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Everything posted by blubld43

  1. This right here. Please God, let Nathan get custody of his son. I bet it won't happen though. Just hoping that maybe someone who loves Kaiser is going to see this footage and realize that this baby is doomed if something doesn't happen for him quickly, IMO. I don't know the answer, but I think it depends on their custody status? I don't think Jenelle ever gave up parental rights to Jace, s I would say she must have to pay support. I was thinking the other night, it's been a long time since we heard Barbara talking about working at Walmart! Her circumstances have clearly improved, as they should.
  2. And to put the icing on the cake, notice she didn't bother to wipe his little face or his hands, and he was eating. So he ends up in his dark room alone, with food and snot all over everything. God it just makes me sick, I honestly don't know if I can watch any more of this.
  3. Me too. Watching Jenelle "mother" her son is akin to watching her beat the crap out of him. It's abuse and just breaks my heart.
  4. I definitely got that too, he couldn't leave fast enough. The final shot really said it all: Leah, sleeping and oblivious on the couch, while Corey and Miranda celebrate the good news. I see that Leah is clearly depressed, probably on pillses, but she isn't an evil person like Jenelle. I hope she gets some real help. Just kills me to see baby Roll crying and alone in his crib.
  5. This is exactly how I feel about that poor baby. What's going to happen is that he will soon stop crying, realizing that it does no good. Then he's probably lost forever, no bonding with that rotten little bitch Jenelle, she doesn't care about anyone. I agree, Nathan is probably an idiot but I think he might have human feelings. Jenelle doesn't, so anything is a step up.
  6. The only positive here that I see, is the fact that there ARE MTV crew in her house. Surely if they see something they would call child services. Good Lord, Jenelle's picture should be in a dictionary next to the words "reasons for forced sterilization". This woman in no way is a mother, she will never deserve that title. And to all of you who have shared your own stories on here, of true hardship, brava! Leah is almost as bad, although I think it's her addiction keeping her from being a good mom. Thank God we get fresh air with Chelsea and Kail; it makes me happy to see how well these two are doing. Putting their children first, way to go ladies! Jo is also showing remarkable maturity for the most part; wish I could say the same for Javi. And all their children are well behaved, love that.
  7. I can't believe how many women will sleep with most of the guys on this show, with the exception of Rahhnn. All the rest of them are just way too arrogant and with no reason.
  8. Kailyn is in college, she must realize that it isn't going to last forever on MTV. But totally agree about the rest; I don't count Jenelle because even though she got a Medical assistant certificate, she probably won't be able to get a job. The rest of them seem to spend all their time on social media or texting.
  9. well thanks to all of you for your comments. I imagine most of us have seen the Cops episodes, with someone crying while the police handcuff their boo, but it's interesting to hear these knowledgeable comments about the law. I figured Butch must be violating his probation throughout the years; we see him being released from jail, he's around for a few episodes, then gone. Tyler might remark that "Butch is back in jail", or something but I know it's happened throughout TM OG. no wonder he goes by "Butch", huh? I'm sure he's had to fight his way past that name in jail or prison countless times. I re-watched this episode last night. WTF is up with Tyler acting like Butch's no contact order is nothing more than an inconvenience to family times?? There was a reason for that, you dipshit!
  10. Butch wasn't getting a check to show up for his own childrens' birthdays.
  11. This poor little girl; I haven't watched this show in ages but I see pictures. Drool? Really? To me this is criminal, ignoring special needs of any kind. They spent (or someone did) a fortune when she was born! What about now?
  12. No way that marriage is going to last. But I have to say, Kail has some adorable children, and they are both well-behaved. Kail's never going to be Miss Congeniality, but she's a good mother to her sons as far as I can see. I think Kail needs to sit Javi down for a come-to-Jesus moment. Either get on board the fucking adult train here, or we're over. You can miss me with that BS of calling and demanding your son be brought home! I wish so much Barb would cave and get custody of Kaiser too. That poor darling baby is doomed with that cold snake mother of his. I found myself hoping that one of the camera crew might have gone over and comforted him, after Jenelle tossed him in his crib with a bottle. Leah, do you really think we don't SEE you texting and driving? I wonder if this stupid woman doesn't realize that if something were to happen, God forbid, and the twins were hurt or killed? She'd be facing criminal charges and likely go to prison. She desperately needs someone to take ALL her children away until she's sober, which she clearly isn't. I don't know the real-time status of their custody situation but I hope Corey still has them most of the time. Poor Addie, I know her father can't take custody because of his job, she's another one that's screwed. Little Aubrey is adorable and I think it's great that Chelsea seems to have matured a lot.
  13. And Candis does the same thing; I can't stand it.
  14. I don't watch this show much, but I did see Amy on "Celebrity Chopped" once. I don't remember if she won but she did do pretty well.
  15. Speaking of which, this is one female affectation that Candis would do well to STOP. She is ALWAYS stroking her hair, every time the camera is on her. Just no.
  16. I totally remember that one; the guy was a death row prisoner-I don't think his crime was ever fully explained-and he was talking about how sure he was that he'd be going to Heaven. This is exactly how these Fundies seem to operate: if you strictly follow these man made rules, you're guaranteed Heaven. I just find it astonishing that people live this way: way too many kids, poverty level wages, and your husband quits his job to focus on "a ministry"???(Anna's Dad). I guess the entire family "agrees" to sacrifice for the promise of Heaven? Then your paragon of a patriarch (Josh) gets caught with his pants down. Shown to be absolutely full of shit. I don't know, I think I'd have to hire an attorney and go after every cent I could get, take my four kids and get the hell away from all of them.
  17. Takari, is she the darker one that Jackie treated poorly because of her skin color? What happened to her anyway?
  18. And since Anna gives birth at home, irreparable damage might be done before anyone discovers it. What an asshat.
  19. Thanks for the explanations. Yes, I remember her saying she's asexual, and could well be true in light of all the hormones combined with her age.
  20. So here's a question: Caitlyn Jenner has said she is still attracted to women; is she now gay as well as transgender?
  21. Lol, new one to me as well. I wonder if Caitlyn is as selfish as she's being portrayed here? Someone did say she's having a second adolescence and that fits just right; she's as self-absorbed and shallow as any teenager. Of course her gender dysphoria had a major impact on her marriage to Kris! Kris is very likely everything we think she is: selfish, money-hungry, etc, but marriage is about TWO people. I certainly don't see Caitlyn as some big victim here.
  22. I see Caitlyn's enjoyment of the trappings of womanhood, like clothes, hair, etc, as being like cisgender women: some of us are really into the hair and makeup, some of us could care less. As a ciswoman just a few years younger than Cait, I would love to talk fashion with her, I'm loving most of her choices!
  23. It would be hard to see your Dad transition to a woman, plain and simple. Of course you want your loved ones to be happy but that would be tough! That said, I liked the show. I felt that Cait is honestly trying to use her platform for the greater good, and what more can we expect? Has to be weird for her too, sometimes.
  24. I saw that same epi last night! I love that Hank and Dale both put on dresses to try to help Bill.
  25. So it always bugged me that Nancy Gribble never actually left Dale to be with John Redcorn. Why?
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