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Miss Dee

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Everything posted by Miss Dee

  1. That's not to say either one has disappeared forever...they might have an integral part of the main plot that can't be cut out without ruining the whole...but even taking them out if it's unnecessary for them to be there still illustrates what you're saying, jhlipton.
  2. My UO: I think Season 3 of Sleepy Hollow is, on the whole, as good as or perhaps even slightly better than Season 1. Yes, Season 1 had a gonzo go-for-broke joy that was highly entertaining and I'll always be grateful that it sucked me into the show, but it was like a supernova... it couldn't last. Once they realized they had a hit, they didn't know where to go and it sadly resulted in season 2. Another UO: Season 1 is not as good as people remember, and Season 2 is not as bad as people say. The contrast in quality between the two, together with what appears to be very real behind-the-scenes shenanigans of essentially replacing the WOC lead with a white actress and white washing other characters to boot, is altering people's memories. There's no doubt Season 2 was not great, but the really bad episodes were a few in the middle. The season started off well and it ended really well. Season 3 is more measured, more careful. The whole "procedural" aspect is a smokescreen, much as Person of Interest uses it; the show is very serialized in terms of overarching storyline and thematic weight. Things get said in early episodes that only resonate fully in light of later ones. The characters are compelling; Abbie is once again the female lead and Jenny is at her side in every sense of the word. Past history is not forgotten, and Katrina is only mentioned in the ways we hope she would be. They took out Hawley, who was a misstep, and replace him with the very awesome Joe "Wendigo" Corbin. The new show runner says everything in the season is mapped out, and you can believe it when you see the threads run together - but they can change course too; the weight given to Betsy and Zoe at the beginning is not there after eight episodes, once they got fan reaction. I can rewatch Season 3 in a way that is not possible with Season 2 and more enjoyable than Season 1. I think it's the best season of Sleepy Hollows so far, and I'm sick of the interweb's knee-jerk reaction that it's not like Season 1 so it must suck. It doesn't, if one is willing to watch it with an open mind and not let bitterness or rose-colored glasses get in one's way of judging what is actually on screen.
  3. My God. The show might actually have a chance!
  4. Oh my God, how wonderful to have 11 seasons of it and be able to experience it all for the first time! I envy you. We bought all 11 seasons as well and my husband had never seen it. Suffice to say, the screams of laughter I sometimes hear emanating from other rooms convinces me it was a good purchase!
  5. That should have been "killed" off, then. I had no clue about the blind item and I knew watching the show that
  6. I knew it! You show a bell, *the bell's gotta get rung*. This one's been pinging from the beginning....
  7. I think it should be easier on a genre show, where the romance doesn't have to play the main role in the plot. I can see that being difficult to keep fresh. The main concern on this show should still be saving the world!
  8. I agree. She does not present as either asexual or aromantic, and as such one would assume she would be open to sexual and romantic relationships as those opportunities come up, accepting and refusing as she wishes. I agree she instead appears to close herself off from romance, if not sex (thanks Danny!), and I 100% agree that we, the audience, need an in-depth exploration of why that is. Actual plot and character progression over time, not subtext only or an explanation of a few minutes. Hopefully the intent of the writers is that she will eventually trust someone enough to open up to having one with them. (Three guesses whom I'd like that to happen with....)
  9. Rewatching this tonight, I'm struck by the dialogue between Abbie and Jenny...no fight will ever get between them again; they will have many long years together; etc. Again, I'm afraid they'll kill off Jenny in either the fall finale or season finale. Please be a fakeout...please be a fakeout...please be a fakeout.... But you better not kill off Joe either! AAAAARRRGGHHH, THIS SHOW!!! (In a good way.)
  10. If so, I NEED a scene with Crane comforting Abbie and telling her how awesome she is. If we can tell he gets "the zigs" (TM Hotel Transylvania) during the conversation while not letting on to her, so much the better.
  11. The quick romance between Joenny makes me afraid we're losing one of them soon. Buck the trend, show! Don't lose your Scooby Gang this time; you finally got it back to awesome!
  12. Oooh, good choice! Glad they got a "name" actor.
  13. Really? I thought it was one of the best! Having Jenny be the stakes really raised the tension level. It finally hit me which romantic model they're using for this show: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Jenny and Joe are Zhang Ziyi and the handsome thief; Abbie and Ichabod are Michelle Yeoh and Chow Yun Fat. One couple finding sudden passion as they pursue their lives of danger; the other two warriors whose love for each other will grow in silence until the stakes are at their highest and most dreaded. I loved how this came out in the activities each couple pursued. Joe and Jenny are very physical; they engage in a sport that allows them to get close to one another, to touch one another. Ichabod and Abbie are involved in sparring too, but of the cerebral sort. JJ is text; Ichabbie is subtext. In fact, juxtaposing the two couples in this way, and then again with the Mills sisters focusing on the work while the two men steal gazes at them and quietly discuss their relationships with them - well, I've been hoping for both JJ and Ichabbie, and I was pretty sure we were getting JJ - but I feel like this is the first time in the series where they were actually building a textual case for Ichabbie and not just leaving it to the acting and the Mison/Beharie chemistry. Jenny Mills, you are a better and stronger woman than I. Did you SEE the arms on Joe Corbin?!! Dear God, if that'd been me in that ring I'd have been pinned more times than a donkey tail. Yowza.
  14. People said the same thing about Fringe, and Fridays turned out to be the reason it survived as long as it did - loyal audience and less pressure.
  15. The comments on that article make me weep for humanity. No way to argue with people so utterly convinced they're right, and superior about it, and condescending to downright hostile about how wrong you are, and never, ever willing to listen to anything that doesn't correspond to their own worldview. Doesn't really matter what their viewpoint is on religion or politics or economics or anything else; they're exactly the same kind of person: ugly. And, unfortunately, in love with the sound of their own voice or the look of their own posts so they JUST WON'T SHUT THE F*** UP.
  16. I agree. Part of what draws Abbie and Ichabod to each other is that they can be themselves, no deceit.
  17. She's not my favourite, but she's not suckling the show down for me. She's just there. As long as neither she nor Zoe overshadow Abbie or Jenny, I'm good. Am I the only one starting to think Joe Corbin is a hot piece of ass?
  18. Yeah, you can skip Bones. There's some cute character stuff, but read a recap and YouTube the good bits. All you need to know for this show is that they found a 200 year old corpse and Brennan released it from the Smithsonian to travel by truck to Sleepy Hollow....
  19. I think you've pretty much nailed it! Looking forward to this.
  20. It was. He's playing Morland Holmes, Sherlock's father. At least we know this right off the bat this time!
  21. Exactly! I would find it very out if character for either Ichabod or Abbie to consider going there with the other right now. I'm happy with the reminders of their closeness and their unshakeable bond (despite whatever Mr./Miss Right Nows get thrown their way).
  22. There's more to this show than romance! Check out this sneak peak clip from TV Line: http://tvline.com/2015/11/04/sleepy-hollow-video-season-3-jenny-fate-changed-joe/
  23. I don't think she needed help with the report. She wants to spend time with Barry but isn't sure if he's interested in her that way or not. So she asks him to work on job-related things so they can be together with too much pressure until Barry asks her out or she's reasonably sure he's not interested.
  24. Hi Watermelon - I knew that was shade at Brennan and Booth, which is no big deal. I was just pointing out that if (for argument's sake) that is an example of a poorly constructed romance on television, it need not follow that Ichabod and Abbie are similarly fated. Miss Almond, that is a particularly encouraging quote. SH does very well with PVR numbers factored in and it is a Fox property. I'm hoping recent casting news shows Fox still has investment in the show.
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