their heads off" But, that's not actually the case. Not everyone wants to hear that, and it can be disruptive to other people. It's not unreasonable for other people to expect your kids to not sound like they are having limbs removed. At the same time, Bethenny needs to deal with it appropriately if something like this is happening. Asking Sunny to have her child pipe down would be the way to go. It's frustrating, though, if the parents don't seem to have a problem with it, because they won't get that there is an issue. Either way, what I do know for sure, based on what Sunny said, evidently Bethenny did seem to apologize and Sunny did accept it. So I think it's kind of crappy of her to then go and spread shit about the story on tv. I don't think her taking Skinny Girl items means she's got some sort of NDA, but I do think it's a bit tacky to turn around and say, oh, they then sent me this stuff to apologize and that was nice, but this is how much of a bitch she is. That doesn't sit well with me. You're not just sharing a story with friends, you're putting this out there on TV. Bethenny is allergic to finned fish. Her allergy has gotten worse over time, as she previously was able to eat fish and have symptoms, but they have been getting worse. In the past, she had some swelling. In Cartagena, she had much more dramatic symptoms. She then had an anaphylactic response in December. It looks like the footage for Miami was filmed just a week or so before that reaction.
  22. You can pay for private property but that doesn't mean that you can make all the noise you want on it. There are noise ordinances and you can be in trouble for violating them, even if you own the property. You can't leave a dog outside barking in your backyard that you own all day where I live, for example.
  23. And there still aren't. Craig isn't making the pillows, his "operations manager" is. Danni looks to me like someone who has had weight loss surgery and hasn't quite leveled off yet, if that makes sense. There's this look that people get when they lose a bunch of weight fairly quickly and then they eventually settle into their new size and tend to look more normal, but for a little while they look a bit strange, and that's the way Danni looks to me. I don't think it has anything to do with her having surgery, it's just the way she looks.
  24. People need to remember that they are not the only people in a space. It may be that they are on a beach, but there are also other people on that beach and there are houses nearby. So someone might be trying to sleep, someone might have a headache, etc. I'm not saying that people should not let kids be kids and play, but, there are reasonable limits and what you are doing shouldn't encroach on what other people around you are doing. No one else should be forced to have to endure what you are doing just because they want to enjoy the beach too. Exactly. Lu had no issues at all calling up anyone she thought had enough money to give it to her to buy a house, and when the people around her recognized that she was clearly in a bad place, they stepped in and helped. That's what friends do. Hell, it's what decent humans do. She wants Lu to not be an utter twat. If Lu didn't apologize, I honestly don't think Beth would give that much of a shit. I mean, I'm sure it would register (because, really, it SHOULD), but, she'd likely just shrug it off and say, whatever, it's Luann. Nothing new there. But when you consider the fact that every time they get together Bethenny has learned that Luann has either been talking shit behind her back (why does Bethenny get to pick the room and not ME? Screw Bethenny!), or to her face (What? You're just going home to watch your kid sleep?), and then is acting like she's above everyone else and people are simply jealous of her success, it gets old. Then to turn on Barbara and openly mock Tinsley? This is a bitch who was so drunk she walked off of the sidewalk and fell into bushes, yet she thinks she can mock someone for slurring some words? Nah, that's enough. All Lu does is take. And even now in post season interviews, Lu isn't acknowledging that she has any role in things. "None of that was about me, they clearly had issues within themselves they needed to deal with" Here's the thing, I live in an apartment and my apartment happens to be near an area where the kids in the complex congregate. For a while, this wasn't a problem at all, kids would play, have football games, run, jump, laugh, etc. Nothing was an issue. Could I hear them? Yep. They yell when they play football, but it's just a general level of background noise that you recognize but block out, in the same way you might hear a dryer running, you know? They weren't quiet, but they weren't really obtrusive. Now sometime in the last year one or more new families moved in and things changed. They have kids who come and play in that area, but they SCREAM. I'm talking it sounds like someone is holding them down and trying to saw a limb off. They are out there for a few hours, 3-5 days per week. Every week. Sometimes they run up and down the halls of the buildings, with that screaming, echoing. It's insane. Someone needs to tell them to shut that shit down, it's WAY beyond "kids playing" and into "my perfect snowflake can do no wrong" territory. There are adults with them every time, so apparently they think it's totally fine and normal. But, it's not. And yes, if this is what Sunny's kid was doing, then I can see someone needing to yell at them to be quiet.
  25. Nene has gotten nothing but positive reinforcement for her behavior thus far, so it's not likely she'll stop any time soon. I'm sure she wasn't a peach (no pun intended), prior to the show, but after "hitting the bigtime" with the show, she's become almost untouchable in a sense. Now when people try to say something to her, they get pushback like "I'm a rich bitch, cashing TRUMP checks!" (HA!) And people applaud that behavior on social media and egg it on. She faced some backlash for her heckler situation, but Bravo still brought her back and gave her a platform to say she just chose the wrong words, etc. It wasn't a humbling experience for her, it was more of a temporary laying low. And even after the closet crap, people are just shrugging and saying she was right, you don't go somewhere in someone's house uninvited, etc. It's a constant feedback loop for her that no matter what she does, it's right and she can tune everyone else out as "haters."
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