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Everything posted by blubld43

  1. Good Lord. "This is my house!" from Uncle Dave??? Only as long as Jenelle says so, Dave. You can stand there holding Kaiser like he belongs to you or something, but it's only the thinnest veil that separates you from being on the streets. Barbara has every right to be upset. I wonder too WHY Jenelle isn't coming out, and I bet it has something to do with Dave.
  2. My first guess is that she has all these kids she's caring for, so....I can't imagine what daycare costs now; it was expensive 25 years ago. Now add in having to get two of them into an after school program, one of whom is challenged physically. I'm overwhelmed thinking about it. Certainly it must be financially possible for one of them to stay home, so i don't blame her for this decision. Not at all.
  3. Especially considering some of her first words about it were telling Ali she needs to "try to walk first", this seems in direct contradiction to what Dr Tsao said. I think both Leah and Corey love Ali; I will never understand why they'd let her do without that wheelchair for so long.
  4. You're definitely NOT dumb, we've all seen on television exactly who does what. Of course, I'm sure that's just editing....
  5. Let me know if I can ride shotgun.
  6. lol, a surgery Kail really did not need. WTF is up with huge bottoms on women now? Is it the K family influence? Several of the TM "stars" seem to find that family something to emulate, i.e., Farrah with her sex tapes and multiple plastic surgeries.
  7. I would LOVE to see Sister Patterson read Farrah for filth.
  8. lol, only if said Christian happens to have a bad case of damsel-in-distress-itis. I mean a really bad case.
  9. Jenelle and Uncle Dave were in the honeymoon stage of the relationship when this was filmed. It won't last; Jenelle needs drama almost as much as air.
  10. Excellent point; Leah has no idea how lucky she is, she'd much rather play the martyr to that mean old Corey I'm glad to see them trying to speak pleasantly to each other on this episode; they've seemed to just hate each other for a while now. My guess is that Corey knows what the real deal with Leah is, and she's just daring him to say something. Or maybe he is showing kindness to the mother of his twins.
  11. I could not agree more. Jenelle finally shows a little affection to kaiser, and is even shown changing his diaper! It was nice to see him get some attention for a change.......I know it's only for the cameras, though. Wtf was that car thing Kaiser was shown in, racing down the driveway? Now that looked dangerous as hell. Jenelle just seems to have no sense of what is safe for her kid; she is constantly putting him in harm's way. Even in his own home, he lives with a parade of "dads", no safety or security there either.
  12. lol. Jo can be passionate about rap! Whatever, he just needs to start adulting full time, at least after Vivi is out of the newborn stage. If he wants to be a rapper, then start working to make it happen. What's he done since that video?
  13. I lol at this...but honestly, if I knew I were being filmed, I would make a little more effort. Because you know, millions of people. I like Jo, I think he's a great dad, but I see Kail's point about wishing he'd set a better example for Isaac. In that he seemingly has no career, no real passion for anything. Maybe he just needs a little more growing up; now that he has two children, I hope he's thinking about it.
  14. I have also noticed that scar(?) on his neck and wondered what it was from. Could be a number of things, but yeah, a trach scar was my first thought too. He must have had some major medical problem at some point, IF that's what it is.
  15. Yes, that is a problem. Kaiser should be wearing a life jacket, not something that parents MIGHT use in a baby pool.
  16. Those certainly do NOT keep him "safe on the boat", is she crazy?? A prime example of her careless attitude and why I fear for Kai's safety.
  17. Do my oldest yoga pants count as sweats? I wonder if Kail sits around all day done up for the cameras? I don't even wear a bra 99% of the time I'm at home.
  18. This right here. We've all seen Jenelle's "parenting". If Kaiser were to move to Nathan's, you know the new girlfriend would be all over trying to be a good stepmom too, she wants to look good both to Nathan and the viewing audience. Having typed that sentence, I realize how truly badly Kaiser has it in life: his well-being has a lot to do with a viewing audience. The poor kid, I just grieve for him every week.
  19. Honestly. Get ALL these people an education of some sort, they all sound like idiots when they speak. Crimes against the English language, lol.
  20. Poor Kai. I've said on here that I hope Nathan gets custody, that's ONLY because Jenelle has no feelings for him. But I do remember on a previous season that Jenelle and Nathan had a car chase, because Jenelle tried to "pin" Kaiser on Nathan during what was supposed to be his gym time. So Kaiser's options are both pretty damn poor, with Nathan being the lesser of two evils. I'd be laughing for sure if Adam went for full custody. I imagine Chelsea would be too, after she got over her incredulity and anger. I actually don't think Adumb has ever mentioned wanting that though.
  21. All I ever notice is the smashed phone screen, I wonder why she doesn't get it fixed? Oh yes, pillses. Too "stressed out" about everything. And this woman tries to convince her audience that she deserves the twinses back full time, that broken phone screen is very telling.
  22. I truly applaud Kail for getting herself an education; she is the only woman on either of the TM shows that seems to be aware of a future without MTV. Well, of course Farrah is planning her adult entertainment career....
  23. All these guys on both iterations of Teen Mom show their lack of education every time they speak. The women too. Is this lack of higher education, too much time on social media, combination of both? It drives me crazy every time I hear one of them butcher the language and they ALL do it, maybe excepting Kail and family.
  24. IMO it's almost guaranteed. Jenelle does keep trying to recreate the "perfect family", although Lord knows she's one of the most ill-equipped "mothers" I've ever seen.
  25. I agree with the puppy and the mop, not Charlie though. Guaranteed, and all the neighbors too. Those people probably all watched in horror as Jenelle moved in this guy.
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